2,291 research outputs found

    Une pratique de gestion de la critique en pédiatrie: communiquer à travers le bébé

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    Notre recherche sur l'organisation interactionnelle des consultations infirmières en pédiatrie nous a permis d'identifier une pratique qui consiste pour l'infirmière à parler au bébé pour critiquer un comportement de la mère. Mobilisant une approche conversationnelle multimodale, cet article montre que l'infirmière et la mère se coordonnent subtilement dans le déploiement séquentiel de cette pratique faisant du bébé l'instrument de leur communication. Il met également en rapport ce comportement avec la diversité de contraintes médicales, interactionnelles et relationnelles que les participants à la consultation se manifestent et cherchent à concilier.Our research on the interactional organization of pediatric nursing consultations allowed us to identify a practice that consist in the nurse talking to that baby in order to criticize behavior of the mother. Mobilizing a multimodal conversational approach, this paper shows that the nurse and the mother subtly coordinate themselves to a sequential deployment of this practice that makes the baby an instrument of their communication. It also compares this behavior with the diversity of the medical, interactional and relational constraints that participants in the consultation talk about and seek to reconcile.Nuestra investigación sobre la organización interactiva de las consultas de nfermeras pediátricas nos ha permitido identificar una práctica que consiste en que la enfermera hable al bebé para criticar el comportamiento de la madre. Utilizando una aproximación multimodal, este artículo describe como la enfermera y la madre se pone sutilmente de acuerdo durante la consulta en la que el bebé es el instrumento mediatizado de la comunicación entre dos adultos. Pone igualmente en relación este comportamiento con la diversidad de dificultades de índole médica, interactivas y relacionales que los participantes de la consulta intentan resolver

    Epidemiology of nongenarian patients admitted in internal medicine

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    RESUMEN: OBJETIVO: El notable envejecimiento de la población supone un reto asistencial para los servicios de Medicina Interna (MI). El objetivo es describir las características clínicas y sociales de los pacientes mayores de 90 años que ingresan en MI. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo que incluyó a los pacientes de 90 años o más que ingresaron en el servicio de MI en el HUMV desde el 1 de enero hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2017. RESULTADOS: De las 5.561 hospitalizaciones en MI, 932 (16,5%) fueron pacientes de 90 años o más (67,5% mujeres, media de edad 93,1 ± 2,7). El 71% vivía en su domicilio (60,7% con apoyo familiar). Los antecedentes personales más frecuentes fueron: hipertensión, enfermedad renal crónica, anemia y deterioro cognitivo. Solo el 9,5% eran independientes para las actividades básicas de la vida diaria. Más de un tercio tenía una comorbilidad alta. La estancia media fue 8,1 días ± 6,3. Los diagnósticos más frecuentes al alta fueron: infección respiratoria, insuficiencia cardíaca, insuficiencia renal aguda e infección del tracto urinario. El 21,7% falleció durante el ingreso y en el año posterior al alta el 75%. CONCLUSIONES: Los nonagenarios constituyen un porcentaje significativo del total de ingresos en MI y su mortalidad es elevada.ABSTRACT: PURPOSE: The noticeable aging of the population is a challenge for the Internal Medicine (IM) services. The purpose is to describe the characteristics of nonagenarians admitted in IM. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study including all patients aged 90 or more that were admitted in the IM service of HUMV from January 1st to December 31st of 2017. RESULTS: Of the 5.561 hospitalizations in IM, 932 (16,5%) were nonagenarians (females 67,5%; mean age was 93,1, ± 2,7). 71% lived at home (60,7% with family support). Most frequent personal history: hypertension, CKD, anemia and cognitive impairment. Only 9,5% were independent for activities of daily living. More than one third had high comorbidity. The average stay was 8,1 days ± 6,3. The most frequent discharge diagnoses: respiratory infections, heart failure, acute kidney injury and urinary tract infections. 21,7% passed away during the admission and 75% during the year after their discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Nonagenarians comprise a significant number of the total admissions in the IM service and their mortality is high.Grado en Medicin

    Evaluación de la percepción de las usuarias respecto al cuidado materno centrado en la persona y la relación proveedor/a – usuaria, establecida durante la prenatal y el parto. el salvador, 2021

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    El presente estudio sobre “Evaluación de la percepción de las usuarias respecto al cuidado materno centrado en la persona y la relación proveedor/a – usuaria, establecida durante la atención prenatal y el parto. El salvador, 2021”, es cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo, transversal, con el propósito de conocer la percepción de las usuarias respecto al cuidado materno centrado en la persona y la relación proveedor/a-usuaria en la atención prenatal y el parto, aplicando el instrumento “Mothers on Respect index (MORi)” y una guía de entrevista sobre antecedentes biosociodemográficos a 382 usuarias ingresadas en servicios de puerperio de 28 hospitales a nivel nacional. Las usuarias se caracterizan por tener entre 20 y 34 años de edad, pareja estable, estudios básicos y ocupación en trabajos informales, domésticos, maquilas, autoemprendimiento y amas de casa

    Selection within working memory based on a color retro-cue modulates alpha oscillations

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    Working Memory (WM) maintains flexible representations. Retrospective cueing studies indicate that selective attention can be directed to memory representations in WM improving performance. While most of the work has explored the neural substrates of orienting attention based on a spatial retro-cue, behavioral studies show that a feature other than location can also improve WM performance. In the present work we explored the oscillatory underpinnings of orienting attention to a relevant representation held in WM guided by a feature value. We recorded EEG data in a group of 36 healthy human subjects (20 females) performing a WM task in which they had to memorize the orientation of four rectangles of different colors. After a maintenance period, a cue was presented indicating the color of the relevant item. We showed that directing attention to a memory item based on its color resulted in a modulation of posterior alpha activity, which appears as more desynchronization in the contralateral than in the ipsilateral hemisphere. Alpha lateralization is considered a neurophysiological marker of external and internal spatial attention. We propose that current findings support the idea that selection of a memory item based on a non-location feature could be accomplished by a spatial attentional mechanism. Moreover, using a centrally presented color retro-cue allowed us to surpass the confounds inherent to the use of spatial retro-cues, supporting that the observed lateralized alpha results from an endogenous attentional mechanismThis work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (UAMA13-4E-2192) to PC; by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain (SI2015-68368-P) and by the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant H2015/HUM-3327) to JAH. CP and PC were supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competividad of Spain (FJCI-2015-2478 to C.P., RYC-2010-05748 to P.C.

    Suppression of no-longer relevant information in Working Memory: an alpha-power related mechanism?

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    Selective attention can enhance Working Memory (WM) performance by selecting relevant information, while preventing distracting items from encoding or from further maintenance. Alpha oscillatory modulations are a correlate of visuospatial attention. Specifically, an enhancement of alpha power is observed in the ipsilateral posterior cortex to the locus of attention, along with a suppression in the contralateral hemisphere. An influential model proposes that the alpha enhancement is functionally related to the suppression of information. However, whether ipsilateral alpha power represents a mechanism through which no longer relevant WM representations are inhibited has yet not been explored. Here we examined whether the amount of distractors to be suppressed during WM maintenance is functionally related to alpha power lateralized activity. We measure EEG activity while participants (N=36) performed a retro-cue task in which the WM load was varied across the relevant/irrelevant post-cue hemifield. We found that alpha activity was lateralized respect to the locus of attention, but did not track post-cue irrelevant load. Additionally, non-lateralized alpha activity increased with post-cue relevant load. We propose that alpha lateralization associated to retro-cuing might be related to a general orienting mechanism toward relevant representationThis work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (UAMA13-4E-2192) to PC; and by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain (Grants PSI2012-37535 and PSI2015-68368-P) and by the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant H2015/HUM-3327) to JA

    Expectance of low contrast retro-cues does not modulate anticipatory alpha power

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    It has been proposed that alpha oscillations reflect the endogenous modulation of visual cortex excitability. In particular, alpha power increases during the maintenance period in Working Memory (WM) tasks have been interpreted as a mechanism to avoid potential interference of incoming stimuli. In this study we tested whether alpha power was modulated during the maintenance of WM to enhance the processing of relevant incoming perceptual stimuli. To this aim, we manipulated the contrast of a stimulus presented during the maintenance period of a WM task. The to-be-detected stimulus could indicate which of the encoded representations was going to be probed after the delay (spatial retro-cue) or could signal that all the representations had equal probability to be tested (neutral retro-cue). Time-frequency analysis revealed that alpha power preceding retro-cue presentation was not differently modulated by the two different contrast conditions. This is, participants did not endogenously modulate alpha oscillations upon low perceptual contrast stimuli incoming. These results suggest that alpha delay activity is not a goal directed mechanism to control the inflow of information during WM maintenance. Instead, current data suggest that alpha delayed activity might be an index of increased allocation of attentional resources to the processing of the WM representationsThis work was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion ´ y Universidades under grant PID2019–111335GA-I00, PGC2018–098558- B-I00 and PGC2018- 100682-B-100 and by the Comunidad de Madrid under Grant H2019/HUM-570

    Production of two novel laccase isoforms by a thermotolerant strain of Pycnoporus sanguineus isolated from an oil-polluted tropical habitat

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    A thermotolerant and halotolerant strain of Pycnoporus sanguineus was isolated from an oil-polluted site in a tropical area located in Veracruz, Mexico. This strain was able to grow at 47ºC and in culture medium containing 500 mM NaCl. The strain was also tolerant to the presence of 30,000 ppm of crude Maya oil. A 68-kDa protein purified submerged cultures exhibited laccase activity towards 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), guaiacol, syringaldazine and o-dianisidine, for which it presented the highest affinity (Km = 43 µM). Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis showed that, unusual for laccases, the enzyme has two active isoforms, with isoelectric points of 7.00 and 7.08. The purified enzyme showed high thermostability, retaining 40% of its original activity after 3 h at 60ºC. This property seems to correlate with a long “shelf-life”, given that at 40ºC enzyme activity was only gradually lost over a 5-day period incubation. Both, the fungus and its laccase aer likely to have high potential for biotechnological applications


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    Dado su alto valor nutricional y los beneficios a la salud por los compuestos anticancerígenos que posee, el brócoli (Brassica oleraceaL.) se ha convertido en un cultivo de importancia dentro de las hortalizas, por lo que es necesario incrementar su consumo y producción por la sociedad mexicana. Esta investigación planteó como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la luz LED de alta intensidad de distinta longitud de onda (rojo, azul y verde), en germinación y crecimiento de plántulas de brócoli, evaluando las variables velocidad de germinación (VG), porcentaje de germinación (PGF), longitud media de hipocótilo (LMH), peso fresco (PF) y seco (PS) de las plántulas, en busca de alternativas de iluminación para la producción en ambiente controlado. Los tiempos de exposición con luz roja, azul y verde, proveniente de LEDs de alta intensidad fueron de 12, seis y tres horas, con un complemento de tiempo para los últimos dos tratamientos con luz LED blanca. Se utilizó un diseño experimental completamente al azar, con cuatro repeticiones de 30 semillas por unidad experimental. Se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los tratamientos de las variables evaluadas. Los tratamientos con luz roja presentaron los mayores valores de VG, donde el rojo por 12 horas fue el mejor con incrementos del 25% contra el control. La variable LMH en el tratamiento verde por 12 horas tuvo incremento del 39% respecto al control, convirtiéndose en el mejor. Por otro lado, en la variable PF, el mayor peso se presentó en el tratamiento verde por 12 horas con un incremento contra el control del 16%. Finalmente en la variable PS, el mayor peso se presentó en el tratamiento rojo por 12 horas con un incremento contra el control del 6%. Estos resultados mostraron que las respuestas fisiológicas producidas por la exposición a distintas longitudes de onda de luz LED de alta intensidad en semilla de brócoli variaron de acuerdo con el tiempo de exposición y tipo de longitud de onda usdo, además de que este tipo de iluminación mostró ser una opción viable para mejorar la calidad fisiológica del brócoli