576 research outputs found
Effects of DUT mismatch on the noise figure characterization: A comparative analysis of two Y-factor techniques
Device mismatch seriously degrades accuracy in
noise figure characterization. The suitability of corrections to the gain definitions for a more precise noise figure evaluation for mismatched devices is investigated and compared to classical techniques. The effects of device mismatch on the noise figure of
the noise-meter receiver and its impact on the final accuracy are analyzed
Work-Related Stress and Teaching Performance of Teachers in Selected School in the Philippines
This study determined the predictor of teaching performance among the components of work-related stress to 210 selected elementary and secondary public teachers in Angeles City. It described the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, level of work-related stress, and teaching performance, and likewise compared the work-related stress of the participants. The research design used was a descriptive-correlational design with various statistical tools such as descriptive statistics, independent T-Test, and multiple linear regressions. The study revealed that selected elementary and secondary teachers of Angeles City had a moderate work-related stress with the subcomponent demand as highly contributory to the stress. Gender and position were positive predictors of teaching performance where female and teachers with higher teaching position tended to have a higher teaching performance. On the other hand, seminars attended relative to stress and demand which is a sub-component of work-related stress are the negative significant predictors of teaching performance. This implies that teachers who attended seminars related to stress management had higher teaching performance compared to those who did not. This result also established that the higher level of demand, which is a sub-component of stress, can result in lower teaching performance
Structured Educational Program and Peripheral Intravenous First-Time Insertion Rate in Saudi Arabia
Peripheral intravenous insertion (PIV) is one of the most common clinical procedures which nurses receive little formal training. It is said that more than a quarter of first-time insertion rate (FTIR) fail (Hess 2010), thus, patient experience is at risk if this is not performed by a trained staff. This study aimed to explore if a Structured Educational Program (SEP) was effective to increase a hospital’s FTIR which has a failing international benchmark scores. It used a quasi-experimental design and pre-experimental one-group pretest post-test to examine the pre and post-test data set among 160 respondents. It was found out that the most of respondents are Filipinos in their 30’s who have bachelor’s degree. They have a decade or less of experience; have had no PIV training in their home country; and have less than five daily insertions. It was revealed that the SEP was effective knowledge and skills improvement. Ages, nationality, years of experience, and specialization were found to be related to improve knowledge; while nationality, licensure exam ratings, frequency of PIV insertions, and relevant trainings were associated on an enhanced skill
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Fostering an EU strategy for security sector reform in the Mediterranean: learning from Turkish and Palestinian police reform experiences
In the absence of an overarching strategy, Turkey and the Palestinian territories depict how the EU has adopted different approaches to security sector reform (SSR) which have not facilitated the consolidation of a common EU foreign policy, though the situation might soon change given respective SSR-related documents from the Council and Commission. This report contributes to the security sector debate by stressing that in conflict and post-conflict scenarios endurable SSR requires fomenting synergies between the police and judicial sectors and the inclusion of DDR, in tandem with the institutional implementation of transparent, accountable and democratic oversight mechanisms. There is an adamant need for constructive consistency when applying this central facet of EU foreign policy in the Mediterranean basin and beyond.
SSR is an emerging phenomenon in conflict, post-conflict and development scenarios that has acquired a prominent role within the policy agendas of key international actors. As a prelude to the two case studies, and in order to better understand the EU’s end goal, a brief analysis of the two pivotal European SSR documents is provided with particular emphasis on their contribution to develop a more coherent and effective EU presence in this field. More specific consideration is then given to the role played by SSR-related matters within the framework of two EU foreign policy mechanisms towards the Mediterranean: the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP), also known as the Barcelona Process, and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).
The two case studies - Turkey and the Palestinian territories - are exceptional due to the nature of their geopolitical position in regional and international politics. Both demonstrate different levels of state development and different degrees of monopoly over the legitimate use of force, which have contributed to the development of different EU approaches to SSR, tailored to the specific needs of the local context in which the Union is operating. Both cases also demonstrate how the EU emphasizes democracy or security depending on the respective circumstantial differences. Turkey exemplifies by and large the EU accession process of fulfilling democratic reform in return for EU membership. The Palestinian case illustrates how security demands precede democratic apertures. Together, both highlight the lack of a consistent and comprehensive EU SSR strategy, the lack of which continues to impede the emergence of a common EU foreign policy.
This study makes a set of recommendations for the two case studies, and concludes with more general ones applicable to the broader Euro-Mediterranean area. These are mainly addressed to the European Commission, Council of the EU (and thus, Member States) and European Parliament. Moreover, the conclusions and recommendations included in this report could inspire the work of various advocacy groups in the fields of SSR, conflict resolution and democracy and human rights promotion given that, based on the “human security” logic, this report departs from the assumption that police reform encapsulates both modernising and democratising processes
Manual del fabricante de velas de sebo, bujías de cera y estearicas : ampliado con el modo de fabricar el lacre y empleo del fósforo en las cerillas fosfóricas
Marca tip. en port
«Pues vive, escribe imprime y desengaña»: La representación autorial de Lope de Vega a través de las poesías paratextuales de sus obras
Este artículo analiza 107 poemas paratextuales impresos en las obras de Lope de Vega entre 1598 y 1634, compuestos por poetas cercanos al autor, con el objetivo de discernir los mecanismos de figuración autorial que se emplean. Se identifican a 75 poetas diferentes que, a través de poemas laudatorios, presentan a Lope de Vega ante los lectores, y destacan determinados rasgos socio-literarios de una forma coral.
Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se ha empleado como herramienta metodológica la base de datos del proyecto PRESOLO, en la que se encuentran editados todos los poemas, y el análisis de los mismos se ha llevado a cabo a través de etiquetas codificadas en lenguaje TEI (Text Encoding Initiative). El trabajo se acompaña con un anexo en el que se identifican todos los poemas paratextuales y sus autores
The search for patronage through printed sevillian poetry (1649-1682)
[Resumen] En este trabajo se reflexiona acerca de la función de la dedicatoria de los impresos
poéticos sevillanos como un espacio paratextual utilizado en la búsqueda de
mecenazgo. Para ello se analizan 54 obras poéticas, tanto pliegos de cordel como
poemarios, impresas en Sevilla entre 1649 y 1682. Se describen las estrategias
editoriales seguidas por los poetas para obtener el favor del mecenas a través de las
letras de molde. Tras estudiar el paratexto de la dedicatoria desde la perspectiva
literaria y material, se observa una tendencia a la pretensión de un mecenazgo
vinculado a los poderes locales.[Abstract] This work explains how dedications of the poetic works printed in Seville are used
as a paratextual space, in the search of patronage. For this purpose, 54 poetic works are analyzed: including both broadsheets and poems printed in Seville between 1649
and 1682. Also, the editorial strategies followed by the poets to obtain the favor of
the patron through the printing press are described. After studying dedications from
the literary and material perspective, we observe that there is a tendency to aspire a
patronage linked to the local authorities.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; FFI2014-54367-C2-2-
«Pues vive, escribe imprime y desengaña» : la representación autorial de Lope de Vega a través de las poesías paratextuales de sus obras
Este trabajo ha sido realizado como miembro del equipo de investigación del proyecto PRESOLO «Prácticas editoriales y sociabilidad literaria en torno a Lope de Vega» (UCO-FEDER 2018-1262510) y como parte de los objetivos del Grupo P.A.S.O. (HUM-241)Este artículo analiza 107 poemas paratextuales impresos en las obras de Lope de Vega entre 1598 y 1634, compuestos por poetas cercanos al autor, con el objetivo de discernir los mecanismos de figuración autorial que se emplean. Se identifican a 75 poetas diferentes que, a través de poemas laudatorios, presentan a Lope de Vega ante los lectores, y destacan determinados rasgos socio-literarios de una forma coral. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se ha empleado como herramienta metodológica la base de datos del proyecto PRESOLO, en la que se encuentran editados todos los poemas, y el análisis de los mismos se ha llevado a cabo a través de etiquetas codificadas en lenguaje TEI (Text Encoding Initiative). El trabajo se acompaña con un anexo en el que se identifican todos los poemas paratextuales y sus autores.This article analyzes 107 paratextual poems published between 1598 and 1634, printed in the works of Lope de Vega, composed by poets close to the author, with the aim of discerning the Self-fashioning mechanisms that are used. 75 different poets are identified who, through laudatory poems, present Lope de Vega to the readers, and highlight certain socio-literary traits in a choral way. For the development of this research, the database of the PRESOLO project has been used as a methodological tool, in which all the poems are published and their analysis has been carried out through tags encoded in the TEI language (Text Encoding Initiative). The work is accompanied by an annex in which all the paratextual poems and their authors are identified
An Investigation of the Readiness of the Prakerin Program Implementation to Improve Students’ Competence
This research aimed to investigate the readiness of the Prakerin Program implementation to improve students’ competence in selected vocational high schools in Bungo District, Jambi, Indonesia. This research used a descriptive quantitative research design and inferential statistics. The results indicated that the implementation of the Prakerin program acquired well to improve student’s competence. It also showed significant correlations between the readiness of the Prakerin program and student competence from various schools. Specifically, there was a positive significance and a high correlation between the readiness of the Prakerin program implementation and student competence. Investigation of the relationship between the ten sub-components of Prakerin program implementation readiness and student competence revealed that all the ten sub-components correlated with the student competence. Students had a competence by being able to develop themselves and their ability to do practicum
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