24 research outputs found

    Signalling dynamics in embryonic development

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    In multicellular organisms, cellular behaviour is tightly regulated to allow proper embryonic development and maintenance of adult tissue. A critical component in this control is the communication between cells via signalling pathways, as errors in intercellular communication can induce developmental defects or diseases such as cancer. It has become clear over the last years that signalling is not static but varies in activity over time. Feedback mechanisms present in every signalling pathway lead to diverse dynamic phenotypes, such as transient activation, signal ramping or oscillations, occurring in a cell type- and stage-dependent manner. In cells, such dynamics can exert various functions that allow organisms to develop in a robust and reproducible way. Here, we focus on Erk, Wnt and Notch signalling pathways, which are dynamic in several tissue types and organisms, including the periodic segmentation of vertebrate embryos, and are often dysregulated in cancer. We will discuss how biochemical processes influence their dynamics and how these impact on cellular behaviour within multicellular systems

    Minimal Functional Sites Allow a Classification of Zinc Sites in Proteins

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    Zinc is indispensable to all forms of life as it is an essential component of many different proteins involved in a wide range of biological processes. Not differently from other metals, zinc in proteins can play different roles that depend on the features of the metal-binding site. In this work, we describe zinc sites in proteins with known structure by means of three-dimensional templates that can be automatically extracted from PDB files and consist of the protein structure around the metal, including the zinc ligands and the residues in close spatial proximity to the ligands. This definition is devised to intrinsically capture the features of the local protein environment that can affect metal function, and corresponds to what we call a minimal functional site (MFS). We used MFSs to classify all zinc sites whose structures are available in the PDB and combined this classification with functional annotation as available in the literature. We classified 77% of zinc sites into ten clusters, each grouping zinc sites with structures that are highly similar, and an additional 16% into seven pseudo-clusters, each grouping zinc sites with structures that are only broadly similar. Sites where zinc plays a structural role are predominant in eight clusters and in two pseudo-clusters, while sites where zinc plays a catalytic role are predominant in two clusters and in five pseudo-clusters. We also analyzed the amino acid composition of the coordination sphere of zinc as a function of its role in the protein, highlighting trends and exceptions. In a period when the number of known zinc proteins is expected to grow further with the increasing awareness of the cellular mechanisms of zinc homeostasis, this classification represents a valuable basis for structure-function studies of zinc proteins, with broad applications in biochemistry, molecular pharmacology and de novo protein design

    Non-equivalence of Wnt and R-spondin ligands during Lgr5+ intestinal stem-cell self-renewal

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    The canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway governs diverse developmental, homeostatic and pathologic processes. Palmitoylated Wnt ligands engage cell surface Frizzled (Fzd) receptors and Lrp5/6 co-receptors enabling β-catenin nuclear translocation and Tcf/Lef-dependent gene transactivation1–3. Mutations in Wnt downstream signaling components have revealed diverse functions presumptively attributed to Wnt ligands themselves, although direct attribution remains elusive, as complicated by redundancy between 19 mammalian Wnts and 10 Fzds1 and Wnt hydrophobicity2,3. For example, individual Wnt ligand mutations have not revealed homeostatic phenotypes in the intestinal epithelium4, an archetypal canonical Wnt pathway-dependent rapidly self-renewing tissue whose regeneration is fueled by proliferative crypt Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells (ISCs)5–9. R-spondin ligands (Rspo1–4) engage distinct Lgr4-6 and Rnf43/Znrf3 receptor classes10–13, markedly potentiate canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling and induce intestinal organoid growth in vitro and Lgr5+ ISCs in vivo8,14–17. However, the interchangeability, functional cooperation and relative contributions of Wnt versus Rspo ligands to in vivo canonical Wnt signaling and ISC biology remain unknown. Here, we deconstructed functional roles of Wnt versus Rspo ligands in the intestinal crypt stem cell niche. We demonstrate that the default fate of Lgr5+ ISCs is lineage commitment, escape from which requires both Rspo and Wnt ligands. However, gain-of-function studies using Rspo versus a novel non-lipidated Wnt analog reveal qualitatively distinct, non-interchangeable roles for these ligands in ISCs. Wnts are insufficient to induce Lgr5+ ISC self-renewal, but rather confer a basal competency by maintaining Rspo receptor expression that enables Rspo to actively drive and specify the extent of stem cell expansion. This functionally non-equivalent yet cooperative interplay between Wnt and Rspo ligands establishes a molecular precedent for regulation of mammalian stem cells by distinct priming and self-renewal factors, with broad implications for precision control of tissue regeneration

    Wnt acylation and its functional implication in Wnt signalling regulation

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    Capital from east side with scene from "The Original Sin and its first consequences"; [It is now a State Art Institute for mosaic work.] It was formerly a Benedictine monastery. The foundation of the monastic house of S Maria Nuova by King William II of Sicily marked the climax of Norman ecclesiastical and artistic patronage on the island. The site chosen was on a hill overlooking Palermo. In 1176 one hundred Cluniac monks, under the first abbot, Theobald (reigned 1176-1178), came at William's invitation from the abbey of Santa Trinità at Cava dei Tirreni near Salerno. It is now known chiefly for the mosaic decoration of its church; but the cultural diversity of Norman rule in Sicily is exemplified by the contrast between the Byzantine mosaics and the sculpture of the cloister capitals, which is predominantly Romanesque. Sculptors from Lombardy, and further afield in the Latin world, Greeks from Sicily and the Italian mainland, and Sicilian Arabs all seem to have worked there. William II, who died in 1189, was the last ruler to be buried here; intended as the 'Saint-Denis of the Hautevilles', Monreale did not maintain its position after the downfall of the dynasty. Source: Grove Art Online; http://www.groveart.com/ (accessed 2/1/2008

    Structural Basis of Wnt Recognition by Frizzled

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    Mutations in WNT1 cause different forms of bone fragility

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    We report that hypofunctional alleles of WNT1 cause autosomal-recessive osteogenesis imperfecta, a congenital disorder characterized by reduced bone mass and recurrent fractures. In consanguineous families, we identified five homozygous mutations in WNT1: one frameshift mutation, two missense mutations, one splice-site mutation, and one nonsense mutation. In addition, in a family affected by dominantly inherited early-onset osteoporosis, a heterozygous WNT1 missense mutation was identified in affected individuals. Initial functional analysis revealed that altered WNT1 proteins fail to activate canonical LRP5-mediated WNT-regulated ß-catenin signaling. Furthermore, osteoblasts cultured in vitro showed enhanced Wnt1 expression with advancing differentiation, indicating a role of WNT1 in osteoblast function and bone development. Our finding that homozygous and heterozygous variants in WNT1 predispose to low-bone-mass phenotypes might advance the development of more effective therapeutic strategies for congenital forms of bone fragility, as well as for common forms of age-related osteoporosis. © 2013 The American Society of Human Genetics