73 research outputs found

    Fluorescent Nanocrystals Reveal Regulated Portals of Entry into and Between the Cells of Hydra

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    Initially viewed as innovative carriers for biomedical applications, with unique photophysical properties and great versatility to be decorated at their surface with suitable molecules, nanoparticles can also play active roles in mediating biological effects, suggesting the need to deeply investigate the mechanisms underlying cell-nanoparticle interaction and to identify the molecular players. Here we show that the cell uptake of fluorescent CdSe/CdS quantum rods (QRs) by Hydra vulgaris, a simple model organism at the base of metazoan evolution, can be tuned by modifying nanoparticle surface charge. At acidic pH, amino-PEG coated QRs, showing positive surface charge, are actively internalized by tentacle and body ectodermal cells, while negatively charged nanoparticles are not uptaken. In order to identify the molecular factors underlying QR uptake at acidic pH, we provide functional evidence of annexins involvement and explain the QR uptake as the combined result of QR positive charge and annexin membrane insertion. Moreover, tracking QR labelled cells during development and regeneration allowed us to uncover novel intercellular trafficking and cell dynamics underlying the remarkable plasticity of this ancient organism

    Synthesis and biological assay of GSH functionalized fluorescent quantum dots for staining Hydra vulgaris

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    Quantum dots (QDs) have been used extensively as fluorescent markers in several studies on living cells. Here, we report the synthesis of conjugates based on glutathione (GSH) and QDs (GSH-QDs) and we prove how these functionalized fluorescent probes can be used for staining a freshwater invertebrate called Hydra vulgaris. GSH is known to promote Hydra feeding response by inducing mouth opening. We demonstrate that GSH-QDs as well are able to elicit biological activity in such an animal, which results in the fluorescent staining of Hydra. GSH-QDs, once they reach the gastric region, are internalized by endodermal cells. The efficiency of GSH-QD internalization increases significantly when nanoparticles are coadministrated with free GSH. We also compared the behavior of bare QDs to that of GSH-QDs both in the presence and in the absence of free GSH. The conclusions from these series of experiments point to the presence of GSH binding proteins in the endodermal cell layer and uncover a novel role played by glutathione in this organism

    Deciphering intracellular events triggered by mild magnetic hyperthermia in vitro and in vivo

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    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.-- et al.[Aim]: To assess the cell response to magnetic nanoparticles under an alternating magnetic field by molecular quantification of heat responsive transcripts in two model systems. [Materials & methods]: Melanoma cells and Hydra vulgaris treated with magnetic nanoparticles were subjected to an alternating magnetic field or to macroscopic heating. Effect to these treatments were assessed at animal, cellular and molecular levels. [Results]: By comparing hsp70 expression following both treatments, thermotolerance pathways were found in both systems in absence of cell ablation or global temperature increment. [Conclusion]: Analysis of hsp70 transcriptional activation can be used as molecular thermometer to sense cells' response to magnetic hyperthermia. Similar responses were found in cells and Hydra, suggesting a general mechanism to the delivery of sublethal thermal doses.The authors thank NanoSciEraNet project NANOTRUCK for financial support. JM de la Fuente thanks ERC-Starting Grant 239931-NANOPUZZLE project and Fondo Social Europeo (FSE; Gobierno de Aragón) for financial support.Peer Reviewe

    A New In Vivo Model System to Assess the Toxicity of Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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    In the emerging area of nanotechnology, a key issue is related to the potential impacts of the novel nanomaterials on the environment and human health, so that this technology can be used with minimal risk. Specifically designed to combine on a single structure multipurpose tags and properties, smart nanomaterials need a comprehensive characterization of both chemicophysical properties and adequate toxicological evaluation, which is a challenging endeavour; the in vitro toxicity assays that are often employed for nanotoxicity assessments do not accurately predict in vivo response. To overcome these limitations and to evaluate toxicity characteristics of cadmium telluride quantum dots in relation to surface coatings, we have employed the freshwater polyp Hydra vulgaris as a model system. We assessed in vivo acute and sublethal toxicity by scoring for alteration of morphological traits, population growth rates, and influence on the regenerative capabilities providing new investigation clues for nanotoxicology purposes

    Bioconjugation of Rod-Shaped Fluorescent Nanocrystals for Efficient Targeted Cell Labeling

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    In the present work, we report a three-step approach for the functionalization of CdSe/CdS core/shell and CdSe/CdS/ZnS double-shell quantum rods (QRs) with either biotin or folic acid. We carried out an in vitro study on cultured cells and fixed tissue sections in which the biofunctionalized QRs were compared with the more traditional CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs), which were also functionalized with either biotin or folic acid. The QR and the QD samples exhibited the same specificity toward the targeting cells. In addition, due to the enhanced photoluminescence of the QRs with respect to QDs, a lower amount of rods was required to image cells. In immuno-localization experiments on rat brain tissue sections, biotin-functionalized QRs have shown the typical protein localization patterns expected both for neuronal enolase NSE and actin, confirming the specificity of the interaction of QRs with avidin, and the feasibility of these materials as fluorescent probes in tissue staining. In this specific targeting study, we could assess via the MTT test, a cell viability assay, the lower toxicity of the CdSe/CdS/ZnS QRs with respect to CdSe/CdS QRs

    Multiple functionalization of fluorescent nanoparticles for specific biolabeling and drug delivery of dopamine

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    The development of fluorescent biolabels for specific targeting and controlled drug release is of paramount importance in biological applications due to their potential in the generation of novel tools for simultaneous diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in several neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and the controlled delivery of its agonists already proved to have beneficial effects both in vitro and in vivo. Here, we report the synthesis and multiple functionalization of highly fluorescent CdSe/CdS quantum rods for specific biolabeling and controlled drug release. After being transferred into aqueous media, the nanocrystals were made highly biocompatible through PEG conjugation and covered by a carbohydrate shell, which allowed specific GLUT-1 recognition. Controlled attachment of dopamine through an ester bond also allowed hydrolysis by esterases, yielding a smart nanotool for specific biolabeling and controlled drug release

    Chapter 9: Silica-based Nanovectors: From Mother Nature to Biomedical Applications (Book chapter)

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    Diatomite is a natural porous silica material of sedimentary origin, formed by remains of diatom skeletons called “frustules.” The abundance in many areas of the world and the peculiar physico-chemical properties made diatomite an intriguing material for several applications ranging from food production to pharmaceutics. However, diatomite is a material still rarely used in biomedical applications. In this chapter, the properties of diatom frustules reduced to nanoparticles, with an average diameter less than 350 nm, as potential drug vectors are described. Their biocompatibility, cellular uptake, and capability to transport molecules inside cancer cells are discussed. Preliminary studies of in vivo toxicity are also presented.Peer reviewe

    Hymyc1 Downregulation Promotes Stem Cell Proliferation in Hydra vulgaris

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    Hydra is a unique model for studying the mechanisms underlying stem cell biology. The activity of the three stem cell lineages structuring its body constantly replenishes mature cells lost due to normal tissue turnover. By a poorly understood mechanism, stem cells are maintained through self-renewal while concomitantly producing differentiated progeny. In vertebrates, one of many genes that participate in regulating stem cell homeostasis is the protooncogene c-myc, which has been recently identified also in Hydra, and found expressed in the interstitial stem cell lineage. In the present paper, by developing a novel strategy of RNA interference-mediated gene silencing (RNAi) based on an enhanced uptake of small interfering RNAi (siRNA), we provide molecular and biological evidence for an unexpected function of the Hydra myc gene (Hymyc1) in the homeostasis of the interstitial stem cell lineage. We found that Hymyc1 inhibition impairs the balance between stem cell self renewal/differentiation, as shown by the accumulation of stem cell intermediate and terminal differentiation products in genetically interfered animals. The identical phenotype induced by the 10058-F4 inhibitor, a disruptor of c-Myc/Max dimerization, demonstrates the specificity of the RNAi approach. We show the kinetic and the reversible feature of Hymyc1 RNAi, together with the effects displayed on regenerating animals. Our results show the involvement of Hymyc1 in the control of interstitial stem cell dynamics, provide new clues to decipher the molecular control of the cell and tissue plasticity in Hydra, and also provide further insights into the complex myc network in higher organisms. The ability of Hydra cells to uptake double stranded RNA and to trigger a RNAi response lays the foundations of a comprehensive analysis of the RNAi response in Hydra allowing us to track back in the evolution and the origin of this process

    Methodological approaches for nanotoxicology using cnidarian models

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    The remarkable amenability of aquatic invertebrates to laboratory manipulation has already made a few species belonging to the phylum Cnidaria as attracting systems for exploring animal development. The proliferation of molecular and genomic tools, including the whole genomic sequence of the freshwater polyp Hydra vulgaris and the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, further enhances the promise of these species to investigate the evolution of key aspects of development biology. In addition, the facility with which cnidarian population can be investigated within their natural ecological context suggests that these models may be profitably expanded to address important questions in ecology and toxicology. In this review, we explore the traits that make Hydra and Nematostella exceptionally attractive model organisms in context of nanotoxicology, and highlight a number of methods and developments likely to further increase that utility in the near future. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved