8 research outputs found
Primary Gastric Localization of Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma and Viral Hepatitis C. A Case Report at the Department of Clinical Hematology of University Hospital of Yopougon, Abidjan (CĂŽte dâIvoire)
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are characterized by its clinical and pathological polymorphism. In the stomach, MALT lymphomas are common and mostly associated with Helicobacter Pylori infection. We report a case of 76-year old women with a medical history of chronic stomach pain, addressed for the investigation of normochromic normocytic anemia. The clinical picture included signs of digestive hemorrhage and stomach pain. Gastrointestinal endoscopy and histology noted an unspecified ulcer-budding tumor without signs of Helibacter pylori infection. Immunohistochemistry concluded to diffuse large B cell lymphoma with CD79b +, BCL10 +/-, BCL2+, BCL6 +, MUM1+. The Ann Arbor classification was stage IE. The serology of Helicobacter pylori was negative. Pre-treatment investigation noted a comorbity with Hepatitis C infection. This study has two interests. Firstly the rarity of the localization of this lymphoma, and secondly, the etiopathological interest because of association with hepatitis C virus
Le Syndrome des Anticorps Anti Phospholipides: Une Etiologie des Fausses Couches Laquelle on Ne Pense pas Souvent en Afrique Noire
Contexte : Le syndrome des anticorps antiphospholipides est lâune des Ă©tiologies des fausses couches rarement Ă©voquĂ©e en premiĂšre intention, sous diagnostiquĂ©e en Afrique Noire. Presentation de Cas : Les auteurs rapportent lâobservation dâune femme de 36 ans, aux antĂ©cĂ©dents dâulcĂšre de la jambe gauche, suivie au service de gynĂ©co-obstĂ©trique pour des fausses couches Ă rĂ©pĂ©tition totalisant cinq (5) Ă©pisodes. Le diagnostic initial Ă©tait orientĂ© vers les causes gynĂ©co-obstĂ©tricales, lesquelles trois cerclages du col ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s avec Ă©chec. La survenue dâune pancytopĂ©nie qui Ă©tait le motif majeur de consultation de la patiente a permis de porter le diagnostic de syndrome des anticorps antiphospholipides lupiques par un titrage significatif des anticorpsantiphospholipides et des anticorps antinuclĂ©aires de spĂ©cifiĂ© anti DNA. Le traitement avec les corticoĂŻdes, immunosuppresseurs, lâaspirine et lâhĂ©parine a permis une Ă©volution favorable conduisait une 6Ăš grossesse avec succĂšs. Conclusion : Ce travail interpelle les praticiens Ă rechercher systĂ©matiquement le syndrome des anticorps antiphospholipides devant toutes fausses couches spontanĂ©es en vue dâun diagnostic et prise en charge prĂ©coce.
Background: The antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APL) was rarely evoked as abortion etiology in black Africa. Case Report: The authors reported a case of a 36-year-old female with a medical history of leg ulcer who presented five episodes of recurrent abortion. The diagnosis was oriented to obstetrical etiologies, and three uterine cervix cerclages were realized with failure. As a result of pancytopenia which was the main reason of consultation, the diagnosis was made with immunology test showing a high titer of antiphospholipid antibody and lupus anticoagulant. The patient was treated with corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents, aspirin, and heparin. The 6th pregnancy was free from complications and led to the birth of a living child. Conclusion: This case calls on practitioners to systematically search for the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome during the investigation of spontaneous miscarriages for diagnosis and early management
Un Cas de Lupus Erythemateux Dissemine (LED) Revele par une Anemie Chronique au Service dâhematologie Clinique du CHU de Yopougon
The authors report one case of systemic lupus erythematosus revealed by chronic anemia. This was a 29-year-old patient with long-term fever, chronic skin and joint lesions with isolated hypochrome microcytic haemolytic anemia on the hemogram. The diagnosis of SLE was made three years after the onset of symptomatology based on seven of the American Rheumatology Association's (ARA) criteria out of 11, including positive immunological status (antinuclear antibodies and native DNA). This observation shows the interest of evoking SLE, while looking for signs in a young woman with multiple and varied symptoms with signs of skin, kidney, osteoarticular and hematological disorders.Les auteurs rapportent un cas de lupus Ă©rythĂ©mateux dissĂ©minĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par une anĂ©mie chronique. IL sâagissait dâune patiente de 29 ans prĂ©sentant une fiĂšvre au long cours, des lĂ©sions cutanĂ©es et articulaires dâĂ©volution chronique avec Ă lâhĂ©mogramme une anĂ©mie hĂ©molytique isolĂ©e hypochrome microcytaire. Le diagnostic de LED a Ă©tĂ© retenu trois annĂ©es aprĂšs le dĂ©but de la symptomatologie devant sept critĂšres sur 11 de LâAmerican Rheumatology Association (ARA) dont le bilan immunologique positif (anticorps antinuclĂ©aires et DNA natif). Cette observation montre lâintĂ©rĂȘt dâĂ©voquer le LED, tout en recherchant les signes chez une femme jeune prĂ©sentant une symptomatologie multiple et variĂ©e avec les signes dâatteintes cutanĂ©e, rĂ©nale, ostĂ©o-articulaire et hĂ©matologique
Characteristics and Results of the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma in the Subject under the Age of 65 at the University Hospital of Yopougon in Abidjan, CĂŽte dâIvoire
We retrospectively studied 30 cases of multiple myeloma in patients under the age of 65, diagnosed from 1991 to 2005 in the clinical hematology department of the University Hospital of Yopougon that is a hospital incidence of 2.9 cases/year. The age of patients ranged from 34 to 64 years, with a mean age of 49 years and a sex ratio of 1.73. The professional activity was variable with 3% of radiographers and 10% of farmers. Clinically, the dominant sign was bone pain in 83% of cases. Myeloma was secretory in 93% of cases. It was Ig G-type in 86%, kappa-type in 66% of cases. 86% of patients were anemic, 20% had creatinine >20âmg/L, and 10% had serum calcium >120âmg/L. Geodes were found in 80% of cases. 53% were at stage III of DURIE and SALMON. Complications were infectious (33%), renal (20%), and hemorrhagic (7%). Chemotherapy regimens were VAD (10%), VMCP (30%), and VMCP/VBAP (60%) with 47% of partial responses, 33% of stable disease, and 7% of very good quality partial responses. The outcome developed towards death in 37% and causes of death were renal in 46% of cases. The median survival was only 5.1 months
Results of chemotherapy in the treatment of chronic lymphoid leukemia in Black Africa: Experience of CĂŽte dâIvoire
Background: The treatment of chronic lymphoid leukemia currently uses news drugs which are more expensive in our countries. Its why, the results of chemotherapy remains a challenge in our sector.
Aims: To evaluate the place of polychemotherapy in the treatment of chronic lymphoid leukemia in black Africa.
Methods: It was a prospective, descriptive, analytic and non-comparative study, concerning the records of patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia treated and followed at the department of clinical hematology in Abidjan.
Results: We included 56 patients. The average age was 62 years with extremes of 38 and 84 years. The sex ratio was 0.8 in favor of female. The clinical signs noted a tumor syndrome among which splenomegaly, classified stage III (46, 43%) and adenopathy (64, 29%). Biologically, we observed a blood lymphocytosis (50%), an anemia (39.29%) and a thrombocytopenia (62.50%). The majority of patients were classified stage A of BINET (51.79%). The COP protocol (44.64%) and the monochemotherapy with chlorambucil (39.29%) were the most used. The therapeutic response of polychemotherapy was low (12.5%) compared to 35, 71% for monochemotherapy (p = 0.0001) with overall survival significantly better in monochemotherapy. The outcome of patients used polychemotherapy were more adverse that of patients used chlorambucil alone (p = 0,003). The overall probability of survival at 12 months was 90, 9% for patients who used monochemotherapy and 63, 4% for polychemotherapy.
Conclusion: Polychemotherapy in chronic lymphoid leukemia of black African has an adverse therapeutic response hence the interest of using new therapeutic possibilities
Fatal agranulocytosis associated with Metamizole treatment in a 16-year-old girl
Agranulocytosis is one of the common reasons of consultation in hematology. It’s life-threatening because of an infection risk. The metamizole is a drug, known for its potential rare danger of inducing a severe agranulocytosis. However, it remains widely used because of its beneficial effect analgesic and antipyretic. We report in this study, a case of a girl who was 16 years old, referred for severe agranulocytosis, and appeared two weeks after treatment with Novalgin. The clinico-biological symptoms were dominated by Streptococcal septicemia with an infectious pulmonary and digestive focus. The blood cell count confirmed a severe agranulocytosis with total disappearance of neutrophils. Despite broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy and stimulation with hematopoietic growth factor, the clinical evolution was fatal in the short term. What motivates us to add this case to those of the literature in order to remind practitioners about the danger of this drug, and to promote has doubled of vigilance during use
CaracteÌristiques cliniques, biologiques, theÌrapeutiques et eÌvolutives des leuceÌmies aigues en ReÌpublique Centrafricaine
Introduction: leuceÌmies aigues restent encore non documenteÌes aux milieux hospitaliers ReÌpublique Centrafricaine.
Objectif: DeÌcrire les caracteÌristiques, cliniques, biologiques, theÌrapeutiques et eÌvolutives des patients Centrafricains porteurs dâune leuceÌmie aiguÌe.
MateÌriels et meÌthodes: il sâagissait dâune eÌtude descriptive meneÌe sur une peÌriode de 5 ans dans les centres hospitaliers de Bangui. Le diagnostic des leuceÌmies eÌtait retenu par le myeÌlogramme en exigeant un nombre de blastose â„ 20%. Notre eÌchantillon eÌtait constitueÌ de 27 patients. Les parameÌtres eÌpideÌmiologiques, cliniques, biologiques, theÌrapeutiques eÌtaient eÌtudieÌs.
ReÌsultats: LâaÌge moyen des patients eÌtait de 29,1 ans avec les extreÌmes de 3 et 75 ans. La preÌdominance de sexe eÌtait masculine, un sexe ratio de 1.7. 62,9% des patients reÌsidaient en zone rurale et eÌtaient agriculteurs (29,6%), commerçants (22,2%). Les facteurs de risques eÌtaient lâexposition aux pesticides (22.2%) et benzeÌnes (25.9%). Le tableau clinique eÌtait domineÌ par une alteÌration de lâeÌtat geÌneÌral (85,2%), les signes dâinsuffisance meÌdullaire (100%), le syndrome tumoral (51.2%). Au plan biologique, lâaneÌmie et la thrombopeÌnie eÌtaient constantes. Les types cytologiques selon FAB eÌtaient les LAL1 (29,6%), LAL2 (14,8%), LAL3 (7,4%), LAM1 (18,5%), LAM2 (3,7%), LAM3 (7%). Les protocoles theÌrapeutiques associant Oncovin-Prednisone et Oncovin Prednisone-Cytarabine selon le type de leuceÌmie eÌtaient utiliseÌs avec 18.5% de reÌponse partielle, aucune reÌmission compleÌte, 59.2% de deÌceÌs, 37% de perdu de vue. La probabiliteÌ de survie aÌ 1 mois est de 59%, 43% aÌ 2 mois et elle est nulle aÌ 3 mois.
Conclusion: Les leuceÌmies aigues restent une affection grave et potentiellement mortelle en ReÌpublique Centrafricaine. La prise en charge reste un challenge et neÌcessite lâameÌlioration de nos plateaux technique.
Mots cleÌs: LeuceÌmie aiguÌe, ReÌpublique Centrafricaine
English Title: Clinical, biological, therapeutic and evolutionary characteristics of acute leukemia in the Central African Republic.
English Abstract
Introduction: acute leukaemias still remain undocumented in Central African Republic.
Objective: To describe the clinical, biological, therapeutic and evolutionary characteristics of Central African patients with acute leukemia.
Materials and methods: It was a descriptive study with duration of 5 years, conducted in Bangui. The diagnosis of leukemia was required a number of blastosis â„ 20%. Our sample consisted of 27 patients. The epidemiological, clinical, biological and therapeutic parameters were studied.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 29.1 years with the extremes of 3 and 75 years. The sex predominance was male, a sex ratio of 1.7. 62.9% of patients lived in rural areas and were farmers (29.6%), traders (22.2%). The risk factors were exposure to pesticides (22.2%) and benzenes (25.9%). The clinical picture was dominated by deterioration in general condition (85.2%), signs of bone marrow failure (100%), tumor syndrome (51.2%). Biologically, anemia and thrombocytopenia were constant. The cytologic types according to FAB were LAL1 (29.6%), LAL2 (14.8%), LAL3 (7.4%), LAM1 (18.5%), LAM2 (3.7%), LAM3 (7 %). The treatment protocols combining Oncovin-Prednisone and Oncovin Prednisone-Cytarabine according to the type of leukemia were used with 18.5% partial response, no complete remission, 59.2% death, 37% loss to follow-up. The probability of survival at 1 month is 59%, 43% at 2 months and it is zero at 3 months.
Conclusion: Acute leukemia remains a serious and potentially fatal condition in the Central African Republic. Support remains a challenge and requires the improvement of our technical platforms.
Key words: Acute leukemia, Central African Republi
Hypercalcémie importante révélant un myélome multiple chez une adolescente de 19 ans
Le myĂ©lome multiple est caractĂ©risĂ© par une prolifĂ©ration des plasmocytes malins sĂ©crĂ©tant une immunoglobuline monoclonale complĂšte ou incomplĂšte. Câest une affection de lâadulte mĂ»r. LâĂąge moyen de survenue est au-delĂ de 50 ans, rare avant 40 ans et exceptionnel chez les enfants ce qui fait quâil nâest pas toujours Ă©voquĂ© en premiĂšre intention chez les sujets jeunes en Afrique Noire. Nous rapportons dans cette Ă©tude, lâobservation dâune adolescente de 19 ans, sans antĂ©cĂ©dents pathologiques particuliers, adressĂ©e dans notre service pour lâinvestigation dâune anĂ©mie sĂ©vĂšre. La symptomatologie Ă©tait dominĂ©e par une hypercalcĂ©mie importante inexpliquĂ©e associĂ©e Ă une insuffisance rĂ©nale. Le myĂ©logramme fait dans le compte dâune anĂ©mie normochrome normocytaire arĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative notait une infiltration mĂ©dullaire dâenviron 12 % par les plasmocytes dysmorphiques. La prĂ©sence dâune immunoglobuline monoclonale IgG exprimant la chaine lĂ©gĂšre de type kappa Ă lâimmunofixation des protĂ©ines urinaires et les lĂ©sions osseuses multiples ont permis de porter le diagnostic de myĂ©lome multiple. La chimiothĂ©rapie par le protocole VRD a permis une rĂ©mission partielle avec correction de la calcĂ©mie. LâintĂ©rĂȘt de cette Ă©tude rĂ©side dans le caractĂšre exceptionnel de cette affection Ă cette tranche dâĂąge suscitant un intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©tiopathogĂ©nique. Ceci devait motiver les praticiens Ă y penser devant les signes rĂ©vĂ©lateurs chez les sujets jeunes.Mots-clĂ©s: MyĂ©lome multiple, adolescent, AbidjanEnglish Title: Significant hypercalcaemia revealing multiple myeloma in young girls of 19-year-oldEnglish AbstractMultiple myeloma is characterized by proliferation of malignant plasma cells secreting complete or incomplete monoclonal immunoglobulin. It is an affection of the elderly. The average age of onset is beyond 50 years old, rare before 40 years old and exceptional in children so that it is not always evoked in first intention in young people in Black Africa. We report, the case of the girl who was 19 years old, with no particular medical history, adressed for the investigation of severe anemia. The symptomatology was dominated by unexplained significant blood calcemia associated with renal failure. The bone marrow exam, done because of an aregenerative normocytic normochromic anemia noted an infiltration about 12% of dysmorphic plasma cells in the bone marrow. The monoclonal IgG immunoglobulin expressing the kappa light chain found during the urinary proteins immunofixation and multiple bone lesions confronted to the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. The chemotherapy with the VRD protocol allowed a partiel remission with correction of the calcemia. The interest of this study resides in the exceptional character of the affection with this age group and which arouses an etiopathogenic interest. This should motivate practitioners to think about it during signs in young people.Keywords: Multiple myeloma, young people, Abidja