447 research outputs found

    Design study of a low cost civil aviation GPS receiver system

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    A low cost Navstar receiver system for civil aviation applications was defined. User objectives and constraints were established. Alternative navigation processing design trades were evaluated. Receiver hardware was synthesized by comparing technology projections with various candidate system designs. A control display unit design was recommended as the result of field test experience with Phase I GPS sets and a review of special human factors for general aviation users. Areas requiring technology development to ensure a low cost Navstar Set in the 1985 timeframe were identified

    Correlating fissure occurrence to rice quality for various drying and tempering treatments

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    When a rice kernel fissures, it can break in subsequent food processing operations and lose its commercial value. Head rice yield (HRY) is a measure of the percent of kernels that remain whole (at least three-fourths of original length) after rice has been milled. Our experiment was designed to test the effect of a rapid state transition during drying and tempering processes using cultivars Bengal and Cypress. ‘Bengal’ is a medium-size kernel and ‘Cypress’ is a longsize, thinner grained cultivar. Immediately after drying, the rice samples were separated into four sub-samples and tempered for 0, 80, 160, or 240 minutes at the temperature of the drying air. Tempering is a process to allow kernel moisture content gradients to decrease, thereby reducing the stress within the kernel. From each sample, 400 kernels were randomly selected, visually observed, and the percentage of fissured kernels determined. Results showed that the percentage of fissured kernels generally decreased with tempering. However, some samples still showed many fissures even after extended tempering, yet had a high HRY. While HRY is currently the primary index of rice quality, it is known that fissured kernels can severely and detrimentally affect end-use processing operations such as cooking or puffing. Thus, the tempering duration required for preventing kernel fissuring might be longer than the tempering duration required for maintaining a high HRY

    Cardiac Output Measurements in Septic Patients: Comparing the Accuracy of USCOM to PiCCO

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    USCOM is an ultrasound-based method which has been accepted for noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring in various clinical conditions (USCOM, Ultrasonic cardiac output monitoring). The present study aimed at comparing the accuracy of the USCOM device with that of the thermodilution technique in patients with septicemia. We conducted a prospective observational study in a medical but noncardiological ICU of a university hospital. Septic adult patients (median age 55 years, median SAPS-II-Score 43 points) on mechanical ventilation and catecholamine support were monitored with USCOM and PiCCO (n = 70). Seventy paired left-sided CO measurements (transaortic access = COUS-A) were obtained. The mean COUS-A were 6.55 l/min (±2.19) versus COPiCCO 6.5 l/min (±2.18). The correlation coefficient was r = 0.89. Comparison by Bland-Altman analysis revealed a bias of −0.36 l/min (±0.99 l/min) leading to a mean percentage error of 29%. USCOM is a feasible and rapid method to evaluate CO in septic patients. USCOM does reliably represent CO values as compared to the reference technique based on thermodilution (PiCCO). It seems to be appropriate in situations where CO measurements are most pertinent to patient management

    A scenario of planet erosion by coronal radiation

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    Context: According to theory, high-energy emission from the coronae of cool stars can severely erode the atmospheres of orbiting planets. No observational tests of the long term effects of erosion have yet been made. Aims: To analyze the current distribution of planetary mass with X-ray irradiation of the atmospheres in order to make an observational assessment of the effects of erosion by coronal radiation. Methods: We study a large sample of planet-hosting stars with XMM-Newton, Chandra and ROSAT; make a careful identification of X-ray counterparts; and fit their spectra to make accurately measurements of the stellar X-ray flux. Results: The distribution of the planetary masses with X-ray flux suggests that erosion has taken place: most surviving massive planets, (M_p sin i >1.5 M_J), have been exposed to lower accumulated irradiation. Heavy erosion during the initial stages of stellar evolution is followed by a phase of much weaker erosion. A line dividing these two phases could be present, showing a strong dependence on planet mass. Although a larger sample will be required to establish a well-defined erosion line, the distribution found is very suggestive. Conclusions: The distribution of planetary mass with X-ray flux is consistent with a scenario in which planet atmospheres have suffered the effects of erosion by coronal X-ray and EUV emission. The erosion line is an observational constraint to models of atmospheric erosion.Comment: A&A 511, L8 (2010). 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 online table (included). Language edited; corrected a wrong unit conversion (g/s -> M_J/Gyr); corrected values in column 12 of Table 1 (slightly underestimated in first version), and Figure 2 updated accordingl

    In silico evaluation of limited sampling strategies for individualized dosing of extended half-life factor IX concentrates in hemophilia B patients

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    PURPOSE: Hemophilia B is a bleeding disorder, caused by a factor IX (FIX) deficiency. Recently, FIX concentrates with extended half-life (EHL) have become available. Prophylactic dosing of EHL-FIX concentrates can be optimized by assessment of individual pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters. To determine these parameters, limited sampling strategies (LSSs) may be applied. The study aims to establish adequate LSSs for estimating individual PK parameters of EHL-FIX concentrates using in silico evaluation. METHODS: Monte Carlo simulations were performed to obtain FIX activity versus time profiles using published population PK models for N9-GP (Refixia), rFIXFc (Alprolix), and rIX-FP (Idelvion). Fourteen LSSs, containing three or four samples taken within 8 days after administration, were formulated. Bayesian analysis was applied to obtain estimates for clearance (CL), half-life (t(1/2)), time to 1% (Time(1%)), and calculated weekly dose (Dose(1%)). Bias and precision of these estimates were assessed to determine which LSS was adequate. RESULTS: For all PK parameters of N9-GP, rFIXFc and rIX-FP bias was generally acceptable (range: −5% to 5%). For N9-GP, precision of all parameters for all LSSs was acceptable (< 25%). For rFIXFc, precision was acceptable for CL and Time(1%), except for t(1/2) (range: 27.1% to 44.7%) and Dose(1%) (range: 12% to 29.4%). For rIX-FP, all LSSs showed acceptable bias and precision, except for Dose(1%) using LSS with the last sample taken on day 3 (LSS 6 and 10). CONCLUSION: Best performing LSSs were LSS with samples taken at days 1, 5, 7, and 8 (N9-GP and rFIXFc) and at days 1, 4, 6, and 8 (rIX-FP), respectively

    Toekomst voor zeldzame Nederlandse Landbouwhuisdierrassen : Stimulans voor het behoud van levend erfgoed

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    Adviesrapport van de Stichting Zeldzame Huisdierrassen (SZH) en het Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen, Nederland van Wageningen UR (CGN) aan LNV over reële en kansrijke mogelijkheden voor nieuwe vormen van ondersteuning van in situ conservering van zeldzame rassen landbouwhuisdieren in Nederland, die op voldoende draagvlak kunnen rekenen. De behoefte aan dit advies hangt samen met de verdere uitwerking van de in het Nederlandse landenrapport over dierlijke genetische bronnen genoemde beleidsprioriteiten (LNV, 2002). In het landenrapport staat onder andere dat Nederland zich ten doel stelt om Nederlandse zeldzame rassen landbouwhuisdieren het predikaat zeldzaam te laten ontgroeien zonder structurele subsidiëring van de overhei

    Product type and the risk of inhibitor development in nonsevere haemophilia A patients: a case‒control study

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    Inhibitor development is a major complication of treatment with factor VIII concentrates in nonsevere haemophilia A. It has been suggested that plasma-derived factor VIII (FVIII) concentrates elicit fewer inhibitors than recombinant FVIII concentrates, but studies in severe haemophilia A patients have shown conflicting results. We designed a case‒control study to investigate the clinical and genetic risk factors for inhibitor development in nonsevere haemophilia A patients. We investigated whether the type of FVIII concentrate was associated with inhibitor development in nonsevere haemophilia A patients. This nested case‒control study includes 75 inhibitor patients and 223 controls, from a source population of the INSIGHT study, including all nonsevere haemophilia A patients (FVIII:C 2–40%) that were treated with FVIII concentrates in 33 European and one Australian centre. Cases and controls were matched for date of birth and cumulative number of exposure days (CED) to FVIII concentrate. A conditional logistic regression model was used to calculate unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios. No increased risk for inhibitor development was found for any type of FVIII concentrate; either when comparing recombinant FVIII concentrates to plasma-derived FVIII concentrates (adjusted odds ratio 0·96, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0·36–2·52) or for specific types of FVIII concentrates