3,336 research outputs found

    Mid-infrared colour gradients and the colour-magnitude relation in Virgo early-type galaxies

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    We make use of Spitzer imaging between 4 and 16 micron and near-infrared data at 2.2 micron to investigate the nature and distribution of the mid-infrared emission in a sample of early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster. These data allow us to conclude, with some confidence, that the emission at 16 micron in passive ETGs is stellar in origin, consistent with previous work concluding that the excess mid-infrared emission comes from the dusty envelopes around evolved AGB stars. There is little evidence for the mid-infrared emission of an unresolved central component, as might arise in the presence of a dusty torus associated with a low-luminosity AGN. We nonetheless find that the 16 micron emission is more centrally peaked than the near-infrared emission, implying a radial stellar population gradient. By comparing with independent evidence from studies at optical wavelengths, we conclude that a metallicity that falls with increasing radius is the principal driver of the observed gradient. We also plot the mid-infrared colour-magnitude diagram and combine with similar work on the Coma cluster to define the colour-magnitude relation for absolute K-band magnitudes from -26 to -19. Because a correlation between mass and age would produce a relation with a gradient in the opposite sense to that observed, we conclude that the relation reflects the fact that passive ETGs of lower mass also have a lower average metallicity. The colour-magnitude relation is thus driven by metallicity effects. In contrast to what is found in Coma, we do not find any objects with anomalously bright 16 micron emission relative to the colour-magnitude relation. Although there is little overlap in the mass ranges probed in the two clusters, this may suggest that observable ``rejuvenation'' episodes are limited to intermediate mass objects.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    El medidor de agua “Venturi”

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    Early Type Galaxies in the Mid Infrared: a new flavor to their stellar populations

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    The mid infrared emission of early type galaxies traces the presence of intermediate age stellar populations as well as even tiny amounts of ongoing star formation. Here we discuss high S/N Spitzer IRS spectra of a sample of Virgo early type galaxies, with particular reference to NGC 4435. We show that, by combining mid infrared spectroscopic observations with existing broad band fluxes, it is possible to obtain a very clean picture of the nuclear activity in this galaxy.Comment: 4 pages; proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 241, "Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies", editors A. Vazdekis and R. Peletie

    Mode identification of Pulsating White Dwarfs using the HST

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    We have obtained time-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy for the pulsating DAV stars G226-29 and G185-32, and for the pulsating DBV star PG1351+489 with the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph, to compare the ultraviolet to the optical pulsation amplitude and determine the pulsation indices. We find that for essentially all observed pulsation modes, the amplitude rises to the ultraviolet as the theoretical models predict for l=1 non-radial g-modes. We do not find any pulsation mode visible only in the ultraviolet, nor any modes whose phase flips by 180 degrees; in the ultraviolet, as would be expected if high l pulsations were excited. We find one periodicity in the light curve of G185-32, at 141 s, which does not fit theoretical models for the change of amplitude with wavelength of g-mode pulsations.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, Aug 200

    Elliptic curve configurations on Fano surfaces

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    The elliptic curves on a surface of general type constitute an obstruction for the cotangent sheaf to be ample. In this paper, we give the classification of the configurations of the elliptic curves on the Fano surface of a smooth cubic threefold. That means that we give the number of such curves, their intersections and a plane model. This classification is linked to the classification of the automorphism groups of theses surfaces.Comment: 17 pages, accepted and shortened version, the rest will appear in "Fano surfaces with 12 or 30 elliptic curves

    Memory Organization for Energy-Efficient Learning and Inference in Digital Neuromorphic Accelerators

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    The energy efficiency of neuromorphic hardware is greatly affected by the energy of storing, accessing, and updating synaptic parameters. Various methods of memory organisation targeting energy-efficient digital accelerators have been investigated in the past, however, they do not completely encapsulate the energy costs at a system level. To address this shortcoming and to account for various overheads, we synthesize the controller and memory for different encoding schemes and extract the energy costs from these synthesized blocks. Additionally, we introduce functional encoding for structured connectivity such as the connectivity in convolutional layers. Functional encoding offers a 58% reduction in the energy to implement a backward pass and weight update in such layers compared to existing index-based solutions. We show that for a 2 layer spiking neural network trained to retain a spatio-temporal pattern, bitmap (PB-BMP) based organization can encode the sparser networks more efficiently. This form of encoding delivers a 1.37x improvement in energy efficiency coming at the cost of a 4% degradation in network retention accuracy as measured by the van Rossum distance.Comment: submitted to ISCAS202

    Local moments and symmetry breaking in metallic PrMnSbO

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    We report a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the layered antimonide PrMnSbO which is isostructural to the parent phase of the iron pnictide superconductors. We find linear resistivity near room temperature and Fermi liquid-like T^{2} behaviour below 150 K. Neutron powder diffraction shows that unfrustrated C-type Mn magnetic order develops below \sim 230 K, followed by a spin-flop coupled to induced Pr order. At T \sim 35 K, we find a tetragonal to orthorhombic (T-O) transition. First principles calculations show that the large magnetic moments observed in this metallic compound are of local origin. Our results are thus inconsistent with either the itinerant or frustrated models proposed for symmetry breaking in the iron pnictides. We show that PrMnSbO is instead a rare example of a metal where structural distortions are driven by f-electron degrees of freedom