93 research outputs found

    In Search of the X\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eBO and X\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eBS (X = H, F) Free Radicals: \u3cem\u3eAb Initio\u3c/em\u3e Studies of Their Spectroscopic Signatures

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    The F2BO free radical is a known, although little studied, species but similar X2BY (X = H, D, F; Y = O, S) molecules are largely unknown. High level ab initio methods have been used to predict the molecular structures, vibrational frequencies (in cm-1), and relative energies of the ground and first two excited electronic states of these free radicals, as an aid to their eventual spectroscopic identification. The chosen theoretical methods and basis sets were tested on F2BO and found to give good agreement with the known experimental quantities. In particular, complete basis set extrapolations of coupled-cluster single and doubles with perturbative triple excitations/aug-cc-pVXZ (X = 3, 4, 5) energies gave excellent electronic term values, due to small changes in geometry between states and the lack of significant multireference character in the wavefunctions. The radicals are found to have planar C2v geometries in the X̃2B2 ground state, the low-lying Ã2B1 first excited state, and the higher B̃2A1 state. Some of these radicals have very small ground state dipole moments hindering microwave measurements. Infrared studies in matrices or in the gas phase may be possible although the fundamentals of H2BO and H2BS are quite weak. The most promising method of identifying these species in the gas phase appears to be absorption or laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy through the allowed B̃-X̃ transitions which occur in the visible-near UV region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The ab initio results have been used to calculate the Franck-Condon profiles of the absorption and emission spectra, and the rotational structure of the B̃-X̃000 bands has been simulated. The calculated single vibronic level emission spectra provide a unique, readily recognizable fingerprint of each particular radical, facilitating the experimental identification of new X2BY species in the gas phase

    Hyperfine Rather Than Spin Splittings Dominate the Fine Structure of the \u3cem\u3eB\u3c/em\u3e \u3csup\u3e4\u3c/sup\u3eΣ\u3csup\u3e-\u3c/sup\u3e–\u3cem\u3eX\u3c/em\u3e \u3csup\u3e4\u3c/sup\u3eΣ\u3csup\u3e-\u3c/sup\u3e Bands of AIC

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    Laser-induced fluorescence and wavelength resolved emission spectra of the B 4Σ−–X 4Σ− band system of the gas phase cold aluminum carbide free radical have been obtained using the pulsed discharge jet technique. The radical was produced by electron bombardment of a precursor mixture of trimethylaluminum in high pressure argon. High resolution spectra show that each rotational line of the 0-0 and 1-1 bands of AlC is split into at least three components, with very similar splittings and intensities in both the P- and R-branches. The observed structure was reproduced by assuming bβS magnetic hyperfine coupling in the excited state, due to a substantial Fermi contact interaction of the unpaired electron in the aluminum 3s orbital. Rotational analysis has yielded ground and excited state equilibrium bond lengths in good agreement with the literature and our own ab initio values. Small discrepancies in the calculated intensities of the hyperfine lines suggest that the upper state spin-spin constant λ′ is of the order of ≈0.025–0.030 cm−1

    Detection and Characterization of the Tin Dihydride (SnH\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e and SnD\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e) Molecule in the Gas Phase

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    The SnH2 and SnD2 molecules have been detected for the first time in the gas phase by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and emission spectroscopic techniques through the Ã1B1–X̃1A1 electronic transition. These reactive species were prepared in a pulsed electric discharge jet using (CH3)4Sn or SnH4/SnD4 precursors diluted in high pressure argon. Transitions to the electronic excited state of the jet-cooled molecules were probed with LIF, and the ground state energy levels were measured from single rovibronic level emission spectra. The LIF spectrum of SnD2 afforded sufficient rotational structure to determine the ground and excited state geometries: r″0 = 1.768 Å, θ″0 = 91.0°, r′0 = 1.729 Å, θ′0 = 122.9°. All of the observed LIF bands show evidence of a rotational-level-dependent predissociation process which rapidly decreases the fluorescence yield and lifetime with increasing rotational angular momentum in each excited vibronic level. This behavior is analogous to that observed in SiH2 and GeH2 and is suggested to lead to the formation of ground state tin atoms and hydrogen molecules

    A Stimulated Emission Study of the Ground State Bending Levels of BH\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Through the Barrier to Linearity and \u3cem\u3eAb Initio\u3c/em\u3e Calculations of Near-Spectroscopic Accuracy

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    The ground state bending levels of 11BH2 have been studied experimentally using a combination of low-resolution emission spectroscopy and high-resolution stimulated emission pumping (SEP) measurements. The data encompass the energy range below, through, and above the calculated position of the barrier to linearity. For the bending levels (0,3,0) and above, the data show substantial K-reordering, with the K a = 1 levels falling well below those with K a = 0. A comparison of the high-resolution rotationally resolved SEP data to our own very high level ab initio calculations of the rovibronic energy levels shows agreement approaching near-spectroscopic accuracy (a few cm−1). The data reported in this work provide very stringent tests for future theoretical treatments of this prototypical seven-electron free radical

    Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection of the Elusive SiCF Free Radical

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    The SiCF free radical has been spectroscopically identified for the first time. The radical was produced in an electric discharge jet using CF3Si(CH3)3 or CF3SiH3 vapor in high pressure argon as the precursor. The laser-induced fluorescence spectrum of the à 2Σ+ − X̃ 2Π band system in the 610 − 550 nm region was recorded and the 2Π3/2 spin component of the 0—0 band was studied at high resolution. Rotational analysis gave the B values for the combining states, and by fixing the CF bond lengths at ab initio values we obtained r″(Si–C) = 1.692(1)Å and r′(Si–C) = 1.594(1)Å. The bond lengths correspond to a silicon-carbon double bond in the ground state and an unusual Si−C triple bond in the excited state. Single vibronic level emission spectra yielded the ground state bending and stretching energy levels. These were fitted to a Renner-Teller model that included spin-orbit and limited vibrational anharmonicity effects

    Applied Quantum Chemistry: Spectroscopic Detection and Characterization of the F\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eBS and Cl\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eBS Free Radicals in the Gas Phase

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    In this and previous work [D. J. Clouthier, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 244309 (2014)], the spectroscopic signatures of the X2BY (X = H, halogen, Y = O, S) free radicals have been predicted using high level ab initio theory. The theoretical results have been used to calculate the electronic absorption and single vibronic level (SVL) emission spectra of the radicals under typical jet-cooled conditions. Using these diagnostic predictions, the previously unknown F2BS and Cl2BS free radicals have been identified and characterized. The radicals were prepared in a free jet expansion by subjecting precursor mixtures of BF3 or BCl3 and CS2 vapor to an electric discharge at the exit of a pulsed molecular beam valve. The B̃2A1-X̃2B2 laser-induced fluorescence spectra were found within 150 cm-1 of their theoretically predicted positions with vibronic structure consistent with our Franck-Condon simulations. The B̃2A1 state emits down to the ground state and to the low-lying Ã2B1 excited state and the correspondence between the observed and theoretically derived SVL emission Franck-Condon profiles was used to positively identify the radicals and make assignments. Excited state Coriolis coupling effects complicate the emission spectra of both radicals. In addition, a forbidden component of the electronically allowed B̃-X̃ band system of Cl2BS is evident, as signaled by the activity in the b2 modes in the spectrum. Symmetry arguments indicate that this component gains intensity due to a vibronic interaction of the B̃2A1 state with a nearby electronic state of 2B2 symmetry

    Optical-Optical Double Resonance, Laser Induced Fluorescence, and Revision of the Signs of the Spin-Spin Constants of the Boron Carbide (BC) Free Radical

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    The cold boroncarbide free radical (BC X  4Σ−) has been produced in a pulsed discharge free jet expansion using a precursor mixture of trimethylborane in high pressure argon. High resolution laser induced fluorescencespectra have been obtained for the B  4Σ−–X  4Σ− and E  4Π–X  4Σ− band systems of both 11BC and 10BC. An optical-optical double resonance (OODR) scheme was implemented to study the finer details of both band systems. This involved pumping a single rotational level of the B state with one laser and then recording the various allowed transitions from the intermediate B state to the final E state with a second laser by monitoring the subsequent E–X ultraviolet fluorescence. In this fashion, we were able to prove unambiguously that, contrary to previous studies, the spin-spin constant λ is negative in the ground state and positive in the B  4Σ−excited state. It has been shown that λ″ \u3c 0 is in fact expected based on a semiempirical second order perturbation theory calculation of the magnitude of the spin-spin constant. The OODR spectra have also been used to validate our assignments of the complex and badly overlapped E 4Π–X  4Σ− 0-0 and 1-0 bands of 11BC. The E–X 0-0 band of 10BC was found to be severely perturbed. The ground state main electron configuration is …3σ24σ25σ11π22π0 and the derived bond lengths show that there is a 0.03 Å contraction in the B state, due to the promotion of an electron from the 4σ antibonding orbital to the 5σ bonding orbital. In contrast, the bond length elongates by 0.15 Å in the E state, a result of promoting an electron from the 5σ bonding orbital to the 2π antibonding orbitals

    BH\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Revisited: New, Extensive Measurements of Laser-Induced Fluorescence Transitions and \u3cem\u3eAb Initio\u3c/em\u3e Calculations of Near-Spectroscopic Accuracy

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    The spectroscopy of gas phase BH2 has not been explored experimentally since the pioneering study of Herzberg and Johns in 1967. In the present work, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra of the Ã2B1(Πu)-X̃2A1 band system of 11BH2, 10BH2, 11BD2, and 10BD2 have been observed for the first time. The free radicals were synthesized by an electric discharge through a precursor mixture of 0.5% diborane (B2H6 or B2D6) in high pressure argon at the exit of a pulsed valve. A total of 67 LIF bands have been measured and rotationally analyzed, 62 of them previously unobserved. These include transitions to a wide variety of excited state bending levels, to several stretch-bend combination levels, and to three ground state levels which gain intensity through Renner-Teller coupling to nearby excited state levels. As an aid to vibronic assignment of the spectra, very high level hybrid ab initio potential energy surfaces were built starting from the coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples (CCSD(T))/aug-cc-pV5Z level of theory for this seven-electron system. In an effort to obtain the highest possible accuracy, the potentials were corrected for core correlation, extrapolation to the complete basis set limit, electron correlation beyond CCSD(T), and diagonal Born-Oppenheimer effects. The spin-rovibronic states of the various isotopologues of BH2 were calculated for energies up to 22 000 cm-1 above the X̃ (000) level without any empirical adjustment of the potentials or fitting to experimental data. The agreement with the new LIF data is excellent, approaching near-spectroscopic accuracy (a few cm-1) and has allowed us to understand the complicated spin-rovibronic energy level structure even in the region of strong Renner-Teller resonances

    Single vibronic level emission spectroscopic studies of the ground state energy levels and molecular structures of jet-cooled HGeBr, DGeBr, HGeI, and DGeI

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    Single vibronic level dispersed fluorescence spectra of jet-cooled HGeBr, DGeBr, HGeI, and DGeI have been obtained by laser excitation of selected bands of the à A″1-X̃ A′1 electronic transition. The measured ground state vibrational intervals were assigned and fitted to anharmonicity expressions, which allowed the harmonic frequencies to be determined for both isotopomers. In some cases, lack of a suitable range of emission data necessitated that some of the anharmonicity constants and vibrational frequencies be estimated from those of HGeCl∕DGeCl and the corresponding silylenes (HSiX). Harmonic force fields were obtained for both molecules, although only four of the six force constants could be determined. The ground state effective rotational constants and force field data were combined to calculate average (rz) and approximate equilibrium (rze) structures. For HGeBr rze(GeH)=1.593(9)Å, rze(GeBr)=2.325(21)Å, and the bond angle was fixed at our CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ ab initio value of 93.6°. For HGeI we obtained rze(GeH)=1.589(1)Å, rze(GeI)=2.525(5)Å, and bond angle=93.2°. Franck-Condon simulations of the emission spectra using ab initio Cartesian displacement coordinates reproduce the observed intensity distributions satisfactorily. The trends in structural parameters in the halogermylenes and halosilylenes can be readily understood based on the electronegativity of the halogen substituent. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

    Contributions of Muscles and External Forces to Medial Knee Load Reduction Due to Osteoarthritis Braces

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    Background Braces for medial knee osteoarthritis can reduce medial joint loads through a combination of three mechanisms: application of an external brace abduction moment, alteration of gait dynamics, and reduced activation of antagonistic muscles. Although the effect of knee bracing has been reported independently for each of these parameters, no previous study has quantified their relative contributions to reducing medial knee loads. Methods In this study, we used a detailed musculoskeletal model to investigate immediate changes in medial and lateral loads caused by two different knee braces: OA Assist and OA Adjuster 3 (DJO Global). Seventeen osteoarthritis subjects and eighteen healthy controls performed overground gait trials in unbraced and braced conditions. Results Across all subjects, bracing reduced medial loads by 0.1 to 0.3 times bodyweight (BW), or roughly 10%, and increased lateral loads by 0.03 to 0.2 BW. Changes in gait kinematics due to bracing were subtle, and had little effect on medial and lateral joint loads. The knee adduction moment was unaltered unless the brace moment was included in its computation. Only one muscle, biceps femoris, showed a significant change in EMG with bracing, but this did not contribute to altered peak medial contact loads. Conclusions Knee braces reduced medial tibiofemoral loads primarily by applying a direct, and substantial, abduction moment to each subject's knee. To further enhance brace effectiveness, future brace designs should seek to enhance the magnitude of this unloader moment, and possibly exploit additional kinematic or neuromuscular gait modifications
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