11 research outputs found

    Characterization of a small tRNA-binding protein that interacts with the archaeal proteasome complex

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    Authors acknowledge financial support from the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (grant [ANR-18-CE11-0018-01] to B.F. and [ANR-16-CE12-0016-01] to B.C.O). This work used the platforms of the Grenoble Instruct-ERIC Centre (ISBG: UMS3518 CNRS-CEA-UGA-EMBL) with support from FRISBI (ANR-10-INBS-05-02) and GRAL, a project of the University Grenoble Alpes graduate school (Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche) CBH-EUR-GS (ANR-17-EURE-0003) within the Grenoble Partnership for Structural Biology. The IBS Electron Microscope facility is supported by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region, the Fonds Feder, the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale and GIS-IBiSA.The proteasome system allows the elimination of functional or structurally impaired proteins. This includes the degradation of nascent peptides. In Archaea, how the proteasome complex interacts with the translational machinery remains to be described. Here, we characterised a small orphan protein, Q9UZY3 (Uniprot ID) conserved in Thermococcales. The protein was identified in native pull-down experiments using the proteasome regulatory complex (PAN) as bait. X-ray crystallography and SAXS experiments revealed that the protein is monomeric and adopts a β-barrel core structure with an Oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-Binding (OB) fold, typically found in translation elongation factors. Mobility shift experiment showed that Q9UZY3 displays tRNA binding properties. Pull-downs, co-immunoprecipitation and ITC studies revealed that Q9UZY3 interacts in vitro with PAN. Native pull-downs and proteomic analysis using different versions of Q9UZY3 showed that the protein interacts with the assembled PAN-20S proteasome machinery in Pyrococcus abyssi cellular extracts. The protein was therefore named Pbp11, for Proteasome Binding Protein of 11 kDa. Interestingly, the interaction network of Pbp11 also includes ribosomal proteins, tRNA processing enzymes and exosome subunits dependent on Pbp11's N-terminal domain that was found to be essential for tRNA binding. Together these data suggest that Pbp11 participates in an interface between the proteasome and the translational machinery.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Physical and functional interplay between PCNA DNA clamp and Mre11–Rad50 complex from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus

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    International audienceSeveral archaeal species prevalent in extreme environments are particularly exposed to factors likely to cause DNA damages. These include hyperthermophilic archaea (HA), living at temperatures >70 • C, which arguably have efficient strategies and robust genome guardians to repair DNA damage threatening their genome integrity. In contrast to Eukarya and other archaea, homologous recombination appears to be a vital pathway in HA, and the Mre11-Rad50 complex exerts a broad influence on the initiation of this DNA damage response process. In a previous study, we identified a physical association between the Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) and the Mre11-Rad50 (MR) complex. Here, by performing co-immunoprecipitation and SPR analyses, we identified a short motif in the C-terminal portion of Pyrococcus furiosus Mre11 involved in the interaction with PCNA. Through this work, we revealed a PCNA-interaction motif corresponding to a variation on the PIP motif theme which is conserved among Mre11 sequences of Thermococcale species. Additionally, we demonstrated functional interplay in vitro between P. furiosus PCNA and MR enzymatic functions in the DNA end resection process. At physiological ionic strength, PCNA stimulates MR nuclease activities for DNA end resection and promotes an endonucleolytic incision proximal to the 5 strand of double strand DNA break

    Phylogenetic Diversity of Lhr Proteins and Biochemical Activities of the Thermococcales aLhr2 DNA/RNA Helicase

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    International audienceHelicase proteins are known to use the energy of ATP to unwind nucleic acids and to remodel protein-nucleic acid complexes. They are involved in almost every aspect of DNA and RNA metabolisms and participate in numerous repair mechanisms that maintain cellular integrity. The archaeal Lhr-type proteins are SF2 helicases that are mostly uncharacterized. They have been proposed to be DNA helicases that act in DNA recombination and repair processes in Sulfolobales and Methanothermobacter. In Thermococcales, a protein annotated as an Lhr2 protein was found in the network of proteins involved in RNA metabolism. To investigate this, we performed in-depth phylogenomic analyses to report the classification and taxonomic distribution of Lhr-type proteins in Archaea, and to better understand their relationship with bacterial Lhr. Furthermore, with the goal of envisioning the role(s) of aLhr2 in Thermococcales cells, we deciphered the enzymatic activities of aLhr2 from Thermococcus barophilus (Tbar). We showed that Tbar-aLhr2 is a DNA/RNA helicase with a significant annealing activity that is involved in processes dependent on DNA and RNA transactions

    Characterization of a small tRNA-binding protein that interacts with the archaeal proteasome complex

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    The proteasome system allows the elimination of functional or structurally impaired proteins. This includes the degradation of nascent peptides. In Archaea, how the proteasome complex interacts with the translational machinery remains to be described. Here, we characterised a small orphan protein, Q9UZY3 (Uniprot ID) conserved in Thermococcales. The protein was identified in native pull-down experiments using the proteasome regulatory complex (PAN) as bait. X-ray crystallography and SAXS experiments revealed that the protein is monomeric and adopts a β-barrel core structure with an Oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-Binding (OB) fold, typically found in translation elongation factors. Mobility shift experiment showed that Q9UZY3 displays tRNA binding properties. Pull-downs, co-immunoprecipitation and ITC studies revealed that Q9UZY3 interacts in vitro with PAN. Native pull-downs and proteomic analysis using different versions of Q9UZY3 showed that the protein interacts with the assembled PAN-20S proteasome machinery in Pyrococcus abyssi cellular extracts. The protein was therefore named Pbp11, for Proteasome Binding Protein of 11 kDa. Interestingly, the interaction network of Pbp11 also includes ribosomal proteins, tRNA processing enzymes and exosome subunits dependent on Pbp11's N-terminal domain that was found to be essential for tRNA binding. Together these data suggest that Pbp11 participates in an interface between the proteasome and the translational machinery

    Evolutionary and functional insights into the Ski2-like helicase family in Archaea: a comparison of Thermococcales ASH-Ski2 and Hel308 activities

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    RNA helicases perform essential housekeeping and regulatory functions in all domains of life by binding and unwinding RNA molecules. The Ski2-like proteins are primordial helicases that play an active role in eukaryotic RNA homeostasis pathways, with multiple homologs having specialized functions. The significance of the expansion and diversity of Ski2-like proteins in Archaea, the third domain of life, has not yet been established. Here, by studying the phylogenetic diversity of Ski2-like helicases among archaeal genomes and the enzymatic activities of those in Thermococcales, we provide further evidence of the function of this protein family in archaeal metabolism of nucleic acids. We show that, in the course of evolution, ASH-Ski2 and Hel308-Ski2, the two main groups of Ski2-like proteins, have diverged in their biological functions. Whereas Hel308 has been shown to mainly act on DNA, we show that ASH-Ski2, previously described to be associated with the 5′-3′ aRNase J exonuclease, acts on RNA by supporting an efficient annealing activity, but also an RNA unwinding with a 3′-5′ polarity. To gain insights into the function of Ski2, we also analyse the transcriptome of Thermococcus barophilus ΔASH-Ski2 mutant strain and provide evidence of the importance of ASH-Ski2 in cellular metabolism pathways related to translation

    RNA processing machineries in Archaea: the 5′-3′ exoribonuclease aRNase J of the β-CASP family is engaged specifically with the helicase ASH-Ski2 and the 3′-5′ exoribonucleolytic RNA exosome machinery

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    A network of RNA helicases, endoribonucleases and exoribonucleases regulates the quantity and quality of cellular RNAs. To date, mechanistic studies focussed on bacterial and eukaryal systems due to the challenge of identifying the main drivers of RNA decay and processing in Archaea. Here, our data support that aRNase J, a 5′-3′ exoribonuclease of the β-CASP family conserved in Euryarchaeota, engages specifically with a Ski2-like helicase and the RNA exosome to potentially exert control over RNA surveillance, at the vicinity of the ribosome. Proteomic landscapes and direct protein–protein interaction analyses, strengthened by comprehensive phylogenomic studies demonstrated that aRNase J interplay with ASH-Ski2 and a cap exosome subunit. Finally, Thermococcus barophilus whole-cell extract fractionation experiments provide evidences that an aRNase J/ASH-Ski2 complex might exist in vivo and hint at an association of aRNase J with the ribosome that is emphasised in absence of ASH-Ski2. Whilst aRNase J homologues are found among bacteria, the RNA exosome and the Ski2-like RNA helicase have eukaryotic homologues, underlining the mosaic aspect of archaeal RNA machines. Altogether, these results suggest a fundamental role of β-CASP RNase/helicase complex in archaeal RNA metabolism