309 research outputs found

    Burns prevention in children under 5 years: increasing health literacy

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    Trabalho apresentado em 4th European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT), 11-12 November 2016, Liverpool, UKinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Galaxy clusters, type Ia supernovae and the fine structure constant

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    As is well known, measurements of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect can be combined with observations of the X-ray surface brightness of galaxy clusters to estimate the angular diameter distance to these structures. In this paper, we show that this technique depends on the fine structure constant, α\alpha. Therefore, if α\alpha is a time-dependent quantity, e.g., α=α0ϕ(z)\alpha=\alpha_0 \phi(z), where ϕ\phi is a function of redshift, we argue that current data do not provide the real angular diameter distance, DA(z)D_{\rm{A}}(z), to the cluster but instead DAdata(z)=ϕ(z)2DA(z)D_A^{data}(z) = \phi(z)^2 D_{\rm{A}}(z). We use this result to derive constraints on a possible variation of α\alpha for a class of dilaton runaway models considering a sample of 25 measurements of DAdata(z)D_A^{data}(z) in redshift range 0.023<z<0.7840.023 < z < 0.784 and estimates of DA(z)D_{\rm{A}}(z) from current type Ia supernovae observations. We find no significant indication of variation of α\alpha with the present data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, To appear in JCA

    Prognostic Factors of Tympanoplasty Type I in Pediatric Population – 4 Years Series of Dona Estefânia Hospital (HDE) of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa CentraL (CHLC –EPE)

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    Objetivos: Identificação de fatores de prognóstico em crianças submetidas a timpanoplastia tipo I. Materiais e métodos: Estudo retrospetivo baseado na análise de todos os processos clínicos de crianças atá aos 15 anos de idade, submetidas a timpanoplastia tipo I de Portmann durante um período de 4 anos. Resultados: Das 260 timpanoplastias realizadas neste período no serviço foram incluídos no estudo apenas 109 crianças. Das timpanoplastias realizadas, obteve-se sucesso cirúrgico em 68.8%, não se tendo identificado fatores de mau prognóstico cirúrgico com significância estatística. Conclusões: As timpanoplastias tipo I em crianças são um procedimento válido e com elevada taxa de sucesso, não tendo sido identificado qualquer fator de mau prognóstico cirúrgico com significado estatístico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The four-gluon vertex in Landau gauge

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    The Landau gauge four-gluon vertex is studied using high statistical lattice simulations for several momentum configurations. Furthermore, the outcome of the lattice QCD simulations is compared with calculations performed with continuum Schwinger-Dyson equations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Lattice 2023 proceeding


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    This study aims to examine experimentally the NOx emissions and the performance of a motor AGRALE M90, single cylinder, operating with diesel and biodiesel blends. The engine was linked to an electric generator, which provided 1500 W, 3000 W and 4500 W to an electrical system. The engine was tested with fuel blends containing different amounts of commercial diesel (B4) with palm biodiesel (B100). NOx emissions, as well as the specific fuel consumption of diesel, biodiesel and their mixtures were measured and analyzed. In this study, emissions of NOx have been prioritized over other pollutants by environmental issues and techniques. Air pollution by NOx causes serious respiratory problems. Furthermore, emissions of NOx enable a qualitative assessment of the combustion process. The results show that the commercial diesel has better performance in terms of energy efficiency and NOx emissions

    Translational research for orthopedic bone graft development

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    Designing biomaterials for bone-substitute applications is still a challenge regarding the natural complex structure of hard tissues. Aiming at bone regeneration applications, scaffolds based on natural collagen and synthetic nanohydroxyapatite were developed, and they showed adequate mechanical and biological properties. The objective of this work was to perform and evaluate a scaledup production process of this porous biocomposite scaffold, which promotes bone regeneration and works as a barrier for both fibrosis and the proliferation of scar tissue. The material was produced using a prototype bioreactor at an industrial scale, instead of laboratory production at the bench, in order to produce an appropriate medical device for the orthopedic market. Prototypes were produced in porous membranes that were e-beam irradiated (the sterilization process) and then analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), cytotoxicity tests with mice fibroblasts (L929), human osteoblast-like cells (MG63) and human MSC osteogenic differentiation (HBMSC) with alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and qPCR for osteogenic gene expression. The prototypes were also implanted into criticalsize bone defects (rabbits’ tibia) for 5 and 15 weeks, and after that were analysed by microCT and histology. The tests performed for the physical characterization of the materials showed the ability of the scaffolds to absorb and retain water-based solvents, as well as adequate mechanical resistance and viscoelastic properties. The cryogels had a heteroporous morphology with microporosity and macroporosity, which are essential conditions for the interaction between the cells and materials, and which consequently promote bone regeneration. Regarding the biological studies, all of the studied cryogels were non-cytotoxic by direct or indirect contact with cells. In fact, the scaffolds promoted the proliferation of the human MSCs, as well as the expression of the osteoblastic phenotype (osteogenic differentiation). The in vivo results showed bone tissue ingrowth and the materials’ degradation, filling the critical bone defect after 15 weeks. Before and after irradiation, the studied scaffolds showed similar properties when compared to the results published in the literature. In conclusion, the material production process upscaling was optimized and the obtained prototypes showed reproducible properties relative to the bench development, and should be able to be commercialized. Therefore, it was a successful effort to harness knowledge from the basic sciences to produce a new biomedical device and enhance human health and wellbeing.This work was supported by FEDER funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) (POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265) and the project NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-023345 (COLHYBRID), supported by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In addition, it was supported by Portuguese funds through FCT/MCTES in the framework of the projects UID/BIM/04293/2019 and UIDB/CVT/00772/2020, and through PT’s funds and CS’s contract as Assistant researcher (CEECINST/00091/2018)

    Gravitational lens time-delay as a probe of a possible time variation of the fine-structure constant

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    A new method based on large-scale structure observations is proposed to probe a possible time variation of the fine-structure constant (α\alpha). Our analyses are based on time-delay of Strong Gravitational Lensing and Type Ia Supernovae observations. By considering a class of runaway dilaton models, where the cosmological evolution of the fine-structure constant is given by Δααγln(1+z)\frac{\Delta \alpha}{\alpha} \approx -\gamma \ln{(1+z)}, we obtain limits on the physical properties parameter of the model (γ\gamma) at the level 10210^{-2} (1σ1\sigma). Although our limits are less restrictive than those obtained by quasar spectroscopy, the approach presented here provides new bounds on the possibility of Δαα0\frac{\Delta \alpha}{\alpha} \neq 0 at a different range of redshifts.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Retropharyngeal and Lateropharyngeal Infections in Children: The Experience of a Pediatric Hospital During the Last Decade

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    Introdução: Apresentando-se muitas vezes de forma insidiosa e mascarando-se por tratamentos efectuados previamente, as infecções retro e laterofaríngeas são um desafio diagnóstico. São pouco frequentes na era antibiótica moderna, mas têm capacidade para causarem complicações potencialmente fatais. Material e métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos casos e análise de dados relativos à epidemiologia, etiologia, apresentação clínica, diagnóstico, tratamento e complicações, de crianças diagnosticadas com infecções retro e laterofaríngeas, no nosso hospital pediátrico, desde Janeiro 2001 a Janeiro 2012. Resultados: Foram incluídas no estudo 23 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 meses e os 8 anos, com uma média de idades de 47 meses (4 anos). Treze (57%) apresentavam infecções retrofaríngeas, 2 (9%) infecções laterofaríngeas e 8 (35%) ambas. A incidência de casos foi maior no ano de 2010 (4 casos). Doze (52%) eram do sexo masculino e 11 (48%) do sexo feminino. A odinofagia (57%), a cervicalgia (26%) e a recusa alimentar (22%) foram as queixas mais comuns à apresentação. A febre (87%), o torcicolo e a rigidez cervical (65%), a tumefacção cervical (52%) e a prostração (35%) foram os achados físicos mais frequentes. Todos (100%) os doentes receberam antibioticoterapia endovenosa. O tratamento médico sem drenagem foi inicialmente proposto para 15 (65%) crianças. A falência no tratamento médico, requerendo cirurgia, ocorreu em 5 (33%) delas. Num dos casos, foi necessário efectuar uma nova drenagem cirúrgica. O tratamento cirúrgico foi inicialmente proposto para 8 (35%) crianças, tendo sido efectuado durante as primeiras 24 horas. Este tratamento não teve falência em nenhum (0%) dos casos, não tendo sido necessária a realização de uma segunda cirurgia. No entanto, numa das crianças, por aparecimento de um novo abcesso noutra localização, houve necessidade de se proceder à sua drenagem. Duas (9%) crianças tiveram complicações: mediastinite, trombose da veia jugular e síndrome de Claude Bernard Horner. Conclusões: Os sintomas na apresentação das infecções retro e laterofaríngeas na população pediátrica são variados, requerendo o seu diagnóstico um elevado índice de suspeição. O tratamento correcto e atempado é fundamental para um prognóstico favorável. O tratamento ideal nos doentes sem obstrução iminente da via aérea é controverso e objecto de debate, particularmente a escolha entre tratamento médico ou cirúrgico como primeira linha. Torna-se portanto, essencial, maior investigação nesta área, de forma a optimizar resultados