652 research outputs found

    Cosmological Constant, Gauge Hierarchy and Warped Geometry

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    It is suggested that the mechanism responsible for the resolution of the gauge hierarchy problem within the warped geometry framework can be generalized to provide a new explanation of the extremely tiny vacuum energy density rho_V suggested by recent observations. We illustrate the mechanism with some 5D examples in which the true vacuum energy is assumed to vanish, and rho_V is associated with a false vacuum energy such that rho_V^{1/4} ~ TeV^2/M_{Pl} ~ 10^{-3} eV, where M_{Pl} denotes the reduced Planck mass. We also consider a quintessence-like solution to the dark energy problem.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, section on quantum corrections added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Syncytial nuclear aggregates in normal placenta show increased nuclear condensation, but apoptosis and cytoskeletal redistribution are uncommon

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    AbstractIntroductionSyncytial nuclear aggregates (SNAs) are increased in pregnancy complications; however, little is known about their origin or function. This study aimed to characterise SNAs in more detail than has been reported previously.MethodsImmunohistochemistry and morphological examination at the light and ultrastructural level were used to determine the nature and structure of SNAs.ResultsSNAs comprising bridges and syncytial knots had similar frequency with 974 per mm3 of villous tissue (IQR 717–1193) and 833 per mm3 (IQR 766–1190), respectively while there were approximately four times as many sectioning artefacts than knots and bridges combined. SNAs had increased proportions of condensed nuclei compared to the remaining syncytiotrophoblast (33.3% vs. 8.9%) and decreased proportions of euchromatic nuclei (0.0% vs. 16.2%), as assessed by examination of an electron micrograph archive. SNAs showed little evidence of apoptosis, with weak positivity for the apoptosis markers M30-neoepitope at 16.6% and TUNEL at 10.0%; strong staining was rarely seen for either marker. Immunofluorescence demonstrated rare association of actin (α, ÎČ or Îł) with SNAs, whereas tubulin was in close proximity to SNAs and cytokeratin was seen within and surrounding SNAs.DiscussionM30-positive SNAs traced through serial sections were significantly more likely to be syncytial knots or sectioning artefacts than bridges. Nuclei within SNAs showed signs consistent with degeneration; however, this is unlikely to be an apoptotic process. There are few changes in configuration of cytoskeletal proteins around SNAs.ConclusionsThese data suggest that the biogenesis and functional significance of SNAs still require resolution

    Numerical Portrait of a Relativistic Thin Film BCS Superfluid

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    We present results of numerical simulations of the 2+1d Nambu - Jona-Lasinio model with a non-zero baryon chemical potential mu including the effects of a diquark source term. Diquark condensates, susceptibilities and masses are measured as functions of source strength j. The results suggest that diquark condensation does not take place in the high density phase mu>mu_c, but rather that the condensate scales non-analytically with j implying a line of critical points and long range phase coherence. Analogies are drawn with the low temperature phase of the 2d XY model. The spectrum of the spin-1/2 sector is also studied yielding the quasiparticle dispersion relation. There is no evidence for a non-zero gap; rather the results are characteristic of a normal Fermi liquid with Fermi velocity less than that of light. We conclude that the high density phase of the model describes a relativistic gapless thin film BCS superfluid.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figure

    The Four-Fermi Model in Three Dimensions at Non-Zero Density and Temperature

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    The Four Fermi model with discrete chiral symmetry is studied in three dimensions at non-zero chemical potential and temperature using the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. The number of fermion flavors is chosen large (Nf=12)(N_f=12) to compare with analytic results. A first order chiral symmetry restoring transition is found at zero temperature with a critical chemical potential Όc\mu_c in good agreement with the large NfN_f calculations. The critical index Μ\nu of the correlation length is measured in good agreement with analytic calculations. The two dimensional phase diagram (chemical potential vs. temperature) is mapped out quantitatively. Finite size effects on relatively small lattices and non-zero fermion mass effects are seen to smooth out the chiral transition dramatically.Comment: 21 pages, sorry, no figure

    Rurality as a predictor of perinatal mental health and well‐being in an Australian cohort

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    Objective Perinatal emotional well-being is more than the presence or absence of depressive and anxiety disorders; it encompasses a wide range of factors that contribute to emotional well-being. This study compares perinatal well-being between women living in metropolitan and rural regions. Design Prospective, longitudinal cohort. Participants/setting Eight hundred and six women from Victoria and Western Australia recruited before 20 weeks of pregnancy and followed up to 12 months postpartum. Main outcome measures Rurality was assessed using the Modified Monash Model (MM Model) with 578 in metropolitan cities MM1, 185 in regional and large rural towns MM2-MM3 and 43 in rural to remote MM4-MM7. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-IV) was administered at recruitment to assess depression, and symptoms of depression and anxiety were measured using the Edinburgh Post-natal Depression Scale and the State and Trait Anxiety Scale, respectively. Other measures included stressful events, diet, exercise, partner support, parenting and sleep. Results The prevalence of depressive disorders did not differ across rurality. There was also no difference in breastfeeding cessation, exercise, sleep or partner support. Women living in rural communities and who also had depression reported significantly higher parenting stress than metropolitan women and lower access to parenting activities. Conclusions Our study suggests while many of the challenges of the perinatal period were shared between women in all areas, there were important differences in parenting stress and access to activities. Furthermore, these findings suggest that guidelines and interventions designed for perinatal mental health should consider rurality

    Second order gradient ascent pulse engineering

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    We report some improvements to the gradient ascent pulse engineering (GRAPE) algorithm for optimal control of quantum systems. These include more accurate gradients, convergence acceleration using the BFGS quasi-Newton algorithm as well as faster control derivative calculation algorithms. In all test systems, the wall clock time and the convergence rates show a considerable improvement over the approximate gradient ascent.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Observers in an accelerated universe

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    If the current acceleration of our Universe is due to a cosmological constant, then a Coleman-De Luccia bubble will nucleate in our Universe. In this work, we consider that our observations could be likely in this framework, consisting in two infinite spaces, if a foliation by constant mean curvature hypersurfaces is taken to count the events in the spacetime. Thus, we obtain and study a particular foliation, which covers the existence of most observers in our part of spacetime.Comment: revised version, accepted in EPJ

    Quantum Phase Transitions and the Extended Coupled Cluster Method

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    We discuss the application of an extended version of the coupled cluster method to systems exhibiting a quantum phase transition. We use the lattice O(4) non-linear sigma model in (1+1)- and (3+1)-dimensions as an example. We show how simple predictions get modified, leading to the absence of a phase transition in (1+1) dimensions, and strong indications for a phase transition in (3+1) dimensions

    The (2+1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu model with a U(1) chiral symmetry at non-zero temperature

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    We present results from numerical simulations of the (2+1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu model with a U(1) chiral symmetry and N_f=4 fermion species at non-zero temperature. We provide evidence that there are two different chirally symmetric phases, one critical and one with finite correlation length, separated by a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. We have also identified a regime above the critical temperature in which the fermions acquire a screening mass even in the absence of chiral symmetry breaking, analogous to the pseudogap behaviour observed in cuprate superconductors.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Global Phase Diagram of the Kondo Lattice: From Heavy Fermion Metals to Kondo Insulators

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    We discuss the general theoretical arguments advanced earlier for the T=0 global phase diagram of antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice systems, distinguishing between the established and the conjectured. In addition to the well-known phase of a paramagnetic metal with a "large" Fermi surface (P_L), there is also an antiferromagnetic phase with a "small" Fermi surface (AF_S). We provide the details of the derivation of a quantum non-linear sigma-model (QNLsM) representation of the Kondo lattice Hamiltonian, which leads to an effective field theory containing both low-energy fermions in the vicinity of a Fermi surface and low-energy bosons near zero momentum. An asymptotically exact analysis of this effective field theory is made possible through the development of a renormalization group procedure for mixed fermion-boson systems. Considerations on how to connect the AF_S and P_L phases lead to a global phase diagram, which not only puts into perspective the theory of local quantum criticality for antiferromagnetic heavy fermion metals, but also provides the basis to understand the surprising recent experiments in chemically-doped as well as pressurized YbRh2Si2. We point out that the AF_S phase still occurs for the case of an equal number of spin-1/2 local moments and conduction electrons. This observation raises the prospect for a global phase diagram of heavy fermion systems in the Kondo-insulator regime. Finally, we discuss the connection between the Kondo breakdown physics discussed here for the Kondo lattice systems and the non-Fermi liquid behavior recently studied from a holographic perspective.Comment: (v3) leftover typos corrected. (v2) Published version. 32 pages, 4 figures. Section 7, on the connection between the Kondo lattice systems and the holographic models of non-Fermi liquid, is expanded. (v1) special issue of JLTP on quantum criticalit
