2,112 research outputs found

    Solar-wind interaction with planetary ionospheres

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    Planetary encounters by numerous spacecraft have furnished information concerning the solar wind interaction with the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. While direct measurements have indicated a wide range of atmospheric densities and intrinsic magnetic field strengths, the data seem to indicate that the flow pattern around nonmagnetized or weakly magnetized planets with atmospheres optically thick at ionizing wavelengths is basically the same as that around a strongly magnetized planet's magnetosphere, such as the earth's. The planetary ionosphere apparently presents a hard obstacle to the flow, with bow shock formation required in the supersonic, super-Alfvenic flow to slow and direct most of the solar wind plasma around the planetary ionosphere. Various aspects of the interaction are examined in the context of theoretical models in an attempt to explain observed details of the interaction regions of Venus and Mars

    Data Reduction and Analysis of Pioneer Venus Orbital Ion Mass Spectrometer

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    Research was carried out on developing a flow field interaction model for both the dayside and nightside ionosphere of Venus. Specific topics related to the dayside ionosphere included: (1) wave particle mechanisms at the ionopause, (2) structure and dynamics of the Venus ionopause and Ionosphere, and (3) flows and fields in the Venus Ionosphere. The structure and dynamics of ion troughs was also studied in the nightside ionosphere of Venus

    Guidelines for physical weed control research: flame weeding, weed harrowing and intra-row cultivation

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    A prerequisite for good research is the use of appropriate methodology. In order to aggregate sound research methodology, this paper presents some tentative guidelines for physical weed control research in general, and flame weeding, weed harrowing and intra-row cultivation in particular. Issues include the adjustment and use of mechanical weeders and other equipment, the recording of impact factors that affect weeding performance, methods to assess effectiveness, the layout of treatment plots, and the conceptual models underlying the experimental designs (e.g. factorial comparison, dose response). First of all, the research aims need to be clearly defined, an appropriate experimental design produced and statistical methods chosen accordingly. Suggestions on how to do this are given. For assessments, quantitative measures would be ideal, but as they require more resources, visual classification may in some cases be more feasible. The timing of assessment affects the results and their interpretation. When describing the weeds and crops, one should list the crops and the most abundantly present weed species involved, giving their density and growth stages at the time of treatment. The location of the experimental field, soil type, soil moisture and amount of fertilization should be given, as well as weather conditions at the time of treatment. The researcher should describe the weed control equipment and adjustments accurately, preferably according to the prevailing practice within the discipline. Things to record are e.g. gas pressure, burner properties, burner cover dimensions and LPG consumption in flame weeding; speed, angle of tines, number of passes and direction in weed harrowing. The authors hope this paper will increase comparability among experiments, help less experienced scientists to prevent mistakes and essential omissions, and foster the advance of knowledge on non-chemical weed management


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    We propose a new iOS app called KeepUp that will provide its users a more effective way of waking up from sleep in the morning. Our app is an alarm system that offers the ability to set a morning routine the night before. Depending on the type of routine scheduled by the user, the alarm sound from the app itself will only be turned off once the user triggers sensors from different areas of a living space. There will be motion sensors spread out across the user’s location that can only be turned off by the user physically moving to the designated area. Thus, setting a routine the night before will encourage the user to get out of his or her bed in the morning to stop the alarm sound. We plan to accomplish this goal by incorporating a WiFi equipped microcontroller and Passive Infrared Sensors. Connection to these sensors from the microcontroller will provide the opportunity to receive the input from the user to send that information back to the iOS application; stopping the alarm sound

    Modélisation dynamique du comportement des métaux lourds dans des stations d’épuration

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    Le but de ce travail était de développer un modèle permettant de décrire le comportement des métaux lourds, en plus des polluants traditionnels, dans une station d’épuration par boues activées et pouvant être utilisé pour sa conception et son optimisation. Le modèle, qui considère la sorption des métaux lourds sur des matières en suspension comme processus réactionnel, a été évalué à partir de données recueillies durant dix jours dans un système réel de traitement par boues activées. Les résultats démontrent la sensibilité du modèle face aux importantes variations instantanées des concentrations de métaux lourds dans l’affluent. Il est néanmoins capable de prévoir l’évolution des concentrations de métaux lourds à l’intérieur de la station et à l’effluent.The aim of this work was to develop a model which simultaneously describes the fate of heavy metals and traditional pollutants in an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. The model could then be used to design and optimize WWTPs. The evaluation of the model, which considers the sorption of heavy metals onto suspended solids as the reactive process, was done with a set of data obtained during a 10-day monitoring period in an activated sludge plant. The results show a significant sensitivity of the model towards the important variations in heavy metal concentrations in the influent. Nonetheless, the model is able to describe the heavy metal concentration dynamics inside the WWTP, as well as in the effluent

    Valoración clínico-radiológica de la articulación femoropatelar en prótesis que conservan los ligamentos cruzados

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    Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en 104 pacientes con 116 prótesis tricompartimentales de rodilla que conservan los dos ligamentos cruzados. Se analizó la situación radiológica de la rótula, su relación con el implante protésico y los efectos de estos factores sobre la movilidad de la rodilla. Se realizaron proyecciones radiográficas AP, lateral y axial a 30° y se obtuvieron las siguientes variables: espesor residual rotuliano, posición del componente metálico respecto a la rótula, ángulo de Laurin, y grado de subluxación rotuliana. Se comparó la relación existente entre las diferentes variables, y éstas con respecto a los grados de flexión. Un 52,2% de las patelas presentaban una alineación central. Se obtuvo una relación significativa entre el ángulo de inclinación y el grado de subluxación patelar, sin embargo las variables a estudio no han presentado influencia en el grado de movilidad protésica, dentro de los rangos expuestos.A retrospective study was performed in 104 patients with 116 tricompartimental non-constrained knee prostheses. The radiological possition of the patella, its relationwith the prosthetic implant and the effect of these factors in the final range of movement of the knee were analyzed. AP, lateral and 30° axial radiological views were taken and the following variables were studied: residual patellar thickness, position of the metallic component with respect to the patella, Laurin''s angle and subluxation of the patella.The relation between these findings and also respect to postoperative maximum flexion were investigated. Overall, 52% of the patella tracked centrally. A statystical significant relation between the inclination angle and the patellar subluxation degree was obtained. However, within the exposed ranges, the studied variables have not demonstrated influence in the prosthetic range of movement
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