9 research outputs found

    Epithelial cell specific Raptor is required for initiation of type 2 mucosal immunity in small intestine

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    AbstractIntestinal tuft cells are one of 4 secretory cell linages in the small intestine and the source of IL-25, a critical initiator of the type 2 immune response to parasite infection. When Raptor, a critical scaffold protein for mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), was acutely deleted in intestinal epithelium via Tamoxifen injection in Tritrichomonas muris (Tm) infected mice, tuft cells, IL-25 in epithelium and IL-13 in the mesenchyme were significantly reduced, but Tm burden was not affected. When Tm infected mice were treated with rapamycin, DCLK1 and IL-25 expression in enterocytes and IL-13 expression in mesenchyme were diminished. After massive small bowel resection, tuft cells and Tm were diminished due to the diet used postoperatively. The elimination of Tm and subsequent re-infection of mice with Tm led to type 2 immune response only in WT, but Tm colonization in both WT and Raptor deficient mice. When intestinal organoids were stimulated with IL-4, tuft cells and IL-25 were induced in both WT and Raptor deficient organoids. In summary, our study reveals that enterocyte specific Raptor is required for initiating a type 2 immune response which appears to function through the regulation of mTORC1 activity.</jats:p

    Cholesterol accumulation promotes photoreceptor senescence and retinal degeneration

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    PURPOSE: Dysregulated cholesterol metabolism is critical in the pathogenesis of AMD. Cellular senescence contributes to the development of numerous age-associated diseases. In this study, we investigated the link between cholesterol burden and the cellular senescence of photoreceptors. METHODS: Retinas from rod-specific ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1 (Abca1) and G member 1 (Abcg1) (Abca1/g1-rod/-rod) knockout mice fed with a high-fat diet were analyzed for the signs of cellular senescence. Real-time quantitative PCR and immunofluorescence were used to characterize the senescence profile of the retina and cholesterol-treated photoreceptor cell line (661W). Inducible elimination of p16(Ink4a)-positive senescent cells (INK-ATTAC) mice or the administration of senolytic drugs (dasatinib and quercetin: D&Q) were used to examine the impact of senolytics on AMD-like phenotypes in Abca1/g1-rod/-rod retina. RESULTS: Increased accumulation of senescent cells as measured by markers of cellular senescence was found in Abca1/g1-rod/-rod retina. Exogenous cholesterol also induced cellular senescence in 661W cells. Selective elimination of senescent cells in Abca1/g1-rod/-rod;INK-ATTAC mice or by administration of D&Q improved visual function, lipid accumulation in retinal pigment epithelium, and Bruch\u27s membrane thickening. CONCLUSIONS: Cholesterol accumulation promotes cellular senescence in photoreceptors. Eliminating senescent photoreceptors improves visual function in a model of retinal neurodegeneration, and senotherapy offers a novel therapeutic avenue for further investigation

    KBase: The United States Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase.

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    The DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase)

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    The U.S. Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) is an open-source software and data platform designed to meet the grand challenge of systems biology — predicting and designing biological function from the biomolecular (small scale) to the ecological (large scale). KBase is available for anyone to use, and enables researchers to collaboratively generate, test, compare, and share hypotheses about biological functions; perform large-scale analyses on scalable computing infrastructure; and combine experimental evidence and conclusions that lead to accurate models of plant and microbial physiology and community dynamics. The KBase platform has (1) extensible analytical capabilities that currently include genome assembly, annotation, ontology assignment, comparative genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolic modeling; (2) a web-browser-based user interface that supports building, sharing, and publishing reproducible and well-annotated analyses with integrated data; (3) access to extensive computational resources; and (4) a software development kit allowing the community to add functionality to the system

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct autophagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field