2,674 research outputs found

    Effects of Feed Additives and Mixed Eimeria Species Infection on Intestinal Microbial Ecology of Broilers

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    Evaluation of digestive microbial ecology is necessary to understand effects of growth-promoting feed. In the current study, the dynamics of intestinal microbial communities (MC) were examined in broilers fed diets supplemented with a combination of antibiotic (bacitracin methylene disalicylate) and ionophore (Coban 60), and diets containing 1 of 2 essential oil (EO) blends, Crina Poultry (CP) and Crina Alternate (CA). Five treatments were analyzed: 1) unmedicated uninfected control; 2) unmedicated infected control; 3) feed additives monensin (bacitracin methylene disalicylate) + monensin (Coban 60; AI); 4) EO blend CP; and 5) EO blend CA. Additives were mixed into a basal feed mixture, and EO were adjusted to 100 ppm. Chicks were infected by oral gavage at 19 d of age with Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, and Eimeria tenella. Duodenal, ileal, and cecal samples were taken from 12 birds per treatment just before and 7 d after challenge; 2 samples each were pooled to give a final number of 6 samples total; and all pooled samples were frozen until used for DNA extraction. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was used to examine PCR-amplified fragments of the bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA variable region. Results are presented as percentages of similarity coefficients (SC). Dendrograms of PCR amplicon or band patterns indicated MC differences due to intestinal location, feed additives, and cocci challenge. Essential oil blends CP and CA affected MC in all gut sections. Each EO had different effects over MC, and they differed in most instances from the AI group. The cocci challenge caused drastic MC population shifts in duodenal, ileal, and cecal sections (36.7, 55.4, and 36.2% SC, respectively). Diets supplemented with CP supported higher SC between pre- and postchallenge MC (89.9, 83.3, and 76.4%) than AI (81.8., 57.4, and 60.0%). We concluded that mixed coccidia challenge caused drastic shifts in MC. These EO blends modulated MC better than AI, avoiding drastic shifts after a mixed challenge

    Responses of Coccidia-Vaccinated Broilers to Essential Oil Blends Supplementation up to Forty-Nine Days of Age

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    Coccidiosis control may become a greater problem as the use of growth-promoting antibiotics (GPA) and ionophores declines. Vaccination with live oocysts may turn into a popular alternative to the use of coccidiostats in broilers, although cocci vaccination is frequently linked to temporary lower performance in young flocks. This experiment evaluates the dietary supplementation of 2 specific essential oil (EO) blends (Crina Poultry and Crina Alternate), either as alternatives to GPA and ionophores (BMD + Coban) or as feed additives that help to improve the performance of cocci-vaccinated broilers. Live performance and lesion scores were observed. These 2 specific EO blends differ in their efficacy to promote growth. Chickens that were not cocci vaccinated and were fed Crina Poultry had better feed conversion ratio (FCR) than the unmedicated control treatment in the starter period. The same EO improved FCR in cocci-vaccinated birds in the finisher period in comparison to the negative control group, but those responses were not significantly different from other treatments or significant at 49 d of age. No significant differences were observed in lesion scores at 37 d. Diets supplemented with a GPA-ionophore combination consistently supported the best BW gain and FCR in each period and the entire grow-out period. No significant beneficial or deleterious effects on live performance were observed due to these specific EO blends in cocci-vaccinated broilers

    Intestinal Microbial Ecology of Broilers Vaccinated and Challenged With Mixed Eimeria Species, and Supplemented with Essential Oil Blends

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    Intestinal microbiota is an important component in the development of defense mechanisms in the gut mucosa. This project determined the dynamics of intestinal microbial communities (MC) of broilers vaccinated at first day of age with live oocysts of Eimeria species and fed diets supplemented with 2 specific essential oil (EO) blends, Crina Poultry (CP) and Crina Alternate (CA). Five treatments were analyzed: 1) unmedicated-uninfected (UU) control; 2) unmedicated-infected (UI) control; 3) vaccinated with Advent cocci-vaccine and without feed additive (COV) supplements; 4) vaccinated with Advent and supplemented with CP; and 5) vaccinated with Advent and supplemented with CA. The EO blends were added at 100 ppm to the same basal diets. Chicks were gavage-infected at 19 d of age with Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, and Eimeria tenella. Duodenal, ileal, and cecal samples were taken from 12 birds per treatment just before the infection and 7 d after the challenge, pooled in 6 samples, and frozen. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was used to examine PCR-amplified fragments of the bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA variable region. Results are presented as percentages of similarity coefficients (SC). Dendrograms of amplicon patterns indicated MC differences due to intestinal location, feed additives, and cocci infection. The EO blends CP and CA did affect MC in all gut sections. The cocci-infection caused drastic MC population shifts in duodenal, ileal, and cecal sections (36.7, 55.4, and 36.2% SC, respectively). The CP-supplemented birds had higher SC between pre- and postchallenge MC in duodenal and ileal (73.3, 81.8%) than COV (66.4, 66.5%). However, COV broilers had the smallest changes in cecal MC after infection (79.5% SC). We concluded that cocci-vaccination causes small changes in intestinal MC, but challenge causes drastic shifts. The EO blend supplementation modulates MC in cocci-vaccinated broilers, avoiding drastic shifts after a mixed coccidia infection. Correlations between MC dynamics and host responses are discussed

    On zymogens of human pancreatic juice

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    ESCRITOS Narrativos De uma Produção Desejante Com A EMEF EJA Admardo Serafim de Oliveira

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    O que pode uma educação de jovens e adultos como potência diferir-se em um país no qual ainda se luta por acesso e permanência na escola, em que se encontram fragilizadas as condições para o exercício dos direitos à escolarização? Movida por esta pergunta, esta pesquisa visa analisar a ética e a produção desejante em fluxo com os professores, estudantes, equipe gestora e pesquisadores da EMEF EJA Admardo Serafim de Oliveira. Para isso, aliamos ao conceito de Ética em Espinosa, por meio da leitura de Deleuze e de desejo na leitura de Deleuze, Guattari e Rolnik, os quais visam problematizar com a produção de subjetividade em suas capturas, utilizando tecnologias da culpabilização, segregação e infantilização, que subjuga e segmenta a vida nas relações de poder. Foram produzidas narrativas que expressam a maneira como a Escola Admardo em sua produção desejante gera curtos-circuitos a essa lógica, em seus enfrentamentos cotidianos. Em destaque, a análise da formação continuada como um espaço de problematizações, indagações e lutas que se constrói atravessado por uma política-ética-estética, no afirmar vidas por meio de um processo de educar inventivo e artístico. Na contramão de certa lógica educativa, professores, estudantes, equipe gestora e pesquisadores da Escola Admardo lutam e resistem pela educação pública na modalidade de jovens e adultos

    Enzymes as Feed Additive to Aid in Responses Against Eimeria Species in Coccidia-Vaccinated Broilers Fed Corn-Soybean Meal Diets with Different Protein Levels

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    This research aimed to evaluate the effects of adding a combination of exogenous enzymes to starter diets varying in protein content and fed to broilers vaccinated at day of hatch with live oocysts and then challenged with mixed Eimeria spp. Five hundred four 1-d-old male Cobb-500 chickens were distributed in 72 cages. The design consisted of 12 treatments. Three anticoccidial control programs [ionophore (IO), coccidian vaccine (COV), and coccidia-vaccine + enzymes (COV + EC)] were evaluated under 3 CP levels (19, 21, and 23%), and 3 unmedicated-uninfected (UU) negative controls were included for each one of the protein levels. All chickens except those in unmedicated-uninfected negative controls were infected at 17 d of age with a mixed oral inoculum of Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, and Eimeria tenella. Live performance, lesion scores, oocyst counts, and samples for gut microflora profiles were evaluated 7 d postinfection. Ileal digestibility of amino acids (IDAA) was determined 8 d postinfection. Microbial communities (MC) were analyzed by G + C%, microbial numbers were counted by flow cytometry, and IgA concentrations were measured by ELISA. The lowest CP diets had poorer (P ≤ 0.001) BW gain and feed conversion ratio in the preinfection period. Coccidia-vaccinated broilers had lower performance than the ones fed ionophore diets during pre- and postchallenge periods. Intestinal lesion scores were affected (P ≤ 0.05) by anticoccidial control programs, but responses changed according to gut section. Feed additives or vaccination had no effect (P ≥ 0.05) on IDAA, and diets with 23% CP had the lowest (P ≤ 0.001) IDAA. Coccidial infection had no effect on MC numbers in the ileum but reduced MC numbers in ceca and suppressed ileal IgA production. The COV + EC treatment modulated MC during mixed coccidiosis infection but did not significantly improve chicken performance. Results indicated that feed enzymes may be used to modulate the gut microflora of cocci-vaccinated broiler chickens

    Q-dependence of the inelastic neutron scattering cross section for molecular spin clusters with high molecular symmetry

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    For powder samples of polynuclear metal complexes the dependence of the inelastic neutron scattering intensity on the momentum transfer Q is known to be described by a combination of so called interference terms. They reflect the interplay between the geometrical structure of the compound and the spatial properties of the wave functions involved in the transition. In this work, it is shown that the Q-dependence is strongly interrelated with the molecular symmetry of molecular nanomagnets, and, if the molecular symmetry is high enough, is actually completely determined by it. A general formalism connecting spatial symmetry and interference terms is developed. The arguments are detailed for cyclic spin clusters, as experimentally realized by e.g. the octanuclear molecular wheel Cr8, and the star like tetranuclear cluster Fe4.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figures, REVTEX

    Zonación mineral vinculada a procesos geoquímicos en el skarn San Miguel, Sierras Septentrionales, provincia de Buenos Aires

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    El skarn San Miguel, situado en cercanías de la localidad de Barker, es uno de los dos skarns reconocidos en el ámbito de las Sierras Septentrionales de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Se formó por la intrusión de un magma, de composición tonalítica, en un mármol de grano grueso, dicho depósito asoma en afloramientos reducidos. El cuerpo intrusivo rodeó y asimiló parcialmente al mármol, dejando núcleos relícticos. Este proceso favoreció el desarrollo de paragénesis minerales calcosilicáticas, con un patrón zonal caracterizado por las zonas de: (1) wollastonita-vesubianita, (2) granate-clinopiroxeno, (3) clinopiroxeno, en facies de exoskarn, y las zonas de (1) granate-clinopiroxeno, (2) clinopiroxeno-plagioclasa cálcica, en facies de endoskarn. Datos isotópicos δ13C y δ18O indican una procedencia marina del carbonato, el cual fue posteriormente sometido a procesos de metamorfismo y metasomatismo que modificaron sus relaciones isotópicas iniciales. El análisis detallado de esta zonación tiene implicancias genéticas que contribuyen al desentramado de la compleja historia evolutiva del skarn.Articulo recibido el 28 de marzo de 2012 y Aceptado el 25 de abril de 201

    Primeros registros del “evento Lomagundi-Jatuli” en mármoles paleoproterozoicos del basamento de las sierras septentrionales de la provincia de Buenos Aires, cratón del Río de La Plata

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    Sólo dos mármoles han sido identificados en el basamento de las Sierras Septentrionales; uno de ellos, el de San Miguel, es considerado en este trabajo. El mismo está alojado en un gneiss granatífero-biotítico intruido por cuerpos ígneos de ∼2100 Ma. Presenta color blanquecino y tamaño de grano grueso; la asociación mineral calcita+diópsido+cuarzo indica un grado metamórfico en facies anfibolita alta. Análisis químicos revelan valores de CaO mayores al 50 % y menores al 1 % de MgO. La intrusión de filones, compuestos por cuarzo + plagioclasa + feldespato potásico, generó la formación de un skarn de wollastonita, vesubianita, grosularia y diópsido. Determinaciones de δ13C y δ18O en cristales de calcita del mármol develaron importantes anomalías positivas y un descenso de + 5,42 a + 4,26 ‰ en δ13C y de + 17,12 a + 13,84 ‰ en δ18O, desde el núcleo del mármol hacia el contacto con los filones. Dicha variación se explica por la cristalización de calcosilicatos a través de reacciones de desvolatilización durante los procesos metamórficos y metasomáticos. Los valores de δ18O de dos poblaciones de diópsido, distal y proximal al contacto con los filones, fueron utilizados conjuntamente con los de δ18O de calcita (en asociación paragenética) estableciendo dos pares geotermométricos calcita-diópsido: distal y proximal, obteniéndose temperaturas de 716 °C (proceso metamórfico) y 451 °C (proceso metasomático), respectivamente. La concordancia de las características geológicas e isotópicas con aquellas registradas en carbonatos paleoproterozoicos, a nivel mundial, y la edad estimada para el protolito del mármol de San Miguel, indican que éste habría sido un carbonato marino depositado durante el “evento Lomagundi-Jatuli”.The marble from the San Miguel area represents one of the two marbles identified in the basement of the Sierras Septentrionales. It is placed in a garnet-biotite gneiss which is intruded by igneous bodies of ∼2100 Ma. These rocks are whitish with a coarsegrain size; the calcite + diopside + quartz mineral association indicates a high-amphibolite metamorphic facies grade. Chemical analyses indicate CaO values higher than 50 % and lower than 1 % of MgO. The intrusion of thin interbedded granitic bodies composed of quartz + plagioclase + potassic feldspar generated the formation of a wollastonite-vesuvianitegrossular- diopside skarn. Determinations of δ13C and δ18O in calcite crystals from the marble revealed important positive anomalies with a decrease pattern of + 5.89 to + 4.26 ‰ in δ13C and of + 17.85 to + 13.84 ‰ in δ18O, towards the contact with the granitic bodies. These fluctuations are caused by the crystallization of calc-silicates due to desvolatilization reactions during metamorphic and metasomatic processes. δ18O values obtained from two diopside populations, proximal and distal to the contact marble-granitic bodies, were used together with δ18O contents of calcite (in paragenetic association) in order to determine two geothermometric pairs (calcite-diopside): distal and proximal, which allowed to establish temperatures of 716 °C (metamorphic process) and 451 °C (metasomatic process). The concordance of the geological and isotopic characteristics of the marble of San Miguel with those of the worldwide records of Paleoproterozoic carbonates, together with the estimated age of the protolith indicate that this protolith was a marine carbonate deposited during the “Lomagundi-Jatuli Event”

    The Effect of Expertise during Simulated Flight Emergencies on the Autonomic Response and Operative Performance in Military Pilots.

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) and performance response during emergency flight maneuvers were analyzed. Two expert pilots (ages 35 and 33) and two rookie pilots (ages 25) from the Portuguese Air Force participated in this case–control report study. Participants had to complete the following emergency protocols in a flight simulator: (1) take-off engine failure, (2) flight engine failure close to the base, (3) flight engine failure far away from the base, and (4) alternator failure. The HRV was collected during all these maneuvers, as well as the performance data (the time it took to go through the emergency protocol and the subjective information from the flight simulator operator). Results regarding autonomic modulation showed a higher sympathetic response during the emergency maneuvers when compared to baseline. In some cases, there was also a higher sympathetic response during the emergency maneuvers when compared with the take-off protocol. Regarding performance data, the expert pilots accomplished the missions in less time than the rookie pilots. Autonomic modulation measured from HRV through portable devices can easily relay important information. This information is relevant since characterizing these maneuvers can provide helpful information to design training strategies to improve those psychophysiological responses