18 research outputs found

    Avaliação de indicadores de prescrição e conhecimento dos usuários sobre medicamentos prescritos em duas unidades de saúde de Pelotas-RS / Evaluation of prescription indicators and users’ knowledge about prescribed drugs in two basic health units of Pelotas city – RS

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    Introdução: o presente estudo objetiva descrever os resultados da avaliação indicadores de prescrição recomendados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde realizada em duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) do município de Pelotas – RS e avaliação do conhecimento dos usuários sobre a prescrição. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com 610 entrevistas, entre junho de 2016 a maio de 2017. Foi aplicado questionário contendo perguntas sobre nome, dosagem, posologia, duração do tratamento e motivo de uso, para cada medicamento para usuários com prescrição. Considerou-se conhecimento total saber todos os pontos; parcial, não saber algum dos pontos e sem conhecimento, não saber nenhum dos pontos. Resultados: A maioria dos entrevistados era de cor de pele branca, sexo feminino, de 18 a 59 anos, escolaridade de 5 a 8 anos e renda familiar de um salário mínimo. No total, 445 (73%) usuários receberam prescrição. Na UBS 1, 40,7% foram classificados com conhecimento total, 58,3% parcial e 1,0% sem conhecimento, já na UBS 2, 50,4% total, 48,7% parcial e 0,9% sem conhecimento sobre a prescrição.  Foram prescritos 1083 medicamentos, variando de 1 a 9 (média = 1,8). O percentual de medicamentos prescritos pelo nome genérico foi de 78,3%, de antibióticos 9,8% e de injetáveis 2,5%. Presentes na Relação Municipal de Medicamentos Essenciais 72,2% deles. Conclusão: Este estudo permitiu conhecer a realidade da assistência farmacêutica em parte do município, assim como o conhecimento dos usuários sobre os medicamentos prescritos. Estudo mais amplo, abrangendo maior número de UBSs nos permitiria conhecer mais profundamente a realidade local assim como observar se há diferenças de acordo com a região

    Anthocyanins restore behavioral and biochemical changes caused by streptozotocin-induced sporadic dementia of Alzheimer's type

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    Aims The aim of this study was to analyze if the pre-administration of anthocyanin on memory and anxiety prevented the effects caused by intracerebroventricular streptozotocin (icv-STZ) administration-induced sporadic dementia of Alzheimer's type (SDAT) in rats. Moreover, we evaluated whether the levels of nitrite/nitrate (NOx), Na+,K+-ATPase, Ca2 +-ATPase and acethylcholinesterase (AChE) activities in the cerebral cortex (CC) and hippocampus (HC) are altered in this experimental SDAT. Main methods Male Wistar rats were divided in 4 different groups: control (CTRL), anthocyanin (ANT), streptozotocin (STZ) and streptozotocin + anthocyanin (STZ + ANT). After seven days of treatment with ANT (200 mg/kg; oral), the rats were icv-STZ injected (3 mg/kg), and four days later the behavior parameters were performed and the animals submitted to euthanasia. Key findings A memory deficit was found in the STZ group, but ANT treatment showed that it prevents this impairment of memory (P < 0.05). Our results showed a higher anxiety in the icv-STZ group, but treatment with ANT showed a per se effect and prevented the anxiogenic behavior induced by STZ. Our results reveal that the ANT treatment (100 μM) tested displaces the specific binding of [3H] flunitrazepam to the benzodiazepinic site of GABAA receptors. AChE, Ca+-ATPase activities and NOx levels were found to be increased in HC and CC in the STZ group, which was attenuated by ANT (P < 0.05). STZ decreased Na+,K+-ATPase activity and ANT was able to prevent these effects (P < 0.05). Significance In conclusion, these findings demonstrated that ANT is able to regulate ion pump activity and cholinergic neurotransmission, as well as being able to enhance memory and act as an anxiolytic compound in animals with SDAT

    Sistema purinérgico : expressão ontogenética e localização sináptica das ectonucleotidases e seu envolvimento no déficit cognitivo causado por convulsão neonatal

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    O ATP extracelular modula a atividade sináptica do SNC através de receptores purinérgicos do tipo P1 e P2. Os purinoreceptores do tipo P1 (A1, A2A, A2B e A3) são mais eficientemente ativados por adenosina, enquanto que os purinoreceptores P2 são ativados por ATP. Os níveis da ATP e adenosina na fenda sináptica são controlados pela ação de uma cascata de enzimas chamadas ectonucleotidases. Dentre outros membros, essa família de enzimas é composta pelas ectonucleosídeo trifosfato difosfoidrolases (E-NTPDases), ectonucleotídeo pirofosfatase/fosfodiesterases (E-NPPs) e pela Ecto-5'- nucleotidase. Todos esses membros possuem funções específicas em uma variedade de situações fisiológicas, como por exemplo, o desenvolvimento cerebral e a cognição, ou parecem exercer algum papel na patofisiologia de doenças do SNC, tais como a epilepsia. Portanto, no presente estudo foi investigado (1) o mapeamento ontogenético das E-NPPs em diferentes regiões cerebrais, (2)a localização das E-NTPDases e E-5'-nucleotidase a nível sináptico e subsináptico em hipocampo e estriado de ratos, (3)a participação das E-NTPDases e E-5'-nucleotidase nos mecanismos neuroquímicos envolvidos no déficit cognitivo causado por convulsão neonatal em ratos adultos e (4) se o tratamento crônico com antagonistas não seletivos (cafeína) ou seletivos (KW6002) dos receptores A2A pode previnir os déficits de memória causados por convulsão neonatal em ratos adultos. Nossos resultados mostram uma ampla expressão relativa das E-NPPs durante todo o período de desenvolvimento cerebral. Além disso, as E-NTPDases e a E-5'-nucleotidase estão predominantemente localizadas nas sinapses, possuindo diferentes localizações pré e pós- sinápticas e diferentes associações glutamatérgicas e GABAérgicas. Nossos resultados também evidenciam que a hidrólise de ATP se encontra aumentada em ratos adultos que apresentaram déficit cognitivo após convulsão neonatal e que o consumo crônico de antagonistas dos receptores A2A (cafeína e KW6002) pode previnir o déficit cognitivo causado por crises epilépticas no período neonatal. Em resumo, essa tese mostra pela primeira vez a localização subsináptica das ectonucleotidases e correlaciona o sistema purinérgico com a maturação cerebral e com os déficits cognitivos induzidos por convulsão neonatal. Além disso, nossos resultados evidenciam que o consumo crônico de cafeína pode ser um provável agente profilático na prevenção de disfunções de memória na vida adulta associadas às crises convulsivas neonatais.Extracellular ATP modulates the synaptic activity through P1 and P2 purinoceptors. Adenosine activates preferentially P1 receptors (A1, A2A, A2B, and A3) and ATP activates preferentially P2. The levels of ATP and adenosine in the synaptic cleft are controlled by the action of an enzyme cascade named ectonucleotidases. Besides other members, this enzyme family is constituted by ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (E-NTPDase), ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase (E-NPP) and Ecto-5'- nucleotidase. All these members have specific physiological functions in brain development and cognition or seem to have some role in the patophysiology of brain disorders, such as epilepsy. Therefore, in the present study, we have investigated (1) the expression mapping of E-NPPs in different brain regions during development, (2) the synaptic and subsynaptic localization of ENTPDases and E-5'-nucleotidase in hippocampus and striatum of rats, (3) the participation of E-NTPDases and E-5'-nucleotidase in the neurochemical mechanisms of memory dysfunction induced by neonatal seizure in adult rats, and (4) if the chronic intake of nonselective (caffeine) or selective (KW-6002) antagonists of A2A could prevent the cognitive impairment caused by convulsion in early life. Our results showed a wild relative expression of E-NPPs during brain development. In addition, E-NTPDases and E-5'-nucleotidase are predominantly localized in synapses, with different pre and post-localization and different glutamatergic and GABAergic associations. Our results also showed an enhanced ATP hydrolysis in adult rats with memory impairment induced by neonatal convulsion and a prevention of this kind of memory dysfunction by the chronic intake of A2A receptors antagonists (caffeine and KW-6002). In summary, this study showed the first evidence of subsynaptic localization of ectonucleotidases and correlates the purinergic system with brain maturation and with the memory impairment induced by one single seizure in early life. Besides, our results pointed to the chronic intake of caffeine as a possible prophylactic agent for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction in adulthood induced by a single seizure in the neonatal period

    Ontogenetic profile of ectonucleotidase activities from brain synaptosomes of pilocarpine-treated rats

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    Adenosine, a well-known neuromodulator, can act as an endogenous anticonvulsant via the activation of adenosine A1 receptors. This adenine nucleoside can be produced in the synaptic cleft by the ectonucleotidase cascade, which includes the nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (NTPDase) family and ecto-5′-nucleotidase. It has been previously reported that ectonucleotidase activities are increased in female adult rats submitted to the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Several studies have suggested that the immature brain is less vulnerable to morphologic and physiologic alterations after status epilepticus (SE). Here, we evaluate the ectonucleotidase activities of synaptosomes from the hippocampus and cerebral cortex of male and female rats at different ages (7–9, 14–16 and 27–30-day old) submitted to the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Our results show that ATP and ADP hydrolysis in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex were not altered by the pilocarpine treatment in female and male rats at 7–9, 14–16 and 27–30 days. There were no changes in AMP hydrolysis in female and male rats submitted to the model at different ages, but a significant increase in AMP hydrolysis (71%) was observed in synaptosomes from the cerebral cortex of male rats at 27–30 days. Pilocarpine-treated male rats (60–70-day old) presented an enhancement in ectonucleotidase activities in the synaptosomes of the cerebral cortex (33, 40 and 64% for ATP, ADP and AMP hydrolysis, respectively) and hippocampus (55, 98 and 101% for ATP, ADP and AMP hydrolysis, respectively). These findings highlight differences between the purinergic system of young and adult rats submitted to the pilocarpine model of epilepsy

    Behavioral characterization of ayahuasca treatment on Wistar rats in the open field test

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    Ayahuasca (AYA) is a psychedelic beverage with therapeutic potential for many mood and anxiety disorders. Although there are some preclinical studies, no published reports have tested the behavioral effects of AYA gavage in animal models. This investigation aimed to characterize the behavior of Wistar rats after acute ingestion of AYA for 40 min in the open field test (OFT). The sample consisted of three experimental groups treated with different dosages of AYA (125, 250, or 500 mg kg-1) and a control group. Each group consisted of 10 participants. After gavage, the number of crossings of the OFT grid lines, latency to enter the central area of the device, grooming frequency, and time spent in the central perimeter of the device were immediately evaluated. Analyses were based on one-way ANOVA and a linear-regression mixture model for longitudinal data. AYA intake did not interfere with habituation. The 500 mg kg-1&nbsp;group showed a decrease in the time spent in the center of the device and in the number of crossings compared to the control group in the last 10 min. These results suggest that gavage with AYA did not interfere with the results, and the behavioral effects were perceived only between 30 and 40 min after gavage. Taken together, the results indicate that three aspects should be considered in OFT studies of AYA acute effects: the moment when the observation starts, the observation period, and the AYA dosage

    Behavioral characterization of ayahuasca treatment on Wistar rats in the open field test

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    Abstract Ayahuasca (AYA) is a psychedelic beverage with therapeutic potential for many mood and anxiety disorders. Although there are some preclinical studies, no published reports have tested the behavioral effects of AYA gavage in animal models. This investigation aimed to characterize the behavior of Wistar rats after acute ingestion of AYA for 40 min in the open field test (OFT). The sample consisted of three experimental groups treated with different dosages of AYA (125, 250, or 500 mg kg-1) and a control group. Each group consisted of 10 participants. After gavage, the number of crossings of the OFT grid lines, latency to enter the central area of the device, grooming frequency, and time spent in the central perimeter of the device were immediately evaluated. Analyses were based on one-way ANOVA and a linear-regression mixture model for longitudinal data. AYA intake did not interfere with habituation. The 500 mg kg-1 group showed a decrease in the time spent in the center of the device and in the number of crossings compared to the control group in the last 10 min. These results suggest that gavage with AYA did not interfere with the results, and the behavioral effects were perceived only between 30 and 40 min after gavage. Taken together, the results indicate that three aspects should be considered in OFT studies of AYA acute effects: the moment when the observation starts, the observation period, and the AYA dosage