25 research outputs found

    um estudo no 1º ciclo

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    Este Projeto de Investigação foi implementado no ano letivo 2013/2014, numa turma de 2.º ano do 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico, de uma escola básico de Setúbal, em contexto de estágio. Esta investigação tem como principal foco a aprendizagem de aspetos relacionados com a Organização e Tratamento de dados (OTD). Mais concretamente compreender o modo como os alunos lidam com tarefas de investigação estatística, tentando identificar e analisar os conhecimentos e processos que são desenvolvidos pelos alunos durante investigações estatísticas, assim como as dificuldades que os alunos manifestam. O enquadramento teórico está organizado em apenas uma secção intitulada por Estatística no 1.º ciclo, que se divide em sete subsecções em que se discutem as seguintes temáticas: Literacia estatística, Raciocínio estatístico e Pensamento estatístico – significados; Importância do Ensino da Estatística; A estatística nas orientações curriculares; A aprendizagem da estatística; Erros e dificuldades dos alunos; tarefas de investigação estatística; Dinâmica de uma aula de investigação. Este estudo segue uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, inserido num paradigma interpretativo, sendo uma investigação sobre a própria prática. Nele participaram 20 alunos, tendo sido depois escolhidos três estudos de caso. Foram propostas quatro tarefas estatísticas de natureza investigativa que permitiram uma recolha dos dados, com base na observação participante, a recolha documental, conversas informais, assim como entrevistas realizadas após cada tarefa, documentos escritos e produzidos pelos alunos e registos fotográficos, áudio e vídeo. Neste estudo são evidenciados os processos que foram desenvolvidos pelos alunos, de acordo com as quatro etapas de uma investigação estatística referidas por Wild e Pfannkuch (1999): Questão de partida, recolha dos dados, organização dos dados e por ultimo a análise dos dados. São ainda evidenciadas as maiores dificuldades sentidas, pelos alunos em estudo, em cada uma destas etapas. Este estudo demonstra o tão importante e pertinente que é começar a realizar tarefas de investigação nos primeiros anos de escolaridade e salienta também a forma como os alunos se entregam a este tipo de trabalho.This Investigation Project was implemented in the school year of 2013/2014, in a 2nd year class of primary school in Setúbal, during internship context. This investigation has as a primary focus the learning of aspects related to the Organization and Treatment of Data (OTD). More specifically understanding the way the students deal with the tasks of statistics investigation, trying to identify and analyse the knowledge and processes that are developed by the students during statistic investigation, as well as the difficulties that the students refer to. The theoretical framework is organized in just a section entitled as Statistic in Primary School, that is divided in seven subsections in which the following themes are discussed: Statistic Literacy, Statistic reasoning and statistic thinking – meanings; The importance of statistic in teaching; The statistics learning; Errors and difficulties of the students; Statistics investigation tasks; Dynamics of an investigation class. This study follow a methodology of qualitative nature, inserted in an interpretative paradigm, being an investigation about the actual practice. Twenty students participated in it, having been chosen three studies by chance. Four statistic tasks of investigative nature were planned that allowed the gather of data, based in the participative observation, the documental gather, informal conversations, as well as interviews done after each task, written documents produced by the students and photographic records, audio and video. In this study are evidenced the processes that were developed by the students, according to the four stages of a statistics investigation referred by Wild and Pfannkuch (1999): Starting question, gather of data, data organization and, in last, the analyzation of data. There are also evidenced the biggest difficulties felt by the students in study, in each of these stages. This study demonstrates how important and pertinent it is to start and do the tasks of investigation in the first years of school and also stresses the way the students deliver themselves to this kind of work

    Reference intervals for haematological parameters in the Lusitano horse breed

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    The Lusitano horse is an autochthonous Portuguese breed with a growing worldwide expansion. Our objective was to establish reference intervals for haematological parameters using the haematological cell counter LaserCyte (IDEXX). For this purpose, blood samples from 100 healthy adult horses (13 females and 87 males, ranging from 3 to 25 years of age) were analysed. The reference intervals were estimated following the ASVCP guidelines with the Reference Value Advisor software. The obtained reference intervals were 6.4–10.1 × 1012/L for red blood cells, 30.6–45.1% for haematocrit, 11.6–17.1 g/dL for haemoglobin, 42.8–53.2 fL for mean corpuscular volume (MCV), 15.5–20.8 pg for mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), 33.7–39.4 g/dL for mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, 17.8–20.3% for red cell distribution width (RDW), 4.5–10.1 × 109/L for white blood cells, 2.2–6.0 × 109/L for neutrophils, 0.9–4.9 × 109/L for lymphocytes, 0.2–0.5 × 109/L for monocytes, 0.1–0.6 × 109/L for eosinophils, 0.0–0.1 × 109/L for basophils, 78.5–172.2 K/mL for platelets, 4.3–9.4 fL for mean platelet volume, 18.8–24.2% for platelet distribution width, and 0.06–0.12% for plateletcrit. LaserCyte equine reference intervals are transferable to the Lusitano horse for 18 of the 22 analytes studied. Regarding age, significant statistical differences were observed for MCV, RDW, neutrophils and lymphocytes between the mean values of young (3–6 years old), middle-aged (7–14 years old) and old (< 15 years old) age groups. MCH means were statistically significantly different between the three age groups. The haematological reference intervals established in this study might represent a valuable and applicable tool for haematological assessment of adult Lusitano horses, providing useful information that helps clinicians to interpret clinical data

    Introducing portable digital devices into science museum outreach activities: how diverse can it be?

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    Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve (CCVAlg) is an Interactive Science Museum located in southern Portugal, which mission is to promote scientific and technological culture among the population and especially the youth community. Besides the interactive modules in the permanent exhibition, we design and deploy a wide range of science activities inside and outside our facilities. However, as we are nowadays facing a society (and a science environment) more and more “digital”, the use of technological tools and channels to carry out this mission cannot be ignored, otherwise it will give a biased and obsolete view of today´s reality regarding the techniques and methodologies that the XXI century scientific community uses. On this basis, CCVAlg´s strategy for the last couple of years has been to try to overcome such technological gap introducing and developing new methodologies for our activities. Having this in mind, we approached a Portuguese hardware manufacturer and achieved to forge a partnership that granted 10 detachable tablets with several specific sensors and add-ons that allowed us to design new and innovative outreach activities. The integration of the received devices into the Center´s educational offer allowed us to diversify the pedagogical offer and to involve cerca 3300 participants in the new activities. This type of collaboration reinforces the fact that Science museums should play a key role as strategic partners in the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ITC) pilot projects.Mobility grant from project 2018-I-PT01-KA104-047194info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of chaetomellic acid on hematocrit, urine specific gravity and urinary volume values in a rat model of renal mass reduction

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    Chaetomellic acid (CA) is a potent and highly specific inhibitor of ras farnesyl-protein transferase that seems to reduce both functional and histological damage in uninephrectomized rats subjected to renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of chronic treatment with CA on hematocrit, urine specific gravity and urinary volume in a model of renal mass reduction. Male Wistar rats were subjected to 5/6 nephrectomy (RMR) or sham-operated (SO). One week after surgery, rats have been placed in four experimental groups: RMR rats without treatment (n=13); RMR rats treated with CA (n=13); SO rats without treatment (n=13); SO rats treated with CA (n=13). CA was intraperitoneally administered in a dose of 0.23 μg/kg three times a week for three months. We observed that animals from SO groups showed a higher hematocrit and urine specific gravity, and a lower urinary volume than animals from RMR groups (p<0.05). We did not observe differences between treated and no treated animals. These results suggest that three months of treatment with CA does not have a beneficial effect on hematocrit, urine specific gravity and urinary volume. However, these are preliminary data that warrant a larger scale study

    Physical exercise in a chemically and hormonally induced rat model of prostate cancer: friend or foe?

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    Introduction: Physical exercise is widely recognized for its beneficial health effects, namely in prostate cancer (PCa). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of physical exercise in a rat model of chemically and hormonally induced PCa.Results: Body weight was lower in exercised groups than in sedentary, either in control or in PCa groups (p0.05) and animals from PCa-exercised group showed 70.0% of dysplasia, 58.8% of PIN and 58.8% of microinvasive carcinoma (p>0.05). Conclusions: No group showed systemic signs of inflammation or clinical abnormalities. Although the prostate lesions frequencies were slightly lower in exercised PCa-induced animals than in sedentary ones, data didn ́t achieve statistical significance. However, our results suggest that physical exercise may have some preventive effect on the PCa-lesion’s development. These data deserve more investigation to clarify the effect of exercise training on prostate cancer prevention

    Effects of physical exercise in biochemical parameters and dorsolateral prostate lesions: data from a rat model of prostate cancer

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    Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is among the most prevalent cancers worldwide. Physical exercise is widely recognized due to its beneficial effects. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of physical exercise on biochemical pa- rameters and in dorsolateral prostate lesions in a rat model of PCa. Materials and Methods: Ninety-five male Wistar Unilever rats were randomly divided into eight groups sacrificed at 35 (groups I) or 61 weeks of age (groups II): control sedentary groups (Cont+Sed I (n = 10); Cont+Sed II (n = 10)); induced sedentary group (PCa+Sed I (n = 10); PCa+Sed II (n = 15)); control exercised groups (Cont+EX I (n = 10); Cont+EX II(n = 10)) and induced exercised groups (PCa+EX I (n = 10); PCa+EX II (n = 20)). All procedures were approved (DGAV, no. 021326). Animals from exercised groups started the exer- cise program in a treadmill at 8 weeks of age, for 28 weeks or 53 weeks. The animals were trained 5 days/week, 60 min per day. Prostate lesions were induced at 12 weeks of age, with sequential administration of flutamide, testosterone propion- ate and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, and subcutaneous implants of crystalline testosterone. Animals were sacrificed at 35 or 61 weeks of age. Peripheral blood of all animals was col- lected by intracardiac puncture. A complete necropsy was performed. The dorsolateral prostate tissues sections were processed for histological analysis. Data were analysed using SPSS 25. p 0.05). Dorsolateral prostate lesions were classified as dysplasia, prostatic intraep- ithelial neoplasia (PIN) and microinvasive carcinoma. The number of prostate lesions was higher in animals from groups II than in those from groups I, mainly in PCa+Sed II animals when compared with PCa+Sed I (p 0.05). Conclusions: Overall, the animals sacrificed at 61 weeks of age developed more dorsolateral prostate lesions than ani- mals sacrificed at 35 weeks of age, which may be related to a longer testosterone exposure

    Exercise training as a potential therapeutic agent for prostate neoplasia in a rat model of prostate cancer: new insights into an enigma

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    Introduction: Exercise training is widely recognized for its beneficial health outcomes, namely in prostate cancer (PCa). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of exercise training on dorsolateral prostate lobe lesions in a rat model of chemically and hormonally induced prostate cancer. Material & methods: Fifty-five male Wistar Unilever rats (Rattus norvegicus) of 12 weeks of age were randomly divided into four groups: control sedentary (n=10), PCa-sedentary (n=15), control exercised (n=10) and PCa-exercised (n=20). Animals from exercised groups started the exercise training in a treadmill (Treadmill Control LE 8710, Harvard Apparatus, USA), at the age of 8 weeks, for 35 weeks (5 days/week). The PCa induction protocol consisted of flutamide (50 mg/kg, TCI Chemicals) administration for 21 consecutive days, followed by a single administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (30 mg/kg, Isopac®, Sigma Chemical Co.) and testosterone propionate implants. Animals were sacrificed at 61 weeks of age. The dorsolateral prostate tissues sections were processed for light microscopy and classified histologically according to Bosland [1]. Data were analysed using SPSS 25 and values were statistically significant at p<0.05. Results: Identified lesions were classified as dysplasia, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and microinvasive carcinoma. Although control animals also developed prostate lesions, the frequency was lower than in induced groups. The PCa-induced animals showed a slightly decrease in the frequency of lesions: animals from PCa-sedentary group showed 85.7% of dysplasia, 64.3% of PIN and 64.3% of microinvasive carcinoma (p>0.05) and animals from PCa-exercised group showed 70.0% of dysplasia, 58.8% of PIN and 58.8% of microinvasive carcinoma (p>0.05). All animals from all groups on study showed inflammation on the dorsolateral prostate acini. Inflammation was higher in PCa-exercised dorsolateral prostate than in PCa-sedentary (100% and 57.1%, respectively, p<0.05). Conclusions: Dysplasia, PIN and microinvasive carcinoma on dorsolateral prostate were observed in all groups on study; though the frequencies were slightly lower in exercised PCa-induced animals than in sedentary ones, data didn ́t achieve statistical significance. However, our results suggest that exercise training may have some preventive effect on the PCa-lesion’s development. These data deserve more investigation to clarify the effect of exercise training on prostate cancer prevention

    Exercise training as a potential therapeutic agent for prostate neoplasia in a rat model of prostate cancer: new insights into an enigma

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    Introduction: Exercise training is widely recognized for its beneficial health outcomes, namely in prostate cancer (PCa). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of exercise training on dorsolateral prostate lobe lesions in a rat model of chemically and hormonally induced prostate cancer. Material & methods: Fifty-five male Wistar Unilever rats (Rattus norvegicus) of 12 weeks of age were randomly divided into four groups: control sedentary (n=10), PCa-sedentary (n=15), control exercised (n=10) and PCa-exercised (n=20). Animals from exercised groups started the exercise training in a treadmill (Treadmill Control LE 8710, Harvard Apparatus, USA), at the age of 8 weeks, for 35 weeks (5 days/week). The PCa induction protocol consisted of flutamide (50 mg/kg, TCI Chemicals) administration for 21 consecutive days, followed by a single administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (30 mg/kg, Isopac®, Sigma Chemical Co.) and testosterone propionate implants. Animals were sacrificed at 61 weeks of age. The dorsolateral prostate tissues sections were processed for light microscopy and classified histologically according to Bosland [1]. Data were analysed using SPSS 25 and values were statistically significant at p<0.05. Results: Identified lesions were classified as dysplasia, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and microinvasive carcinoma. Although control animals also developed prostate lesions, the frequency was lower than in induced groups. The PCa-induced animals showed a slightly decrease in the frequency of lesions: animals from PCa-sedentary group showed 85.7% of dysplasia, 64.3% of PIN and 64.3% of microinvasive carcinoma (p>0.05) and animals from PCa-exercised group showed 70.0% of dysplasia, 58.8% of PIN and 58.8% of microinvasive carcinoma (p>0.05). All animals from all groups on study showed inflammation on the dorsolateral prostate acini. Inflammation was higher in PCa-exercised dorsolateral prostate than in PCa-sedentary (100% and 57.1%, respectively, p<0.05). Conclusions: Dysplasia, PIN and microinvasive carcinoma on dorsolateral prostate were observed in all groups on study; though the frequencies were slightly lower in exercised PCa-induced animals than in sedentary ones, data didn ́t achieve statistical significance. However, our results suggest that exercise training may have some preventive effect on the PCa-lesion’s development. These data deserve more investigation to clarify the effect of exercise training on prostate cancer prevention

    Infusão tecnológica na oferta educativa do Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve

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    Estatutariamente ”o Centro de Ciência Viva do Algarve (CCVAlg) tem por objeto o exercício da divulgação científica e tecnológica mediante a promoção da cultura científica e tecnológica junto da população e, em especial, junto da comunidade juvenil.” Numa sociedade (e ciência) cada vez mais digital, a utilização de ferramentas e canais tecnológicos para levar a cabo essa missão não pode ser desprezada, sob pena de dar uma visão amputada e obsoleta da realidade face às técnicas e metodologias a que comunidade científica do século XXI recorre. Fruto de uma parceria recentemente estabelecida com a empresa JP.Group, o Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve, tem vindo a incluir em diversas atividades que compõem a sua oferta educativa a utilização de 10 equipamentos portáteis do tipo tablet detachable que lhe foram oferecidos. Apenas quatro meses após o início da utilização destes equipamentos com público, cerca de quatro centenas de jovens já participaram em atividades lúdico cientificas dinamizadas pelos vários elementos da equipa e realizadas em contextos de ensino não formal e informal. A presente comunicação pretende dar a conhecer a metodologia desenhada para a integração dos equipamentos recebidos na oferta educativa do Centro, as atividades com o público já realizadas durante os primeiros 4 meses do projeto, os impactos já visíveis resultantes dessa introdução, bem como antecipar novas atividades e metodologias inovadoras de utilização dos equipamentos em Centros de Ciência cuja introdução está a ser preparada pela equipa do CCVAlg.Acknowledgement to JP.group for providing the equipmentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do saber ao bem estar: uma nova bioexperiência Romana

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    A iniciativa “Do saber ao bem estar: uma nova bio-experiência romana" é uma atividade desenvolvida no âmbito do programa DiVaM e enquadrada nas Jornadas Europeias do Património 2016 e dá continuidade à atividade já realizada no ano anterior, intitulada “Do saber ao sabor: uma bio-experiência romana.” A Villa de Milreu é um exemplo do modelo de ocupação romana da região da Iberia, centrada na exploração dos recursos agrícolas, marinhos e na produção de bens alimentares, que eram exportados por via marítima para os portos do Império. Com esta “nova bio-experiência” pretende-se proporcionar aos participantes a possibilidade de vivenciar a cultura e costumes do Algarve Romano à luz de um enquadramento científico, mas informal e lúdico, segundo uma abordagem alternativa à que foi explorada na edição do ano passado, focando este ano nas plantas.Financiado pela Direcção Geral de Cultura do Algarve ao abrigo do Programa DiVaMinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio