324 research outputs found

    Voices from the field: Exploring how social workers articulate their practice.

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    Methods for comprehensive experimental identification of RNA-protein interactions

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    The importance of RNA-protein interactions in controlling mRNA regulation and non-coding RNA function is increasingly appreciated. A variety of methods exist to comprehensively define RNA-protein interactions. We describe these methods and the considerations required for designing and interpreting these experiments

    Cracking the Code: Course Syllabi Unpacked, Decoded, and Documented for Evidence of Library Value

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    Within the academy, what data sources provide insight into the ways in which teaching faculty rely upon the library’s spaces, services, collections, and people? Pepperdine University Libraries devised a system to evaluate undergraduate course syllabi using the data analysis software NVivo. Though syllabi are formulaic and lack details about individual assignments, librarians can skillfully mine them with ease to uncover how the library is of value to teaching faculty. This chapter will provide a case study of how institutions can use qualitative data analysis software to discover, interpret, and share the value of the library from the perspective of faculty

    Estimating the Size and Structure of the Underground Commercial Sex Economy in Eight Major U.S. Cities

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    The underground commercial sex economy (UCSE) generates millions of dollars annually, yet investigation and data collection remain under resourced. Our study aimed to unveil the scale of the UCSE in eight major US cities. Across cities, the UCSE's worth was estimated between 39.9and39.9 and 290 million in 2007, but decreased since 2003 in all but two cities. Interviews with pimps, traffickers, sex workers, child pornographers, and law enforcement revealed the dynamics central to the underground commercial sex trade -- and shaped the policy suggestions to combat it

    Beating Homelessness Is About More Than Just Getting Housing

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    While getting housing is central to solving homelessness, there needs to be an overall improvement in healthcare, education, and social assistance for the poor.York's Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    Curriculum architecture - a literature review

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    The analysis of almost 400 abstracts, articles, books from academic sources, policy documents and the educational press has been undertaken to attempt to illuminate the concept of Curriculum Architecture. The phrase itself is not current in the Scottish educational discourse. This review has attempted to look at the international research literature, available over the past ten years or so, on the sub-themes identified in the SEED specification


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    poster abstractQuality control (QC) of human tissue specimens for research is critical for the development of new bio-markers and their ability to determine clinical trial outcomes. In this study, we evaluated sixty-nine samples for both RNA and histology quality control measures from the IU Simon Cancer Center Tissue Bank. The IU Simon Cancer Center Tissue Bank is a centralized tissue procurement resource established to collect high quality tissue for basic clinical and translational research, collecting approximately 550 clinical cases per year using an informed consent and HIPAA signed document. All tissues are collected and processed in liquid nitrogen within 30 minutes of removal. The tissue samples are sliced and diced into 100 to 150 mg sample size. Each sample is placed into individual 2ml cryovials. Two representative samples are placed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Two investigators QC the slides by microscopy to evaluate the following: percent of tumor, percent of necrosis, percent of fibrosis/inflammation, and percent of normal adjacent tissue. RNA was extracted using the Purescript RNA isolation kit (Gentra). Fifty-four of sixty-nine cases passed both histology and RNA (RIN value) QC. Of the fifteen cases that did not pass our QC criteria, thirteen cases did not pass the histology QC due to lack of tumor content (below 50%) in the sample, while the remaining two cases failed the RNA QC. Seventy-eight percent of samples passed our QC measures. The results were consistent with the existing literature on tissue quality control in human surgical tissue specimens

    Warm-Season Grass Monocultures and Mixtures for Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstock Production in the Midwest, USA

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    Biomass yield and adaptability to a broad range of environments are important characteristics of dedicated energy crops for sustainable bioenergy feedstock production. In addition to yield potential, the role of species diversity on ecosystem services is also growing in importance as we seek to develop sustainable feedstock production systems. The objective of this study was to compare the biomass yield potential of the commercially available germplasm of native warm-season grasses in monocultures and in blends (mixture of different cultivars of the same species) or mixtures of different species across an environmental gradient (temperature and precipitation) in the Midwest, USA. Warm-season grasses including switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman), indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans[L.] Nash), sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula [Michx.] Torr.) and Miscanthus × giganteus (Greef and Deu.) were planted in 2009. Biomass was annually harvested from 2010 through 2015 for Urbana, IL and Mead, NE but only in 2010 and 2011 for Ames, IA. The effect of species in monocultures and mixtures (or blends) on biomass yields was significant for all locations. In monocultures, the annual biomass yields averaged over a 6-year period were 11.12 Mg ha−1 and 10.98 Mg ha−1 at Urbana and Mead, respectively, while the annual biomass yield averaged over a 2-year period was 7.99 Mg ha−1 at Ames, IA. Also, the annual biomass yields averaged across the different mixtures and blends at each location were 10.25 Mg ha−1, 9.88 Mg ha−1, and 7.64 Mg ha−1 at Urbana, Mead, and Ames, respectively. At all locations, M. × giganteus and ‘Kanlow N1’ produced the highest biomass yield in monocultures while mixtures containing switchgrass and big bluestem had the greatest mixture yield. The results from this multi-environment study suggest mixtures of different species provided no yield advantage over monocultures for bioenergy feedstocks in Illinois and Nebraska and both systems consistently produced biomass as long as April–July precipitation was near or above the average precipitation (300 mm) of the regions

    A Computational Investigation of Cardiac Caveolae as a Source of Persistent Sodium Current

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    Recent studies of cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains, called caveolae, reveal that caveolae are reservoirs of “recruitable” sodium ion channels. Caveolar channels constitute a substantial and previously unrecognized source of sodium current in cardiac cells. In this paper we model for the first time caveolar sodium currents and their contributions to cardiac action potential morphology. We show that the β-agonist-induced opening of caveolae may have substantial impacts on peak overshoot, maximum upstroke velocity, and ultimately conduction velocity. Additionally, we show that prolonged action potentials and the formation of potentially arrhythmogenic afterdepolarizations, can arise if caveolae open intermittently throughout the action potential. Our simulations suggest that caveolar sodium current may constitute a route, which is independent of channelopathies, to delayed repolarization and the arrhythmias associated with such delays