1,362 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of A Three-Family Standard-like String Model

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    We discuss the phenomenology of a three-family supersymmetric Standard-like Model derived from the orientifold construction, in which the ordinary chiral states are localized at the intersection of branes at angles. In addition to the Standard Model group, there are two additional U(1)' symmetries, one of which has family non-universal and therefore flavor changing couplings, and a quasi-hidden non-abelian sector which becomes strongly coupled above the electroweak scale. The perturbative spectrum contains a fourth family of exotic (SU(2)- singlet) quarks and leptons, in which, however, the left-chiral states have unphysical electric charges. It is argued that these decouple from the low energy spectrum due to hidden sector charge confinement, and that anomaly matching requires the physical left-chiral states to be composites. The model has multiple Higgs doublets and additional exotic states. The moduli-dependent predictions for the gauge couplings are discussed. The strong coupling agrees with experiment for reasonable moduli, but the electroweak couplings are too small.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Entropy-driven formation of the gyroid cubic phase

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    We show, by computer simulation, that tapered or pear-shaped particles, interacting through purely repulsive interactions, can freely self-assemble to form the three-dimensionally periodic, gyroid cubic phase. The Ia3d gyroid cubic phase is formed by these particles both on compression of an isotropic configuration and on expansion of a smectic A bilayer arrangement. For the latter case, it is possible identify the steps by which the topological transformation from non-intersecting planes to fully interpenetrating, periodic networks takes place</p

    Massive Neutrinos and (Heterotic) String Theory

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    String theories in principle address the origin and values of the quark and lepton masses. Perhaps the small values of neutrino masses could be explained generically in string theory even if it is more difficult to calculate individual values, or perhaps some string constructions could be favored by generating small neutrino masses. We examine this issue in the context of the well-known three-family standard-like Z_3 heterotic orbifolds, where the theory is well enough known to construct the corresponding operators allowed by string selection rules, and analyze the D- and F-flatness conditions. Surprisingly, we find that a simple see-saw mechanism does not arise. It is not clear whether this is a property of this construction, or of orbifolds more generally, or of string theory itself. Extended see-saw mechanisms may be allowed; more analysis will be needed to settle that issue. We briefly speculate on their form if allowed and on the possibility of alternatives, such as small Dirac masses and triplet see-saws. The smallness of neutrino masses may be a powerful probe of string constructions in general. We also find further evidence that there are only 20 inequivalent models in this class, which affects the counting of string vacua.Comment: 18 pages in RevTeX format. Single-column postscript version available at http://sage.hep.upenn.edu/~bnelson/singpre.p

    Sneutrino Dark Matter: Symmetry Protection and Cosmic Ray Anomalies

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    We present an R-parity conserving model of sneutrino dark matter within a Higgs-philic U(1)' extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. In this theory, the mu parameter and light Dirac neutrino masses are generated naturally upon the breaking of the U(1)' gauge symmetry. The leptonic and hadronic decays of sneutrinos in this model, taken to be the lightest and next-to-lightest superpartners, allow for a natural fit to the recent results reported by the PAMELA experiment.Comment: Revised to match the published version; 11 pages (2 column format), 1 table, 6 figures, to appear in PR

    Left-Right Symmetric Heterotic-String Derived Models

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    Recently it was demonstrated that free fermionic heterotic-strings can produce models with solely the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model states in the low energy spectrum. This unprecedented result provides further strong evidence for the possibility that the true string vacuum shares some of the properties of the free fermionic models. Past free fermionic models have focused on several possible unbroken observable SO(10) subgroups at the string scale, which include the flipped SU(5) (FSU5), the Pati-Salam (PS) string models, and the string Standard-like Models (SLM). We extend this study to include the case in which the SO(10) symmetry is broken to the Left-Right Symmetric (LRS) gauge group, SO(10) -> SU(3)_C X U(1)_{B-L} X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R. We present several models of this type and discuss their phenomenological features. The most striking new outcome of the LRS string models, in contrast to the case of the FSU5, the PS, and the SLM string models, is that they can produce effective field theories that are free of Abelian anomalies. We discuss the distinction between the two types of free fermionic models which result in the presence, or absence, of an anomalous U(1). As a counter example we also present a LRS model that does contain an anomalous U(1). Additionally, we discuss how in string models the Standard Model spectrum may arise from the three \mbf 16 representations of SO(10), while the weak-hypercharge does not have the canonical SO(10) embedding.Comment: 39 pages. Standard Latex. Version to appear in PR

    Nematic-Isotropic Transition with Quenched Disorder

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    Nematic elastomers do not show the discontinuous, first-order, phase transition that the Landau-De Gennes mean field theory predicts for a quadrupolar ordering in 3D. We attribute this behavior to the presence of network crosslinks, which act as sources of quenched orientational disorder. We show that the addition of weak random anisotropy results in a singular renormalization of the Landau-De Gennes expression, adding an energy term proportional to the inverse quartic power of order parameter Q. This reduces the first-order discontinuity in Q. For sufficiently high disorder strength the jump disappears altogether and the phase transition becomes continuous, in some ways resembling the supercritical transitions in external field.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to be published on PR

    Understanding process, power, and meaning in adaptive governance: A critical institutional reading

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    Adaptive governance continues to attract considerable interest in academic and policy circles. This is with good reason, given its increasing relevance in a globalized and changing world. At the same time, adaptive governance is the subject of a growing body of critical literature concerned with the ways in which it theorizes the social world. In this paper, we respond to these critiques, which we see as broadly concerning the process, power, and meaning dimensions of environmental and natural resource governance. We argue that adaptive governance theory would benefit from engaging constructively with critical institutionalism, a school of thought that, like adaptive governance, has one foot in commons scholarship. Critical institutionalism conceives of institutional change as a process of bricolage, where those involved piece together new arrangements from the resources to hand. This approach highlights the interplay of structure and agency, and illuminates how new governance arrangements form and come to be seen as natural in dynamic relation to the wider social and cultural landscape. We consider how these arrangements tend to reflect dominant power relations, whilst the plural nature of social life also provides scope for adaptation and transformative change

    Physics Implications of Flat Directions in Free Fermionic Superstring Models II: Renormalization Group Analysis

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    We continue the investigation of the physics implications of a class of flat directions for a prototype quasi-realistic free fermionic string model (CHL5), building upon the results of the previous paper in which the complete mass spectrum and effective trilinear couplings of the observable sector were calculated to all orders in the superpotential. We introduce soft supersymmetry breaking mass parameters into the model, and investigate the gauge symmetry breaking patterns and the renormalization group analysis for two representative flat directions, which leave an additional U(1)U(1)' as well as the SM gauge group unbroken at the string scale. We study symmetry breaking patterns that lead to a phenomenologically acceptable ZZZ-Z' hierarchy, MZO(1 TeV)M_{Z^{'}} \sim {\cal O}(1~{\rm TeV}) and 1012 GeV 10^{12}~{\rm GeV} for electroweak and intermediate scale U(1)U(1)^{'} symmetry breaking, respectively, and the associated mass spectra after electroweak symmetry breaking. The fermion mass spectrum exhibits unrealistic features, including massless exotic fermions, but has an interesting dd-quark hierarchy and associated CKM matrix in one case. There are (some) non-canonical effective μ\mu terms, which lead to a non-minimal Higgs sector with more than two Higgs doublets involved in the symmetry breaking, and a rich structure of Higgs particles, charginos, and neutralinos, some of which, however, are massless or ultralight. In the electroweak scale cases the scale of supersymmetry breaking is set by the ZZ^{'} mass, with the sparticle masses in the several TeV range.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figures, LaTex. Minor correction