10 research outputs found

    The environmental impact of the consumption of fishery and aquaculture products in France

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    In the context of climate change, diet is a key driver of environmental impacts. Previous research has emphasized the environmental benefit of increasing consumption of fishery and aquaculture products (FAPs) in Europe. However, increasing the proportion of FAPs in consumer diets could also lead to a transfer of environmental damage from earth to sea. It is thus important to evaluate the environmental impacts of FAPs on marine ecosystems globally. For that purpose, an original database characterizing the origin of FAPs consumed in France has been constructed, and matched to indicators of environmental impact. Use of the database revealed that the FAPs in the French diets (1.7 Mt live weight) had a corresponding primary production required (PPR) worth 1252 Mt, with an impact per ton of product live weight worth 2622 kg CO2 eq. for climate change, 18 kg PO(4)(3)(-)eq. for eutrophication, and 26,604 MJ for energy use. Some heterogeneity across species was found, implying that the species composition of the FAPS consumed had a strong influence on environmental footprint. Furthermore, production methods also substantially affect global impact. The results show that, among FAPS consumed in France, trawled crustaceans and farmed shrimps or prawns are the greatest contributors to global warming (27,800 and 13,344 kg CO2 eq. per ton live weight, respectively), despite good performances regarding trophic level based ecosystem indicators (a PPR of 3 and 9 Mt respectively). Shellfish register the smallest footprint both globally and at ecosystem level (545 kg CO2 eq., 1 kg PO43- eq., 10,414 MJ, and a PPR of 5 Mt per ton live weight). Our result suggest that, to avoid a transfer of environmental burden from land to sea, policies aimed at promoting consumption of FAPs in European diets should be refined to take account of differential impacts across species, origin and production methods of those FAPs. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Governing stem cell therapy in India: regulatory vacuum or jurisdictional ambiguity?

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    Stem cell treatments are being offered in Indian clinics although preclinical evidence of their efficacy and safety is lacking. This is attributed to a governance vacuum created by the lack of legally binding research guidelines. By contrast, this paper highlights jurisdictional ambiguities arising from trying to regulate stem cell therapy under the auspices of research guidelines when treatments are offered in a private market disconnected from clinical trials. While statutory laws have been strengthened in 2014, prospects for their implementation remain weak, given embedded challenges of putting healthcare laws and professional codes into practice. Finally, attending to the capacities of consumer law and civil society activism to remedy the problem of unregulated treatments, the paper finds that the very definition of a governance vacuum needs to be reframed to clarify whose rights to health care are threatened by the proliferation of commercial treatments and individualized negligence-based remedies for grievances

    Workshop on Raising Data using the RDBES and TAF (WKRDBESRaiseTAF; outputs from 2022 meeting)

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    41 pĂĄginasThe Workshop on Raising Data using the RDBES and TAF (WKRDBES-Raise&TAF) met online (26–30 of September 2022) to evaluate the use of the Regional Database and Estimation System (RDBES) format to reproduce the 2022 InterCatch input and output, identifying a Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) structure to organize the intermediate steps and to propose standardized output formats. The main outcomes of WKRDBES-Raise&TAF were: · RDBES provides sufficient support for current national estimation protocols. However, some minor issues were reported that hampered an exact reproduction of the estimates. Therefore, adaptations of the data model should not be excluded completely. · All the input to stock assessment that InterCatch currently provides, could be reproduced. The participants started from the current stock extracts that can be downloaded from InterCatch. · A workflow was proposed with a national TAF repository for each country, a stock estimation repository and a stock assessment repository. The intermediate output of those repositories will be stored in an ‘intermediate output database’ and depending on the user role, you will get access to the relevant stages in this workflow. · The following requirements for the standard output formats were defined: they cannot be more restrictive than the InterCatch input and output format; they should present measures of uncertainty and sample sizes (for national estimates) and should have a configurable domain definition (for national estimates). Despite those successful outcomes, the current plan for transition to an operational system was concluded to be too optimistic. WKRDBES-Raise&TAF therefore recommends to the Working Group on Governance of the Regional Database and Estimation System (WGRDBESGOV) to revise the roadmap and allow RDBES to be in a test phase also for 2023. WKRDBES-Raise&TAF felt the need to test the proposed workflow on a small scale and therefore recommends to the WGRDBESGOV to arrange a workshop where two stocks (pok.27.3a46 (Saithe (Pollachius virens) in Subareas 4, 6 and Division 3.a (North Sea, Rockall and West of Scotland, Skagerrak and Kattegat) and wit.27.3a47d (Witch (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) in Subarea 4 and Divisions 3.a and 7.d (North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, eastern English Channel)) will be set up to go through the whole flow.Peer reviewe

    Captures et rejets des mĂ©tiers de pĂȘche français. RĂ©sultats des observations Ă  bord des navires de pĂȘche professionnelle en 2020. ObsMer

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    This document is a summary of the information collected in 2020 on board professional fishing vessels in the framework of the ObsMer action. This action aims to observe in situ the fishing activity and the entire catch, particularly the part not retained, by identifying the species caught, the tonnages by species and by taking size measurements. This work is part of a partnership between the Fisheries and Aquaculture Directorate (DGAMPA) of the Ministry of the Sea, the French National Fisheries Committee (CNPMEM) and Ifremer.Ce document est une synthĂšse des informations collectĂ©es en 2020 Ă  bord des navires de pĂȘche professionnelle dans le cadre de l'action ObsMer. Cette action vise Ă  observer in situ l’activitĂ© de pĂȘche et l'ensemble de la capture, particuliĂšrement la partie non retenue, en identifiant les espĂšces capturĂ©es, les tonnages par espĂšce et en prenant des mesures de tailles. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale des Affaires Maritimes, de la PĂȘche et de l'Aquaculture (DGAMPA) du MinistĂšre de la Mer, le ComitĂ© National des PĂȘches Maritimes et des Élevages Marins (CNPMEM) et l'Ifremer

    Captures et rejets des mĂ©tiers de pĂȘche français. RĂ©sultats des observations Ă  bord des navires de pĂȘche professionnelle en 2019. Obsmer

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    This document is a summary of the information collected in 2019 on board professional fishing vessels in the framework of the ObsMer action. This action aims to observe in situ the fishing activity and the entire catch, particularly the part not retained, by identifying the species caught, the tonnages by species and by taking size measurements. This work is part of a partnership between the Fisheries and Aquaculture Directorate (DPMA) of the Ministry of the Sea, the French National Fisheries Committee (CNPMEM) and Ifremer.Ce document est une synthĂšse des informations collectĂ©es en 2019 Ă  bord des navires de pĂȘche professionnelle dans le cadre de l'action ObsMer. Cette action vise Ă  observer in situ l’activitĂ© de pĂȘche et l'ensemble de la capture, particuliĂšrement la partie non retenue, en identifiant les espĂšces capturĂ©es, les tonnages par espĂšce et en prenant des mesures de tailles. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre la Direction des PĂȘches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture (DPMA) du MinistĂšre de la Mer, le ComitĂ© National des PĂȘches Maritimes et des Élevages Marins (CNPMEM) et l'Ifremer

    Observations biologiques des ventes en criée. Résultats 2019 du programme ObsVentes. Toutes criées

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    The ObsVentes program consists of periodically measuring the size of individuals of the main species landed at auctions or specific landing points. This program responds to the requirements of the national multi-year work plan for data collection linked to the European regulation EU-MAP (regulation EU/2017/1004). The ObsVentes program aims to produce size structures of catches of the main commercial species for the needs of stock assessments by regional fisheries management organizations, as well as other scientific bodies such as the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), in accordance with the international obligations of the European Union, but also national and regional.  The 2019 results of the ObsVentes program are available in the form of summary and individualized sheets for each of the main participating auctions. These documents are produced by the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer) and made public to report on the information collected in 2019 by the providers of this program.Le programme ObsVentes consiste Ă  mesurer pĂ©riodiquement la taille des individus des principales espĂšces dĂ©barquĂ©es sous criĂ©e ou des points de dĂ©barquement spĂ©cifiques. Ce programme rĂ©pond aux requis du plan de travail national pluri-annuel de collecte de donnĂ©es lié au rĂšglement europĂ©en EU-MAP (rĂšglement UE/2017/1004). Le programme ObsVentes a pour but de produire des structures en taille des captures des principales espĂšces commerciales pour les besoins des Ă©valuations de stocks par les organisations rĂ©gionales de gestion des pĂȘches, ainsi que d'autres instances scientifiques comme le Conseil international pour l'exploration de la mer (CIEM), conformĂ©ment aux obligations internationales de l'Union europĂ©enne, mais aussi nationales et rĂ©gionales.  Les rĂ©sultats 2019 du programme ObsVentes sont disponibles sous forme de fiches synthĂ©tiques et individualisĂ©es pour chacune des principales criĂ©es participantes. Ces documents sont produits par l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (Ifremer) et rendus publics pour rendre compte des informations collectĂ©es en 2019 par les prestataires de ce programme

    How cells surf the waves? Curvotaxis directs migration trough cell-scale natural landscapes

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    Cette prĂ©sentation a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© faite dans le cadre des colloques suivants : - Gordon Conference on Biointerfaces 2016 - 12-17 juin 2016 - Workshop MatĂ©riaux pour la SantĂ© - 16 janvier 2018 - International Materials Research Congress (IMRC XXVI) (Cancun, Mexico) - 21-25 aoĂ»t 2017 - BIOMAT 2017 (Ambleteuse, France) - 12-16 juin 2017 - GDR Mecabio 2017 - 5-6 janvier 2017Cells have evolved specific sensing mechanisms to recognize and integrate a diverse set of environmental cues. It is now well established that cells can detect sub-cellular topographical features, and these physical cues are sufficient to direct cell migration and trigger stem cell commitment to specific lineage. Nevertheless, most efforts in this field are focused on the impact of unnatural or geometric structures (e.g.: arrays of dots, microgrooves, micro pillars) and very little is known about natural and smooth cell-scale topographies, a ubiquitous trait of natural environments. Through this talk, recent findings that demonstrate that adherent cells can read and integrate cell-scale curvature variations will be presented. This new cellular sense was termed “curvotaxis”. We developed sinusoidal 3D surfaces presenting continuous variations of cell-scale curvature, and monitored cell behavior on these simplified biomimetic landscapes. We found that cells avoid convex regions during their migration and position themselves in concave valleys. Computational modeling, small-scale functional screen and live imaging suggest that curvotaxis relies on a dynamic interplay between the nucleus and the actin network - the nucleus acting as a mechano-sensing organelle that drives cell migration. Further analysis show that substratum concavity increases nuclear sphericity, lowers stress fiber tension and down-regulates a subset of genes involved in stem cell differentiation. Taken together, these data identify curvotaxis as a new guiding mechanism and suggest that cell-scale topography might be a true component of the stem cell niche. Keywords: surface topography, cell/surface interactions, curvatur

    Curvotaxis directs cell migration through cell-scale curvature landscapes

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    The effect that microscale surface curvature has on cell migration has not been evaluated. Here the authors fabricate sinusoidal 3D surfaces and show that the cell nucleus and cytoskeleton cooperate to guide cells to concave valleys in a process they coin curvotaxis