4 research outputs found

    ESCRT-III is necessary for the integrity of the nuclear envelope in micronuclei but is aberrant at ruptured micronuclear envelopes generating damage

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    Micronuclei represent the cellular attempt to compartmentalize DNA to maintain genomic integrity threatened by mitotic errors and genotoxic events. Some micronuclei show aberrant nuclear envelopes (NEs) that collapse, generating damaged DNA that can promote complex genome alterations. However, ruptured micronuclei also provide a pool of cytosolic DNA that can stimulate antitumor immunity, revealing the complexity of micronuclear impact on tumor progression. The ESCRT-III (Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport-III) complex ensures NE reseals during late mitosis and is repaired in interphase. Therefore, ESCRT-III activity maybe crucial for maintaining the integrity of other genomic structures enclosed by a NE. ESCRT-III activity at the NE is coordinated by the subunit CHMP7. We show that CHMP7 and ESCRT-III protect against the genomic instability associated with micronuclei formation. Loss of ESCRT-III activity increases the population of micronuclei with ruptured NEs, revealing that its NE repair activity is also necessary to maintain micronuclei integrity. Surprisingly, aberrant accumulation of ESCRT-III are found at the envelope of most acentric collapsed micronuclei, suggesting that ESCRT-III is not recycled efficiently from these structures. Moreover, CHMP7 depletion relieves micronuclei from the aberrant accumulations of ESCRT-III. CHMP7-depleted cells display a reduction in micronuclei containing the DNA damage marker RPA and a sensor of cytosolic DNA. Thus, ESCRT-III activity appears to protect from the consequence of genomic instability in a dichotomous fashion: ESCRT-III membrane repair activity prevents the occurrence of micronuclei with weak envelopes, but the aberrant accumulation of ESCRT-III on a subset of micronuclei appears to exacerbate DNA damage and sustain proinflammatory pathways

    Flexibility but no coordination of visits in provisioning riflemen

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    Parental care strategies occupy a continuum from fixed investments that are consistent across contexts to flexible behaviour that largely depends on external social and environmental cues. Determining the flexibility of care behaviour is important, as it influences the outcome of investment games between multiple individuals caring for the same brood. We investigated the repeatability of provisioning behaviour and the potential for turn taking among breeders and helpers in a cooperatively breeding bird, the rifleman, Acanthisitta chloris. First, we examined whether nest visit rate is an accurate measure of investment by assessing whether carers consistently bring the same size of food, and whether food size is related to nest visit rate. Our results support the use of visit rate as a valid indicator of parental investment. Next, we calculated the repeatability of visit rate and food size to determine whether these behaviours are fixed individual traits or flexible responses to particular contexts. We found that riflemen were flexible in visit rate, supporting responsive models of care over ‘sealed bids’. Finally, we used runs tests to assess whether individual riflemen alternated visits with other carers, indicative of turn taking. We found little evidence of any such coordination of parental provisioning. We conclude that individual flexibility in parental care appears to arise through factors such as breeding status and brood demand, rather than as a real-time response to social partners

    Photocoagulation in retinal vein occlusion

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