595 research outputs found

    Nonsingular instantons for the creation of open universes

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    We show that the instability of the singular Vilenkin instanton describing the creation of an open universe can be avoided using, instead of a minimally coupled scalar field, an axionic massless scalar field which gives rise to the Giddings-Strominger instanton. However, if we replace the singularity of the Hawking Turok instanton for an axionic wormhole some interpretational and technical difficulties would appear which can be overcome by introducing a positive cosmological constant in the action. This would make the instanton finite and free constant in the action. This would make the instanton finite and free from any instabilities.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex. A new section on the instantonic global structure and a figure have been added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effective Field Theories

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    Effective field theories encode the predictions of a quantum field theory at low energy. The effective theory has a fairly low ultraviolet cutoff. As a result, loop corrections are small, at least if the effective action contains a term which is quadratic in the fields, and physical predictions can be read straight from the effective Lagrangean. Methods will be discussed how to compute an effective low energy action from a given fundamental action, either analytically or numerically, or by a combination of both methods. Basically,the idea is to integrate out the high frequency components of fields. This requires the choice of a "blockspin",i.e. the specification of a low frequency field as a function of the fundamental fields. These blockspins will be the fields of the effective field theory. The blockspin need not be a field of the same type as one of the fundamental fields, and it may be composite. Special features of blockspins in nonabelian gauge theories will be discussed in some detail. In analytical work and in multigrid updating schemes one needs interpolation kernels \A from coarse to fine grid in addition to the averaging kernels CC which determines the blockspin. A neural net strategy for finding optimal kernels is presented. Numerical methods are applicable to obtain actions of effective theories on lattices of finite volume. The constraint effective potential) is of particular interest. In a Higgs model it yields the free energy, considered as a function of a gauge covariant magnetization. Its shape determines the phase structure of the theory. Its loop expansion with and without gauge fields can be used to determine finite size corrections to numerical data.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figs., preprint DESY 92-070 (figs. 3-9 added in ps format

    Brane/Flux Annihilation and the String Dual of a Non-Supersymmetric Field Theory

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    We consider the dynamics of p anti-D3 branes inside the Klebanov-Strassler geometry, the deformed conifold with M units of RR 3-form flux around the S^3. We find that for p<<M the system relaxes to a nonsupersymmetric NS 5-brane ``giant graviton'' configuration, which is classically stable, but quantum mechanically can tunnel to a nearby supersymmetric vacuum with M-p D3 branes. This decay mode is exponentially suppressed and proceeds via the nucleation of an NS 5-brane bubble wall. We propose a dual field theory interpretation of the decay as the transition between a nonsupersymmetric ``baryonic'' branch and a supersymmetric ``mesonic'' branch of the corresponding SU(2M-p)x SU(M-p) low energy gauge theory. The NS 5-brane tunneling process also provides a simple explanation of the geometric transition by which D3-branes can dissolve into 3-form flux.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, typo correcte

    A Quantum Mechanical Model of Spherical Supermembranes

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    We present a quantum mechanical model of spherical supermembranes. Using superfields to represent the cartesian coordinates of the membrane, we are able to exactly determine its supersymmetric vacua. We find there are two classical vacua, one corresponding to an extended membrane and one corresponding to a point-like membrane. For the N=2{\mathcal N} = 2 case, instanton effects then lift these vacua to massive states. For the N=4{\mathcal N} = 4 case, there is no instanton tunneling, and the vacua remain massless. Similarities to spherical supermembranes as giant gravitons and in Matrix theory on pp-waves is discussed.Comment: 9 page

    Failure due to fatigue in fiber bundles and solids

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    We consider first a homogeneous fiber bundle model where all the fibers have got the same stress threshold beyond which all fail simultaneously in absence of noise. At finite noise, the bundle acquires a fatigue behavior due to the noise-induced failure probability at any stress. We solve this dynamics of failure analytically and show that the average failure time of the bundle decreases exponentially as the stress increases. We also determine the avalanche size distribution during such failure and find a power law decay. We compare this fatigue behavior with that obtained phenomenologically for the nucleation of Griffith cracks. Next we study numerically the fatigue behavior of random fiber bundles having simple distributions of individual fiber strengths, at stress less than the bundle's strength (beyond which it fails instantly). The average failure time is again seen to decrease exponentially as the stress increases and the avalanche size distribution shows similar power law decay. These results are also in broad agreement with experimental observations on fatigue in solids. We believe, these observations regarding the failure time are useful for quantum breakdown phenomena in disordered systems.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, figures added and the text is revise

    Ab initio calculation of the neutron-proton mass difference

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    The existence and stability of atoms rely on the fact that neutrons are more massive than protons. The measured mass difference is only 0.14\% of the average of the two masses. A slightly smaller or larger value would have led to a dramatically different universe. Here, we show that this difference results from the competition between electromagnetic and mass isospin breaking effects. We performed lattice quantum-chromodynamics and quantum-electrodynamics computations with four nondegenerate Wilson fermion flavors and computed the neutron-proton mass-splitting with an accuracy of 300300 kilo-electron volts, which is greater than 00 by 55 standard deviations. We also determine the splittings in the Σ\Sigma, Ξ\Xi, DD and Ξcc\Xi_{cc} isospin multiplets, exceeding in some cases the precision of experimental measurements.Comment: 57 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, revised versio

    D0 Matrix Mechanics: New Fuzzy Solutions at Large N

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    We wish to consider in this report the large N limit of a particular matrix model introduced by Myers describing D-brane physics in the presence of an RR flux background. At finite N, fuzzy spheres appear naturally as non-trivial solutions to this matrix model and have been extensively studied. In this report, we wish to demonstrate several new classes of solutions which appear in the large N limit, corresponding to the fuzzy cylinder,the fuzzy plane and a warped fuzzy plane. The latter two solutions arise from a possible "central extension" to our model that arises after we account for non-trivial issues involved in the large N limit. As is the case for finite N, these new solutions are to be interpreted as constituent D0-branes forming D2 bound states describing new fuzzy geometries.Comment: revised version: references added, derivation of "central extensions" improved upon. To appear in JHE

    D-Theory: Field Theory via Dimensional Reduction of Discrete Variables

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    A new non-perturbative approach to quantum field theory --- D-theory --- is proposed, in which continuous classical fields are replaced by discrete quantized variables which undergo dimensional reduction. The 2-d classical O(3) model emerges from the (2+1)-d quantum Heisenberg model formulated in terms of quantum spins. Dimensional reduction is demonstrated explicitly by simulating correlation lengths up to 350,000 lattice spacings using a loop cluster algorithm. In the framework of D-theory, gauge theories are formulated in terms of quantum links --- the gauge analogs of quantum spins. Quantum links are parallel transporter matrices whose elements are non-commuting operators. They can be expressed as bilinears of anticommuting fermion constituents. In quantum link models dimensional reduction to four dimensions occurs, due to the presence of a 5-d Coulomb phase, whose existence is confirmed by detailed simulations using standard lattice gauge theory. Using Shamir's variant of Kaplan's fermion proposal, in quantum link QCD quarks appear as edge states of a 5-d slab. This naturally protects their chiral symmetries without fine-tuning. The first efficient cluster algorithm for a gauge theory with a continuous gauge group is formulated for the U(1) quantum link model. Improved estimators for Wilson loops are constructed, and dimensional reduction to ordinary lattice QED is verified numerically.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, including 9 encapsulated postscript figures. Contribution to Lattice 97 by 5 authors, to appear in Nuclear Physics B (Proceeding Supplements). Requires psfig.tex and espcrc2.st

    Time evolution of damage under variable ranges of load transfer

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    We study the time evolution of damage in a fiber bundle model in which the range of interaction of fibers varies through an adjustable stress transfer function recently introduced. We find that the lifetime of the material exhibits a crossover from mean field to short range behavior as in the static case. Numerical calculations showed that the value at which the transition takes place depends on the system's disorder. Finally, we have performed a microscopic analysis of the failure process. Our results confirm that the growth dynamics of the largest crack is radically different in the two limiting regimes of load transfer during the first stages of breaking.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, revtex4 styl

    Trivial Vacua, High Orders in Perturbation Theory and Nontrivial Condensates

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    In the limit of an infinite number of colors, an analytic expression for the quark condensate in QCD1+1QCD_{1+1} is derived as a function of the quark mass and the gauge coupling constant. For zero quark mass, a nonvanishing quark condensate is obtained. Nevertheless, it is shown that there is no phase transition as a function of the quark mass. It is furthermore shown that the expansion of 0ψψ0\langle 0 | \overline{\psi}\psi |0\rangle in the gauge coupling has zero radius of convergence but that the perturbation series is Borel summable with finite radius of convergence. The nonanalytic behavior 0ψψ0mq0NCG2\langle 0 | \overline{\psi}\psi |0\rangle \stackrel{m_q\rightarrow0}{\sim} - N_C \sqrt{G^2} can only be obtained by summing the perturbation series to infinite order. The sum-rule calculation is based on masses and coupling constants calculated from 't Hooft's solution to QCD1+1QCD_{1+1} which employs LF quantization and is thus based on a trivial vacuum. Nevertheless the chiral condensate remains nonvanishing in the chiral limit which is yet another example that seemingly trivial LF vacua are {\it not} in conflict with QCD sum-rule results.Comment: REVTEX, 6 pages, 1 postscript figure available from the author by emai