470 research outputs found

    The Evolution of University Technology Transfer towards Involvement with Industry: the Case of the Politecnico di Torino

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    The Italian university scene was strongly influenced by the advent of so-called “knowledge society” that has resulted in a substantial transformation of the main institutions of knowledge production, including universities, in terms of services to offer and functions to performer, in order to give concrete answers to the increasingly insistent demands from society: not only traditional education of young people and the production of knowledge, but also training for life-long learning, continuous training and upgrading, advice, assistance and technology transfer, new modes of knowledge production. Moreover, ever the past three decades, university research activities have increasingly become organized around economic imperatives. Therefore, in this paper it is analyzed the case of the Politecnico di Torino and of I3P, the Innovative Enterprise Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, in terms of connection with the economic environment, in the light of the idea that changes in technology have enhanced the connections between research universities and economic policies (Geiger 2006). I3P’s mission is to promote the creation of new science-based businesses with validated growth potential, either founded by university researchers or entrepreneurs from outside the university sphere. I3P provides open spaces and professional consulting services to start business as well as a network of entrepreneurs, managers and investors. Founded on 1999, I3P is located in Torino (Italy) and by now has launched 160 start-ups that have been able to exploit the results of research in different fields: from cleantech to medtech, from Information Technology to electronics, mechanical, energy, to other industrial. Its mission is to promote the creation of new science-oriented firms with high-growth potential. The activity of I3P follows the global strategies of the Piedmont region, in order to sustain research, technology innovation and new entrepreneurship. Specifically it aims to: provide consulting services during the enterprise creation process (these services are free of charge); manage a network and a high profile marketplace involving entrepreneurs, managers and investors; provide a location for enterprises to create reciprocal synergies

    Entrepreneurship and University Spin-offs for (Academic) Employment?

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    [ES] In the new Millennium Italian universities have lived many changes deeply reshaping academic institutions. A relevant aspect was the more and more significant need to answer the demand of society and respond the social pressure to accountability through the transfer of knowledge, innovation and technology to economy. It led to an extension of the so-called university Fourth Mission, an instrument dedicated to create spin-offs to share scientific research results with society. The paper investigates the present reality of university spin-offs in Italy by considering their growing number also in the light of their role ofinstrument for academic job substitution. In particular, a tool to respond to the current condition of young Italian academic researchers increasingly affected by job offer reduction due to budget constraints, consequent university policies and new management issues.Boffo, S.; Cocorullo, A.; Gagliardi, F. (2020). Entrepreneurship and University Spin-offs for (Academic) Employment?. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):793-800. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.1114579380030-05-202

    Entrepreneurship and University Spin-offs for (Academic) Employment?

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    In the new Millennium Italian universities have lived many changes deeply reshaping academic institutions. A relevant aspect was the more and more significant need to answer the demand of society and respond the social pressure to accountability through the transfer of knowledge, innovation and technology to economy. It led to an extension of the so-called university Fourth Mission, an instrument dedicated to create spin-offs to share scientific research results with society. The paper investigates the present reality of university spin-offs in Italy by considering their growing number also in the light of their role of an instrument for academic job substitution. In particular, a tool to respond to the current condition of young Italian academic researchers increasingly affected by job offer reduction due to budget constraints, consequent university policies and new management issues

    La Quarta missione dell’Università: la Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, il Politecnico di Torino, l’Università degli Studi di Trento e l’Università degli Studi di Messina tra spin-off e creazione di imprenditorialità

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    La tesi affronta la tematica degli spin-off universitari adottando un approccio poliprospettico. L’analisi della letteratura finora prodotta in materia di spin-off della ricerca universitaria ha consentito di delineare un quadro completo e multidimensionale del fenomeno, evidenziando punti di forza e di debolezza legati al processo di creazione di nuove realtà imprenditoriali da parte di università ed enti pubblici di ricerca. L’analisi degli spin-off accademici da un punto di vista quantitativo ha permesso di ricostruire la configurazione assunta dal fenomeno nel panorama italiano, alla luce delle variabili individuate nella prima sezione della ricerca. Inoltre, l’analisi di quattro casi di studio peculiari - la Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, il Politecnico di Torino, l’Università degli Studi di Trento e l’Università degli Studi di Messina - ha consentito di ricostruire i profili delle singole strutture - non solo in termini di maggiore o minore grado di coinvolgimento in attività di creazione di nuove forme di imprenditorialità accademica a partire dai risultati della ricerca condotta in seno a ciascun istituto di alta formazione, ma anche in relazione ai modelli adottati durante i processi di creazione degli spin-off -, e di intercettare, almeno nel panorama accademico italiano, punti di forza e punti di debolezza di questa ormai diffusa pratica finalizzata alla valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca. Un’ultima riflessione si è infine incentrata sulla questione legata all’identità dei soggetti coinvolti durante la creazione di un’impresa spin-off, giungendo a proporre una possibile chiave di lettura del fenomeno attraverso la cosiddetta “matrice delle tendenze”, quale nuovo strumento di analisi qualitativa per la ricerca sociologica

    Etnografia e netnografia. Riflessioni teoriche, sfide metodologiche ed esperienze di ricerca

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    Fra i lavori più recenti che meglio mettono in evidenza la necessità di aggiorna- re la cassetta degli attrezzi del ricercatore sociale, vi è quello curato da Giuseppe Masullo, Felice Addeo e Angela Delli Paoli – intitolato Etnografia e netnografia. Riflessioni teoriche, sfide metodologiche ed esperienze di ricerca, pubblicato nel 2020 da Paolo Loffredo Editore con il contributo del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Filosofiche e della Formazione (DISUFF) dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno.Il volume, riprendendo le parole di Mangone nella prefazione,«si configura proprio come un laboratorio metodologico che ha lo scopo di aprire nuove prospettive per uno studio approfondito dell’interazione tra alcune variabili (genere, sessualità, etnia, religione, etc.) e i cambiamenti culturali tenendo conto di un approccio multiplo e multidisciplinare alla formazione dell’identità e alle relazioni attraverso il metodo etnografico e netnografico» (2020, p. 16)

    Modelling di dati GPR e analisi di dati sintetici e misure reali per la stima del diametro delle armature nel calcestruzzo.

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    In questo lavoro si simulano dati GPR e si analizzano i risultati, per ottimizzare le tecniche di processing volte alla stima del diametro delle armature nel calcestruzzo. Il dimensionamento di tali strutture di rinforzo è fondamentale nel determinare le caratteristiche strutturali degli edifici. Il parametro studiato è la Radar Cross Section, un indicatore della frazione di potenza che un target reirradia se illuminato da un’onda elettromagnetica. Questo parametro dipende dalla polarizzazione dell’onda incidente, dalla sua lunghezza d’onda e dall’angolo d’incidenza sul tondino, dal mezzo di propagazione, e dalle caratteristiche elettromagnetiche e geometriche del target. Una volta elaborata una sequenza di analisi dati che porti ad un buon accordo tra risultati sintetici e teoria, la si applica a misure reali, acquisite durante un lavoro di ricerca svolto nel 2005 presso il Politecnico di Milano

    Splenic littoral cell hemangioendothelioma in a patient with crohn's disease previously treated with immunomodulators and anti-TNF agents: A rare tumor linked to deep immunosuppression

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    Th e risk of malignancy in Crohn ’ s disease (CD) has been well described. Moreover, immunomodulators, uch as azathioprine (AZA) and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP), and biological agents, such as infl iximab and adalimumab, may promote carcinogenesis ( 1 – 3 ). Splenic littoral cell tumors are recently described tumors of vascular origin composed of endothelial cells, with typical microscopic and immunohistochemical features of splenic sinus lining cells ( 4 ). Clinical findings are not specific, and outcome is unpredictable but usually benign, although a few cases with a malignant behavior have been reported ( 5,6 ). We report a 58-year-old Caucasian man with a long history of ileocolonic CD

    Understanding the Optimization of the Emitter Coverage in BC-BJ Solar Cells☆

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    Abstract In this work, by exploiting two-dimensional (2-D) TCAD numerical simulations, we performed a study of optimum emitter coverage ratio (R opt ) to reach maximum performance on back contact-back junction (BC-BJ) solar cells. R opt exhibits a strong dependence on pitch, emitter and back surface field (BSF) doping and bulk resistivity, ranging between 0.6 and 0.95. By fixing BSF doping, emitter doping and bulk resistivity, BSF and emitter width can be optimized independently one another. The optimum BSF width and the optimum emitter width are given by a trade-off between series resistance and electrical shading losses. From the design perspective, focusing on optimizing the BSF and emitter width is more effective than optimizing R at fixed pitch or BSF width