2,302 research outputs found

    Coupling rotational and translational motion via a continuous measurement in an optomechanical sphere

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    We consider a measurement of the position of a spot painted on the surface of a trapped nano-optomechanical sphere. The measurement extracts information about the position of the spot and in doing so measures a combination of the orientation and position of the sphere. The quantum backaction of the measurement entangles and correlates these two degrees of freedom. Such a measurement is not available for atoms or ions and provides a mechanism to probe the quantum mechanical properties of trapped optomechanical spheres. In performing simulations of this measurement process we also test a numerical method introduced recently by Rouchon and collaborators [H. Amini, M. Mirrahimi, and P. Rouchon, in Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC, 2011), pp. 6242–6247; P. Rouchon and J. F. Ralph, Phys. Rev. A 91, 012118 (2015)] for solving stochastic master equations. This method guarantees the positivity of the density matrix when the Lindblad operators for all simultaneous continuous measurements are mutually commuting. We show that it is both simpler and far more efficient than previous methods

    Measurement of urinary collagen cross-links indicate response to therapy in patients with breast cancer and bone metastases

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    Objective assessment of response in bone metastases from breast cancer using radiological techniques takes up to 6 months of treatment to be certain of a response, and sclerotic metastases are not evaluable. Standard serum and urinary tumour markers may not always be utilized to predict response, as they may not be elevated, and therefore may not change on treatment. The development of the urinary pyridinoline cross-link assays which measure mature bone breakdown products have been shown to be highly sensitive and specific as a measure of bone change in osteoporosis. We have measured pyridinoline (Pyr) and deoxypyridinoline (Dpyr) cross-links sequentially in 36 breast cancer patients with bone metastases, to determine if the measurement of these analytes predicts response at an earlier stage than radiological assessment. Response was assessed by UICC criteria. Seventeen women responded to hormonal therapy, whilst 19 developed progressive disease. Both Pyr and Dpyr increased sequentially in women with progressive disease with changes becoming apparent by 8 weeks (P < 0.03). In responding women, cross-link levels did not change significantly. Pyr and Dpyr were more sensitive and specific than the standard serum tumour marker CA 15-3. Urinary cross-link measurements provide a novel objective method of assessing response to treatment in women with bone metastases. Initial elevated urinary cross-link markers identify patients who tend not to respond to changes in hormonal therap

    Doping a semiconductor to create an unconventional metal

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    Landau Fermi liquid theory, with its pivotal assertion that electrons in metals can be simply understood as independent particles with effective masses replacing the free electron mass, has been astonishingly successful. This is true despite the Coulomb interactions an electron experiences from the host crystal lattice, its defects, and the other ~1022/cm3 electrons. An important extension to the theory accounts for the behaviour of doped semiconductors1,2. Because little in the vast literature on materials contradicts Fermi liquid theory and its extensions, exceptions have attracted great attention, and they include the high temperature superconductors3, silicon-based field effect transistors which host two-dimensional metals4, and certain rare earth compounds at the threshold of magnetism5-8. The origin of the non-Fermi liquid behaviour in all of these systems remains controversial. Here we report that an entirely different and exceedingly simple class of materials - doped small gap semiconductors near a metal-insulator transition - can also display a non-Fermi liquid state. Remarkably, a modest magnetic field functions as a switch which restores the ordinary disordered Fermi liquid. Our data suggest that we have finally found a physical realization of the only mathematically rigourous route to a non-Fermi liquid, namely the 'undercompensated Kondo effect', where there are too few mobile electrons to compensate for the spins of unpaired electrons localized on impurity atoms9-12.Comment: 17 pages 4 figures supplemental information included with 2 figure

    Increasing incidence of childhood leukaemia: a controversy re-examined

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    We provide evidence of a gradual increase in the incidence of childhood leukaemia over the twentieth century from examination of trends in both incidence and mortality in England and Wales. We conclude that much of the recorded increase is likely to be real

    On the effect of resonances in composite Higgs phenomenology

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    We consider a generic composite Higgs model based on the coset SO(5)/SO(4) and study its phenomenology beyond the leading low-energy effective lagrangian approximation. Our basic goal is to introduce in a controllable and simple way the lowest-lying, possibly narrow, resonances that may exist is such models. We do so by proposing a criterion that we call partial UV completion. We characterize the simplest cases, corresponding respectively to a scalar in either singlet or tensor representation of SO(4) and to vectors in the adjoint of SO(4). We study the impact of these resonances on the signals associated to high-energy vector boson scattering, pointing out for each resonance the characteristic patterns of depletion and enhancement with respect to the leading-order chiral lagrangian. En route we derive the O(p^4) general chiral lagrangian and discuss its peculiar accidental and approximate symmetries.Comment: v3: a few typos corrected. Conclusions unchange

    Outcome following surgery for colorectal cancer: analysis by hospital after adjustment for case-mix and deprivation

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    Outcome, adjusted for case-mix and deprivation, in 3200 patients undergoing resection for colorectal cancer in 11 hospitals in Central Scotland between 1991 and 1994 was studied. There were significant differences among individual hospitals in the proportion of elderly (P<0.001) and deprived (P<0.0001) patients, the mode (P=0.007) and stage (P<0.0001) at presentation, and the proportion of patients who underwent apparently curative resection (P<0.001). There were no significant differences in postoperative mortality. Cancer-specific survival at 5 years following apparently curative resection varied from 59 to 76%; cancer-specific survival at 2 years following palliative resection varied from 22 to 44%. The corresponding hazard ratios, adjusted for the above prognostic factors, for patients undergoing apparently curative resection varied among hospitals from 0.58 to 1.32; and the ratios for palliative resection varied from 0.73 to 1.26. This study demonstrates that, after adjustment for variations in case-mix and deprivation, significant differences in outcome among hospitals following resection for colorectal cancer persist

    Large Nc QCD and Harmonic Sums

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    In the Large-Nc limit of QCD, two--point functions of local operators become Harmonic Sums. I review some properties which follow from this fact and which are relevant for phenomenological applications. This has led us to consider a class of Analytic Number Theory Functions as toy models of Large-Nc QCD which I also discuss.Comment: Based on my talk at "Raymond Stora's 80th Birthday Party", LAPP, July 11th 201

    Theoretical Constraints on the Higgs Effective Couplings

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    We derive constraints on the sign of couplings in an effective Higgs Lagrangian using prime principles such as the naturalness principle, global symmetries, and unitarity. Specifically, we study four dimension-six operators, O_H, O_y, O_g, and O_gamma, which contribute to the production and decay of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), among other things. Assuming the Higgs is a fundamental scalar, we find: 1) the coefficient of O_H is positive except when there are triplet scalars, resulting in a reduction in the Higgs on-shell coupling from their standard model (SM) expectations if no other operators contribute, 2) the linear combination of O_H and O_y controlling the overall Higgs coupling to fermion is always reduced, 3) the sign of O_g induced by a new colored fermion is such that it interferes destructively with the SM top contribution in the gluon fusion production of the Higgs, if the new fermion cancels the top quadratic divergence in the Higgs mass, and 4) the correlation between naturalness and the sign of O_gamma is similar to that of O_g, when there is a new set of heavy electroweak gauge bosons. Next considering a composite scalar for the Higgs, we find the reduction in the on-shell Higgs couplings persists. If further assuming a collective breaking mechanism as in little Higgs theories, the coefficient of O_H remains positive even in the presence of triplet scalars. In the end, we conclude that the gluon fusion production of the Higgs boson is reduced from the SM rate in all composite Higgs models. Our study suggests a wealth of information could be revealed by precise measurements of the Higgs couplings, providing strong motivations for both improving on measurements at the LHC and building a precision machine such as the linear collider.Comment: 37 pages, one figure; v2: improved discussion on dispersion relation and other minor modifications; version accepted for publication

    The Radiative Corrections to the Mass of the Kink Using an Alternative Renormalization Program

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    In this paper we compute the radiative correction to the mass of the kink in Ï•4\phi^4 theory in 1+1 dimensions, using an alternative renormalization program. In this newly proposed renormalization program the breaking of the translational invariance and the topological nature of the problem, due to the presence of the kink, is automatically taken into account. This will naturally lead to uniquely defined position dependent counterterms. We use the mode number cutoff in conjunction with the above program to compute the mass of the kink up to and including the next to the leading order quantum correction. We discuss the differences between the results of this procedure and the previously reported ones.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0806.036

    Implications of a Modified Higgs to Diphoton Decay Width

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    Motivated by recent results from Higgs searches at the Large Hadron Collider, we consider possibilities to enhance the diphoton decay width of the Higgs boson over the Standard Model expectation, without modifying either its production rate or the partial widths in the WW and ZZ channels. Studying effects of new charged scalars, fermions and vector bosons, we find that significant variations in the diphoton width may be possible if the new particles have light masses of the order of a few hundred GeV and sizeable couplings to the Higgs boson. Such couplings could arise naturally if there is large mass mixing between two charged particles that is induced by the Higgs vacuum expectation value. In addition, there is generically also a shift in the Z + Gamma partial width, which in the case of new vector bosons tends to be of similar magnitude as the shift in the diphoton partial width, but smaller in other cases. Therefore simultaneous measurements in these two channels could reveal properties of new charged particles at the electroweak scale.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures; v2: updated references and minor improvements in presentations; v3: sign of the scalar contribution to Z+Gamma amplitudes fixed. Related figures update
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