28 research outputs found

    A new Mars Climate Database v5.1

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    International audienceWhat is the Mars Climate Database? The Mars Climate Database (MCD) is a database of meteorological fields derived from General Circulation Model (GCM) numerical simulations of the Martian atmosphere and validated using available observational data. The MCD includes complementary post-processing schemes such as high spatial resolution interpolation of environmental data and means of reconstructing the variability thereof. The GCM is developed at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS (Paris, France) [1-3] in collaboration with the Open University (UK), the Oxford University (UK) and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (Spain) with support from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). The MCD is freely distributed and intended to be useful and used in the framework of engineering applications as well as in the context of scientific studies which require accurate knowledge of the state of the Martian atmosphere. The MCD may be accessed either online (in a somewhat simplified form) via an interactive server available at http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr (useful for moderate needs), or from the complete version which includes advanced access and post-processing software (contact [email protected] and/or [email protected] to obtain a free copy). Overview of MCDv5 contents: The MCD provides mean values and statistics of the main meteorological variables (atmospheric temperature, density, pressure and winds) as well as atmospheric composition (including dust and water vapor and ice content), as the GCM from which the datasets are obtained includes water cycle [4-6], chemistry [7,8], and ionosphere [9,10] models. The database extends up to and including the thermosphere[11-13] (~350km). Since the influence of Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) input from the sun is significant in the latter, 3 EUV scenarios (solar minimum, average and maximum inputs) account for the impact of the various states of the solar cycle

    Experimental characterization of hot-electron emission and shock dynamics in the context of the shock ignition approach to inertial confinement fusion

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    We report on planar target experiments conducted on the OMEGA-EP laser facility performed in the context of the shock ignition (SI) approach to inertial confinement fusion. The experiment aimed at characterizing the propagation of strong shock in matter and the generation of hot electrons (HEs), with laser parameters relevant to SI (1-ns UV laser beams with I ∼1016 W/cm2). Time-resolved radiographs of the propagating shock front were performed in order to study the hydrodynamic evolution. The hot-electron source was characterized in terms of Maxwellian temperature, Th, and laser to hot-electron energy conversion efficiency η using data from different X-ray spectrometers. The post-processing of these data gives a range of the possible values for Th and η [i.e., T h [keV] a (20, 50) and η a (2%, 13%)]. These values are used as input in hydrodynamic simulations to reproduce the results obtained in radiographs, thus constraining the range for the HE measurements. According to this procedure, we found that the laser converts ∼10% ± 4% of energy into hot electrons with Th = 27 ± 8 keV. The paper shows how the coupling of different diagnostics and numerical tools is required to sufficiently constrain the problem, solving the large ambiguity coming from the post-processing of spectrometers data. The effect of the hot electrons on the shock dynamics is then discussed, showing an increase in the pressure around the shock front. The low temperature found in this experiment without pre-compression laser pulses could be advantageous for the SI scheme, but the high conversion efficiency may lead to an increase in the shell adiabat, with detrimental effects on the implosion

    Structural matters in HTSC; the origin and form of stripe organization and checker boarding

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    The paper deals with the controversial charge and spin self-organization phenomena in the HTSC cuprates, of which neutron, X-ray, STM and ARPES experiments give complementary, sometimes apparently contradictory glimpses. The examination has been set in the context of the boson-fermion, negative-U understanding of HTSC advocated over many years by the author. Stripe models are developed which are 2q in nature and diagonal in form. For such a geometry to be compatible with the data rests upon both the spin and charge arrays being face-centred. Various special doping concentrations are closely looked at, in particular p = 0.1836 or 9/49, which is associated with the maximization of the superconducting condensation energy and the termination of the pseudogap regime. The stripe models are dictated by real space organization of the holes, whereas the dispersionless checkerboarding is interpreted in terms of correlation driven collapse of normal Fermi surface behaviour and response functions. The incommensurate spin diffraction below the resonance energy is seen as in no way expressing spin-wave physics or Fermi surface nesting, but is driven by charge and strain (Jahn-Teller) considerations, and it stands virtually without dispersion. The apparent dispersion comes from the downward dispersion of the resonance peak, and the growth of a further incoherent commensurate peak ensuing from the falling level of charge stripe organization under excitation.Comment: 49 pages with 8 figure

    Real and complex valued geometrical optics inverse ray-tracing for inline field calculations

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    A 3-D ray based model for computing laser fields in dissipative and amplifying media is presented. The eikonal equation is solved using inverse ray-tracing on a dedicated nonstructured 3-D mesh. Inverse ray-tracing opens the possibility of using Complex Geometrical Optics (CGO), for which we propose a propagation formalism in a finite element mesh. Divergent fields at caustics are corrected using an etalon integral method for fold-type caustics. This method is successfully applied in dissipative media by modifying the ray-ordering and root selection rules, thereby allowing one to reconstruct the field in the entire caustic region. In addition, we demonstrate how caustics in the CGO framework can disappear entirely for sufficiently dissipative media, making the complex ray approach valid in the entire medium. CGO is shown to offer a more precise modeling of laser refraction and absorption in a dissipative medium when compared to Geometrical Optics (GO). In the framework of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), this occurs mostly at intermediate temperatures or at high temperatures close to the critical density. Additionally, GO is invalid at low temperatures if an approximated expression of the permittivity is used. The inverse ray-tracing algorithm for GO and CGO is implemented in the IFRIIT code, in the framework of a dielectric permittivity described in 3-D using a piecewise linear approximation in tetrahedrons. Fields computed using GO and CGO are compared to results from the electromagnetic wave solver LPSE. Excellent agreement is obtained in 1-D linear and nonlinear permittivity profiles. Good agreement is also obtained for ICF-like Gaussian density profiles in 2-D. Finally, we demonstrate how the model reproduces Gaussian beam diffraction using CGO. The IFRIIT code will be interfaced inline to 3-D radiative hydrodynamic codes to describe the nonlinear laser plasma interaction in ICF and high-energy-density plasmas