410 research outputs found

    A responsabilidade civil do controlador no âmbito da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais

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    O presente trabalho se propôs delinear os principais aspectos do instituto da responsabilidade civil, considerando, especificamente, as disposições da Lei n.º 13.709/2018 (“Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais”). Para esse fim, com o emprego do método dedutivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema, foi realizada uma análise da responsabilidade civil à luz da doutrina e jurisprudência modernas e seus desdobramentos em face da Lei n.º 13.708/2018. Foram considerados, sobretudo, os princípios e obrigações expressamente previstos na Lei e as consequências à violação desses dispositivos por parte de agentes privados envolvidos no tratamento de dados pessoais. Embora tenha sido reconhecido o importante papel da jurisprudência para futuro preenchimento de lacunas interpretativas deixadas no dispositivo legal, concluiu-se pela incidência da responsabilidade objetiva e do dano moral presumido, em respeito à essencialidade dos direitos (intimidade, honra, privacidade) que fundamentam os mecanismos de proteção de dados pessoais

    Proteins derived from the dairy losses and by-products as raw materials for non-food applications

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    The disposal of a high volume of waste-containing proteins is becoming increasingly challenging in a society that is aware of what is happening in the environment. The dairy industry generates several by-products that contain vast amounts of compounds, including proteins that are of industrial importance and for which new uses are being sought. This article provides a comprehensive review of the potential of the valorisation of proteins that can be recovered by chemical and/or physical processes from protein-containing milk by-products or milk surplus, particularly whey proteins or caseins. Whey proteins and casein characteristics, and applications in non-food industries, with special emphasis on the textile industry, packaging and biomedical, are reported in this review, in order to provide knowledge and raise awareness of the sustainability of these proteins to potentiate new opportunities in a circular economy context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pretreatment of textiles through atmospheric plasma

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    There are several technologies available for the treatment of textile substrates. In a context where more environmentally and sustainable attitudes need to be adopted, industries must find technologically advanced solutions towards it, such as waterless technologies. An example is the atmospheric plasma, which allows the continuous and uniform pre-treatment of textile substrates, to make the next step – functionalization – more efficient. This alternative technology allows cleaning textile surfaces, remove organic contaminants and low molecular weight materials, as well as increase surface energy with the improvement of adhesion and creation of active chemical groups for prior bonding. This technology presents many advantages, like the speed of treatment, the possibility of cleaning and activation the surface in a single step, reduction of energy consumption, maintenance of the intrinsic properties of textile substrates, no need of water or chemical reagents and, consequently, no liquid effluents are generated; being, in general, a cleaner process. PLASMAMED project exemplifies the application of this specific technology. The goal is to produce a new generation of coatings containing bionanocomposites with controllable antibacterial activity on medical textiles, using plasma at atmospheric pressure for the pretreatment of textile substrates, aiming to obtain antimicrobial dressing for pressure injury. Thus, different substrates (cotton, polyester, polyamide) have been pretreated by atmospheric plasma technology, where different conditions of speed and discharge power have been tested, as well as various gases (such as helium, oxygen, nitrogen, or synthetic air), using argon as carrier gas. In general, water contact angle measurements and wicking tests confirmed that plasma modification increased the wettability of textiles substrates, with lower values of contact angle and greater wetting distance achieved, when compared with standard values of the substrates without pretreatment. Additionally, this treatment proved to be more effective than common washing, in removing surface impurities, allowing better results by both methods. After optimizing plasma treatment conditions, polyester-based textiles were functionalized with nanoparticles, enzymes as antimicrobial agents, immobilized using mordenite zeolites and polysaccharide-based matrixes to mitigate cytotoxicity. Antimicrobial tests showed high antimicrobial activity. Therefore, the results show the possibilities of using plasma in the modification of polymeric surfaces, through the increase of surface energy, as for specific functionalization, compared to the absence of pretreatment

    Use Of Information And Communication Technologies In Undergraduate Classes Before And After The Pandemic: Perceptions Of Medical Students At A Brazilian University

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    Higher education is a complex process that goes through continuous  transformations over time, from the origins of the University in medieval Europe to the present time. These changes are not uniform and have been driven by the historical and social moments of each nation. The COVID-19 pandemic hit all countries almost simultaneously and required social distancing and other health measures. This forced schools and universities to change their way of teaching, with the flexibility of activities and implementation of remote classes. This study shows the perception of medical students at a Brazilian public university regarding the use of information and communication technologies before and after the pandemic. Most reported that teachers rarely used these resources in their classes before the pandemic, but started to do so frequently after the pandemic, which provoked a positive impact on facilitating the teaching-learning process. The results obtained suggest that pandemic may have been a driving event for the modernization of university education in Brazil and other countries.


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the technical and economic cutting age of forest plantations considering the wood market under volumetric and gravimetric measurement units. Volumetric production and wood basic density for Eucalyptus urophylla clones stands were obtained from a forest company in the Jequitinhonha’s region, Minas Gerais State, for ages of 3 to 9 years. It was estimated: mass per hectare; technical cutting age (TCA) for volume and mass; and economic viability at different interest rates. Data was divided by three clones, being the denser (C), passing through (B) median density, and less denser (A). The results showed that in alternating volumetric for gravimetric unit, the TCA occurs at least one year later. For the economic analysis, the results demonstrated that projects for wood commercialization by gravimetric measurement are economically viable when using high-density clones, due to the higher amount of mass per volume. For clones with low density and high volumetric productivity, the analysis must be done from a volumetric point of view, as the economic results were 23% higher than in the mass analysis. It was concluded that the adoption of the gravimetric unit of measure in the forest sector tends to cause significant changes in project management, improving wood characteristics for energy by postponing the cutting age and making more sensible the genetic material selection


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    Entende-se por tradições discursivas a “[...] repetição de um texto ou de uma forma textual ou de uma maneira particular de escrever ou falar que adquire signo próprio” (KABATEK, 2006, p. 7). O texto escrito para os estudos sócio-históricos é a principalfonte de estudo do pesquisador. Como não há registros orais, é a maneira de estudar a língua em diferentes épocas e suas mudanças. Os textos escritos por mãos inábeis, adultos estacionados em fase inicial de aquisição da escrita, têm especial valor, pois podem possibilitar uma melhor aproximação à língua de uma dada época

    Potencial genético de progênies de irmãos germanos de milho em seleção recorrente recíproca

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    The objective of this work was to quantify the genetic potential of full-sib maize progenies subjected to a reciprocal recurrent selection, in order to obtain high-yielding hybrids. The experiment was carried out in the alpha lattice design, with three replicates and 24 blocks. One hundred and two full‑sib maize progenies, from the crossing of two populations and two checks, were evaluated for the following traits: grain yield, seed mass, number of ears per plant, days to maturity, days to anthesis, days to silking, anthesis-silking interval, ear height, plant height, ear position, and stem lodging. Genetic parameters were estimated through REML/BLUP and multivariate analyses (correlation and similarity network, cluster heat map, and genetic gains). There are genetic variability and divergent clusters among the studied full-sib maize progenies. Seed mass, number of ears per plant, and anthesis‑silking interval are the traits that most contribute to the improvement of grain yield and divergence among the full-sib maize progenies. Genetic potential should be exploited through the selection and recombination in reciprocal recurrent selection to obtain high-yielding hybrids.O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o potencial genético de progênies de irmãos germanos de milho, em uma seleção recorrente recíproca, para obtenção de híbridos com alto rendimento. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento alfa látice, com três repetições e 24 blocos. Foram avaliadas 102 progênies de irmãos germanos de milho, do cruzamento de duas populações e duas testemunhas, quanto às seguintes características: produtividade de grão, massa de sementes, número de espigas por planta, dias para a maturação, dias para o florescimento masculino, dias para o florescimento feminino, intervalo de florescimento, altura da espiga, altura da planta, posição da espiga e acamamento do caule. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados via REML/BLUP e análises multivariadas (rede de correlações e similaridade, agrupamento de mapa de calor e ganhos genéticos). Há variabilidade genética e agrupamentos divergentes entre as progênies de irmãos germanos de milho estudadas. A massa de sementes, o número de espigas por planta e o intervalo de florescimento são as características que mais contribuem para o melhoramento da produtividade e a divergência entre progênies de irmãos germanos de milho. O potencial genético deve ser explorado por meio de seleção e recombinação, na seleção recorrente recíproca, para a obtenção de híbridos de alto rendimento


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