879 research outputs found

    Caracterizaci?n y tipificaci?n de las fincas ganaderas de la zona del centro del departamento del Tolima

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    80 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl an?lisis multivariante (AM) es la parte de la estad?stica y del an?lisis de datos que estudia, organiza, analiza, representa e interpreta los datos que resultan de observar m?s de una variable estad?stica sobre una muestra de individuos. Se realiz? una encuesta con base en variables cuantitativas y cualitativas tomando la informaci?n primaria sobre un total 224 Fincas de la Zona Centro del Tolima, con el objeto de tipificar y caracterizar las fincas ganaderas y sus familias en el centro del Tolima. Se realizaron diferentes an?lisis de estad?stica multivariada como An?lisis de componentes principales, An?lisis de Conglomerados y An?lisis de Discriminante Can?nico. La tipolog?a mostr? tres grupos con caracter?sticas diferenciadoras entre s? y tama?os diferentes, lo cual sugiere la existencia de tres tipos de fincas. Un grupo con 135 unidades de an?lisis que contiene las fincas con un promedio de 23,18 ha; el conglomerado 2 (61 fincas) que tiene en promedio 15,02 ha y el conglomerado 3 que agrup? a las 28 fincas m?s grandes con una media de 104,03 ha. Utilizando las variables: ?rea predial, ?rea Pecuaria, Bosques, Pastos Naturales, Unidad Gran Ganado (UGG), Potreros, Leche Vaca d?a, Cultivos, ?ndice Educativo (IE) y trabajadores, se comprob? la utilidad de los an?lisis multivariados para interpretar la diversidad de fincas y sus caracter?sticas productivas y sociales. Adem?s, se construy? el indicador bioecon?mico llamado ?ndice Educativo ?IE?, basado en la informaci?n recolectada en la encuesta, analizando los componentes de tipo productivo, reproductivo, f?sico, biol?gico, social, econ?mico y cultural, de los productores ganaderos de la zona central del departamento del Tolima.Multivariate analysis (MA) is the part of statistics and data analysis which studies, organizes, analyzes, represents and interprets the data that result from observing more than one statistical variable on a sample of individuals. A survey was conducted based on quantitative and qualitative variables, taking the primary information on a total of 224 farms in the Central Zone of Tolima, in order to typify and characterize livestock farms and their families. Different analyzes of multivariate statistics such as Analysis of principal components, Cluster Analysis and Canonical Discriminant Analysis were realized. The typology showed three groups with different characteristics between them and different sizes, which suggests the existence of three types of farms. A group with 135 analysis units containing the farms with an average of 23.18 ha; the conglomerate 2 (61 farms) that has on average 15.02 ha and the conglomerate 3 that grouped the 28 larger farms with an average of 104.03 ha. Using the variables: Land Area, Livestock Area, Forests, Natural Pastures, Great Livestock Unit (UGG), Pasturelands, Milk Cow day, Crops, Educational Index (EI) and workers, the utility of the multivariate analysis was tested to interpret the diversity of farms and their productive and social characteristics. In addition, the bioeconomic indicator called Educational Index ?EI?,was constructed, based on the informa tion gathered in the survey, analyzing the productive, reproductive, physical, biological, social, economic and cultural components of the livestock producers in the central area of the department of Tolima

    Caracterizaci?n y tipificaci?n de las fincas ganaderas de la zona centro del departamento del Tolima

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    80 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl an?lisis multivariante (AM) es la parte de la estad?stica y del an?lisis de datos que estudia, organiza, analiza, representa e interpreta los datos que resultan de observar m?s de una variable estad?stica sobre una muestra de individuos. Se realiz? una encuesta con base en variables cuantitativas y cualitativas tomando la informaci?n primaria sobre un total 224 Fincas de la Zona Centro del Tolima, con el objeto de tipificar y caracterizar las fincas ganaderas y sus familias en el centro del Tolima. Se realizaron diferentes an?lisis de estad?stica multivariada como An?lisis de componentes principales, An?lisis de Conglomerados y An?lisis de Discriminante Can?nico. La tipolog?a mostr? tres grupos con caracter?sticas diferenciadoras entre s? y tama?os diferentes, lo cual sugiere la existencia de tres tipos de fincas. Un grupo con 135 unidades de an?lisis que contiene las fincas con un promedio de 23,18 ha; el conglomerado 2 (61 fincas) que tiene en promedio 15,02 ha y el conglomerado 3 que agrup? a las 28 fincas m?s grandes con una media de 104,03 ha. Utilizando las variables: ?rea predial, ?rea Pecuaria, Bosques, Pastos Naturales, Unidad Gran Ganado (UGG), Potreros, Leche Vaca d?a, Cultivos, ?ndice Educativo (IE) y trabajadores, se comprob? la utilidad de los an?lisis multivariados para interpretar la diversidad de fincas y sus caracter?sticas productivas y sociales. Adem?s, se construy? el indicador bioecon?mico llamado ?ndice Educativo ?IE?, basado en la informaci?n recolectada en la encuesta, analizando los componentes de tipo productivo, reproductivo, f?sico, biol?gico, social, econ?mico y cultural, de los productores ganaderos de la zona central del departamento del Tolima.Multivariate analysis (MA) is the part of statistics and data analysis which studies, organizes, analyzes, represents and interprets the data that result from observing more than one statistical variable on a sample of individuals. A survey was conducted based on quantitative and qualitative variables, taking the primary information on a total of 224 farms in the Central Zone of Tolima, in order to typify and characterize livestock farms and their families. Different analyzes of multivariate statistics such as Analysis of principal components, Cluster Analysis and Canonical Discriminant Analysis were realized. The typology showed three groups with different characteristics between them and different sizes, which suggests the existence of three types of farms. A group with 135 analysis units containing the farms with an average of 23.18 ha; the conglomerate 2 (61 farms) that has on average 15.02 ha and the conglomerate 3 that grouped the 28 larger farms with an average of 104.03 ha. Using the variables: Land Area, Livestock Area, Forests, Natural Pastures, Great Livestock Unit (UGG), Pasturelands, Milk Cow day, Crops, Educational Index (EI) and workers, the utility of the multivariate analysis was tested to interpret the diversity of farms and their productive and social characteristics. In addition, the bioeconomic indicator called Educational Index ?EI?,was constructed, based on the information gathered in the survey, analyzing the productive, reproductive, physical, biological, social, economic and cultural components of the livestock producers in the central area of the department of Tolima

    Shear-enhanced membrane filtration of model and real microalgae extracts for lipids recovery in biorefinery context

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    International audienceIn this work, the hydrodynamic effects of rotating disk filtration (with maximum shear rates of 16 000 s −1 and 66 000 s −1) were evaluated and compared with the crossflow filtration (16 000 s −1) in the recovery of lipids from a model solution that simulates the characteristics of Parachlorella kessleri aqueous extracts. Four polymeric membranes were tested. The PAN 500 kDa membrane along with the rotating disk filtration presented the best performances for lipid concentration and coalescence. The rotating disk filtration was tested with real microalgae extracts, confirming the total lipid retention and the limited membrane fouling

    Tumor mliječne žlijezde kuja: kliničke implikacije sa specifičnim fokusom na HER-2 genu

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    Canine mammary cancer (CMC) is one of the most common neoplasms in intact females in comparison to other species. Several risk factors have been identified, including breed, genetic predisposition, age, reproductive history, hormonal influence, diet, and body condition, in addition to previous lesions to the mammary gland, such as mammary atypical hyperplasia. An understanding of the genetic markers for the disease and a clinical approach are important for establishing a specific therapy that can allow adequate patient survivorship. Overexpression of the HER-2 gene in canines and humans is associated with a poor clinical prognosis, mainly short survivorship, although the clinical relationship is not clear. The incidence of HER-2 in female dogs can range from 29.7% to 38%. However, overexpression of HER-2 is not necessarily associated with malignancy processes of the mammary tissue, although it participates in cellular proliferation. Finally, canines remain one of the most important models for comparative oncology with humans due to the great similarity in the spontaneous presentation and development of cancer, and in the high homology in the amino acid sequence.Tumor mliječne žlijezde kuja je jedna od najčešćih neoplazija u ženki u usporedbi s drugim vrstama. Ustvrđeno je nekoliko čimbenika rizika uključujući pasminu, genetsku predispoziciju, dob, reproduktivnu anamnezu, hormonalni utjecaj, hranidbu i tjelesnu kondiciju uz prethodne lezije mliječne žlijezde kao što su primjerice atipična hiperplazija mliječne žlijezde. U cilju uspostavljanja specifične terapije koja bi omogućila prihvatljivo vrijeme preživljavanja pacijenata važno je razumijevanje genetskih markera za spomenutu bolest kao i klinički pristup. Prekomjerna ekspresija HER-2 gena u kanida i ljudi povezana je s nepovoljnom kliničkom prognozom, uglavnom s kratkim vremenom preživljavanja, premda nije jasna njihova klinička povezanost. Incidencija HER-2 u kuja može biti u rasponu od 29,7 % do 38 %. Međutim, prekomjerna ekspresija HER-2 nije nužno povezana sa zloćudnim procesima u tkivu mliječne žlijezde, premda ima ulogu u staničnoj proliferaciji. Naposljetku, kanidi su i dalje najvažniji modeli za komparativnu onkologiju u odnosu na ljude zbog velike sličnosti u spontanom izgledu i razvoju tumora kao i u visokoj homologiji u slijedu aminokiselina

    RFID module for office access

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    En la oficina de la empresa Kimbaya Technology S.A.S existía la necesidad de implementar un sistema de acceso automático que optimizara el tiempo y las funciones de sus empleados. Por ello se implementó un control de acceso, un módulo con la tecnología RFID en el que cada funcionario de la oficina cuenta con su propio tag o tarjeta RFID UHF tipo carné, el cual posee un código específico y único. Debido a que se trabajó con UHF, el sistema permite una lectura a una distancia entre 60 cm y 1m, sin necesidad de que exista una proximidad estrecha entre el lector y el tag. Una vez la persona se acerque a la puerta, el lector detecta y lee el mensaje programado en el tag mediante el Middleware, estableciendo posteriormente una comunicación mediante protocolo TCPI/IP con el equipo de respaldo para enviar dicho mensaje y el programa encargado recibe y analiza si el código recibido esta registrado o no. Si está registrado y autorizado a ingresar, el programa envía un mensaje http mediante comunicación Cliente-Servidor a un microcontrolador, el cual envía un pulso indicando que desactive el electro imán para permitir el ingreso. Además de esto, el programa guarda un registro de los ingresos realizados durante el día, permitiendo filtrar por fecha y hora.In the Kimbaya Technology S.A.S office there was the necessity of implement an automatic access system that optimized the employees’ time and tasks. That is why it was implemented an access control, a module with RFID technology which each person of the office has their own tag RFID UHF as a license that has a specific and unique code. Due to worked with UHF, the system let a read to a distnace between 60 cm and 1 m, without the necesity of a close proximity between the reader an the tag. Once the person get closet o the dor, the reader detects and reads the programed code in the tag by the Middleware, establishing later a TCPI / IP communication with the backup equipment to send the aforesaid detected code and the manager program get and analyzes whether the received code is registered or not. If the code is registered and authorized to enter, the program sends an http message via Customer-Server communication to a microcontroller indicating that disable the electro magnet to allow in. Furthermore, the program keeps track of the revenue made during the day, allowing do a filtrer of date and hour.Kimbaya Technolog

    ELISA i infracrvena spektroskopija s Furierovom transformacijom: ekspresija HER2 gena u krvnom serumu pasa s tumorom mliječne žlijezde

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    ELISA and FTIR assay techniques were used to identify HER2 gene expression in the blood serum of female dogs and to characterise the biochemical composition. ELISA tests assess the stage of primary tumour development and evolution, while FTIR allows for a complete characterisation of biomolecules associated with the tumoral process. Blood serum samples from 30 female dogs were analysed. Concentrations of the HER2/neu protein were detected using ELISA kits specific for canine and human detection. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) was conducted in absorbance mode at a frequency range of 400–4000 cm-1 and a resolution of 4 cm-1 over 50 scans. The ELISA cut-off for HER2 protein concentration in blood serum was determined using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and by estimating the area under the curve (AUC) at a 95% confidence interval (CI=95%). The ROC curves in the canine and human ELISA tests were 0.75 and 0.45, respectively. The representative IR spectra for HER2 gene expression corresponded to lipids (1161 cm-1, 1452 cm-1, 2851 cm-1). This study contributes to the knowledge of HER2 through the identification of biochemical features associated with the changes in the HER2/neu+ and HER2/neu- states.Ova studija primijenila je ELISA i FTIR tehnike za identifikaciju ekspresije HER2 gena u krvnom serumu kujica i za karakterizaciju biokemijskog sastava. ELISA testovi procjenjuju fazu razvoja i evolucije primarnog tumora, a FTIR omogućuje potpunu karakterizaciju biomolekula povezanih s tumorskim procesom. Analizirali smo uzorak krvnog seruma 30 kujica. Detektirali smo koncentracije HER2/neu proteina uporabom dva ELISA kompleta za detekciju u pasa, odnosno ljudi. Infracrvena spektroskopija (IR) je provedena u apsorpcijskom načinu pri frekvencijskom rasponu od 400-4000 cm-1 i rezoluciji od 4 cm-1, 50 skenova. Odredili smo ELISA graničnu vrijednost (cut-off) za koncentraciju HER2 proteina u krvnom serumu uporabom krivulje karakteristika primatelja-operatora (ROC) i procjenom površine ispod krivulje (AUC) uz interval pouzdanosti od 95 % (CI=95 %). ROC krivulje u ELISA testovima za pse i ljude bile su 0,75, odnosno 0,45. Reprezentativni IR spektri za ekspresiju HER2 gena odgovarali su lipidima (1161 cm-1, 1452 cm-1, 2851 cm- 1). Ova studija doprinosi poznavanju HER2, putem identifikacije biokemijskih svojstava povezanih s promjenama u HER2/neu+ i HER2/neu- stanjima

    Rapid within- and transgenerational changes in thermal tolerance and fitness in variable thermal landscapes

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    Phenotypic plasticity may increase the performance and fitness and allow organisms to cope with variable environmental conditions. We studied within-generation plasticity and transgenerational effects of thermal conditions on temperature tolerance and demographic parameters in Drosophila melanogaster. We employed a fully factorial design, in which both parental (P) and offspring generations (F1) were reared in a constant or a variable thermal environment. Thermal variability during ontogeny increased heat tolerance in P, but with demographic cost as this treatment resulted in substantially lower survival, fecundity, and net reproductive rate. The adverse effects of thermal variability (V) on demographic parameters were less drastic in flies from the F1, which exhibited higher net reproductive rates than their parents. These compensatory responses could not totally overcome the challenges of the thermally variable regime, contrasting with the offspring of flies raised in a constant temperature (C) that showed no reduction in fitness with thermal variation. Thus, the parental thermal environment had effects on thermal tolerance and demographic parameters in fruit fly. These results demonstrate how transgenerational effects of environmental conditions on heat tolerance, as well as their potential costs on other fitness components, can have a major impact on populations’ resilience to warming temperatures and more frequent thermal extremes