1,100 research outputs found

    First conclusions about results of GPR investigations in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in KƂodzko, Poland

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    Abstract. The article presents results of a ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigation carried out in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in KƂodzko, Poland, dating from the 14th to 16th centuries. Due to the 20th century wars, the current state of knowledge about the history of the church is still poor. Under the floor of the Catholic temple, unknown structures might exist. To verify the presence of underground structures such as crypts and tombs, a GPR survey was carried out in chapels and aisles with 500 and 800 MHz GPR shielded antennas. Numerous anomalies were detected. It was concluded that those under the chapels were caused by the presence of crypts beneath the floor

    Breeding system and inbreeding depression in a translocated population of the endangered plant Dianthus morisianus (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Know the breeding system of endemic plants is important to design conservation strategies. Translocations are actions to improve the survival prospects of the species, but nowadays there are only a few studies that analyse their success and make a comparison between translocation and the natural populations. Dianthus morisianus is a threatened narrow endemic plant species growing on sand dunes in SW Sardinia (Italy). The objective of this study was to assess the breeding system, the presence of inbreeding depression and pollen limitation, as well as the success of the plant translocation. All these results were compared with those from the single natural population. The breeding system was tested through five pollination treatments and the reproductive success was analysed by the fruit set, seed set, seed weight, germination and mortality rate. The translocated population behaved like the natural one on fruit and seed formation. Autonomous self-pollination was lower than the other treatments regarding fruit set and seed/ovule ratio in the two studied populations. The species is self-compatible and presents partial self-fertility. The selfing rate was higher in the translocated population and the inbreeding depression presented low values for the natural population, while the translocated population presented negative values. Neither of the populations suffered pollen limitation. The species did not present reproductive problems and it is pollinator dependent. Moreover, the translocated population demonstrated high success after five years, as an increase of the population area and new recruited plants was observed; the offspring were able to flower, fruiting and reproduce. This translocation success increases the survival prospects of the species

    Difference between invasive alien and native vegetation in trapping beach litter: A focus on a typical sandy beach of W-Mediterranean Basin

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    Beach litter is one of the most pervasive pollution issues in coastal environments worldwide. In this study, we aim to assess the amount and distribution of beach litter on Porto Paglia beach, its entrapment across psammophilous habitats, and whether the invasive Carpobrotus acinaciformis (L.) L.Bolus plays a different role in trapping litter than native vegetation. To this end, two seasonal samplings (in spring and autumn) were conducted using a paired sampling method that considers plots in all coastal habitats with and without C. acinaciformis. Our results confirm that the main beach litter category is plastic, and that its distribution varies across habitats: the white dune seems to play a greater role in trapping and filtering beach litter, reducing its amount in the backdune. A correlation was found between the Naturalness index (N) and the beach litter amount, supporting the finding that invaded habitats trap beach litter better than native ones

    Distributional pattern of Sardinian orchids under a climate change scenario

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    The Mediterranean is one of the major biodiversity hotspots of the world. It has been identified as the “core” of the speciation process for many groups of organisms. It hosts an impressive number of species, many of which are classified as endangered taxa. Climate change in such a diverse context could heavily influence community composition, reducing ecosystems resistance and resilience. This study aims at depicting the distribution of nine orchid species in the island of Sardinia (Italy), and at forecasting their future distribution in consequence of climate change. The models were produced by following an “ensemble” approach. We analysed present and future (2070) niche for the nine species, using Land Use and Soil Type, as well as 8 bioclimatic variables as predictors, selected because of their influence on the fitness of these orchids. Climate change in the next years, at Mediterranean latitudes, is predicted to results mainly in an increase of temperature and a decrease of precipitation. In 2070, the general trend for almost all modelled taxa is the widening of the suitable areas. However, not always the newly gained areas have high probability of presence. A correct interpretation of environmental changes is needed for developing effective conservation strategies


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    During the period 2006-2009, 453 samples of various food products were collected and analyzed for Listeria monocytogenes. In order to increase the knowledge of the ecology and epidemiology of this organism, isolates were characterized by serotyping, and PCR for the presence of the main virulence-associated genes and genetic relatedness

    Contribution to the bryological knowledge of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines (Northern Italy)

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    The inventory of the bryophytes collected during the annual excursion of the Working Group for Bryology of the Italian Botanical Society is reported. This excursion was held in 2018 on the northern slope of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park, in the Administrative Region of Emilia-Romagna. The field work led to the finding of 113 taxa (24 liverworts and 89 mosses), including eight new records and seven confirmations for this Region. The occurrence of rare taxa for Italy (Scapania uliginosa, Rhizomnium pseudopunctatum, Racomitrium fasciculare, Scorpidium cossonii, Grimmia lisae, Orthotrichum pulchellum) is highlighted

    Impact of Horse Grazing on Floristic Diversity in Mediterranean Small Standing-Water Ecosystems (SWEs)

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    Small standing-Water Ecosystems (SWEs), despite their pivotal ecological role due to their participation in hydrogeological processes and their richness in biodiversity, seem to be often overlooked by the scientific community. In this study, the vascular plant diversity in some representative SWEs, that host a peculiar assemblage of plant and animal species, was investigated in relation to the disturbance effects of a wild horse population. A total of 50 plots, equally distributed in small and large SWEs, were surveyed and a level of disturbance was attributed to each plot. We found greater species richness in small and undisturbed SWEs, which suggests the negative impact of horse grazing on the richness of plant species in this type of habitat. Significant differences in plant assemblage were found according to the disturbance level, whereas, contrary to what was observed for species richness, no differences were detected based on their size. The diversity indices, used to evaluate the richness and diversity in these areas, recorded the highest values for small and undisturbed areas. This result highlights that the disturbance of the horse grazing plays a pivotal role in affecting the diversity and richness of species in the SWEs. These findings suggest that SWE systems should be analyzed considering these areas as unique in order to allow the conservation of the plant richness and biodiversity of the SWE systems in conjunction with the protection of horses

    Importance of plants with extremely small populations (Psesps) in endemic-rich areas, elements often forgotten in conservation strategies

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    The distribution of the threatened fern Ophioglossum vulgatum L., a plant with extremely small populations (PSESPs) in Sardinia, is characterized by small disjunct populations with only a few individuals, and little is known about its status in the wild. To provide information for the conservation of O. vulgatum and with the aim to develop an in situ conservation strategy, we investigated its distribution, population size, and habitat. Field surveys confirmed that the species grows in only five localities. Two representative populations were selected for this study (Funtanamela and Gedili), and in each population, all plants were mapped and monitored monthly from April to August over an 8-year period. During the study, the populations had a very low number of reproductive plants and the populations appeared to be in decline, with the total number of plants per population slightly decreased in Gedili while a sharp reduction was recorded in Funtanamela due to wild boar threat. A fence was built in order to protect the site from further damage, but no noticeable signals of recovery were observed. The most urgent conservation requirement for this species is to preserve the threatened habitat of the remnant populations. Further field surveys and research are also required for an improved understanding of the species’ status

    An eco-physiological and biotechnological approach to conservation of the world-wide rare and endangered aquatic liverwort Riella helicophylla (Bory et Mont.) Mont.

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    The rare aquatic liverwort Riella helicophylla (Bory et Mont.) Mont., inhabitant of temporary shallow ponds around the Mediterranean basin, is considered threatened throughout its distribution range. In addition, little is known of its biology and ecology or of its role in such an important ecosystem where envi- ronmental conditions vary yearly in unpredictable ways. In these variable habitats, due to the seasonal fluc- tuation of water levels, there is no guarantee of yearly spore input into the spore bank. Spore germination rate and the effects of different culture media in an axenic culture establishment, as well as propagation proce- dures of R. helicophylla, were tested. New insights into the ecology and biology of R. helicophylla are given. Spore dormancy is documented, and the protocols for the in vitro culture establishment, propagation and ac- climatization of this liverwort are developed. Dry storage at 20 ± 2 °C for about three months broke the dor- mancy of spores, which subsequently germinated in a high percentage (over 90%). A two phase (solid and liquid) culture media system was developed for the purpose of achieving fully developed gametophytes. The liquid phase contained electrolytes simulating brackish water

    Surviving adversity: Exploring the presence of Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dum. on metal‐polluted mining waste

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    The tailings dump of Barraxiutta (Sardinia, Italy) contains considerable concentrations of heavy metals and, consequently, is scarcely colonized by plants. However, wild populations of the liverwort Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dum. form dense and healthy-looking carpets on this tailing dump. L. cruciata colonizing the tailing dump was compared with a control population growing in a pristine environment in terms of: (i) pollutant content, (ii) photochemical efficiency, and (iii) volatile secondary metabolites in thalli extracts. L. cruciata maintained optimal photosynthesis despite containing considerable amounts of soil pollutants in its thalli and had higher sesquiterpene content compared to control plants. Sesquiterpenes have a role in plant stress resistance and adaptation to adverse environments. In the present study, we propose enhanced sesquiterpenes featuring Contaminated L. cruciata as a defence strategy implemented in the post-mining environment
