153 research outputs found

    “Resistencialismo” e resistência: as tensões entre história e memória

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    Between the individual and the collective: an analysis of the trajectory of Vera Sílvia Magalhães and José Roberto Spiegner in the Brazilian armed left (1966-1970)

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a trajetória de Vera Sílvia Magalhães e José Roberto Spiegner na luta armada contra a ditadura civil-militar brasileira. Objetivando transcender a compreensão da opção e, sobretudo, manutenção da luta armada através do prisma das organizações políticas, que reivindicavam a legitimidade do caminho armado a partir de perspectivas conjunturais socioeconômicas e políticas, buscamos compreendê-la através da investigação da trajetória de dois indivíduos que partilharam desta escolha. Por intermédio desta trajetória, que amalgamou amor e revolução, discutiremos outros panoramas presentes em uma organização de esquerda armada brasileira, como a ruptura com os costumes, a vida na clandestinidade e o compromisso com o projeto revolucionário e com os companheiros.This article aims to analyze the trajectory of Vera Sílvia Magalhães and José Roberto Spiegner in the armed struggle against the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship. In order to understand the option and maintenance of the armed struggle, we sought to go beyond the political organizations’ prism, which claimed its legitimacy from perspectives of socioeconomic and political conjunctures. To do that, we analyze the trajectory of two individuals who shared this choice. Through this trajectory, which has amalgamated love and revolution, we will raise other aspects present in an organization of the Brazilian armed left, such as the rupture with customs, life in the underground and commitment to the revolutionary project and with the companions

    Definition of innovative material scenarios through digitization processes

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    The ongoing synergy between the digitization of the building process and new paradigms related to the production of architectural constructions and building elements, pave the way for the definition of new scenarios that are worth investigating. The recurring question, indeed, is how the most advanced digital techniques for material production can have a tangible impact on architecture and its morphological languages.  In the field of building design, the chance to turn digital data into matter represents a key point to deal with, in order to demonstrate the possibility to transfer actual benefits from other sectors related to the construction industry

    First observations of anthropogenic underwater noise in a large multi-use lake

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    Over the last fifty years, anthropogenic noise has increased dramatically in aquatic environments and is now recognised as a chronic form of pollution in coastal waters. However, this form of pollution has been largely neglected in inland water bodies. To date, very few studies have investigated the noise spectra in freshwater environments and at present no legislation exists to protect freshwater organisms from anthropogenic noise. The present study represents the first assessment of anthropogenic noise pollution in a large multi-use lake by characterising noise levels of the main ferry landings of the lake of Windermere, UK using Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM). During November 2014, acoustic samples (10 min long) were collected from such areas using a calibrated omni-directional hydrophone and their spectral content was analysed in 1/3 octave bands (dB re 1 µPa). Results indicate that the current noise levels in Windermere warrant further investigation as a potential threat to the fish community which occurs in this already delicate and pressured habitat. Based on results obtained, it is recommended that further studies focus on a wider geographical and temporal range in order to start to fill the knowledge and legislative gaps regarding anthropogenic noise monitoring in fresh waters

    Nightlife and COVID Vaccinations: A Field Study on an Italian Sample of Party Youth in summer 2021

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    In this study, we described rates of COVID vaccination, attitudes towards COVID prevention behaviours, and perceived risk in relation to different areas of personal well-being and substance use during the pandemic, in a sample of 16- to 25-year-olds (N = 411). The participants completed a short self-report questionnaire, while they were spending their 2021 summer nightlife in a crowded city venue. Results showed that 64% of respondents reported being vaccinated. Among the unvaccinated participants, those who were unwilling to be vaccinated agreed less with prevention rules and felt more at risk for drug use and for chances of getting or maintaining a job, when compared to both vaccinated peers and to peers who were unvaccinated but positively intentioned to vaccinate. Overall, the present findings confirm that youth felt at risk for their well-being during the pandemic and further reveal that young people who are reluctant to vaccinate deserve more attention. Vaccination campaigns need to be strengthened in social contexts, where chances of getting a job or keeping it are lower, while the risk of drug use is higher

    Association between practice of physical activity, educational level and food intake profile of truck drivers

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    A demanda da sociedade moderna intensificou o trabalho ininterrupto em diversas profissões. Além disso, o modo de organização da sociedade, com atividades predominantemente mecanizadas, tem contribuído para a prevalência de hábitos de vida não saudáveis, como a inatividade física. Este estudo objetiva verificar se fatores ocupacionais, sociodemográficos, antropométricos e alimentares estão associados à prática de atividade física insuficiente e se há diferenças nessa associação entre motoristas de caminhão que trabalham de dia ou à noite. Participaram da pesquisa 470 motoristas de caminhão, que responderam a questionários de dados sociodemográficos, atividade física e frequência alimentar. Foi realizada uma regressão logística univariada para verificar a associação entre atividade física insuficiente e as demais variáveis. Além disso, a regressão logística múltipla foi testada para obter modelos que mostrem a associação de conjuntos de variáveis relacionados à atividade física insuficiente. Os resultados indicaram que a prática de atividade física está associada ao maior nível de escolaridade (OR = 1,84; IC = 1,22-2,76) e menor consumo de bebidas alcoólicas (OR = 1,59; IC = 1,04-2,45). Maior ingestão de cereais integrais (OR = 1,63; IC = 1,08-2,46) foi associada à prática regular de atividade física. Entre os trabalhadores noturnos, foi encontrada associação entre a prática regular de atividade física, maior consumo de cereais integrais (OR = 2,02; IC =1,13-3,60) e menor consumo de carboidratos simples (OR = 1,91; IC = 1,08-3,37).The modern society's demand has intensified uninterrupted work among several professional categories. Besides that, the society's organization, with activities that are predominantly mechanized, has contributed to unhealthy life habits, such as lack of physical activity. The study aims to verify the association of occupational, social-demographic, anthropometric and food intake data with insufficient practice of physical activities and if there are any differences in this association between day and night truck drivers. The 470 truck drivers who participated in this study answered social-demographic, physical activity and food frequency questionnaires. Univariate logistic regression analysis was used to verify the association between insufficient physical activity and the other variables. Additionally, multiple logistic regression was tested to obtain models that show the association between sets of variables related to insufficient physical activity. The results indicated that practice of physical activities is associated with high educational level (OR=1.84; CI = 1.22-2.76) and low alcohol consumption (OR = 1.59; CI = 1.04-2.45). High intake of whole grains (OR = 1.63; CI = 1.08-2.46) was associated with regular practice of physical activity. Among the night workers, we found the association between regular practice of physical activity, high consumption of whole grains (OR = 2.02; CI = 1.13-3.60) and low consumption of simple carbohydrates (OR = 1.91; CI = 1.08-3.37)

    Specific Inhibition of the Redox Activity of Ape1/Ref-1 by E3330 Blocks Tnf-A-Induced Activation of Il-8 Production in Liver Cancer Cell Lines

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    APE1/Ref-1 is a main regulator of cellular response to oxidative stress via DNA-repair function and co-activating activity on the NF-κB transcription factor. APE1 is central in controlling the oxidative stress-based inflammatory processes through modulation of cytokines expression and its overexpression is responsible for the onset of chemoresistance in different tumors including hepatic cancer. We examined the functional role of APE1 overexpression during hepatic cell damage related to fatty acid accumulation and the role of the redox function of APE1 in the inflammatory process. HepG2 cells were stably transfected with functional and non-functional APE1 encoding plasmids and the protective effect of APE1 overexpression toward genotoxic compounds or FAs accumulation, was tested. JHH6 cells were stimulated with TNF-α in the presence or absence of E3330, an APE1 redox inhibitor. IL-8 promoter activity was assessed by a luciferase reporter assay, gene expression by Real-Time PCR and cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-12) levels measured by ELISA. APE1 over-expression did not prevent cytotoxicity induced by lipid accumulation. E3330 treatment prevented the functional activation of NF-κB via the alteration of APE1 subcellular trafficking and reduced IL-6 and IL-8 expression induced by TNF-α and FAs accumulation through blockage of the redox-mediated activation of NF-κB. APE1 overexpression observed in hepatic cancer cells may reflect an adaptive response to cell damage and may be responsible for further cell resistance to chemotherapy and for the onset of inflammatory response. The efficacy of the inhibition of APE1 redox activity in blocking TNF-α and FAs induced inflammatory response opens new perspectives for treatment of inflammatory-based liver diseases

    Noćni život i cijepljenje protiv bolesti COVID-19: Terenska studija na uzorku mladih Talijana u noćnome izlasku tijekom ljeta 2021. godine

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    In this study, we described rates of COVID vaccination, attitudes towards COVID prevention behaviours, and perceived risk in relation to different areas of personal well-being and substance use during the pandemic, in a sample of 16- to 25-year-olds (N = 411). The participants completed a short self-report questionnaire, while they were spending their 2021 summer nightlife in a crowded city venue. Results showed that 64% of respondents reported being vaccinated. Among the unvaccinated participants, those who were unwilling to be vaccinated agreed less with prevention rules and felt more at risk for drug use and for chances of getting or maintaining a job, when compared to both vaccinated peers and to peers who were unvaccinated but positively intentioned to vaccinate. Overall, the present findings confirm that youth felt at risk for their well-being during the pandemic and further reveal that young people who are reluctant to vaccinate deserve more attention. Vaccination campaigns need to be strengthened in social contexts, where chances of getting a job or keeping it are lower, while the risk of drug use is higher.U ovome smo istraživanju opisali stope cijepljenja protiv bolesti COVID-19, stavove prema ponašanjima važnima za prevenciju te bolesti i percipirani rizik u odnosu na različita područja osobne dobrobiti i zlouporabe droga tijekom pandemije na uzorku sudionika u dobi od 16 do 25 godina (N = 411). Sudionici su ispunili kratki upitnik samoprocjene za vrijeme noćnoga izlaska tijekom ljeta 2021. godine na gradskoj lokaciji gdje je vladala velika gužva. Rezultati su pokazali da je 64 % sudionika izjavilo da je cijepljeno. Među necijepljenim sudionicima oni koji se nisu željeli cijepiti manje su bili suglasni s pravilima prevencije, osjećali su se više izloženima riziku zlouporabe droga i smatrali su da je manja vjerojatnost da dobiju ili zadrže posao u usporedbi s cijepljenim vršnjacima i vršnjacima koji su bili necijepljeni, ali s pozitivnim namjerama za cijepljenje. Zaključno, sadašnji nalazi potvrđuju da su mladi tijekom pandemije osjećali da im je ugrožena dobrobit te da mladi koji se nerado cijepe zaslužuju više pažnje. Potrebno je pojačati kampanje za promociju cijepljenja u društvenim kontekstima gdje je vjerojatnost za dobivanje ili zadržavanje posla manja, a rizik od zlouporabe droga veći