102 research outputs found

    Almacenamiento de papa con antigerminantes.

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    Sumario de los trabajos preliminares realizados por el ICA, sobre el uso de inhibidores de brotes en el almacenamiento de papa para consumo. El primer paso hacia la conservación de la papa ya sea para consumo o para semilla es la construcción de bodegas adecuadas donde sea posible un riguroso control de temperatura, humedad y aereación. A pesar de existir muchos compuestos quìmicos capaces de inhibir o retardar la brotación de la papa en las condiciones ambientales del país, debe tenerse en cuenta que dichos productos sólo contribuyen en parte al éxito de la conservación, sobre todo en bodegas donde no se puede disminuír la temperatura hasta 5 menos 6 grados centígrados. Se explica que los inhibidores deben utilizarse solamente en papa completamente madura y sana, sin cortaduras ni magulladuras, porque la mayoría de los inhibidores de brotes también impiden el proceso de cicatrización natural del tubérculo. Un período de 4 meses de almacenamiento debería considerarse como el límite máximo para conservar papa con fines comercialesPapa-Solanum tuberosu

    Biodegradable nanoparticles containing benzopsoralens : an attractive strategy for modifying vascular function in pathological skin disorders

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    Psoralens are often used to treat skin disorders such as psoriasis, vitiligo and others. The toxicity and fast degradation of these drugs can be diminished by encapsulation in drug delivery systems (DDS). Nanoparticles (NPs) containing the benzopsoralen (BP) (3-ethoxy carbonyl-2H-benzofuro[3,2-e]-1-benzopiran-2-one) were prepared by the solvent evaporation technique, and parameters such as particle size, zeta potential, drug encapsulation efficiency, and external morphology were evaluated. The analysis revealed that the NPs are spherical and possessed a smooth external surface with diameter of 815 ± 80 nm, they present low tendency toward aggregation, as confirmed by their zeta potential (+17.3±2.9 mV) and the encapsulation efficiency obtained was 74%. The intracellular distribution of NPs as well as their uptake by tissues was monitored by using laser confocal microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The use of benzopsoralen in association with ultraviolet light (360 nm) revealed morphological characteristics of cell damage such as cytosolic vesiculation, mitochondria condensation, and swelling of both the granular endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear membrane. The primary target of DDS and drugs in vascular system are endothelial cells and an attractive strategy for modifying vascular function in various pathological states of skin disorders, cancer and inflammation. The result presented in this work indicates that PLGA NP could be a promising delivery system for benzopsoralen in connection with ultraviolet irradiation therapy (PUVA) for further application in different therapies.CNPq , CAPES, FAPESP (Braisl

    Improving manual oxygen titration in preterm infants by training and guideline implementation

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    To study oxygen saturation (SpO2) targeting before and after training and guideline implementation of manual oxygen titration, two cohorts of preterm infants 21%. ABCs where oxygen therapy was given were identified and analyzed. After training and guideline implementation the %SpO2-wtr increased (median interquartile range (IQR)) 48.0 (19.6-63.9) % vs 61.9 (48.5-72.3) %; p 95% (44.0 (27.8-66.2) % vs 30.8 (22.6-44.5) %; p 95% did not decrease (73% vs 64%; ns) but lasted shorter (2 (0-7) vs 1 (1-3) minute; p < 0.004). CONCLUSION: Training and guideline implementation in manual oxygen titration improved SpO2 targeting in preterm infants with more time spent within the target range and less frequent hyperoxaemia. The durations of hypoxaemia and hyperoxaemia during ABCs were shorter. What is Known: • Oxygen saturation targeting in preterm infants can be challenging and the compliance is low when oxygen is titrated manually. • Hyperoxaemia often occurs after oxygen therapy for oxygen desaturation during apnoeas. What is New: • Training and implementing guidelines improved oxygen saturation targeting and reduced hyperoxaemia. • Training and implementing guidelines improved manual oxygen titration during ABC

    Increasing access to integrated ESKD care as part of Universal Health Coverage

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    The global nephrology community recognizes the need for a cohesive strategy to address the growing problem of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). In March 2018, the International Society of Nephrology hosted a summit on integrated ESKD care, including 92 individuals from around the globe with diverse expertise and professional backgrounds. The attendees were from 41 countries, including 16 participants from 11 low- and lower-middle–income countries. The purpose was to develop a strategic plan to improve worldwide access to integrated ESKD care, by identifying and prioritizing key activities across 8 themes: (i) estimates of ESKD burden and treatment coverage, (ii) advocacy, (iii) education and training/workforce, (iv) financing/funding models, (v) ethics, (vi) dialysis, (vii) transplantation, and (viii) conservative care. Action plans with prioritized lists of goals, activities, and key deliverables, and an overarching performance framework were developed for each theme. Examples of these key deliverables include improved data availability, integration of core registry measures and analysis to inform development of health care policy; a framework for advocacy; improved and continued stakeholder engagement; improved workforce training; equitable, efficient, and cost-effective funding models; greater understanding and greater application of ethical principles in practice and policy; definition and application of standards for safe and sustainable dialysis treatment and a set of measurable quality parameters; and integration of dialysis, transplantation, and comprehensive conservative care as ESKD treatment options within the context of overall health priorities. Intended users of the action plans include clinicians, patients and their families, scientists, industry partners, government decision makers, and advocacy organizations. Implementation of this integrated and comprehensive plan is intended to improve quality and access to care and thereby reduce serious health-related suffering of adults and children affected by ESKD worldwide

    Upper airway stability and respiratory muscle activity during inspiratory loading in full-term neonates

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    To investigate the role of genioglossus and posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) activity in stabilizing the extrathoracic airway (ETA) of full-term infants during inspiratory flow-resistive loading (IRL), 10 unsedated full-term infants were evaluated in quiet sleep. IRLs were randomly imposed (L2, 125 cmH2O.l–1.s; L3, 250 cmH2O.l–1.s). Ventilation, total respiratory resistance (a correlate of ETA resistance), and moving time averages of PCA, submental activity of the genioglossus (SM), and diaphragm electromyogram were obtained. Results revealed no phasic activity in the SM during baseline breathing or with either IRL. Phasic PCA activity was always observed; burst duration increased with L2 and L3 (P < 0.01) and commenced earlier in relation to the onset of inspiratory airflow with both loads (P < 0.05). PCA activity always preceded that of the diaphragm and invariably outlasted it other than with L3. The upper airway negative pressure changes induced by IRL were insufficient to recruit SM activity; other potential stimuli such as transcutaneous PO2, transcutaneous PCO2, and pulmonary stretch receptor activation (increase in tidal volume) remained unchanged. Ventilation decreased with both loads (L3: P < 0.01), esophageal and mouth pressures increased (P < 0.01), and inspiratory time and inspiratory time divided by total time were both prolonged (P < 0.01). Total respiratory resistance remained unchanged with L2 but increased with L3 (P < 0.01). We concluded that ETA narrowing may be induced in full-term infants during quiet sleep with moderately large-sized IRL and that it is not entirely ameliorated by activation of the SM or PCA or by arousal
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