6,782 research outputs found

    Elemental Abundances of Solar Sibling Candidates

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    Dynamical information along with survey data on metallicity and in some cases age have been used recently by some authors to search for candidates of stars that were born in the cluster where the Sun formed. We have acquired high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra for 30 of these objects to determine, using detailed elemental abundance analysis, if they could be true solar siblings. Only two of the candidates are found to have solar chemical composition. Updated modeling of the stars' past orbits in a realistic Galactic potential reveals that one of them, HD162826, satisfies both chemical and dynamical conditions for being a sibling of the Sun. Measurements of rare-element abundances for this star further confirm its solar composition, with the only possible exception of Sm. Analysis of long-term high-precision radial velocity data rules out the presence of hot Jupiters and confirms that this star is not in a binary system. We find that chemical tagging does not necessarily benefit from studying as many elements as possible, but instead from identifying and carefully measuring the abundances of those elements which show large star-to-star scatter at a given metallicity. Future searches employing data products from ongoing massive astrometric and spectroscopic surveys can be optimized by acknowledging this fact.Comment: ApJ, in press. Tables 2 and 4 are available in full in the "Other formats: source" downloa

    Possible Observational Criteria for Distinguishing Brown Dwarfs from Planets

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    The difference in formation process between binary stars and planetary systems is reflected in their composition as well as their orbital architecture, particularly orbital eccentricity as a function of orbital period. It is suggested here that this difference can be used as an observational criterion to distinguish between brown dwarfs and planets. Application of the orbital criterion suggests that with three possible exceptions, all of the recently-discovered substellar companions discovered to date may be brown dwarfs and not planets. These criterion may be used as a guide for interpretation of the nature of sub-stellar mass companions to stars in the future.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages including 2 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Rigorous approach to the comparison between experiment and theory in Casimir force measurements

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    In most experiments on the Casimir force the comparison between measurement data and theory was done using the concept of the root-mean-square deviation, a procedure that has been criticized in literature. Here we propose a special statistical analysis which should be performed separately for the experimental data and for the results of the theoretical computations. In so doing, the random, systematic, and total experimental errors are found as functions of separation, taking into account the distribution laws for each error at 95% confidence. Independently, all theoretical errors are combined to obtain the total theoretical error at the same confidence. Finally, the confidence interval for the differences between theoretical and experimental values is obtained as a function of separation. This rigorous approach is applied to two recent experiments on the Casimir effect.Comment: 10 pages, iopart.cls is used, to appear in J. Phys. A (special issue: Proceedings of QFEXT05, Barcelona, Sept. 5-9, 2005

    Tests of Lorentz violation in muon antineutrino to electron antineutrino oscillations

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    A recently developed Standard-Model Extension (SME) formalism for neutrino oscillations that includes Lorentz and CPT violation is used to analyze the sidereal time variation of the neutrino event excess measured by the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND) experiment. The LSND experiment, performed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, observed an excess, consistent with neutrino oscillations, of νˉe{\bar\nu}_e in a beam of νˉμ{\bar\nu}_\mu. It is determined that the LSND oscillation signal is consistent with no sidereal variation. However, there are several combinations of SME coefficients that describe the LSND data; both with and without sidereal variations. The scale of Lorentz and CPT violation extracted from the LSND data is of order 101910^{-19} GeV for the SME coefficients aLa_L and E×cLE \times c_L. This solution for Lorentz and CPT violating neutrino oscillations may be tested by other short baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, such as the MiniBooNE experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, uses revtex4 replaced with version to be published in Physical Review D, 11 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, uses revtex

    Stress distribution and the fragility of supercooled melts

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    We formulate a minimal ansatz for local stress distribution in a solid that includes the possibility of strongly anharmonic short-length motions. We discover a broken-symmetry metastable phase that exhibits an aperiodic, frozen-in stress distribution. This aperiodic metastable phase is characterized by many distinct, nearly degenerate configurations. The activated transitions between the configurations are mapped onto the dynamics of a long range classical Heisenberg model with 6-component spins and anisotropic couplings. We argue the metastable phase corresponds to a deeply supercooled non-polymeric, non-metallic liquid, and further establish an order parameter for the glass-to-crystal transition. The spin model itself exhibits a continuous range of behaviors between two limits corresponding to frozen-in shear and uniform compression/dilation respectively. The two regimes are separated by a continuous transition controlled by the anisotropy in the spin-spin interaction, which is directly related to the Poisson ratio σ\sigma of the material. The latter ratio and the ultra-violet cutoff of the theory determine the liquid configurational entropy. Our results suggest that liquid's fragility depends on the Poisson ratio in a non-monotonic way. The present ansatz provides a microscopic framework for computing the configurational entropy and relaxational spectrum of specific substances.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Final version published in J Phys Chem

    Albedo and Reflection Spectra of Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    We generate theoretical albedo and reflection spectra for a full range of extrasolar giant planet (EGP) models, from Jovian to 51-Pegasi class objects. Our albedo modeling utilizes the latest atomic and molecular cross sections, a Mie theory treatment of extinction by condensates, a variety of particle size distributions, and an extension of the Feautrier radiative transfer method which allows for a general treatment of the scattering phase function. We find that due to qualitative similarities in the compositions and spectra of objects within each of five broad effective temperature ranges, it is natural to establish five representative EGP albedo classes: a ``Jovian'' class (Teff150_{\rm eff} \lesssim 150 K; Class I) with tropospheric ammonia clouds, a ``water cloud'' class (Teff250_{\rm eff} \sim 250 K; Class II) primarily affected by condensed H2_2O, a ``clear'' class (Teff350_{\rm eff} \gtrsim 350 K; Class III) which lacks clouds, and two high-temperature classes: Class IV (900 K \lesssim Teff_{\rm{eff}} \lesssim 1500 K) for which alkali metal absorption predominates, and Class V (Teff_{\rm{eff}} \gtrsim 1500 K and/or low surface gravity (\lesssim 103^3 cm s2^{-2})) for which a high silicate layer shields a significant fraction of the incident radiation from alkali metal and molecular absorption. The resonance lines of sodium and potassium are expected to be salient features in the reflection spectra of Class III, IV, and V objects. We derive Bond albedos and effective temperatures for the full set of known EGPs and explore the possible effects of non-equilibrium condensed products of photolysis above or within principal cloud decks. As in Jupiter, such species can lower the UV/blue albedo substantially, even if present in relatively small mixing ratios.Comment: revised LaTeX manuscript accepted to Ap.J.; also available at http://jupiter.as.arizona.edu/~burrows/paper

    Anomalous transverse acoustic phonon broadening in the relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg_1/3Nb_2/3)O_3

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    The intrinsic linewidth ΓTA\Gamma_{TA} of the transverse acoustic (TA) phonon observed in the relaxor ferroelectric compound Pb(Mg1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3)0.8_{2/3})_{0.8}Ti0.2_{0.2}O3_3 (PMN-20%PT) begins to broaden with decreasing temperature around 650 K, nearly 300 K above the ferroelectric transition temperature TcT_c (360\sim 360 K). We speculate that this anomalous behavior is directly related to the condensation of polarized, nanometer-sized, regions at the Burns temperature TdT_d. We also observe the ``waterfall'' anomaly previously seen in pure PMN, in which the transverse optic (TO) branch appears to drop precipitously into the TA branch at a finite momentum transfer qwf0.15q_{wf} \sim 0.15 \AA1^{-1}. The waterfall feature is seen even at temperatures above TdT_d. This latter result suggests that the PNR exist as dynamic entities above TdT_d.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The proton and deuteron F_2 structure function at low Q^2

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    Measurements of the proton and deuteron F2F_2 structure functions are presented. The data, taken at Jefferson Lab Hall C, span the four-momentum transfer range 0.06<Q2<2.80.06 < Q^2 < 2.8 GeV2^2, and Bjorken xx values from 0.009 to 0.45, thus extending the knowledge of F2F_2 to low values of Q2Q^2 at low xx. Next-to-next-to-leading order calculations using recent parton distribution functions start to deviate from the data for Q2<2Q^2<2 GeV2^2 at the low and high xx-values. Down to the lowest value of Q2Q^2, the structure function is in good agreement with a parameterization of F2F_2 based on data that have been taken at much higher values of Q2Q^2 or much lower values of xx, and which is constrained by data at the photon point. The ratio of the deuteron and proton structure functions at low xx remains well described by a logarithmic dependence on Q2Q^2 at low Q2Q^2.Comment: 3 figures, submitted pape

    Longitudinal-Transverse Separations of Structure Functions at Low Q2Q^{2} for Hydrogen and Deuterium

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    We report on a study of the longitudinal to transverse cross section ratio, R=σL/σTR=\sigma_L/\sigma_T, at low values of xx and Q2Q^{2}, as determined from inclusive inelastic electron-hydrogen and electron-deuterium scattering data from Jefferson Lab Hall C spanning the four-momentum transfer range 0.06 <Q2<2.8 < Q^{2} < 2.8 GeV2^{2}. Even at the lowest values of Q2Q^{2}, RR remains nearly constant and does not disappear with decreasing Q2Q^{2}, as expected. We find a nearly identical behaviour for hydrogen and deuterium.Comment: 4 pages, 2 gigure

    Search for π0νμνˉμ\pi^0 \to \nu_{\mu}\bar\nu_{\mu} Decay in LSND

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    We observe a net beam-excess of 8.7±6.38.7 \pm 6.3 (stat) ±2.4\pm 2.4 (syst) events, above 160 MeV, resulting from the charged-current reaction of νμ\nu_{\mu} and/or νˉμ\bar\nu_{\mu} on C and H in the LSND detector. No beam related muon background is expected in this energy regime. Within an analysis framework of π0νμνˉμ\pi^0 \to \nu_{\mu}\bar\nu_{\mu}, we set a direct upper limit for this branching ratio of Γ(π0νμνˉμ)/Γ(π0all)<1.6×106\Gamma(\pi^0 \to \nu_\mu \bar\nu_\mu) / \Gamma(\pi^0 \to all) < 1.6 \times 10^{-6} at 90% confidence level.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure