207 research outputs found

    Characterization of an INVS Model IV Neutron Counter for High Precision (γ,n\gamma,n) Cross-Section Measurements

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    A neutron counter designed for assay of radioactive materials has been adapted for beam experiments at TUNL. The cylindrical geometry and 60% maximum efficiency make it well suited for (γ,n\gamma,n) cross-section measurements near the neutron emission threshold. A high precision characterization of the counter has been made using neutrons from several sources. Using a combination of measurements and simulations, the absolute detection efficiency of the neutron counter was determined to an accuracy of ±\pm 3% in the neutron energy range between 0.1 and 1 MeV. It is shown that this efficiency characterization is generally valid for a wide range of targets.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Hydrogels in the clinic

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    Injectable hydrogels are one of the most widely investigated and versatile technologies for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications. Hydrogels’ versatility arises from their tunable structure, which has been enabled by considerable advances in fields such as materials engineering, polymer science, and chemistry. Advances in these fields continue to lead to invention of new polymers, new approaches to crosslink polymers, new strategies to fabricate hydrogels, and new applications arising from hydrogels for improving healthcare. Various hydrogel technologies have received regulatory approval for healthcare applications ranging from cancer treatment to aesthetic corrections to spinal fusion. Beyond these applications, hydrogels are being studied in clinical settings for tissue regeneration, incontinence, and other applications. Here, we analyze the current clinical landscape of injectable hydrogel technologies, including hydrogels that have been clinically approved or are currently being investigated in clinical settings. We summarize our analysis to highlight key clinical areas that hydrogels have found sustained success in and further discuss challenges that may limit their future clinical translation

    Characterization of an INVS model IV neutron counter for high precision cross-section measurements

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    A neutron counter designed for assay of radioactive materials has been adapted for beam experiments at TUNL. The cylindrical geometry and 60% maximum efficiency make it well suited for (γ, n) cross-section measurements near the neutron emission threshold. A high precision characterization of the counter has been made using neutrons from several sources. Using a combination of measurements and simulations, the absolute detection efficiency of the neutron counter was determined to an accuracy of ± 3% in the neutron energy range between 0.1 and 1 MeV. It is shown that this efficiency characterization is generally valid for a wide range of targets

    Cross-section measurement of 9Be(γ,n)8Be and implications for α+α+n→9Be in the r process

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    Models of the r process are sensitive to the production rate of 9Be because, in explosive environments rich in neutrons, α(αn,γ) 9Be is the primary mechanism for bridging the stability gaps at A=5 and A=8. The α(αn,γ)9Be reaction represents a two-step process, consisting of α+α→8Be followed by 8Be(n,γ)9Be. We report here on a new absolute cross-section measurement for the 9Be(γ,n)8Be reaction conducted using a highly efficient, 3He-based neutron detector and nearly monoenergetic photon beams, covering energies from Eγ=1.5 MeV to Eγ=5.2 MeV, produced by the High Intensity γ-ray Source of Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. In the astrophysically important threshold energy region, the present cross sections are 40% larger than those found in most previous measurements and are accurate to ±10% (95% confidence). The revised thermonuclear α(αn,γ)9Be reaction rate could have implications for the r process in explosive environments such as type II supernovae

    Measurement of the e r c.m. = 138 keV resonance in the 23 Na(p, γ) 24 Mg reaction and the abundance of sodium in AGB stars

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    Globular clusters represent some of the oldest stellar aggregations in the universe. As such, they are used as testing grounds for theories of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis. Astronomical observations have shown star-to-star abundance variations in light-mass elements in all galactic globular clusters that are not predicted by standard stellar evolution models. In particular, there exists a pronounced anticorrelation between Na and O in the cluster stars that is not observed in field stars of similar evolutionary state. The abundance of Na is regulated in part by the 23Na+p reaction, which is also a bridge between the NeNa and the MgAl mass regions, but the 23Na(p,γ)24Mg reaction rate is very uncertain for burning temperatures relevant to stars on the red giant and asymptotic giant branches. This uncertainty arises from an expected but unobserved resonance at Erc.m. = 138 keV. The resonance strength upper limit has been determined to be ωγUL(138 keV) ≤5.17×10-9 eV with indications of a signal at the 90% confidence level. New reaction rates have been calculated for the 23Na(p,γ)24Mg and 23Na(p,α)20Ne reactions and the recommended value for the 23Na(p,γ)24Mg rate has been reduced by over an order of magnitude at T9 = 0.07. This will have implications for the processing of material between the NeNa and MgAl mass regions

    Cell therapies in the clinic

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    Cell therapies have emerged as a promising therapeutic modality with the potential to treat and even cure a diverse array of diseases. Cell therapies offer unique clinical and therapeutic advantages over conventional small molecules and the growing number of biologics. Particularly, living cells can simultaneously and dynamically perform complex biological functions in ways that conventional drugs cannot; cell therapies have expanded the spectrum of available therapeutic options to include key cellular functions and processes. As such, cell therapies are currently one of the most investigated therapeutic modalities in both preclinical and clinical settings, with many products having been approved and many more under active clinical investigation. Here, we highlight the diversity and key advantages of cell therapies and discuss their current clinical advances. In particular, we review 28 globally approved cell therapy products and their clinical use. We also analyze >1700 current active clinical trials of cell therapies, with an emphasis on discussing their therapeutic applications. Finally, we critically discuss the major biological, manufacturing, and regulatory challenges associated with the clinical translation of cell therapies

    Development of a variable-energy, high-intensity, pulsed-mode ion source for low-energy nuclear astrophysics studies

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    The primary challenge in directly measuring nuclear reaction rates near stellar energies is their small cross sections. The signal-to-background ratio in these complex experiments can be significantly improved by employing high-current (mA-range) beams and novel detection techniques. Therefore, the electron cyclotron resonance ion source at the Laboratory for Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics underwent a complete upgrade of its acceleration column and microwave system to obtain high-intensity, pulsed proton beams. The new column uses a compression design with O-ring seals for vacuum integrity. Its voltage gradient between electrode sections is produced by the parallel resistance of channels of chilled, deionized water. It also incorporates alternating, transverse magnetic fields for electron suppression and an axially adjustable beam extraction system. Following this upgrade, the operational bremsstrahlung radiation levels and high-voltage stability of the source were vastly improved, over 3.5 mA of target beam current was achieved, and an order-of-magnitude increase in normalized brightness was measured. Beam optics calculations, structural design, and further performance results for this source are presented

    Observation of a 1750 MeV/c^2 Enhancement in the Diffractive Photoproduction of K^+K^-

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    Using the FOCUS spectrometer with photon beam energies between 20 and 160 \gev, we confirm the existence of a diffractively photoproduced enhancement in K+KK^+K^- at 1750 \mevcc with nearly 100 times the statistics of previous experiments. Assuming this enhancement to be a single resonance with a Breit-Wigner mass shape, we determine its mass to be 1753.5±1.5±2.31753.5\pm 1.5\pm 2.3 \mevcc and its width to be 122.2±6.2±8.0122.2\pm 6.2\pm 8.0 \mevcc. We find no corresponding enhancement at 1750 \mevcc in KKK^*K, and again neglecting any possible interference effects we place limits on the ratio Γ(X(1750)KK)/Γ(X(1750)K+K)\Gamma (X(1750) \to K^*K)/\Gamma (X(1750) \to K^+K^-). Our results are consistent with previous photoproduction experiments, but, because of the much greater statistics, challenge the common interpretation of this enhancement as the ϕ(1680)\phi (1680) seen in e+ee^+e^- annihilation experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Evidence for a narrow dip structure at 1.9 GeV/c2^2 in 3π+3π3\pi^+ 3\pi^- diffractive photoproduction

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    A narrow dip structure has been observed at 1.9 GeV/c2^2 in a study of diffractive photoproduction of the  3π+3π~3\pi^+3\pi^- final state performed by the Fermilab experiment E687.Comment: The data of Figure 6 can be obtained by downloading the raw data file e687_6pi.txt. v5 (2nov2018): added Fig. 7, the 6 pion energy distribution as requested by a reade

    Energy Flow in the Hadronic Final State of Diffractive and Non-Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA

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    An investigation of the hadronic final state in diffractive and non--diffractive deep--inelastic electron--proton scattering at HERA is presented, where diffractive data are selected experimentally by demanding a large gap in pseudo --rapidity around the proton remnant direction. The transverse energy flow in the hadronic final state is evaluated using a set of estimators which quantify topological properties. Using available Monte Carlo QCD calculations, it is demonstrated that the final state in diffractive DIS exhibits the features expected if the interaction is interpreted as the scattering of an electron off a current quark with associated effects of perturbative QCD. A model in which deep--inelastic diffraction is taken to be the exchange of a pomeron with partonic structure is found to reproduce the measurements well. Models for deep--inelastic epep scattering, in which a sizeable diffractive contribution is present because of non--perturbative effects in the production of the hadronic final state, reproduce the general tendencies of the data but in all give a worse description.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 6 Figures appended as uuencoded fil