2,526 research outputs found

    Synchrotron x-ray Studies of Superlattice Ordering in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 Single Crystals Doped with PbTiO3

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    The temperature dependence of the superlattice reflections: a) F spots and b) alpha spots in a lead magnesium niobate (PMN) single crystals containing 0% and 6% of PbTiO3 (PT) has been studied using synchrotron x-ray scattering techniques. (No superlattice reflections were found in PMN doped with 32% PT). Analysis of the temperature dependence of the alpha spots suggests the existence of the correlated anti-parallel atomic displacements that form nanoregions different from the chemical nanodomains. While the correlation length is temperature independent, the magnitude of these displacements increases on cooling below the freezing temperature Tf. Intensities of the alpha spots above this temperature become indistinguishable from the background. Our results show that value of Tf for each composition is very close to the one obtained from a Vogel-Fulcher fit to the frequency dependence of the dielectric constant maximum Tm. The relation of these correlated anti-ferrodistortive fluctuations to polar ferroelectric nanodomains and relaxor behavior needs further study.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Conference-Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 200

    Structural anomalies for a three dimensional isotropic core-softened potential

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations we investigate the structure of a system of particles interacting through a continuous core-softened interparticle potential. We found for the translational order parameter, t, a local maximum at a density ρtmax\rho_{t-max} and a local minimum at ρtmin>ρtmax\rho_{t-min} > \rho_{t-max}. Between ρtmax\rho_{t-max} and ρtmin\rho_{t-min}, the tt parameter anomalously decreases upon pressure. For the orientational order parameter, Q6Q_6, was observed a maximum at a density ρtmax<ρQmax<ρtmin\rho_{t-max}< \rho_{Qmax} < \rho_{t-min}. For densities between ρQmax\rho_{Qmax} and ρtmin\rho_{t-min}, both the translational (t) and orientational (Q6Q_6) order parameters have anomalous behavior. We know that this system also exhibits density and diffusion anomaly. We found that the region in the pressure-temperature phase-diagram of the structural anomaly englobes the region of the diffusion anomaly that is larger than the region limited by the temperature of maximum density. This cascade of anomalies (structural, dynamic and thermodynamic) for our model has the same hierarchy of that one observed for the SPC/E water.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Aging in the Relaxor Ferroelectric PMN/PT

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    The relaxor ferroelectric (PbMn1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3}O3_3)1x_{1-x}(PbTiO3_3)x_{x}, x=0.1x=0.1, (PMN/PT(90/10)) is found to exhibit several regimes of complicated aging behavior. Just below the susceptibility peak there is a regime exhibiting rejuvenation but little memory. At lower temperature, there is a regime with mainly cumulative aging, expected for simple domain-growth. At still lower temperature, there is a regime with both rejuvenation and memory, reminiscent of spin glasses. PMN/PT (88/12) is also found to exhibit some of these aging regimes. This qualitative aging behavior is reminiscent of that seen in reentrant ferromagnets, which exhibit a crossover from a domain-growth ferromagnetic regime into a reentrant spin glass regime at lower temperatures. These striking parallels suggest a picture of competition in PMN/PT (90/10) between ferroelectric correlations formed in the domain-growth regime with glassy correlations formed in the spin glass regime. PMN/PT (90/10) is also found to exhibit frequency-aging time scaling of the time-dependent part of the out-of-phase susceptibility for temperatures 260 K and below. The stability of aging effects to thermal cycles and field perturbations is also reported.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX4, 11 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    steam turbine control valve and actuation system modeling for dynamics analysis

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    Abstract The paper describes a study conducted on Steam Turbine control valve and actuation systems, which rule the machine final power production and rotational speed. A dynamic model developed in the Matlab/Simulink environment is proposed to support the analysis of the operational stability of the hydro-mechanical system as well as the failure modes that it may face during operation. The model was validated through specific field tests conducted on the actuation system at a cogeneration plant in Nuovo Pignone, Florence. The proposed work also underlines the requirements that new actuation technologies should fulfil in order to meet control valve system performance criteria

    Reply to Comment on "Quantum dense key distribution"

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    In this Reply we propose a modified security proof of the Quantum Dense Key Distribution protocol detecting also the eavesdropping attack proposed by Wojcik in his Comment.Comment: To appear on PRA with minor change

    Nontrivial dependence of dielectric stiffness and SHG on dc bias in relaxors and dipole glasses

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    Dielectric permittivity and Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) studies in the field-cooled mode show a linear dependence of dielectric stiffness (inverse dielectric permittivity) on dc bias in PMN-PT crystals and SHG intensity in KTaO3_{3}:Li at small Li concentrations. We explain this unusual result in the framework of a theory of transverse, hydrodynamic-type, instability of local polarization.Comment: 5 figure

    Spanning avalanches in the three-dimensional Gaussian Random Field Ising Model with metastable dynamics: field dependence and geometrical properties

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    Spanning avalanches in the 3D Gaussian Random Field Ising Model (3D-GRFIM) with metastable dynamics at T=0 have been studied. Statistical analysis of the field values for which avalanches occur has enabled a Finite-Size Scaling (FSS) study of the avalanche density to be performed. Furthermore, direct measurement of the geometrical properties of the avalanches has confirmed an earlier hypothesis that several kinds of spanning avalanches with two different fractal dimensions coexist at the critical point. We finally compare the phase diagram of the 3D-GRFIM with metastable dynamics with the same model in equilibrium at T=0.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figure

    Thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies for a three dimensional isotropic core-softened potential

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations and integral equations (Rogers-Young, Percus-Yevick and hypernetted chain closures) we investigate the thermodynamic of particles interacting with continuous core-softened intermolecular potential. Dynamic properties are also analyzed by the simulations. We show that, for a chosen shape of the potential, the density, at constant pressure, has a maximum for a certain temperature. The line of temperatures of maximum density (TMD) was determined in the pressure-temperature phase diagram. Similarly the diffusion constant at a constant temperature, DD, has a maximum at a density ρmax\rho_{max} and a minimum at a density ρmin<ρmax\rho_{min}<\rho_{max}. In the pressure-temperature phase-diagram the line of extrema in diffusivity is outside of TMD line. Although in this interparticle potential lacks directionality, this is the same behavior observed in SPC/E water.Comment: 16 page

    analysis of a simplified steam turbine governor model for power system stability studies

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    Abstract The present study describes an analysis performed on a simplified Steam Turbine governor model, which is useful for pre-tuning the machine regulation system. A dynamic model has been implemented in two different simulation tools, namely DigSILENT PowerFactory and Matlab/Simulink, to the aim of verifying the suitability of the latter one for power system stability studies. The proposed work paves the way to the wide range of possibilities connected to the integration of the machine governor model with other simulation blocks of a Combined Cycle Plant, by enabling the opportunity for pre-commissioning of the regulation system together with the analysis of the fulfillment of grid code regulations