150 research outputs found

    The frobenius problem for generalized repunit numerical semigroups

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    In this paper, we introduce and study the numerical semigroups generated by {a1, a2, . . .} ⊂ N such that a1 is the repunit number in base b > 1 of length n > 1 and ai − ai−1 = a bi−2, for every i ≥ 2, where a is a positive integer relatively prime with a1. These numerical semigroups generalize the repunit numerical semigroups among many others. We show that they have interesting properties such as being homogeneous and Wilf. Moreover, we solve the Frobenius problem for this family, by giving a closed formula for the Frobenius number in terms of a, b and n, and compute other usual invariants such as the Ap´ery sets, the genus or the type


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    This study aims to examine experimentally the NOx emissions and the performance of a motor AGRALE M90, single cylinder, operating with diesel and biodiesel blends. The engine was linked to an electric generator, which provided 1500 W, 3000 W and 4500 W to an electrical system. The engine was tested with fuel blends containing different amounts of commercial diesel (B4) with palm biodiesel (B100). NOx emissions, as well as the specific fuel consumption of diesel, biodiesel and their mixtures were measured and analyzed. In this study, emissions of NOx have been prioritized over other pollutants by environmental issues and techniques. Air pollution by NOx causes serious respiratory problems. Furthermore, emissions of NOx enable a qualitative assessment of the combustion process. The results show that the commercial diesel has better performance in terms of energy efficiency and NOx emissions

    Controlled drug release from hydrogels for contact lenses: drug partitioning and diffusion

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    Optimization of drug delivery from drug loaded contact lenses assumes understanding the drug transport mechanisms through hydrogels which relies on the knowledge of drug partition and diffusion coefficients. We chose, as model systems, two materials used in contact lens, a poly-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (pHEMA) based hydrogel and a silicone based hydrogel, and three drugs with different sizes and charges: chlorhexidine, levofloxacin and diclofenac. Equilibrium partition coefficients were determined at different ionic strength and pH, using water (pH 5.6) and PBS (pH 7.4). The measured partition coefficients were related with the polymer volume fraction in the hydrogel, through the introduction of an enhancement factor following the approach developed by the group of C. J. Radke (Kotsmar et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2013). This factor may be decomposed in the product of three other factors EHS, Eel and Ead which account for, respectively, hard-sphere size exclusion, electrostatic interactions, and specific solute adsorption. While EHS and Eel are close to 1, Ead > > 1 in all cases suggesting strong specific interactions between the drugs and the hydrogels. Adsorption was maximal for chlorhexidine on the silicone based hydrogel, in water, due to strong hydrogen bonding. The effective diffusion coefficients, De, were determined from the drug release profiles. Estimations of diffusion coefficients of the non-adsorbed solutes D = De × Ead allowed comparison with theories for solute diffusion in the absence of specific interaction with the polymeric membrane.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ageing effects on the wettability behavior of laser textured silicon

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    In the present work we investigate the ageing of acid cleaned femtosecond laser textured silicon surfaces. Changes in the surface structure and chemistry were analysed by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), in order to explain the variation with time of the water contact angles of the laser textured surfaces. It is shown that highly hydrophobic silicon surfaces are obtained immediately after laser texturing and cleaning with acid solutions (water contact angle >120 degrees). However these surfaces are not stable and ageing leads to a decrease of the water contact angle which reaches a value of 80 degrees. XPS analysis of the surfaces shows that the growth of the native oxide layer is most probably responsible for this behavior. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    In vitro controlled drug release from contact lenses materials under physiological ocular tear flow

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    Poster presented at the 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology. Lisbon, 31 March-3 April 2014.BASF; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    The influence of physical exercise on oestrogen and androgen receptor expression in a chemically and hormonally-induced rat model of prostate cancer

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    Background: Oestrogen (ER) and androgen (AR) recep- tors play an important role in normal prostate development and are also implied in prostate cancer (PCa) development. Several studies suggested that physical activity may decrease the risk of PCa development and also changes sexual hor- mones and their receptors. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of physical exercise on ERα and AR expression in a rat model of chemically and hormonally-induced PCa. Materials and Methods: Fifty-five male Wistar Unilever rats of 12 weeks of age were randomly divided into four groups: control sedentary (n = 10), control exercised (n = 10), induced sedentary (n = 15) and induced exercised (n = 20). Animals from exercised groups started the exercise training in a treadmill (Treadmill Control LE 8710, Harvard Apparatus, USA), at the age of 8 weeks, for 35 weeks (5 days/week). The protocol for PCa induction started at 12 weeks of age and consisted of sequential administration of flutamide (50 mg/kg, TCI Chemicals), testosterone propion- ate (100 mg/kg, TCI Chemicals) and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (30 mg/kg, Isopac®, Sigma Chemical Co.), followed by sub- cutaneous implants of crystalline testosterone. Animals were sacrificed at 61 weeks of age and a complete necropsy was performed. All experiments were approved by DGAV (no. 021326). Antibodies for Erα (1:500, clone 6F11, Novocastra) and AR (clone PG21, Merck Millipore) were used for the immunohistochemical study. The staining extension was evaluated in normal prostate tissue and in dorsolateral pros- tate lesions (hyperplasia, dysplasia, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and microinvasive carcinoma) and assessed to five levels (0%, 75%), con- sidering the extension of immunopositive tissue. Data was analysed with SPSS 25.Results: The normal prostate tissue and dorsolateral prostate lesions of animals from all groups were immunopositive for Erα and AR. However, the groups showed high immunoposi- tivity for AR and low positivity for Erα ( 0.05). The malignant lesions (PIN and microinvasive carcinoma) showed lower AR expression when compared with normal prostate tissue in all groups. Conclusions: As expected, the AR expression was lower in malignant lesions. Inversely to that reported in other studies, the exercise training did not modify the ERα and AR expres- sion, which may be related to the duration and type of exer- cise performed

    Effects of Extracellular Matrix on the Morphology and Behaviour of Rabbit Auricular Chondrocytes in Culture

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    Isolated chondrocytes dedifferentiate to a fibroblast-like shape on plastic substrata and proliferate extensively, but rarely form nodules. However, when dissociation is not complete and some cartilage remnants are included in the culture, proliferation decreases and cells grow in a reticular pattern with numerous nodules, which occasionally form small cartilage-like fragments. In an attempt to reproduce this stable chondrogenic state, we added a cartilage protein extract, a sugar extract, and hyaluronan to the medium of previously dedifferentiated chondrocytes. When protein extract was added, many cartilaginous nodules appeared. Hyaluronan produced changes in cell phenotype and behaviour, but not nodule formation. Protein extract has positive effects on the differentiation of previously proliferated chondrocytes and permits nodule formation and the extensive production of type-II collagen. A comparison with incompletely dissociated chondrocyte cultures suggests that the presence of some living cells anchored to their natural extracellular matrix provides some important additional factors for the phenotypical stability of chondrocytes on plastic surfaces. In order to elucidate if it is possible that the incidence of apoptosis is related to the results, we also characterized the molecular traits of apoptosis

    Effects of physical exercise in biochemical parameters and dorsolateral prostate lesions: data from a rat model of prostate cancer

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    Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is among the most prevalent cancers worldwide. Physical exercise is widely recognized due to its beneficial effects. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of physical exercise on biochemical pa- rameters and in dorsolateral prostate lesions in a rat model of PCa. Materials and Methods: Ninety-five male Wistar Unilever rats were randomly divided into eight groups sacrificed at 35 (groups I) or 61 weeks of age (groups II): control sedentary groups (Cont+Sed I (n = 10); Cont+Sed II (n = 10)); induced sedentary group (PCa+Sed I (n = 10); PCa+Sed II (n = 15)); control exercised groups (Cont+EX I (n = 10); Cont+EX II (n = 10)) and induced exercised groups (PCa+EX I (n = 10); PCa+EX II (n = 20)). All procedures were approved (DGAV, no. 021326). Animals from exercised groups started the exer- cise program in a treadmill at 8 weeks of age, for 28 weeks or 53 weeks. The animals were trained 5 days/week, 60 min per day. Prostate lesions were induced at 12 weeks of age, with sequential administration of flutamide, testosterone propion- ate and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, and subcutaneous implants of crystalline testosterone. Animals were sacrificed at 35 or 61 weeks of age. Peripheral blood of all animals was col- lected by intracardiac puncture. A complete necropsy was performed. The dorsolateral prostate tissues sections were processed for histological analysis. Data were analysed using SPSS 25. p 0.05). Dorsolateral prostate lesions were classified as dysplasia, prostatic intraep- ithelial neoplasia (PIN) and microinvasive carcinoma. The number of prostate lesions was higher in animals from groups II than in those from groups I, mainly in PCa+Sed II animals when compared with PCa+Sed I (p 0.05). Conclusions: Overall, the animals sacrificed at 61 weeks of age developed more dorsolateral prostate lesions than ani- mals sacrificed at 35 weeks of age, which may be related to a longer testosterone exposure


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    Ionic transfer plays an important role in several processes in the human body, in special in the electrophysiology of neurons, where the most important ions are those of potassium, sodium and calcium. The models for the dynamics of potassium and sodium are classical and well established in the literature. On the other hand, several models were proposed for the dynamics of calcium ions, such as those of Dupont and Erneux , 1997and of Dupont and Goldbetter ,1993. In fact, none of the proposed models for calcium dynamics is widely accepted and general to represent phenomena characteristic of anomalous behaviors observed in neurons, related, for example, to epilepsy. Due to the nonlinear character of these models, the values of their parameters strongly affect the predicted responses, like the transient ion concentrations, as well as the dynamics of several state variables, including the electrical current responses in voltage clamp experiments. Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) methods have been conceived for inferring posterior distributions where likelihood functions are computationally intractable, too costly to evaluate or not exactly known. In this work, we apply an ABC algorithm based on the Monte Carlo method (Toni et al., 2009) for the estimation of parameters appearing in the Calcium model proposed by Dupont and Goldbetter, 1993. Simulated measurements of the concentration of calcium ions in the cytosol are used for the parameter estimation