69 research outputs found

    Avaliação da intensidade do treinamento técnico-tático e da fadiga causada em jogadores de futebol da categoria sub-20

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    Resumo Visto que o calendário atual do futebol não disponibiliza um tempo hábil para a devida recuperação dos atletas, fadiga e recuperação têm sido amplamente estudadas por pesquisadores. O que levou ao surgimento de alguns instrumentos com o propósito de fornecer informações e dar suporte aos profissionais visando a alta performance. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a intensidade do Treinamento Técnico-tático e a fadiga causada em jogadores de futebol da categoria sub-20, através do desempenho em testes de salto vertical e horizontal e da percepção subjetiva de esforço da sessão (PSE da sessão). Os jogadores (n = 25) realizaram o salto vertical contra movimento (SCM) e horizontal (SH), antes e após a uma sessão de Treinamento Técnico-tático (TTT), sendo a intensidade avaliada pela Escala de Borg (CR 10). O SCM não apresentou diferença significativa (p > 0,05), enquanto que o SH foi maior no Pós-TTT em relação ao Pré-TTT (p = 0,02). Quanto a PSE da sessão, 92% dos jogadores classificaram a intensidade do TTT como sendo de fácil à moderada. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que o TTT de baixa intensidade não compromete a potência nos testes de salto vertical e horizontal. Sugere-se que além de proporcionar a operacionalização dos padrões de comportamento táticos coletivos, o TTT de baixa intensidade possa ser utilizado em treinamentos de caráter regenerativo ou em momentos que o calendário esportivo não possibilite a recuperação completa dos jogadores

    An experimental study of low-level laser therapy in rat Achilles tendon injury

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    The aim of this controlled animal study was to investigate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) administered 30 min after injury to the Achilles tendon. The study animals comprised 16 Sprague Dawley male rats divided in two groups. The right Achilles tendons were injured by blunt trauma using a mini guillotine, and were treated with LLLT or placebo LLLT 30 min later. The injury and LLLT procedures were then repeated 15 hours later on the same tendon. One group received active LLLT (λ = 904 nm, 60 mW mean output power, 0.158 W/cm2 for 50 s, energy 3 J) and the other group received placebo LLLT 23 hours after LLLT. Ultrasonographic images were taken to measure the thickness of the right and left Achilles tendons. Animals were then killed, and all Achilles tendons were tested for ultimate tensile strength (UTS). All analyses were performed by blinded observers. There was a significant increase in tendon thickness in the active LLLT group when compared with the placebo group (p < 0.05) and there were no significant differences between the placebo and uninjured left tendons. There were no significant differences in UTS between laser-treated, placebo-treated and uninjured tendons. Laser irradiation of the Achilles tendon at 0.158 W/cm2 for 50 s (3 J) administered within the first 30 min after blunt trauma, and repeated after 15 h, appears to lead to edema of the tendon measured 23 hours after LLLT. The guillotine blunt trauma model seems suitable for inflicting tendon injury and measuring the effects of treatment on edema by ultrasonography and UTS. More studies are needed to further refine this model

    The dynamics of expanding mangroves in New Zealand

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    In contrast to the global trend of mangrove decline, New Zealand mangroves are rapidly expanding, facilitated by elevated sediment inputs in coastal waters as a consequence of large-scale land use changes following European settlement. New Zealand mangroves are at the southern limit of the global mangrove extent, which limits the tree height of Avicennia marina var. australasica, the only mangrove species present. Mangroves in New Zealand thrive in the sheltered environments of infilling drowned river valleys with abundant supply of fine terrigenous sediments, showing various stages of mangrove succession and expansion dynamics. Bio-physical interactions and carbon dynamics in these expanding temperate mangrove systems show similarities to, but also differ from those in tropical mangrove forests, for instance due to the limited height and complexity of the mangrove communities. Likewise, ecosystem services provided by New Zealand mangroves deviate from those offered by tropical mangroves. In particular, the association of mangrove expansion with the accumulation of (the increased supply of) fine sediments and the consequent change of estuarine ecosystems, has provoked a negative perception of mangrove expansion and subsequently led to mangrove clearance. Over recent decades, a body of knowledge has been developed regarding the planning and decision making relating to mangrove removal, yet there are still effects that are unknown, for example with respect to the post-clearance recovery of the original sandflat ecosystems. In this chapter we discuss the dynamics of New Zealand’s expanding mangroves from a range of viewpoints, with the aim of elucidating the possible contributions of expanding mangroves to coastal ecosystem services, now and in the future. This chapter also reviews current policies and practice regarding mangrove removal in New Zealand and addresses the (un)known effects of mangrove clearance. These combined insights may contribute to the development of integrated coastal management strategies that recognise the full potential of expanding mangrove ecosystems

    Host response mechanisms in periodontal diseases

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