10 research outputs found

    Avaliação de pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne através de testagem neuropsicológica e do potencial evocado cognitivo (P300) /

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    Orientadora: Rosana Herminia ScolaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Interna. Defesa: Curitiba, 2006Inclui bibliografia e anexo

    Juvenile Huntington’s disease in northern Brazil: a case series report

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    Introduction: Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by CAG expansion repeats in the HTT gene. Usually, the symptoms start to manifest in mid-adulthood. In about 5% of cases, however, the signs begin before the age of 20 years. These cases are known as juvenile HD (JHD). Objective: Here we report a case series of JHD from Amazonas, a state where data are scarce due to the restricted access to specialized medical assistance for diagnosis and care. Case series: The patients were attended by neurologists specialized in movement disorders at Manaus. Two cases manifested the disease in childhood (6 and 7 years old) and two cases, in adolescence (12 and 16 years old). All cases showed dystonia and parkinsonism as predominant motor disorders. Moreover, signs of cognitive decline, depression, and psychosis were observed in all patients. Conversely, cerebellar signs, gait disturbances, seizures, and some psychiatric symptoms were variable among the cases. Expansion size varied from 66 to 84 to CAG repeats and the difference in age at onset between parent and child varied from 23 to 43 years. Conclusion: To our knowledge, these are the first clinical reports of JHD in northern Brazil. These cases illustrate the variability in clinical phenotypes and genetic features of JHD cases. Furthermore, they can contribute to the awareness of HD here, both by professionals and the public in general.Introduction: Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by CAG expansion repeats in the HTT gene. Usually, the symptoms start to manifest in mid-adulthood. In about 5% of cases, however, the signs begin before the age of 20 years. These cases are known as juvenile HD (JHD). Objective: here we report a case series of JHD from Amazonas, a state where data are scarce due to the restricted access to specialized medical assistance for diagnosis and care. Case series: the patients were attended by neurologistsspecialized in movement disorders at Manaus. Two cases manifested the disease in childhood (6 and 7 years old) and two cases, in adolescence (12 and 16 years old). All cases showed dystonia and parkinsonism as predominant motor disorders. Moreover, signs ofcognitive decline, depression, and psychosis were observed in all patients. Conversely, cerebellar signs, gait disturbances, seizures, and some psychiatric symptoms were variable among the cases. Expansion size varied from 66 to 84 to CAG repeats and the difference inage at onset between parent and child varied from 23 to 43 years. Conclusion: to our knowledge, these are the first clinical reports of JHD in northern Brazil. These cases illustrate the variability in clinical phenotypes and genetic features of JHD cases. Furthermore,they can contribute to the awareness of HD here, both by professionals and the public in general

    Genética da doença de Parkinson no Brasil : revisão sistemática de formas monogênicas

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    Background: Increasing numbers of mutations causing monogenic forms of Parkinson's disease (PD) have been described, mostly among patients in Europe and North America. Since genetic architecture varies between different populations, studying the specific genetic profile of Brazilian patients is essential for improving genetic counseling and for selecting patients for clinical trials. Objective: We conducted a systematic review to identify genetic studies on Brazilian patients and to set a background for future studies on monogenic forms of PD in Brazil. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE and Web of Science from inception to December 2019 using terms for "Parkinson's disease", "genetics" and "Brazil". Two independent reviewers extracted the data. For the genes LRRK2 and PRKN, the estimated prevalence was calculated for each study, and a meta-analysis was performed. Results: A total of 32 studies were included, comprising 94 Brazilian patients with PD with a causative mutation, identified from among 2,872 screened patients (3.2%). PRKN mutations were causative of PD in 48 patients out of 576 (8.3%). LRRK2 mutations were identified in 40 out of 1,556 patients (2.5%), and p.G2019S was the most common mutation (2.2%). Conclusions: PRKN is the most common autosomal recessive cause of PD, and LRRK2 is the most common autosomal dominant form. We observed that there was a lack of robust epidemiological studies on PD genetics in Brazil and, especially, that the diversity of Brazil’s population had not been considered.Introdução: Um número crescente de mutações causando formas monogênicas de doença de Parkinson (DP) tem sido descrito, principalmente entre pacientes da Europa e da América do Norte. Como a arquitetura genética varia entre diferentes populações, entender os perfis genéticos específicos de pacientes brasileiros é essencial para um melhor aconselhamento genético e para a seleção de participantes para ensaios clínicos. Objetivo: Revisão sistemática para identificar estudos genéticos brasileiros na área e definir o cenário para estudos futuros das formas monogênicas de DP no Brasil. Métodos: Nós pesquisamos as bases de dados MEDLINE, EMBASE e Web of Science desde a criação até dezembro de 2019, usando termos para “Parkinson’s disease”, “genetics” e “Brazil”. A extração de dados foi feita por dois revisores independentes. Para os genes LRRK2 e PRKN, calculamos a prevalência estimada para cada estudo e realizamos uma meta-análise. Resultados: Um total de 32 estudos foram incluídos e 94 pacientes brasileiros com DP com mutações causativas foram identificados em 2872 pacientes avaliados (3.2%). As mutações no PRKN causaram DP em 48 de 576 pacientes (8.3%). As mutações no LRRK2 foram identificadas em 40 de 1566 pacientes (2.5%), sendo a mutação mais comum a p.G2019S (2.2%). Conclusões: As mutações na PRKN são a causa mais comum de DP autossômica recessiva, e as mutações no LRRK2 a causa mais comum de DP autossômica dominante. Nós observamos uma falta de estudos epidemiológicos robustos em genética de DP, especialmente por não levar em conta a diversidade de nossa população

    Avaliação de pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne através de testagem neuropsicológica e do potencial evocado cognitivo (P300) /

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    Orientadora: Rosana Herminia ScolaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Interna. Defesa: Curitiba, 2006Inclui bibliografia e anexo

    Miastenia grave distal: relato de caso

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    Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 30 anos com quadro de fraqueza muscular nos membros inferiores com predomínio distal com início há 7 anos. Na evolução apresentou fraqueza muscular nos membros superiores. O exame físico mostrava nervos cranianos sem alterações, hipotrofia bilateral de quadriceps e interósseos dos pés, redução da força muscular mais intensa em tibiais anteriores e interósseos dorsais dos pés e reflexos tendinosos globalmente hipoativos. Foi realizado teste de estimulação repetitiva que mostrou decremento maior que 10% no nervo fibular e ulnar. A dosagem de anticorpos anti-receptor de acetilcolina foi positiva. Tomografia computadorizada de tórax foi normal. Dosagem de hormônios tireoidianos mostrou evidências laboratoriais de hipertireoidismo, porém sem manifestações clínicas. Foi iniciado tratamento com piridostigmina havendo melhora importante do quadro clínico. A fraqueza distal é um sintoma inicial raro na miastenia grave (MG). Contudo, a MG deve entrar no diagnóstico diferencial de doenças que cursam com fraqueza muscular distal de membros superiores ou inferiores

    Event-related potentials (P300) and neuropsychological assessment in boys exhibiting Duchenne muscular dystrophy Potencial evocado cognitivo (P300) e testagem neuropsicológica em pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine auditory cognitive evoked potentials (P300 potentials) and neuropsychological dysfunction in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). METHOD: P300 potentials and neuropsychological test results were obtained from 16 healthy control boys and 20 DMD patients. Full Intelligence Quotients (IQ) were estimated for patients and control group. Mean age was 9.5 years in the DMD patient group, and 10 years in the control group (p>0.05). RESULTS: The mean IQ values were 64.35 in the DMD patients and 82.68 in the control group (p=0.01). Mean P300 values were 347.6 in the DMD group and 337.4 in the control group (p=0.14). There was no significant correlation between parameters in each group. CONCLUSION: DMD patients showed a poor performance as evaluated by P300 potential compared to the control group, although the difference was not statistically significant. Systematic alterations in neuropsychological test results were found, the differences paralleling those detected in IQ.OBJETIVO: Avaliar potenciais evocados cognitivos auditivos (P300) e disfunções neuropsicológicas em pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD). MÉTODO: Potenciais auditivos P300 e testes neuropsicológicos foram obtidos de 16 controles e 20 pacientes com DMD. Valores de quociente de inteligência (QI) foram estimados para os dois grupos. A media de idade foi de 9.5 anos no grupo DMD e 10 anos no grupo controle (p>0.05). RESULTADOS: Os valores médios de QI foram 64.35 no grupo DMD e 82.68 no grupo controle (p=0.01). A média de valores de P300 foi 347.6 no grupo DMD e 337.4 no grupo controle (p=0.14). Não houve correlação significativa entre os parâmetros em cada grupo. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com DMD mostraram um pior desempenho nas testagens de P300 quando comparados com o grupo controle, embora a diferença não tenha apresentado diferença significativa. Alterações sistemáticas foram encontradas nos testes neuropsicológicos, correspondendo às alterações significativas vistas nos valores de QI

    Brief considerations on the dispensation profile of the botulinum toxin type A by the Brazilian Unified Health System for treatment of dystonias: Datasus data

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    Botulinum toxin injections are the most effective approach for the treatment of focal dystonia. Despite growing demand and clinical indications over the years, there are few reports or publications of its use and benefit to patients seen at the Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS (Unified Health System). Analyzing the Datasus data (Unified Health System Information Department of Brazilian Ministry of Health), it was noticed that in Brazil the percentage of dystonic patient benefited from this procedure is still low. We therefore suggest some strategies to increase the dispensation of the toxin by the Brazilian Unified Health system for the dystonic patients. Keywords: Botulinum toxin, Dystonia, Facial spasm, Blepharospas