606 research outputs found

    Intellectual property in a knowledge-based economy : Patents to include vs. patents to exclude.

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    The traditional perception of patents puts the emphasis on their importance to exclude imitators and to restore incentives to invent. This view is far too restrictive and at variance with many empirical and theoretical works. We show that these contradictions can be overcome by shifting from a traditional economic framework to a knowledge-based one. Such a move allows a renewed economic perception of patents, making them into essential instruments which serve not only to exclude potential infringers but also to “include” all the different stakeholders in the innovation process. Within this new approach the main role of the patent system is therefore to ensure the coordination among heterogeneous actors and to structure innovation activities. We illustrate our view by presenting the four polar cases of pharmaceuticals, electronics, software and biotechnologies.Intellectual property rights, incentives, coordination, R&D collaboration, collective invention.

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    Innovation and Creativity: Is there economic significance to the creative city ?

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    This article aims at defining the concept of creative city. It attempts to clarify the notions of creativity, innovation and invention, often used interchangeably in academic or professional debates. It is argued that creativity does not result from the talents of a few individuals, but that it nourishes itself from the repeated exchanges among a variety of heterogeneous entities that contribute in their own way to foster the development of new ideas. Creative cities can be considered as specific innovative clusters that allow the creative process to be fully expressed, illustrated by the case studies on MontrĂ©al and Barcelona.Cet article vise Ă  dĂ©finir le concept de ville crĂ©ative. Il tente de clarifier les notions de crĂ©ativitĂ©, innovation et invention, souvent utilisĂ©es de maniĂšre interchangeable dans les dĂ©bats acadĂ©miques et professionnels. Il avance que la crĂ©ativitĂ© n’est pas seulement le rĂ©sultat du talent de certains individus, mais qu’elle se nourrit Ă©galement des Ă©changes rĂ©pĂ©titifs entre des entitĂ©s hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes qui contribuent Ă  leur maniĂšre Ă  favoriser le dĂ©veloppement de nouvelles idĂ©es. Les villes crĂ©atives peuvent ainsi ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©es comme des grappes innovatrices particuliĂšres qui permettent l’expression entiĂšre du processus crĂ©atif, illustrĂ© par les Ă©tudes de cas de MontrĂ©al et Barcelone.El objetivo de este artĂ­culo es definir el concepto de ciudad creativa y clarificar las nociones de creatividad, innovaciĂłn e invenciĂłn, usadas frecuentemente de forma intercambiable en los debates profesionales y acadĂ©micos. Se propone que la creatividad no solo es el resultado del talento individual de algunos, sino que es una retroalimentaciĂłn originada a travĂ©s de intercambios repetidos entre entidades heterogĂ©neas que contribuyen cada una en el desarrollo de nuevas ideas. Las ciudades creativas pueden ser consideradas como clusters innovadores que permiten que el proceso creativo sea expresado enteramente, ilustrado por los estudios de caso de Montreal y Barcelona

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    Quantum Markov Process on a Lattice

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    We develop a systematic description of Weyl and Fano operators on a lattice phase space. Introducing the so-called ghost variable even on an odd lattice, odd and even lattices can be treated in a symmetric way. The Wigner function is defined using these operators on the quantum phase space, which can be interpreted as a spin phase space. If we extend the space with a dichotomic variable, a positive distribution function can be defined on the new space. It is shown that there exits a quantum Markov process on the extended space which describes the time evolution of the distribution function.Comment: Lattice2003(theory

    Creative industries and the IPR dilemma between appropriation and creation: some insights from the videogame and music industries

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    La propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle (PI) joue un rĂŽle stratĂ©gique dans les industries crĂ©atives oĂč la crĂ©ativitĂ© est un processus collectif impliquant des acteurs aux intĂ©rĂȘts contradictoires, conduisant Ă  un “dilemne de la PI”. Les firmes veulent s’approprier le travail crĂ©atif et lutter contre l’imitation; les communautĂ©s crĂ©atives souhaitent un rĂ©gime de PI souple pour recombiner les crĂ©ations passĂ©es et gĂ©nĂ©rer des nouveautĂ©s; les individus sont entre ces deux extrĂȘmes. Des arrangements spĂ©cifiques sont alors dĂ©veloppĂ©s (comme des pratiques d’open source ou de creative commons) pour concilier appropriation et crĂ©ation. Les industries de la musique et des jeux vidĂ©o illustrent ces phĂ©nomĂšnes.Intellectual property rights (IPR) play a strategic role in creative industries. Defined as a collective process, creativity involves actors with contradictory IPR needs. This leads to an “IPR dilemna”. Firms are looking into appropriating creative work and prevent imitation; whereas creative communities need a weak IPR to combine past work and generate novelty. It becomes problematic for individuals to find themselves between these two. As a result, actors are developing specific IPR arrangements (e.g. open source and creative commons practices) to preserve the balance between appropriation and openness allowing creation. Two creative industries are used as illustrations: music and video-games.Los derechos propiedad intelectual (DPI) juegan un rol estratĂ©gico en las industrias creativas definidas por un proceso colectivo que involucra diferentes actores cuyos intereses en los DPI son contradictorios. Mientras las firmas buscan apropiarse su trabajo creativo y prevenir la imitaciĂłn, las comunidades creativas necesitan DPI dĂ©biles para poder combinar trabajos pasados y generar novedades. Por lo tanto actores encuentran dificultades para identificarse con una de estas categorĂ­as. En consecuencia, estos desarrollan acuerdos especĂ­ficos de DPI para preservar un equilibrio entre apropiaciĂłn y apertura que les permita crear. Dos industrias creativas ilustran un ejemplo: la mĂșsica y los video juegos

    Pascale Auger, Manager les situations complexes, Dunod, 2008

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    Omar Aktouf, Halte au gĂąchis, Liber, 2008

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    Centech, una incubadora de negocios de escala mundial con sede en el distrito de innovaciĂłn de Montreal, inspirado por el 22@Barcelona

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    L'objectiu de l’article Ă©s destacar el procĂ©s que es troba al darrera del disseny i desenvolupament de Centech, una incubadora d’escala mundial situada a Montreal i reconeguda com una de les incubadores universitĂ ries mĂ©s exitoses del mĂłn. Centech es troba en un edifici que Ă©s patrimoni cultural, l'antic Dow Planetarium, situat en el cor de l'innovador districte de Montreal, el "Quartier de l'innovation" (QI). L'article mostra com el desenvolupament de Centech va ser en gran part inspirat pel 22@BarBarcelona, a travĂ©s d'una sĂšrie d'informes fets per a l'Escola d'Estiu Montreal-Barcelona sobre GestiĂł de la Creativitat i la InnovaciĂł.The objective of the paper is to highlight the process behind the design and development of Centech, a world-class incubator located in Montreal and recognized as one of the most successful university incubators in the world. Centech is housed in a cultural heritage building, the old Dow Planetarium, situated in the heart of the innovative district of MontrĂ©al, the “Quartier de l’innovation” (QI). Based on a methodology using different sets of data (interviews, series of reports made for the MontrĂ©al-Barcelona Summer School on Management of Creativity and Innovation, etc.), the paper shows how the development of Centech was in large part inspired by 22@Barcelona. The conclusion highlights the importance of an iconic collaborative place in the building of a local ecosystem of innovation.El objetivo del artĂ­culo es arrojar luz sobre el proceso existente tras el diseño y desarrollo de Centech, una incubadora de alcance mundial situada en Montreal, y reconocida como una de las incubadoras universitarias mĂĄs exitosas del mundo. Centech se encuentra en un edificio que es patrimonio cultural, el antiguo Dow Planetarium situado en el corazĂłn del distrito innovador de Montreal, el “Quartier de lÂŽinnovation” (QI). El artĂ­culo muestra cĂłmo el desarrollo de Centech fue en gran parte inspirado por el ejemplo del 22@Barcelona, a travĂ©s de una serie de informes realizados para la Escuela de Verano Montreal-Barcelona sobre GestiĂłn de la Creatividad y la InnovaciĂłn. La conclusiĂłn subraya la importancia de un lugar colaborativo icĂłnico en la construcciĂłn de un sistema local de innovaciĂłn
