1,020 research outputs found

    Concepts and Methods to Assess the Dynamic Thermal Rating of Underground Power Cables

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    With the increase in the electrical load and the progressive introduction of power generation from intermittent renewable energy sources, the power line operating conditions are approaching the thermal limits. The definition of thermal limits variable in time has been addressed under the concept of dynamic thermal rating (DTR), with which it is possible to provide a more detailed assessment of the line rating and exploit the electrical system more flexibly. Most of the literature on DTR has addressed overhead lines exposed to different weather conditions. The interest in the dynamic thermal rating of power cables is increasing, considering the evolution of computational methods and advanced systems for cable monitoring. This paper contains an overview of the concepts and methods referring to dynamic cable rating (DCR). Starting from the analytical formulations developed many years ago for determining the power cable rating in steady-state conditions, also reported in International Standards, this paper considers the improvements of these formulations proposed during the years. These improvements are leading to include more specific details in the models used for DCR analysis and the computational methods used to assess the power cable’s thermal conditions buried in soil. This paper is focused on highlighting the path from the initial theories and models to the latest literature contributions. Attention is paid to thermal modelling with different levels of detail, applications of 2D and 3D solvers and simplified models, and their validation based on experimental measurements. A salient point of the overview is considering the DCR impact on reliability aspects, risk estimation, real-time calculations, forecasting, and planning with different time horizons

    Comparison of pain perception between open and minimally invasive surgery in total knee arthroplasty

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    Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) was a well-established procedure that had shown excellent long-term results in terms of reduced pain and increased mobility. Pain was one of the most important outcome measures that contributed to patient dissatisfaction after TKA. After a computerized search of the Medline and Embase databases, we considered articles from January 1st, 1997 to October 31st, 2009 that underlined the impact on patient pain perception of either standard open total knee arthroplasty or minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty. We included articles that used the visual analog scale (VAS), Western Ontario and McMasters Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), Knee Score, Hospital for Special Surgery Score (HSS), Oxford Knee Score (OKS) as postoperative pain indicators, and we included studies with a minimum follow-up period of two months. We excluded studies that monitored only functional postoperative knee activities. It was shown that TKA with the open technique was a better treatment for knees with a positive effect on pain and function than the minimally invasive technique

    A Reassessment of the Effects of Luminal [Ca2+] on Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ Release from Internal Stores

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    Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-induced Ca2+ release from intracellular stores displays complex kinetic behavior. While it well established that cytosolic [Ca2+] can modulate release by acting on the InsP3 receptor directly, the role of the filling state of internal Ca2+stores in modulating Ca2+ release remains unclear. Here we have reevaluated this topic using a technique that permits rapid and reversible changes in free [Ca2+] in internal stores of living intact cells without altering cytoplasmic [Ca2+], InsP3 receptors, or sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPases (SERCAs). N,N,N',N'-Tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylene diamine (TPEN), a membrane-permeant, low affinity Ca2+ chelator was used to manipulate [Ca2+] in intracellular stores, while [Ca2+] changes within the store were monitored directly with the low-affinity Ca2+ indicator, mag-fura-2, in intact BHK-21 cells. 200 microM TPEN caused a rapid drop in luminal free [Ca2+] and significantly reduced the extent of the response to stimulation with 100 nm bradykinin, a calcium-mobilizing agonist. The same effect was observed when intact cells were pretreated with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid(acetoxymethyl ester) (BAPTA-AM) to buffer cytoplasmic [Ca2+] changes. Although inhibition of Ca2+ uptake using the SERCA inhibitor tBHQ permitted significantly larger release of Ca2+ from stores, TPEN still attenuated the release in the presence of tBHQ in BAPTA-AM-loaded cells. These results demonstrate that the filling state of stores modulates the magnitude of InsP3-induced Ca2+release by additional mechanism(s) that are independent of regulation by cytoplasmic [Ca2+] or effects on SERCA pumps

    Model-Based Identification of Alternative Bidding Zones: Applications of Clustering Algorithms with Topology Constraints

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    The definition of bidding zones is a relevant question for electricity markets. The bidding zones can be identified starting from information on the nodal prices and network topology, considering the operational conditions that may lead to congestion of the transmission lines. A well-designed bidding zone configuration is a key milestone for an efficient market design and a secure power system operation, being the basis for capacity allocation and congestion management processes, as acknowledged in the relevant European regulation. Alternative bidding zone configurations can be identified in a process assisted by the application of clustering methods, which use a predefined set of features, objectives and constraints to determine the partitioning of the network nodes into groups. These groups are then analysed and validated to become candidate bidding zones. The content of the manuscript can be summarized as follows: (1) A novel probabilistic multi-scenario methodology was adopted. The approach needs the analysis of features that are computed considering a set of scenarios defined from solutions in normal operation and in planned maintenance cases. The weights of the scenarios are indicated by TSOs on the basis of the expected frequency of occurrence; (2) The relevant features considered are the Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) and the Power Transfer Distribution Factors (PTDFs); (3) An innovative computation procedure based on clustering algorithms was developed to group nodes of the transmission electrical network into bidding zones considering topological constraints. Several settings and clustering algorithms were tested in order to evaluate the robustness of the identified solution

    Rafoxanide sensitizes colorectal cancer cells to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains a leading causes of cancer-related death in the world, mainly due to the lack of effective treatment of advanced disease. TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-driven cell death, a crucial event in the control of tumor growth, selectively targets malignant rather than non-transformed cells. However, the fact that cancer cells, including CRC cells, are either intrinsically resistant or acquire resistance to TRAIL, represents a major hurdle to the use of TRAIL-based strategies in the clinic. Agents able to overcome CRC cell resistance to TRAIL have thus great therapeutic potential and many researchers are making eïŹ€orts to identify TRAIL sensitizers. The anthelmintic drug rafoxanide has recently emerged as a potent anti-tumor molecule for diïŹ€erent cancer types and we recently reported that rafoxanide restrained the proliferation of CRC cells, but not of normal colonic epithelial cells, both in vitro and in a preclinical model mimicking sporadic CRC. As these findings were linked with the induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress, a phenomenon involved in the regulation of various components of the TRAIL-driven apoptotic pathway, we sought to determine whether rafoxanide could restore the sensitivity of CRC cells to TRAIL. Our data show that rafoxanide acts as a selective TRAIL sensitizer in vitro and in a syngeneic experimental model of CRC, by decreasing the levels of c-FLIP and survivin, two key molecules conferring TRAIL resistance. Collectively, our data suggest that rafoxanide could potentially be deployed as an anti-cancer drug in the combinatorial approaches aimed at overcoming CRC cell resistance to TRAIL-based therapies

    Global Distribution of Non-algal Particles From Ocean Color Data and Implications for Phytoplankton Biomass Detection

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    In the last few decades, phytoplankton biomass has been commonly studied from space. However, satellite analysis of non-algal particles (NAPs), including heterotrophic bacteria and viruses, is relatively recent. In this work, we estimate the backscattering coefficient associated with the NAP fraction that does not covary with chlorophyll based on satellite particulate backscattering coefficient and chlorophyll (bbpNAP). bbpNAP is computed at 100-km resolution using 19 years of monthly satellite data. We find clear differences in bbpNAP between northern and southern oceans. High bbpNAP values are found in the Arctic and Southern Oceans, the North Atlantic area influenced by the Gulf Stream current, as well as shelf regions (i.e., Patagonian shelf) affected by upwelling regimes. Low correlation between chlorophyll and backscattering prevents precise bbpNAP estimations in oligotrophic areas (e.g., subtropical gyres). These bbpNAP estimations lead to a reduction to half in satellite-based phytoplankton biomass estimates respect to previously published results

    European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA): A Contribution to the Design of the European Copernicus Infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration

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    In the context of the Copernicus Program, EUMETSAT prioritizes the creation of an ocean color infrastructure for system vicarious calibration (OC-SVC). This work aims to reply to this need by proposing the European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA). EURYBIA is designed as an autonomous European infrastructure operating within the Marine Optical Network (MarONet) established by University of Miami (Miami, FL, USA) based on the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) experience and NASA support. MarONet addresses SVC requirements in different sites, consistently and in a traceable way. The selected EURYBIA installation is close to the Lampedusa Island in the central Mediterranean Sea. This area is widely studied and hosts an Atmospheric and Oceanographic Observatory for long-term climate monitoring. The EURYBIA field segment comprises off-shore and on-shore infrastructures to manage the observation system and perform routine sensors calibrations. The ground segment includes the telemetry center for data communication and the processing center to compute data products and uncertainty budgets. The study shows that the overall uncertainty of EURYBIA SVC gains computed for the Sentinel-3 OLCI mission under EUMETSAT protocols is of about 0.05% in the blue-green wavelengths after a decade of measurements, similar to that of the reference site in Hawaii and in compliance with requirements for climate studies

    Depression in Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction, an Undervalued Comorbidity: An Up-To-Date Review

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    Introduction: Depression is a common and severe comorbidity among individuals with heart failure (HF). Up to a third of all HF patients are depressed, and an even higher proportion have symptoms of depression. Aim: In this review, we evaluate the relationship between HF and depression, explain the pathophysiology and epidemiology of both diseases and their relationship, and highlight novel diagnostic and therapeutic options for HF patients with depression. Materials and Methods: This narrative review involved keyword searches of PubMed and Web of Science. Review search terms included ["Depression" OR "Depres*" OR "major depr*"] AND ["Heart Failure" OR "HF" OR "HFrEF" OR "HFmrEF" OR "HFpEF" OR "HFimpEF"] in all fields. Studies included in the review met the following criteria: (A) published in a peer-reviewed journal; (B) described the impact of depression on HF and vice versa; and (C) were opinion papers, guidelines, case studies, descriptive studies, randomized control trials, prospective studies, retrospective studies, narrative reviews, and systematic reviews. Results: Depression is an emergent HF risk factor and strongly relates with worse clinical outcomes. HF and depression share multiple pathways, including platelet dis-reactivity, neuroendocrine malfunction, inappropriate inflammation, tachi-arrhythmias, and frailty in the social and community setting. Existing HF guidelines urge evaluation of depression in all HF patients, and numerous screening tools are available. Depression is ultimately diagnosed based on DSM-5 criteria. There are both non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical treatments for depression. Regarding depressed symptoms, non-pharmaceutical treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and physical exercise, have shown therapeutic results, under medical supervision and with an effort level adapted to the patient's physical resources, together with optimal HF treatment. In randomized clinical studies, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the backbone of antidepressant treatment, did not demonstrate advantage over the placebo in patients with HF. New antidepressant medications are currently being studied and could provide a chance to enhance management, treatment, and control of depression in patients with HF. Conclusions: Despite the substantial link between depression and HF, their combination is underdiagnosed and undertreated. Considering the hopeful yet unclear findings of antidepressant trials, further research is required to identify people who may benefit from antidepressant medication. The goal of future research should be a complete approach to the care of these patients, who are anticipated to become a significant medical burden in the future

    TLR4 expression in ex-Lichenoid lesions—oral squamous cell carcinomas and its surrounding epithelium: the role of tumor inflammatory microenvironment

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    Abstract: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) regulate innate and adaptive immune responses. Moreover, TLRs can induce a pro-survival and pro-proliferation response in tumor cells. This study aims to investigate the expression of TLR4 in the epithelium surrounding oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) in relation to its inflammatory microenvironment. This study included 150 human samples: 30 normal oral control (NOC), 38 non-lichenoid epithelium surrounding OSCC (NLE-OSCC), 28 lichenoid epithelium surrounding OSCC (LE-OSCC), 30 OSCC ex-non oral lichenoid lesion (OSCC Ex-NOLL), and 24 OSCC ex-oral lichenoid lesion (OSCC Ex-OLL). TLR4 expression was investigated by immuno histochemistry and the percentage of positive cells was quantified. In addition, a semiquantitative analysis of staining intensity was performed. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that TLR4 is strongly upregulated in LE-OSCC as compared to normal control epithelium and NLE-OSCC. TLR4 expression was associated with the inflammatory environment, since the percentage of positive cells increases from NOC and NLE-OSCC to LE-OSCC, reaching the highest value in OSCC Ex–OLL. TLR4 was detected in the basal third of the epithelium in NLE-OSCC, while in LE-OSCC, TLR4 expression reached the intermediate layer. These results demonstrated that an inflammatory microenvironment can upregulate TLR4, which may boost tumor development
