7,764 research outputs found

    Mesh refinement in a two-dimensional large eddy simulation of a forced shear layer

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    A series of large eddy simulations are made of a forced shear layer and compared with experimental data. Several mesh densities were examined to separate the effect of numerical inaccuracy from modeling deficiencies. The turbulence model that was used to represent small scale, 3-D motions correctly predicted some gross features of the flow field, but appears to be structurally incorrect. The main effect of mesh refinement was to act as a filter on the scale of vortices that developed from the inflow boundary conditions

    Time-accurate simulations of a shear layer forced at a single frequency

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    Calculations are presented for the forced shear layer studied experimentally by Oster and Wygnanski, and Weisbrot. Two different computational approaches are examined: Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The DNS approach solves the full three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for a temporally evolving mixing layer, while the LES approach solves the two dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with a subgrid scale turbulence model. While the comparison between these calculations and experimental data was hampered by a lack of information on the inflow boundary conditions, the calculations are shown to qualitatively agree with several aspects of the experiment. The sensitivity of these calculations to factors such as mesh refinement and Reynolds number is illustrated

    Hidden Symmetries, AdS_D x S^n, and the lifting of one-time-physics to two-time-physics

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    The massive non-relativistic free particle in d-1 space dimensions has an action with a surprizing non-linearly realized SO(d,2) symmetry. This is the simplest example of a host of diverse one-time-physics systems with hidden SO(d,2) symmetric actions. By the addition of gauge degrees of freedom, they can all be lifted to the same SO(d,2) covariant unified theory that includes an extra spacelike and an extra timelike dimension. The resulting action in d+2 dimensions has manifest SO(d,2) Lorentz symmetry and a gauge symmetry Sp(2,R) and it defines two-time-physics. Conversely, the two-time action can be gauge fixed to diverse one-time physical systems. In this paper three new gauge fixed forms that correspond to the non-relativistic particle, the massive relativistic particle, and the particle in AdS_(d-n) x S^n spacetime will be discussed. The last case is discussed at the first quantized and field theory levels as well. For the last case the popularly known symmetry is SO(d-n-1,2) x SO(n+1), but yet we show that it is symmetric under the larger SO(d,2). In the field theory version the action is symmetric under the full SO(d,2) provided it is improved with a quantized mass term that arises as an anomaly from operator ordering ambiguities. The anomalous cosmological term vanishes for AdS_2 x S^0 and AdS_n x S^n (i.e. d=2n). The strikingly larger symmetry could be significant in the context of the proposed AdS/CFT duality.Comment: Latex, 23 pages. The term "cosmological constant" that appeared in the original version has been changed to "mass term". My apologies for the confusio

    An overview of new supersymmetric gauge theories with 2-form gauge potentials

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    An overview of new 4d supersymmetric gauge theories with 2-form gauge potentials constructed by various authors during the past five years is given. The key role of three particular types of interaction vertices is emphasized. These vertices are used to develop a connecting perspective on the new models and to distinguish between them. One example is presented in detail to illustrate characteristic features of the models. A new result on couplings of 2-form gauge potentials to Chern-Simons forms is presented.Comment: 11 pages; to appear in the proceedings of NATO ARW "Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics" (Kiev 09/00); table in section 3 correcte

    Water adsorption on amorphous silica surfaces: A Car-Parrinello simulation study

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    A combination of classical molecular dynamics (MD) and ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) simulations is used to investigate the adsorption of water on a free amorphous silica surface. From the classical MD SiO_2 configurations with a free surface are generated which are then used as starting configurations for the CPMD.We study the reaction of a water molecule with a two-membered ring at the temperature T=300K. We show that the result of this reaction is the formation of two silanol groups on the surface. The activation energy of the reaction is estimated and it is shown that the reaction is exothermic.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Superconductivity and Cobalt Oxidation State in Metastable Na(x)CoO(2-delta)*yH2O (x ~ 1/3; y ~ 4x)

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    We report the synthesis and superconducting properties of a metastable form of the known superconductor NaxCoO2*yH2O (x ~ 1/3, y ~ 4x). Instead of using the conventional bromine-acetonitrile mixture for sodium deintercalation, we use an aqueous bromine solution. Using this method, we oxidize the sample to a point that the sodium cobaltate becomes unstable, leading to formation of other products if not controlled. This compound has the same structure as the reported superconductor, yet it exhibits a systematic variation of the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) as a function of time. Immediately after synthesis, this compound is not a superconductor, even though it contains appropriate amounts of sodium and water. The samples become superconducting with low Tc values after ~ 90 h. Tc continually increases until it reaches a maximum value (4.5 K) after about 260 h. Then Tc drops drastically, becoming non-superconducting approximately 100 h later. Corresponding time-dependent neutron powder diffraction data shows that the changes in superconductivity exhibited by the metastable cobaltate correspond to slow formation of oxygen vacancies in the CoO2 layers. In effect, the formation of these defects continually reduces the cobalt oxidation state causing the sample to evolve through its superconducting life cycle. Thus, the dome-shaped superconducting phase diagram is mapped as a function of cobalt oxidation state using a single sample. The width of this dome based on the formal oxidation state of cobalt is very narrow - approximately 0.1 valence units wide. Interestingly, the maximum Tc in NaxCoO2*yH2O occurs when the cobalt oxidation state is near 3.5. Thus, we speculate that the maximum Tc occurs near the charge ordered insulating state that correlates with the average cobalt oxidation state of 3.5.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Superform formulation for vector-tensor multiplets in conformal supergravity

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    The recent papers arXiv:1110.0971 and arXiv:1201.5431 have provided a superfield description for vector-tensor multiplets and their Chern-Simons couplings in 4D N = 2 conformal supergravity. Here we develop a superform formulation for these theories. Furthermore an alternative means of gauging the central charge is given, making use of a deformed vector multiplet, which may be thought of as a variant vector-tensor multiplet. Its Chern-Simons couplings to additional vector multiplets are also constructed. This multiplet together with its Chern-Simons couplings are new results not considered by de Wit et al. in hep-th/9710212.Comment: 28 pages. V2: Typos corrected and references updated; V3: References updated and typo correcte

    Microscopic calculation of the phonon dynamics of Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} compared with La2_{2}CuO4_{4}

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    The phonon dynamics of the low-temperature superconductor Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} is calculated quantitatively in linear response theory and compared with the structurally isomorphic high-temperature superconductor La2_{2}CuO4_{4}. Our calculation corrects for a typical deficit of LDA-based calculations which always predict a too large electronic kzk_{z}-dispersion insufficient to describe the c-axis response in the real materials. With a more realistic computation of the electronic band structure the frequency and wavevector dependent irreducible polarization part of the density response function is determined and used for adiabatic and nonadiabatic phonon calculations. Our analysis for Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} reveals important differences from the lattice dynamics of pp- and nn-doped cuprates. Consistent with experimental evidence from inelastic neutron scattering the anomalous doping related softening of the strongly coupling high-frequency oxygen bond-stretching modes (OBSM) which is generic for the cuprate superconductors is largely suppressed or completely absent, respectively, depending on the actual value of the on-site Coulomb repulsion of the Ru4d orbitals. Also the presence of a characteristic Λ1\Lambda_{1}-mode with a very steep dispersion coupling strongly with the electrons is missing in Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4}. Moreover, we evaluate the possibility of a phonon-plasmon scenario for Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} which has been shown recently to be realistic for La2_{2}CuO4_{4}. In contrast to La2_{2}CuO4_{4} in Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} the very low lying plasmons are overdamped along the c-axis.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, 4 tables, 33 reference

    Chern-Simons Couplings and Inequivalent Vector-Tensor Multiplets

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    The off-shell vector-tensor multiplet is considered in an arbitrary background of N=2 vector supermultiplets. We establish the existence of two inequivalent versions, characterized by different Chern-Simons couplings. In one version the vector field of the vector-tensor multiplet is contained quadratically in the Chern-Simons term, which implies nonlinear terms in the supersymmetry transformations and equations of motion. In the second version, which requires a background of at least two abelian vector supermultiplets, the supersymmetry transformations remain at most linear in the vector-tensor components. This version is of the type known to arise from reduction of tensor supermultiplets in six dimensions. Our work applies to any number of vector-tensor multiplets

    Ultrafast dynamics of a magnetic antivortex - Micromagnetic simulations

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    The antivortex is a fundamental magnetization structure which is the topological counterpart of the well-known magnetic vortex. We study here the ultrafast dynamic behavior of an isolated antivortex in a patterned Permalloy thin-film element. Using micromagnetic simulations we predict that the antivortex response to an ultrashort external field pulse is characterized by the production of a new antivortex as well as of a temporary vortex, followed by an annihilation process. These processes are complementary to the recently reported response of a vortex and, like for the vortex, lead to the reversal of the orientation of the antivortex core region. In addition to its fundamental interest, this dynamic magnetization process could be used for the generation and propagation of spin waves for novel logical circuits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Physical Review B (R
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