613 research outputs found

    Automotive Cluster based on Raspberry Pi 3 B+

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    The automotive cluster is one of the most important devices in a car and is the interface between the car and the driver. However, the development of this Electronic Control Unit (ECU) used in the automotive industry is complex and expensive. The Raspberry Pi 3 is a lower cost board that can be used as an alternative board due to its versatility and ease of use. Therefore, the aim of the project is to develop an automotive cluster using the Raspberry Pi 3 as the main board, and be able to connect it to a CAN network. Buildroot was the main tool used in this project allowing to generate a customized Linux-based Operating System (OS). Furthermore, the project included the CAN-utils package and SocketCAN Application Programming Interface (API) to receive CAN messages, through a PiCAN2 module, and display the animation according to the message. Also, the interface was created using Qt5 IDE, so it was essential to add those Qt5 packages to the Raspberry Pi 3 as well. Finally, this project was configured to work with a baudrate of 100 Kbps. In conclusion, the proposed project is a practical choice for low cost hardware and free software automotive cluster, also it is user-friendly and interactive

    Aptitud anaerobia en deportistas de combate del sexo femenino

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    Se estudia en nivel de preparación anaerobia en tres selecciones femeninas de deportes de combate de alta calificación: 15 judocas, 7 esgrimistas de la modalidad sable y 16 taekwondoistas. Fueron medidos indicadores neuromusculares, al final de la preparación especial, utilizando los tests de ergosalto y de saltabilidad de Bosco, Se determinan las estadísticas descriptivas, significación de las diferencias entre deportes y la correlación entre indicadores. Se obtienen los resultados: Pala (15,7 ± 2,1-19,2 ± 1,5 W/Kg), Pana (14,5 ± 1,9-17,7 ± 1,2 W/Kg), Los SCAB, SSAB, SCPD, SCPCD y SDPC mas altos fueron los de las esgrimistas y la mejor coordinación se encontró en las competidoras de esgrima, mientras que los mayores valores de CELAS fueron los de las judocas. Los resultados obtenidos se corresponden con las características del gesto deportivo que prevalece en cada uno de los deportes estudiados


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    Through physical weathering, the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) produces sediments which are subsequently chemically weathered in three types of watersheds: 1) deglacial watersheds that are physically disconnected from the GIS and drain local precipitation, 2) proglacial watersheds that are hydrologically connected to the GIS, and 3) subglacial watersheds that form beneath the GIS. Chemical weathering in the glacial foreland may be important to atmospheric CO2 drawdown and oceanic fluxes of solutes, yet no holistic study exists that compares solute sources across all types of watersheds and through the melt season. Consequently, we investigated spatiotemporal changes in weathering through the 2013 ablation season from a transect of watersheds spanning the coast to the GIS in western Greenland. We sampled one proglacial (PG) watershed, from which we also assess subglacial (SG) weathering, one inland deglacial (IDG) and one coastal deglacial (CDG) watershed. A simple stoichiometric mass balance quantifies solute sources in each watershed. The principal solute source is trace carbonates in all watersheds; however, IDG has more carbonate (61 vs 36 mol%) and less silicate (3 vs 14 mol%) weathering than CDG. PG has similar carbonate (41 mol%) and silicate weathering (16 mol%) proportions to CDG, despite proximity to IDG. Weathering of biotite decreases from 12 mol% at PG to 3 mol% at CDG along an exposure age gradient, consistent with more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr in waters at PG (0.73556) than DGC (0.71114). Carbonate weathering decreases and biotite + silicate weathering increases downstream through PG, reflecting increased weathering. Solute sources change little through time or space at IDG, but at PG, silicate weathering increases and carbonate weathering decreases as flow increases through the melt season, consistent with increased contributions of SG waters with long residence times in distributed channels. Thus, the evolution of SG through time and connections between subglacial reservoirs and main flow paths plays an important role in weathering at PG. As the GIS retreats, deglacial watersheds will constitute a greater fraction of the weathering flux and thus increased silicate weathering should alter solute fluxes to the oceans and increase atmospheric CO2 drawdown

    Exposure age and climate controls on weathering in deglaciated watersheds of western Greenland

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    Fine-grained sediments deposited by retreating glaciers weather faster than the global average and this weathering can impact the global carbon cycle and oceanic fluxes of nutrients and radiogenic isotopes. Much work has focused on subglacial and proglacial weathering of continental ice sheets, but little is known about weathering and resulting fluxes from deglacial watersheds, which are disconnected from the ice sheets and discharge only annual precipitation and permafrost melt. We investigate the effects of exposure age and precipitation on weathering intensity in four deglacial watersheds on Greenland that form a transect from the coast near Sisimiut toward the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) near Kangerlussuaq based on evaluations of major ion compositions, Sr isotope ratios, and mineral saturation states of waters and sediments. The transect is underlain by Archean orthogneiss and is characterized by gradients in moraine ages (∼7.5–8.0 ky inland to ∼10 ky at the coast) and water balance (−150 mm/yr inland to +150 mm/yr at the coast). Anion compositions are generally dominated by HCO3, but SO4 becomes increasingly important toward the coast, reflecting a switch from trace carbonate dissolution to sulfide mineral oxidation. Coastal watersheds have a higher proportion of dissolved silica, higher Na/Cl, Si/Ca, and lower Ca/Sr ratios than inland watersheds, indicating an increase in the relative proportion of silicate weathering and an increase in the extent of weathering toward the coast. More extensive weathering near the coast is also apparent in differences in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of stream water and bedload (Δ87Sr/86Sr), which decreases from 0.017 inland to 0.005 at the coast, and in increased saturation states relative to amorphous SiO2 and quartz. The steep weathering gradient from inland to coastal watersheds reflects enhanced weathering compared to that expected from the 2 to 3 ky difference in exposure age caused by elevated coastal precipitation. The gradient of weathering with exposure age, water budget and distance from the ice sheet indicates that oceanic and atmospheric fluxes will change as continental glaciers retreat, precipitation patterns across the deglacial region readjust, and the relative proportion of deglacial to proglacial runoff increases

    Llama Single Domain Antibodies Specific for the 7 Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotypes as Heptaplex Immunoreagents

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    There are currently 7 known serotypes of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) classified upon non-cross reactivity of neutralizing immunoglobulins. Non-neutralizing immunoglobulins, however, can exhibit cross-reactivities between 2 or more serotypes, particularly mosaic forms, which can hamper the development of highly specific immunoassays, especially if based on polyclonal antisera. Here we employ facile recombinant antibody technology to subtractively select ligands to each of the 7 BoNT serotypes, resulting in populations with very high specificity for their intended serotype.A single llama was immunized with a cocktail of 7 BoNT toxoids to generate a phage display library of single domain antibodies (sdAb, VHH or nanobodies) which were selected on live toxins. Resulting sdAb were capable of detecting both toxin and toxin complex with the best combinations able to detect 100s-10s of pg per 50 microL sample in a liquid bead array. The most sensitive sdAb were combined in a heptaplex assay to identify each of the BoNT serotypes in buffer and milk and to a lesser extent in carrot juice, orange juice and cola. Several anti-A(1) sdAb recognized A2 complex, showing that subtype cross-reactivity within a serotype was evident. Many of our sdAb could act as both captor and tracer for several toxin and toxin complexes suggesting sdAb can be used as architectural probes to indicate BoNT oligomerisation. Six of 14 anti-A clones exhibited inhibition of SNAP-25 cleavage in the neuro-2A assay indicating some sdAb had toxin neutralizing capabilities. Many sdAb were also shown to be refoldable after exposure to high temperatures in contrast to polyclonal antisera, as monitored by circular dichroism.Our panel of molecularly flexible antibodies should not only serve as a good starting point for ruggedizing assays and inhibitors, but enable the intricate architectures of BoNT toxins and complexes to be probed more extensively

    Theory of the "honeycomb chain-channel" reconstruction of Si(111)3x1

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    First-principles electronic-structure methods are used to study a structural model for Ag/Si(111)3x1 recently proposed on the basis of transmission electron diffraction data. The fully relaxed geometry for this model is far more energetically favorable than any previously proposed, partly due to the unusual formation of a Si double bond in the surface layer. The calculated electronic properties of this model are in complete agreement with data from angle-resolved photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett (the ugly postscript error on page 4 has now been repaired

    Low intensity vs. self-guided Internet-delivered psychotherapy for major depression: A multicenter, controlled, randomized study

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    Background: Major depression will become the second most important cause of disability in 2020. Computerized cognitive-behaviour therapy could be an efficacious and cost-effective option for its treatment. No studies on cost-effectiveness of low intensity vs self-guided psychotherapy has been carried out. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of low intensity vs self-guided psychotherapy for major depression in the Spanish health system. Methods: The study is made up of 3 phases: 1.- Development of a computerized cognitive-behaviour therapy for depression tailored to Spanish health system. 2.- Multicenter controlled, randomized study: A sample (N=450 patients) with mild/moderate depression recruited in primary care. They should have internet availability at home, not receive any previous psychological treatment, and not suffer from any other severe somatic or psychological disorder. They will be allocated to one of 3 treatments: a) Low intensity Internet-delivered psychotherapy + improved treatment as usual (ITAU) by GP, b) Self-guided Internet-delivered psychotherapy + ITAU or c) ITAU. Patients will be diagnosed with MINI psychiatric interview. Main outcome variable will be Beck Depression Inventory. It will be also administered EuroQol 5D (quality of life) and Client Service Receipt Inventory (consume of health and social services). Patients will be assessed at baseline, 3 and 12 months. An intention to treat and a per protocol analysis will be performed. Discussion: The comparisons between low intensity and self-guided are infrequent, and also a comparative economic evaluation between them and compared with usual treatment in primary. The strength of the study is that it is a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of low intensity and self-guided Internet-delivered psychotherapy for depression in primary care, being the treatment completely integrated in primary care setting

    On the determination of the interaction time of GeV neutrinos in large argon gas TPCs

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    Next-generation megawatt-scale neutrino beams open the way to studying neutrino-nucleus scattering resorting, for the first time, to gaseous targets. This could lead to deeper knowledge of neutrino cross sections in the energy region between hundreds of MeV and a few GeV, of interest for the upcoming generation of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The challenge is, therefore, to accurately track and (especially) time the particles produced in neutrino interactions in large and seamless volumes down to few-MeV energies. We propose to accomplish this through an optically-read time projection chamber (TPC) filled with high-pressure argon and equipped with both tracking and timing functions. In this work, we present a detailed study of the time-tagging capabilities of such a device, based on end-to-end optical simulations that include the effect of photon propagation, photosensor response, dark-count rate and pulse reconstruction. We show that the neutrino interaction time could be reconstructed from the primary-scintillation signal with a precision in the range 1--2.5~ns (σ\sigma) for point-like deposits with energies down to 5~MeV, and well below 1~ns for minimum-ionizing particle tracks. A discussion on previous limitations towards such a detection technology, and how they can be realistically overcome in the near future thanks to recent developments in the field, is presented (particularly the strong scintillation yields recently reported for Ar/CF4_4 mixtures). The performance presented in our analysis seems to be well within reach of next-generation neutrino-oscillation experiments through the instrumentation of the proposed TPC with conventional reflective materials and a SiPM carpet behind a transparent cathode