90 research outputs found

    Improving the Health Industry with Stock Management Techniques

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    Considering that the health industry has changed radically along the years, the efficient professional management of entities connected to this segment is fundamental. Modern techniques, such as demand forecast and stock management, contribute to a better management of scarce and critical resources which might put human lives at risk. The present study describes the use of quantitative techniques for supply forecast and stock management of a blood bank from a given hospital. The demonstration of the viability of these techniques broke paradigms. Furthermore, it has fomented new studies with emphasis on improving procedures and rationalisation. It has also brought an improvement in terms of the institution operations, increasing the level of efficiency

    An evaluation of parchments' degradation a hybrid approach

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    Parchment stands for a multifaceted material made from animal skin, which has been used for centuries as a writing support or as bookbinding. Due to the historic value of objects made of parchment, understanding their degradation and their condition is of utmost importance to archives, libraries and museums, i.e., the assessment of parchment degradation is mandatory, although it is hard to do with traditional methodologies and tools for problem solving. Hence, in this work we will focus on the development of a hybrid decision support system, in terms of its knowledge representation and reasoning procedures, under a formal framework based on Logic Programming, complemented with an approach to computing centered on Artificial Neural Networks, to evaluate Parchment Degradation and the respective Degree-of-Confidence that one has on such a happening.(undefined

    Mobile transaction management in mobisnap

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    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1884To allow mobile users to continue their work while disconnected, mobile systems usually rely on optimistic replication techniques. In mobile database systems, mobile units cache subsets of the database state and allow disconnected users to perform transactions concurrently. These transactions are later integrated in the master database state. As concurrently performed transactions may conflict, it is usually impossible to determine the result of an update in the mobile unit. Moreover, this model differs from the traditional client/server model due to the fundamental fact that the user will usually not be connected to the system when the results of his transactions are finally determined - therefore, he can not immediately perform adequate alternative actions. In this paper we describe a transaction management system that takes into consideration the above-mentioned characteristics. Transactions are specified as mobile transactional programs, which allows the precise definition of operation semantics and the definition of alternative actions. Support for active user notification is also provided in the system. Finally, the system relies on a reservation mechanism to be able to guarantee the results of transactions in the mobile units.(undefined

    Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma: Brazilian survey

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    OBJECTIVE: The majority of cases of hepatocellular carcinoma have been reported in individuals with cirrhosis due to chronic viral hepatitis and alcoholism, but recently, the prevalence has become increasingly related to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis around the world. The study aimed to evaluate the clinical and histophatological characteristics of hepatocellular carcinoma in Brazilians' patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis at the present time. METHODS: Members of the Brazilian Society of Hepatology were invited to complete a survey regarding patients with hepatocellular carcinoma related to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Patients with a history of alcohol intake (>;20 g/day) and other liver diseases were excluded. Hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis was performed by liver biopsy or imaging methods according to the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases’ 2011 guidelines. RESULTS: The survey included 110 patients with a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease from nine hepatology units in six Brazilian states (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul). The mean age was 67±11 years old, and 65.5% were male. Obesity was observed in 52.7% of the cases; diabetes, in 73.6%; dyslipidemia, in 41.0%; arterial hypertension, in 60%; and metabolic syndrome, in 57.2%. Steatohepatitis without fibrosis was observed in 3.8% of cases; steatohepatitis with fibrosis (grades 1-3), in 27%; and cirrhosis, in 61.5%. Histological diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was performed in 47.2% of the patients, with hepatocellular carcinoma without cirrhosis accounting for 7.7%. In total, 58 patients with cirrhosis had their diagnosis by ultrasound confirmed by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Of these, 55% had 1 nodule; 17%, 2 nodules; and 28%, ≥3 nodules. CONCLUSIONS: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is a relevant risk factor associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with and without cirrhosis in Brazil. In this survey, hepatocellular carcinoma was observed in elevated numbers of patients with steatohepatitis without cirrhosis


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    O trabalho desenvolvido pelo projeto de inovação pedagógica “Anjos da Química” objetivou avaliar os principais fatores que levam a evasão do curso de Química Ambiental e atenuar as dificuldades dos alunos durante a graduação, por meio de monitorias e cursos de nivelamento. Também foi ofertado curso pré-vestibular popular para escolas públicas e privadas. Os resultados mostram que aproximadamente 90 discentes foram atendidos pela monitoria e que quando a monitoria é corretamente trabalhada dentro da disciplina há um aumento no número de alunos aprovados. Dois diagnósticos do curso foram realizados, o primeiro entre os alunos regularmente matriculados no curso para saber as principais dificuldades encontradas e os resultados mostraram que as maiores dificuldades dos alunos são nas disciplinas de Física e Cálculo. O segundo diagnóstico do curso foi realizado com os alunos que evadiram o curso de Química Ambiental e é importante destacar que 78,6% dos alunos que desistiram do curso não conhece os programas de permanência estudantil da UFT. O curso pré-vestibular popular foi realizado em duas escolas de forma presencial, com a participação de 28 alunos e ao final 91% dos alunos que participaram afirmaram a necessidade de um curso preparatório para concorrer ao vestibular/ENEM


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    The methods of land evaluation are intended to guide the appropriate land use, as the development of specialized algorithms propose to be less subjective assessments based on quantitative data. The aim was to evaluate the use of an expert system based on interpretation of soil properties and landscape features with that obtained by a control group, consisting of six experts. Samples of soil was collected by borehole profiles uses in IX Brazilian Meeting of Soil Classification and Correlation in order to get the data entered the program, and appraisers used the physical, chemical and morphological data of soil profiles. The expert system has shown promise in assessing the suitability for Latossolos, Argissolos, Vertissolos and Luvissolos, however still requires revisions to certain rules of interpretation for a more consistent fitness especially for Espodossolos. However, the assessment of experts did not identify the potential for land use in Amazon.Keywords: environmental services; land use; farm planning.Os métodos de avaliação da aptidão agrícola tem como objetivo orientar o uso adequado das terras, porém seus resultados apresentam elevado grau de subjetividade devido a serem dependentes da experiência do usuário. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar o uso de um algoritmo para interpretação de propriedades do solo e características da paisagem e compará-lo com a interpretação obtida por um grupo controle, constituído por seis especialistas. Foram utilizadas amostras de solo coletadas por tradagem ao lado dos perfis pedológicos da IX Reunião Brasileira de Correlação e Classificação de Solos, de modo a obter os dados de entrada do algoritmo, enquanto os avaliadores utilizaram os dados físicos, químicos e morfológicos dos perfis pedológicos. A avaliação do grupo controle não identificou as potencialidades para o uso dos solos na Amazônia de forma consistente, enquanto, o algoritmo mostrou-se promissor na avaliação da aptidão para Latossolo, Argissolos, Vertissolos e Luvissolo, no entanto, ainda requer revisões em algumas regras de interpretação para uma avaliação mais coerente da aptidão, principalmente, para o Espodossolo.Palavras-chave: serviços ambientais, uso da terra, planejamento agrícola

    Effectiveness and safety of first-generation protease inhibitors in real-world patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in Brazil: a multicenter study

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of first-generation protease inhibitors for the treatment of genotype 1 hepatitis C virus-infected patients at Brazilian reference centers. METHODS: This multicenter cross-sectional study included hepatitis C virus genotype 1 monoinfected patients treated with Peg-interferon, ribavirin, and either boceprevir (n=158) or telaprevir (n=557) between July 2013 and April 2014 at 15 reference centers in Brazil. Demographic, clinical, virological, and adverse events data were collected during treatment and follow-up. RESULTS: Of the 715 patients, 59% had cirrhosis and 67.1% were treatment-experienced. Based on intention-to-treat analysis, the overall sustained viral response was 56.6%, with similar effectiveness in both groups (51.9% for boceprevir and 58% for telaprevir, p=0.190). Serious adverse events occurred in 44.2% of patients, and six deaths (0.8%) were recorded. Cirrhotic patients had lower sustained viral response rates than non-cirrhotic patients (46.9% vs. 70.6%,


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    Sjögren's Syndrome is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects the glands that produce saliva and tears, causing significant dryness in the mouth and eyes.  Thus, an integrated approach that combines pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies, adapted to individual needs, has shown effectiveness in reducing symptoms and generally improving the quality of life of patients with this syndrome. Objective: To identify the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the syndrome and evaluate the effectiveness of different therapeutic interventions to control symptoms and prevent complications. Methodology: The Cochrane, Scielo and Medline databases were used, searching for articles published between 2016 and 2024, in Portuguese or English. Final Considerations: The therapeutic approach to Sjögren's Syndrome is diverse and essential for patients' quality of life. Firstly, interventions include immunosuppressive agents. Additionally, tear and saliva substitutes are important to alleviate dryness symptoms. Procedures such as occlusion of tear punctums and glandular electrical stimulation, as well as nutritional supplementation and oral and eye care, are also essential. Therefore, the combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies, personalized for each patient, is effective in reducing symptoms and improving quality of life.A Síndrome de Sjögren é uma doença autoimune que afeta principalmente as glândulas produtoras de saliva e lágrimas, causando secura significativa na boca e nos olhos.  Assim, uma abordagem integrada que combine estratégias farmacológicas e não farmacológicas, adaptadas às necessidades individuais, tem mostrado eficácia na redução dos sintomas e na melhoria geral da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com essa síndrome. Objetivo: Identificar os mecanismos patofisiológicos subjacentes à síndrome e avaliar a eficácia de diferentes intervenções terapêuticas para controlar os sintomas e prevenir complicações. Metodologia:  Foram utilizadas as bases de dados Cochrane, Scielo e Medline, buscando artigos publicados entre os anos de 2016 e 2024, nos idiomas Português ou Inglês. Considerações Finais: A abordagem terapêutica para a Síndrome de Sjögren é diversificada e essencial para a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Primeiramente, intervenções incluem agentes imunossupressores. Além disso, substitutos de lágrimas e saliva são importantes para aliviar os sintomas de secura. Procedimentos como a oclusão de pontos lacrimais e a eletroestimulação glandular, bem como suplementação nutricional e cuidados bucais e oculares, também são essenciais. Dessa forma, a combinação de estratégias farmacológicas e não farmacológicas, personalizadas para cada paciente, é eficaz na redução dos sintomas e na melhoria da qualidade de vida