276 research outputs found

    Larval condition and growth of Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879): preliminary results from laboratory studies

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    Brazilian sardine, the most important resource along the southeastern Brazilian coast, presented great variations and declines in its stocks. The main factors contributing to this are: oceanographic structure changes; recruitment failures; excessive catches of juveniles and increase in fishery effort. In spite of this, no alterations in the density-dependent parameters were detected. Consequently, methods analysing the condition of the larvae coupled with methods determining growth using sagittae otolith increment width were applied to evaluate growth under experimental conditions. The results of the readings on the sagittae were compared with the age of the laboratory-reared sardine larvae and confirmed that increments are formed on a daily basis. Under poor feeding conditions, sardine larvae showed a low growth expressed by dry weight, RNA/DNA ratio and tryptic enzyme activity and by the narrow and low contrast increments in the otoliths. The results of the biochemical indices showed an unexpected decline in the feeding group coupled with a decrease in width of increment numbers 8 and 10. Other factors than food availability were affecting the condition of the larvae and might be indicative of physiological processes and ontogenetic changes occurring in sardine larvae

    Factors influencing the spatial and temporal distribution of microplastics at the sea surface – A year-long monitoring case study from the urban Kiel Fjord, southwest Baltic Sea

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    Highlights: • Microplastic abundance was overall low and not related to environmental parameters. • High microplastic loads were found on few occasions after rainfall and snowmelt. • Microplastics were mainly hard fragments of PE and PP in various colours. • Microplastic contamination from the wastewater treatment plant was the lowest. • Stormwater drains are important source of microplastics into the marine environment. Abstract: Microplastics are ubiquitous to most marine environments worldwide, and their management has become one of the major challenges facing stakeholders. Here we monitored monthly, between March 2018 and March 2019, the abundance of microplastics (0.3–18.2 mm) at the sea surface within the Kiel Fjord, southwest Baltic Sea. Microplastics were sampled at eight locations, inside and outside the fjord, near potential source of microplastics, such as the outlets of storm drains or the Kiel-Bülk wastewater treatment plant, the Schwentine River mouth and the entrance of the Kiel Canal. Weather (wind, precipitations) and seawater (salinity, temperature) parameters were compared to the spatiotemporal distribution of the microplastics. We found an overall stable, and low (0.04 particles/m3), microplastic load within the Kiel Fjord compared to other urban areas worldwide with comparable population densities. No relationship was found between the microplastic abundance and the environmental factors, but the few samples that yielded unusually high amount of microplastics were all preceded by rainfall and snow/ice melt. During such events, vast amounts of water, potentially contaminated with microplastics, were released into the fjord via the storm drainage system. The microplastic abundances at the wastewater plant outflow were among the lowest of our survey, likely thanks to an efficient filtering system. The results of this study highlight the importance to repeat microplastic samplings over time and space to determine with confidence baseline microplastic abundance and to detect unusual acute contamination, especially during snow and ice melting. Overall, the microplastic abundance within the Kiel Fjord was low, probably thanks to efficient waste management on land. However, improvements are still needed to filter millimetre-sized particles within the storm drainage system, which is likely a major source of microplastics into the marine environment

    The effect of food availability, age or size on the RNA/DNA ratio of individually measured herring larvae: laboratory calibration

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    RNA/DNA ratios in individual herring (Clupea harengus) larvae (collected from Kiel Bay, Baltic Sea, in 1989) were measured and proved suitable for determining nutritional status. Significant differences between fed and starving larvae appeared after 3 to 4 d of food deprivation in larvae older than 10 d after hatching. The RNA/DNA ratio showed an increase with age or length of the larvae and was less pronounced in starving larvae compared to fed larvae. The individual variability of RNA/DNA ratios in relation to larval length of fed larvae and of larvae deprived of food for intervals of 6 to 9 d is presented. Based on the length dependency and the individual variability found within the RNA/DNA ratios, a laboratory calibration is given to determine whether a larva caught in the field has been starving or not. An example for a field application is shown

    Effects of photoperiod and temperature on recent growth rates of sprat larvae in the Baltic Sea

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    Growth rate has been shown to effect survival and recruitment of marine fishes. How growth rates in the field are affected by larval development and environmental variability is poorly understood. Recent growth rates of sprat larvae, a key species in the Baltic Marine ecosystem, were determined by converting RNA/DNA ratios determined from individual larvae into recent growth based on a laboratory calibrated RNA/DNA temperature growth model. Several factors (larval size, temperature and photoperiod) that may contribute to the observed variability in recent growth sampled in the spawning seasons 2002 through 2004 were analyzed with a variety of models. Best fit was found for the Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). Larval size (dry weight), photoperiod and temperature terms explained 29 % and 36 % of the variability observed in recent growth of sprat larvae in the Baltic Sea, respectively

    Demonstrations of maternal effects of Atlantic cod: combining the use of unique mesocosm and novel molecular techniques - a new EU-project

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    One of the effects of fishing is a reduction in average age and size in exploited fish stocks, leading to an increasing proportion of recruit spawners in the stock. Current management practice assumes equal viability of offspring from first time spawners and from repeat spawners, despite the fact that that first time spawners often produce smaller eggs than older spawners. The aim of this EU-project is to follow offspring from families of first time spawning and older cod, reared under identical and semi-natural conditions in marine enclosures (mesocosms). The parental origin of the larvae is identified using microsatellite DNA methodology. The advantage of this approach, compared to traditional laboratory rearing, is that rearing conditions are close to natural conditions, and all larvae are reared in the same environment. This eliminates the tank-to-tank variability often observed in traditional rearing experiments. The fish are reared from hatching, through the larval and juvenile stages, until sexual maturity. Growth rates, survival and nutritional condition will be measured using methods such as RNA/DNA ratio and otolith micro increment analysis. The results will be related to parental origin and quality measures of the eggs. It is intended to incorporate the results into management models for improvement of fishery management strategies. In this paper we will focus on a description of the projec

    Association between growth and Pan I genotype within Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) full sib families

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    Studies of the pantophysin (Pan I*) locus in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and other marine gadoids indicate that the locus is under positive selection; in Atlantic cod, genotypic variation at this locus has been linked to differences in growth. Here, we present preliminary data comparing the growth and condition of different Atlantic cod Pan I* genotypes within families held under seminatural mesocosm conditions. Larvae from three full-sibling families carrying Pan I*bb or Pan I*ab genotypes were reared for 10 weeks in two mesocosms. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that larvae carrying the Pan I*ab genotype exhibited significantly higher standard length, dry weight, and RNA: DNA ratio (condition factor) than did larvae that carried the Pan I*bb genotype, potentially indicating selection. The influence of linked loci cannot be excluded; indeed, the absence of a significant correlation between genotype and growth in one family may substantiate this. The lack of differences in survival among genotypes indicates that moderate selective effects are acting primarily through size-specific mortality and fecundity. The proposed putative fitness effects, together with documented marked geographic differentiation in the wild, have implications for Atlantic cod population structure, effective migration rates, recruitment, and local adaptation, which are of particular relevance in a species threatened by continuing exploitation and rising sea temperatures

    Glutamine supplementation

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    Intravenous glutamine supplementation is standard care when parenteral nutrition is given for critical illness. There are data of a reduced mortality when glutamine supplementation is given. In addition, standard commercial products for parenteral nutrition do not contain any glutamine due to glutamine instability in aqueous solutions. For the majority of critical ill patients who are fed enterally, the available evidence is insufficient to recommend glutamine supplementation. Standard formulation of enteral nutrition contains some glutamine: 2-4 g/L. However, this dose is insufficient to normalize glutamine plasma concentration
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