535 research outputs found

    Sperimentaziones umana e tutela della persona

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    La sperimentazione è la matrice vitale del progresso della medicina, su cui si costruisce, per gli aspetti biologici, il benessere dell’uomo.Dopo la tragica eclisse della ragione manifestatasi nei campi di sterminio nazisti nella realizzazione di esperienze pseudoscientifiche e di trattamenti mostruosi in nome di aberranti obiettivi di superiorità di razza, si è progressivamente radicato nelle coscienze di tutti che la sua legittimazione è ancorata al rispetto dei valori fondamentali della vita, della integrità psico-fisica, della dignità, della libertà, dell’autonomia della persona

    Autoptic findings of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomiopathy (AVC) from left ventricle and biventricular involvement.

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    Objectives: To evaluate autoptic histopathological findings of arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy (AVC) as major cause of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in young adults. Background: According to Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)'s international consensus, histological criteria for AVC diagnosis include a progressive myocardial atrophy of the right ventricle characterized by a transmural fatty or fibrofatty replacement in a segmental or diffuse pattern (residual myocytes <60 % vs 60–75 % by morphometric analysis) explaining the electrical instability with increased risk of SCD. However, there is increasing evidence for atypical patterns of localizations and percentage of fibrofatty replacement suggesting the need to update histopathological features of AVC. Methods: Histology examination of ventricles, atria, and septum was performed on 10 autopsy of SCD due to AVC. Staining with hematoxylin-eosin and PicroSirius Red/Fast Green were performed on the heart samples to identify specific fibrofatty patterns. Results: Our analysis showed that: 1) myocardial replacement by a diffuse segmental fatty or fibro-fatty tissue characterized right and left ventricles as well as atrial walls; 2) the degree of fibrofatty tissue replacement was less than 40 % both in left ventricle (n = 4, 40 %) and biventricular (n = 6, 60 %) localization; 3) perivascular fibrosis, inflammatory infiltrate, areas of hypertrophy and/or areas of coagulative necrosis as signs of hypoxic damage in the first stage. Conclusions: We confirmed prior evidence for fibrofatty replacement both in biventricular and septal localizations. Importantly, we observed a less degree (<40 %) of fibrofatty replacement as compared to current guidelines. This supports the need to further explore the histological patterns of fibrofatty infiltration in a larger study population to improve the histological diagnostic criteria of AVC

    A hypothesis of sudden body fluid vaporization in the 79 AD victims of Vesuvius.

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    In AD 79 the town of Herculaneum was suddenly hit and overwhelmed by volcanic ash-avalanches that killed all its remaining residents, as also occurred in Pompeii and other settlements as far as 20 kilometers from Vesuvius. New investigations on the victims' skeletons unearthed from the ash deposit filling 12 waterfront chambers have now revealed widespread preservation of atypical red and black mineral residues encrusting the bones, which also impregnate the ash filling the intracranial cavity and the ash-bed encasing the skeletons. Here we show the unique detection of large amounts of iron and iron oxides from such residues, as revealed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and Raman microspectroscopy, thought to be the final products of heme iron upon thermal decomposition. The extraordinarily rare preservation of significant putative evidence of hemoprotein thermal degradation from the eruption victims strongly suggests the rapid vaporization of body fluids and soft tissues of people at death due to exposure to extreme heat

    Parameters for estimating the time of death at perinatal autopsy of stillborn fetuses: a systematic review

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    Background: Stillbirth is defined by the WHO as birth of a fetus with no vital signs, at or over 28 weeks of pregnancy age. The estimation of time of death in stillbirth appears crucial in forensic pathology. However, there are no validated methods for this purpose. Objective: To perform a systematic review of the available literature regarding the estimation of the time of death in stillborn fetuses, in terms of hours or days. Methods: Electronic databases were searched from their inception to August 2018 for relevant articles. Macroscopic, histologic, and radiologic parameters were evaluated. Results: Nine studies with 664 stillborns were included. The evaluation of extent and location of fetal maceration signs showed good accuracy in estimating the time of death; by contrast, a dichotomous assessment of maceration (present vs absent) was found to be unreliable in a subsequent study. Histologic assessment of the loss of nuclear basophilia in fetal and placental tissues showed excellent accuracy; an “autolysis equation” was proposed to achieve an even higher accuracy in fetuses who had been dead for < 24 h. Magnetic resonance imaging of the lung parenchyma, pleural fluids, and brain parenchyma could estimate the death-to-autopsy time, but the results appeared weak and conflicting. Conclusion: Pathologic examination, based on the assessment of maceration, and even more of the loss of nuclear basophilia, may be a reliable method to estimate the time of death in stillborn fetuses. Further studies should be encouraged to validate these results. Imaging techniques have not yet found application in this field

    Contralateral risk reducing mastectomy in Non-BRCA-Mutated patients

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    The use of contralateral risk reducing mastectomy (CRRM) is indicated in women affected by breast cancer, who are at high risk of developing a contralateral breast cancer, particularly women with genetic mutation of BRCA1, BRCA2 and P53. However we should consider that the genes described above account for only 20-30% of the excess familiar risk. What is contralaterally indicated when genetic assessment results negative for mutation in a young patient with unilateral breast cancer? Is it ethically correct to remove a contralateral " healthy" breast? CRRM rates continue to rise all over the world although CRRM seems not to improve overall survival in women with unilateral sporadic breast cancer. The decision to pursue CRRM as part of treatment in women who have a low-to-moderate risk of developing a secondary cancer in the contralateral breast should consider both breast cancer individual-features and patients preferences, but should be not supported by the surgeon and avoided as first approach with the exception of women highly worried about cancer. Prospective studies are needed to identify cohorts of patients most likely to benefit from CRRM

    Genetic research: the role of citizens, public health and international stakeholders

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    Background: Genetic research has become an indispensable instrument for medical research, and the subjects involved have both divergent and convergent interests. Objective: The possibility of having more detailed genetic information undoubtedly offers benefits for the health of the subject, but could also pose risks and make the subject vulnerable to discrimination. Methods: The scientific community has viewed very favorably the public health utility of family history, in which data from a family whose members suffer from chronic pathologies is collected and filed, in order to develop a sort of “stratification of family risk.” Even though in the last decade the scientific and juridical literature has contributed greatly to the topic of biobanks, the perplexities that continue to surround this theme give the idea that current ethical protocols on research are inadequate. Results: Researchers, citizens, International stakeholders, mass media, Public Health and Governments play a key role in genetic research. It is obvious that the methods used for genetic research do not present intrinsic risks; they are much less dangerous than other activities of diagnosis and research. Before authorizing a research project, it is important to reflect on the responsibility and transparency of the studies to be conducted, and on the impact they may have on the interests of public health. Conclusion: We believe that the highest priority need is to develop a common language on the theme, as is the case in the sphere of clinical experimentation where rules of good clinical practice, albeit at times conflicting, have led to uniform convergences in the scientific world on the points to be actuated

    Liceità dell’atto medico

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    Viene evidenziato che la professione medica si è profondamente innovata nel tempo, con un sostanziale cambiamento del rapporto medico-paziente; essa non è, né può essere, completamente assorbita nei suoi contenuti tecnici in quanto si rivolge alla persona sofferente ed alla collettività bisognosa. Essa è, invece, strutturata su profonde radici etiche e guidata da rigorose norme deontologiche. In tale contesto assumono preminente rilievo informazione e consenso la paziente, quali presupposti per la liceità dell’atto medico. Ad entrambi vanno riconosciute anche forti prengnanze sul piano del diritto e della giurisprudenza e per ognuno di tali aspetti vengono svolte approfondite considerazioni. Seguono riflessioni in ordine a gradi, forme, contenuti, confini del consenso e allo speculare argomento dei trattamenti sanitari obbligatori

    Sondaggio sul testamento biologico. Il traguardo delle 100 interviste

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    Viene data risposta in base agli orientamenti di dottrina e alla personale opinione, a domande e sull’utilità di una norma che sancisca il testamento biologico, su cosa debba intendersi per accanimento terapeutico, quale sia il significato dell’eutanasia, cosa preveda in proposito il codice di deontologia medica, in cosa consista il conflitto tra volontà espressa in precedenza dal paziente e posizione di garanzia del medico, quale alternativa all’eutanasia possono dare le cure palliative, l’assistenza domiciliare, le strutture di lungodegenza e gli hospice
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