29 research outputs found

    La lucha contra la discapacidad visual evitable

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    La discapacidad visual es una gran problema de salud a nivel mundial. Un 80% de los casos son evitables. Desde la OMS y otras instituciones se trabaja para luchar contra la discapacidad visual evitable a trav茅s de diversos planes. Dentro de estos planes, los optometristas tienen una importante misi贸n como agentes de atenci贸n visual primaria y dentro de equipos multidisciplinares. Este trabajo estudia la discapacidad visual, sus causas y consecuencias y los programas existentes en la actualidad para luchar contra ella. Tiene como objetivo final analizar la labor que realizan las ONGD espa帽olas dentro de estos programas y, sobre todo, el papel de los optometristas dentro de ellas

    Photoinhibition and recovery in a herbicide-resistant mutant from Glycine max (L.) Merr. cell cultures deficient in fatty acid unsaturation

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    The definitive version is available at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/100484/Photoinhibition and recovery were studied in two photosynthetic cell suspensions from soybean (Glycine max L. Merr): the wild type (WT) and the herbicide-resistant D1 mutant STR7. This mutant also showed an increase in saturated fatty acids from thylakoid lipids. STR7 was more sensitive to photoinhibition under culture conditions. In vivo photoinhibition experiments in the presence of chloramphenicol, in vitro studies in isolated thylakoid membranes, and immunoblot analysis indicated that the process of light-induced degradation of the D1 protein was not involved in the response of STR7 to light. At growth temperature (24掳C), the recovery rate of photoinhibited photosystem II (PSII) was slower in STR7 relative to WT. Photoinhibition and recovery were differentially affected by temperature in both cell lines. The rates of photoinhibition were faster in STR7 at any temperature below 27掳C. The rates of PSII recovery from STR7 were more severely affected than those of WT at temperatures lower than 24掳C. The photoinhibition and recovery rates of WT at 17掳C mimicked those of STR7 at 24掳C. In organelle translation studies indicated that synthesis and elongation of D1 were substantially similar in both cell lines. However, sucrose gradient fractionation of chloroplast membranes demonstrated that D1 and also other PSII proteins such as D2, OEE33, and LCHII had a reduced capability to incorporate into PSII to yield a mature assembled complex in STR7. This effect may become the rate-limiting step during the recovery of photoinhibited PSII and may explain the increased sensitivity to high light found in STR7. Our data may hint at a possible role of fatty acids from membrane lipids in the assembly and dynamics of PSII.This work was supported by the MCYT (Grants PB98-1632 and BMC2002-00031). M.A. is the recipient of a contract from MCYT (Programa Ram贸n y Cajal) and R.C. is the recipient of a fellowship from Gobierno de Arag贸n (CONSI+D-DGA).Peer reviewe

    Polymer-supported l-prolinol-based catalysts for the enantioselective addition of dialkylzinc reagents to N-(diphenylphosphinyl)imines

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    l-Prolinol-based ligands anchored to Merrifield or Wang-type resins have been shown to form efficient catalysts for the enantioselective addition of dialkylzinc reagents to N-(diphenylphosphinyl)imines. The enantioselectivity achieved with the polymeric catalyst (ee up to 88%) is slightly lower than the one obtained with the homogeneous ligand N-benzyl-l-prolinol, but the polymer-supported ligand presents the advantage of its recyclability: it can be recovered and used in up to six consecutive catalytic cycles with only a slight decrease in the enantiomeric excess. The phosphinamides obtained as addition products can be transformed into the corresponding enantiomerically enriched 伪-branched primary amines under mild acidic conditions.This work was generously supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n (MICINN; grant no. CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010, CSD2007-00006, CTQ2007-65218 and CTQ11-24151) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2009/039, FEDER and GV/2007/036). R.A. thanks the Spanish Ministerio de Educaci贸n y Ciencia for a predoctoral fellowship. J.F.C. thanks the Instituto de S铆ntesis Org谩nica for a fellowship

    Primera detecci贸n de Lonsdalea quercina subsp. populi en chopo en Espa帽a

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    Lonsdalea quercina (ex Brenneria quercina) subsp. populi es una bacteria recientemente identificada en Hungr铆a y China como una nueva subespecie causante del chancro de la corteza del chopo. Los 谩rboles afectados presentan chancros longitudinales en el tronco, de los que fluyen abundantes exudados espumosos de color blanco y exudados acuosos oscuros que ti帽en la corteza. Los chopos afectados muestran un debilitamiento generalizado. En Espa帽a se han localizado choperas con s铆ntomas similares y se ha identificado L. quercina subsp. populi como el agente causal de los mismos. En este trabajo se presenta la primera detecci贸n de esta bacteria en Espa帽a y se describen los m茅todos de diagn贸stico e identificaci贸n utilizados. Esta nueva bacteriosis podr铆a tener un impacto econ贸mico importante, siendo necesario evaluar las p茅rdidas causadas y realizar nuevas prospecciones para determinar su distribuci贸n en el pa铆s