155 research outputs found

    Social network- and community-level influences on contraceptive use: evidence from rural Poland.

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    The diffusion of 'modern' contraceptives-as a proxy for the spread of low-fertility norms-has long interested researchers wishing to understand global fertility decline. A fundamental question is how local cultural norms and other people's behaviour influence the probability of contraceptive use, independent of women's socioeconomic and life-history characteristics. However, few studies have combined data at individual, social network and community levels to simultaneously capture multiple levels of influence. Fewer still have tested if the same predictors matter for different contraceptive types. Here, we use new data from 22 high-fertility communities in Poland to compare predictors of the use of (i) any contraceptives-a proxy for the decision to control fertility-with those of (ii) 'artificial' contraceptives-a subset of more culturally taboo methods. We find that the contraceptive behaviour of friends and family is more influential than are women's own characteristics and that community level characteristics additionally influence contraceptive use. Highly educated neighbours accelerate women's contraceptive use overall, but not their artificial method use. Highly religious neighbours slow women's artificial method use, but not their contraceptive use overall. Our results highlight different dimensions of sociocultural influence on contraceptive diffusion and suggest that these may be more influential than are individual characteristics. A comparative multilevel framework is needed to understand these dynamics

    Certified/Trained Birth Doulas Impact for Successful Breastfeeding Rates for Women of Color In North Carolina

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    The purpose of this literature review is to determine the impact Certified/Trained Birth Doulas (CTBD) can have for impacting successful breastfeeding rates for women of color in North Carolina. We want to collect data from surveys completed by CTBD and the expecting mothers they worked with. We want to determine the impact a CTBD has on continuation and/or extended duration for breastfeeding women. We want to identify breastfeeding support being offered to impact higher rates

    Expanding the understanding of majority-bias in children’s social learning

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    Prior experiments with children across seven different societies have indicated U-shaped age patterns in the likelihood of copying majority demonstrations. It is unclear which learning strategies underlie the observed responses that create these patterns. Here we broaden the understanding of children’s learning strategies by: (1) exploring social learning patterns among 6–13-year-olds (n = 270) from ethnolinguistically varied communities in Vanuatu; (2) comparing these data with those reported from other societies (n = 629), and (3) re-analysing our and previous data based on a theoretically plausible set of underlying strategies using Bayesian methods. We find higher rates of social learning in children from Vanuatu, a country with high linguistic and cultural diversity. Furthermore, our results provide statistical evidence for modest U-shaped age patterns for a more clearly delineated majority learning strategy across the current and previously investigated societies, suggesting that the developmental mechanisms structuring majority bias are cross-culturally highly recurrent and hence a fundamental feature of early human social learning

    Influence of inoculum activity on the bio-methanization of a kitchen waste under different waste/inoculum ratios

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    The use of a granular inoculum prevented acidification during the anaerobic batch biodegradation of a kitchen waste for waste/inoculum ratios in the range of 0.5–2.3 g VS/g VS, when the alkalinity/COD ratio was 37mg NaHCO3/g COD. In similar experiments but using a suspended sludge with a significantly lower activity, the methane production rates and the biodegradability were significantly lower and the pH decreased below 5.5 at the waste/inoculum ratio of 2.3 g VS/g VS. When the added alkalinity was decreased to 2mg NaHCO3/g COD, the ratio waste/inoculum was clearly more important than the inoculum activity, since, irrespective of the sludge used, acidification occurred at waste/inoculum ratios higher than 0.5 g VS/g VS. The advantage of using granular sludge was further investigated in order to define reasonable condition of waste/inoculum ratio and added alkalinity that could be applied in practice. For a waste/inoculum ratio of 1.35, there were no significant differences between the results obtained for the biodegradability and maximum methane production rate (MMPR), when the alkalinity decreased from 44 to 22 mg NaHCO3/g COD.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - Project POCTI/1999/CTA/36524

    Avocado and Flaxseed Oleogels: the prospect of a healthy saturated fat substitute

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    Oleogelation is a novel technique that represents the forming of liquid oils into a gel-like structure by entrapping the liquid phase into a thermo-reversible and three-dimensional gel network. There has been a great interest in Oleogelation in many areas like pharmaceutics, food, and cosmetics. Oleogels are used to reduce the saturated and trans fatty acids in foods, making them healthier. The consumption of saturated and trans fatty acids increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Pehlivanoglu, Demirci, Toker, 2017). Avocado oil is high in oleic monounsaturated fatty acids and substantial amounts of health beneficial phytochemicals, such as vitamins and phytosterols. Avocado oil is rich in omega fatty acids that are good for human health, especially in preventing cardiovascular diseases (Wang et al., 2018). Safflower oil (SFO) from the seeds of Carthamus tinctorius L (Yenice variety) is colorless and flavorless and rich in linoleic acid (about 76% of total fat, a polyunsaturated FA) (He M, Armentano LE. 2011). Waxes are the most efficient oleogelators because of their ability to start crystallization at lower concentrations, easy to find, and they are natural. According to the FDA, waxes have been proven to be a good oleogelator, are natural, and have been recognized to have GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status (FDA,2018). Many types of oils and waxes can be used. For a successful oleogel, it is essential to find the right oil binding capacity (Patel et al., 2014). Three types of waxes were utilized; rice bran wax (4 and 8%), and carnauba, and candelilla wax (3 and 6%). The wax can affect the taste and texture of the food. It is essential to find the right ratio of wax to oil because a higher amount of wax will result in a strong and brittle gel. Otherwise, a small amount of wax will not create a stable gel. The objective of this study was to find the minimum amount of waxes to add in avocado oil and flaxseed oil to produce a stable oleogels useful for the food industry. The stability of the oleogel was analyzed with Oil Binding Capacity (OBC) Method and the visualization method at two different conditions (room temperature and 35 ºC) during two different times (Day 1 and Day 7). The fatty acid composition of the oils was evaluated by gas chromatography (Florence et al., 2012). Candelilla wax has the most significant oil binding capacity, and it is also the most stable, even at higher temperatures. Carnauba wax is slightly stable but only with 8% wax. Rice bran wax was not stable at all with 3% wax at room and oven temperature. It had the lowest oil binding capacity out of all three waxes. Higher amounts of wax improve the oil binding capacity

    Interleukin-8 levels and activity in delayed-healing human thermal wounds

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72020/1/j.1524-475x.2000.00216.x.pd

    Community-level education accelerates the cultural evolution of fertility decline.

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    Explaining why fertility declines as populations modernize is a profound theoretical challenge. It remains unclear whether the fundamental drivers are economic or cultural in nature. Cultural evolutionary theory suggests that community-level characteristics, for example average education, can alter how low-fertility preferences are transmitted and adopted. These assumptions have not been empirically tested. Here, we show that community-level education accelerates fertility decline in a way that is neither predicted by individual characteristics, nor by the level of economic modernization in a population. In 22 high-fertility communities in Poland, fertility converged on a smaller family size as average education in the community increased-indeed community-level education had a larger impact on fertility decline than did individual education. This convergence was not driven by educational levels being more homogeneous, but by less educated women having fewer children than expected, and more highly educated social networks, when living among more highly educated neighbours. The average level of education in a community may influence the social partners women interact with, both within and beyond their immediate social environments, altering the reproductive norms they are exposed to. Given a critical mass of highly educated women, less educated neighbours may adopt their reproductive behaviour, accelerating the pace of demographic transition. Individual characteristics alone cannot capture these dynamics and studies relying solely on them may systematically underestimate the importance of cultural transmission in driving fertility declines. Our results are inconsistent with a purely individualistic, rational-actor model of fertility decline and suggest that optimization of reproduction is partly driven by cultural dynamics beyond the individual

    Generation and transmission of interlineage recombinants in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

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    We present evidence for multiple independent origins of recombinant SARS-CoV-2 viruses sampled from late 2020 and early 2021 in the United Kingdom. Their genomes carry single-nucleotide polymorphisms and deletions that are characteristic of the B.1.1.7 variant of concern but lack the full complement of lineage-defining mutations. Instead, the remainder of their genomes share contiguous genetic variation with non-B.1.1.7 viruses circulating in the same geographic area at the same time as the recombinants. In four instances, there was evidence for onward transmission of a recombinant-origin virus, including one transmission cluster of 45 sequenced cases over the course of 2 months. The inferred genomic locations of recombination breakpoints suggest that every community-transmitted recombinant virus inherited its spike region from a B.1.1.7 parental virus, consistent with a transmission advantage for B.1.1.7's set of mutations.The COG-UK Consortium is supported by funding from the Medical Research Council (MRC) part of UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) (MC_PC_19027), and Genome Research Limited, operating as the Wellcome Sanger Institute. O.G.P. was supported by the Oxford Martin School. J.T.M., R.M.C., N.J.L., and A.R. acknowledge the support of the Wellcome Trust (Collaborators Award 206298/Z/17/Z – ARTIC network). D.L.R. acknowledges the support of the MRC (MC_UU_12014/12) and the Wellcome Trust (220977/Z/20/Z). E.S. and A.R. are supported by the European Research Council (grant agreement no. 725422 – ReservoirDOCS). T.R.C. and N.J.L. acknowledge the support of the MRC, which provided the funding for the MRC CLIMB infrastructure used to analyze, store, and share the UK sequencing dataset (MR/L015080/1 and MR/T030062/1). The samples sequenced in Wales were sequenced partly using funding provided by the Welsh Government

    TBK1 Kinase Addiction in Lung Cancer Cells Is Mediated via Autophagy of Tax1bp1/Ndp52 and Non-Canonical NF-kappa B Signalling

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    K-Ras dependent non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells are 'addicted' to basal autophagy that reprograms cellular metabolism in a lysosomal-sensitive manner. Here we demonstrate that the xenophagy-associated kinase TBK1 drives basal autophagy, consistent with its known requirement in K-Ras-dependent NSCLC proliferation. Furthermore, basal autophagy in this context is characterised by sequestration of the xenophagy cargo receptor Ndp52 and its paralogue Tax1bp1, which we demonstrate here to be a bona fide cargo receptor. Autophagy of these cargo receptors promotes non-canonical NF-κB signalling. We propose that this TBK1-dependent mechanism for NF-κB signalling contributes to autophagy addiction in K-Ras driven NSCLC

    Co-existence of physiologically similar sulfate-reducing bacteria in a full-scale sulfidogenic bioreactor fed with a single organic electron donor

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    A combination of culture-dependent and independent methods was used to study the co-existence of different sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in an upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor treating sulfate-rich wastewater. The wastewater was fed with ethanol as an external electron donor. Twenty six strains of SRB were randomly picked and isolated from the highest serial dilution that showed growth (i.e. 108). Repetitive enterobacterial palindromic polymerase chain reaction and whole cell protein profiling revealed a low genetic diversity, with only two genotypes among the 26 strains obtained in the pure culture. The low genetic diversity suggests the absence of micro-niches within the reactor, which might be due to a low spatial and temporal micro-heterogeneity. The total 16S rDNA sequencing of two representative strains L3 and L7 indicated a close relatedness to the genus Desulfovibrio. The two strains differed in as many as five physiological traits, which might allow them to occupy distinct niches and thus co-exist within the same habitat. Whole cell hybridisation with fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes was performed to characterise the SRB community in the reactor. The isolated strains Desulfovibrio L3 and Desulfovibrio L7 were the most dominant SRB, representing 30–35% and 25–35%, respectively, of the total SRB community. Desulfobulbus-like bacteria contributed for 20–25%, and the Desulfobacca acetoxidans-specific probe targeted approximately 15–20% of the total SRB. The whole cell hybridisation results thus revealed a consortium of four different species of SRB that can be enriched and maintained on a single energy source in a full-scale sulfidogenic reactor