16 research outputs found
El arte como vehículo multidisciplinar para la adquisición de competencias en el Grado en Maestro en Educación Infantil
Memoria ID-0156. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2015-2016
Lactobacillus reuteri V3401 Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers and Modifies the Gastrointestinal Microbiome in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: The PROSIR Study
The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/11/8/1761/s1: Figure S1, Rarefaction curves; Figure S2, Alpha diversity measured by means of the Shannon index (H); Figure S3, Bacterial beta diversity; Table S1, Gastrointestinal microbiome normalized dataThis paper will be part of Carmen Tenorio Jimenez’s doctorate, which is being completed as part of Programa de Doctorado en Seguridad de los Alimentos at the University of Jaén, Spain. We also wish to thank all the participants who generously contributed to the study.Previous studies have reported that probiotics may improve clinical and inflammatory parameters in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Lactobacillus (L.) reuteri V3401 has shown promising results on the components of MetS in animal studies. We aimed to evaluate the effects of L. reuteri V3401 together with healthy lifestyle recommendations on adult patients with MetS. Methods: We carried out a randomized, crossover, placebo-controlled, single-center trial in which we included 53 adult patients newly diagnosed with MetS. Patients were block randomly allocated by body mass index (BMI) and sex to receive a capsule containing either the probiotic L. reuteri V3401 (5 × 109 colony-forming units) or a placebo once daily for 12 weeks. Anthropometric variables, biochemical and inflammatory biomarkers, as well as the gastrointestinal microbiome composition were determined. Results: There were no differences between groups in the clinical characteristics of MetS. However, we found that interleukin-6 (IL-6) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1) diminished by effect of the treatment with L. reuteri V3401. Analysis of the gastrointestinal microbiome revealed a rise in the proportion of Verrucomicrobia. Conclusions: Consumption of L. reuteri V3401 improved selected inflammatory parameters and modified the gastrointestinal microbiome. Further studies are needed to ascertain additional beneficial effects of other probiotic strains in MetS as well as the mechanisms by which such effects are exerted.This study is part of the grant entitled “Guía para la sustanciación de declaraciones de salud en alimentos: funciones inmune, cognitiva y síndrome metabólico”, funded by the company Biosearch life (Granada, Spain), reference 3006, managed by Fundación General Universidad de Granada, Spain
El uso interdisciplinar de los cómics de Astérix como instrumento de enseñanza-aprendizaje en los Grados de Maestro
Memoria ID-0217. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2017-2018
Los contratos sobre el buque en Derecho Español. Análisis práctico
Prólogo / José Luis Gabaldón García (pp. 9-13). -- Introducción (pp. 15-18). -- El contrato de construcción naval: aspectos prácticos / Gonzalo Alvar Ezquerra (pp. 19-37). -- El contrato de compraventa / Carlos López-Quiroga, Luz Martínez de Azcoitia y José Sánchez-Fayos Martín-Peña (pp. 39-58). -- El contrato de arrendamiento de buque / Rodolfo González Lebrero (pp. 59-75). -- El contrato de fletamento por tiempo / José María Alcántara González (pp. 77-102). -- El contrato de fletamento por viaje: contenido obligacional / Juan Pablo Rodríguez Delgado (pp. 103-144). -- El contrato de transporte marítimo en régimen de conocimiento de embarque / Javier del Corte (pp. 145-186). -- Los documentos de transporte / Carlos Llorente (pp. 187-205). -- Contratos de utilización del buque para fines distintos del transporte de mercancías / José Manuel G. Pellicer (pp. 207-221). -- El contrato de arrendamiento náutico / León von Ondarza (pp. 223-244). -- El contrato de pasaje marítimo / Hannah de Bustos, Antonio Quirós de Sas y Julio López Quiroga (pp. 245-260). -- Los contratos de gestión naval para la dotación del buque / Bernardo Ruiz Lima (pp. 261-279). -- El contrato de gestión naval / Víctor Mata Garrido (pp. 281-302). -- El contrato de consignación de buques /Jesús Barbadillo Eyzaguirre (pp. 303-323). -- El contrato de manipulación portuaria / Carlos Pérez (pp. 325-338). -- El contrato de practicaje / Alicia Velasco Nates (pp. 339-356). -- Los contratos de mediación en la explotación del buque / Carmen Codes Cid y Martín Prieto Sulleiro (pp. 357-372). -- El contrato de remolque / Ana Sánchez Horneros (pp. 373- 392). -- El contrato de remolque / Jaime de Castro (pp. 393-412). -- El contrato de salvamento / Luis Souto (pp. 413-430). -- El contrato de remoción de restos / Verónica Meana (pp. 431-446). -- El contrato de clasificación del buque / Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea (pp. 447-463). -- El seguro de casco y máquina / Carlos Cerdá Donat y Diego de San Simón Palacios (pp. 465-491). -- Los clubes de protección e indemnización (P&I) / Miguel Caballero (pp. 493-504). -- El seguro de protección e indemnización (P&I) / Jaime Albors (pp. 505-524). -- El seguro del acreedor hipotecario / Luis F. Gómez de Mariaca Fernández (pp. 525-540)
Segura River plastic waste dataset
Dataset de imágenes de residuos flotantes en el río Segura para entrenamiento de algoritmo de detección de objetos flotantes.
En el sistema de riego superficial tradicional de la Vega Baja del Segura (España), se vienen acumulando grandes depósitos de residuos flotantes en determinados puntos del río, canales de riego y acequias, provocando el mal funcionamiento de la red de riego y el aumento de los problemas sociales relacionados con el origen de los residuos.
Este dataset incluye imágenes de elementos plásticos flotantes en diferentes entornos y se utilizó para entrenar un algoritmo basado en YOLOv5s. para el recuento automático de residuos flotantes mediante análisis de imágenes cenitales obtenidas con un vehículo aéreo no tripulado. En él se recogen imágenes originales propiedad de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Evaluation of the effect of Lactobacillus reuteri V3401 on biomarkers of inflammation, cardiovascular risk and liver steatosis in obese adults with metabolic syndrome: a randomized clinical trial (PROSIR)
Abstract Background Obesity is characterized by increased fat mass and is associated with the development of insulin resistance syndrome (IRS), usually known as metabolic syndrome. The alteration of the intestinal microbiota composition has a role in the development of IRS associated with obesity, and probiotics, which are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit to the host, contribute to restore intestinal microbiota homeostasis and lower peripheral tissue insulin resistance. We aim to evaluate the effects of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri) V3401 on the composition of intestinal microbiota, markers of insulin resistance and biomarkers of inflammation, cardiovascular risk, and hepatic steatosis in patients with overweight and obesity exhibiting IRS. Methods/design We describe a randomized, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled, and single-centre trial. Sixty participants (aged 18 to 65 years) diagnosed with IRS will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either a daily dose of placebo or 5 × 109 colony-forming units of L. reuteri V3401. The study will consist of two intervention periods of 12 weeks separated by a washout period of 6 weeks and preceded by another washout period of 2 weeks. The primary outcome will be the change in plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels at 12 weeks. Secondary outcomes will include anthropometric parameters, lipid profile, glucose metabolism, microbiota composition, hepatic steatosis, and inflammatory and cardiovascular biomarkers. Blood and stool samples will be collected at baseline, at the midpoint (only stool samples) and immediately after each intervention period. Luminex technology will be used to measure interleukins. For statistical analysis, a mixed ANOVA model will be employed to calculate changes in the outcome variables. Discussion This is the first time that L. reuteri V3401 will be evaluated in patients with IRS. Therefore, this study will provide valuable scientific information about the effects of this strain in metabolic syndrome patients. Trial registration The trial has been retrospectively registered in ClinicalTrials.gov on the 23rd November 2016 (ID: NCT02972567), during the recruitment phase
Lactobacillus reuteri V3401 Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers and Modifies the Gastrointestinal Microbiome in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: The PROSIR Study
Previous studies have reported that probiotics may improve clinical and inflammatory parameters in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Lactobacillus (L.) reuteri V3401 has shown promising results on the components of MetS in animal studies. We aimed to evaluate the effects of L. reuteri V3401 together with healthy lifestyle recommendations on adult patients with MetS. Methods: We carried out a randomized, crossover, placebo-controlled, single-center trial in which we included 53 adult patients newly diagnosed with MetS. Patients were block randomly allocated by body mass index (BMI) and sex to receive a capsule containing either the probiotic L. reuteri V3401 (5 × 109 colony-forming units) or a placebo once daily for 12 weeks. Anthropometric variables, biochemical and inflammatory biomarkers, as well as the gastrointestinal microbiome composition were determined. Results: There were no differences between groups in the clinical characteristics of MetS. However, we found that interleukin-6 (IL-6) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1) diminished by effect of the treatment with L. reuteri V3401. Analysis of the gastrointestinal microbiome revealed a rise in the proportion of Verrucomicrobia. Conclusions: Consumption of L. reuteri V3401 improved selected inflammatory parameters and modified the gastrointestinal microbiome. Further studies are needed to ascertain additional beneficial effects of other probiotic strains in MetS as well as the mechanisms by which such effects are exerted
Lactobacillus reuteri V3401 Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers and Modifies the Gastrointestinal Microbiome in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: The PROSIR Study.
Previous studies have reported that probiotics may improve clinical and inflammatory parameters in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Lactobacillus (L.) reuteri V3401 has shown promising results on the components of MetS in animal studies. We aimed to evaluate the effects of L. reuteri V3401 together with healthy lifestyle recommendations on adult patients with MetS. We carried out a randomized, crossover, placebo-controlled, single-center trial in which we included 53 adult patients newly diagnosed with MetS. Patients were block randomly allocated by body mass index (BMI) and sex to receive a capsule containing either the probiotic L. reuteri V3401 (5 × 109 colony-forming units) or a placebo once daily for 12 weeks. Anthropometric variables, biochemical and inflammatory biomarkers, as well as the gastrointestinal microbiome composition were determined. There were no differences between groups in the clinical characteristics of MetS. However, we found that interleukin-6 (IL-6) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1) diminished by effect of the treatment with L. reuteri V3401. Analysis of the gastrointestinal microbiome revealed a rise in the proportion of Verrucomicrobia. Consumption of L. reuteri V3401 improved selected inflammatory parameters and modified the gastrointestinal microbiome. Further studies are needed to ascertain additional beneficial effects of other probiotic strains in MetS as well as the mechanisms by which such effects are exerted
Actitud y formación, binomio para tener éxito en la universidad y en la empresa: Reflexiones para ser un buen profesional
Editado por: Garcia Montoya, Encarna y Salazar Macian, Ramon. Cada capítulo está escrito por diferentes autoresEn la primera parte se estudian los 5 primeros capítulos/ temas relativos a los conocimientos básicos pedagógicos que se han de tener en cuenta en los estudios universitarios orientados a las ciencias de la salud para conseguir una buena actitud y
formación que les permita tener éxito en sus estudios de grado
y, eventualmente, en su carrera universitaria
1. Ideas acerca de aprender a estudiar, recordar y aprobar en el siglo XXI.
2. Cómo se prepara una tesis doctoral o un trabajo de investigación en el siglo XXI en el área de la salud.
3. El método científico aplicado a las ciencias de la salud.
4. Lectura y escritura de textos científicos.
5. Cómo preparar un discurso y saber hablar en público.
En la segunda parte, a partir del capítulo/tema 6 se describen los principales estudios, que su lectura y ejemplos pueden guiar a los profesionales mejorar su actitud y formación y encontrar trabajo en la empresa.
6. La cultura de trabajar sin prisa, sin pausa y sin nervios.
7. ¿Qué se debe hacer para tener una entrevista de trabajo con éxito?
8. Calidad factor común de las personas con éxito.
9. Cuáles son los factores de éxito de una empresa.
10. Cómo gestionar el cambio en la empresa.
11. Actitud para afrontar los cambios profesionales y como reinventarse para seguir siendo útil.
12. Anexos. Fichas de perfiles de trabajo en la Industria Farmacéutica