2,341 research outputs found


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    Genetics is the science that studies the transmission and variation of the hereditary information of organisms stored in DNA. Currently, Genetics encompasses a strategic set of knowledge and skills that biology professionals must have, in such a way that those who do not have this knowledge, techniques and even theories, run the risk of not entering a job position. Objective. This work presents a web page developed to facilitate the learning of Genetics knowledge. This project brings together participants who have carried out scientific and professional work, have taught genetics courses and know the problems of teaching and learning genetics. Results. The developed website (www.genetica.abaco2.org) incorporates: 1) Educational texts for the development of knowledge, skills and competencies on specific topics; 2) Multiple choice questionnaires for self-assessment; 3) Hardy-Weinberg simulator; and 4) Evaluation of the understanding of educational texts through the application of quick questionnaires. The texts are focused on undergraduate students of careers in the biological-medical area. The effect on learning of the contents of the website with the topic of genetic recombination was evaluated by comparing the learning in two groups of students: group A (133 students) with prior reading of the educational text and group B (119 students) without reading of the educational text. Through statistical analysis with the Z test it was found that group A had higher percentage (75.6% vs. 55.8%; P<0.01) of correct answers when answering a test of 10 questions. Conclusions: The designed website is a resource that teachers and students can benefit from by facilitating the teaching-learning process of Genetics

    The influence of body orientation relative to gravity on egocentric distance estimates in immersive virtual environments

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    Virtual reality head mounted displays (VR-HMD) are a flexible tool that can immerse individuals into a variety of virtual environments and can account for an individuals head orientation within these environments. Additionally, VR-HMD’s can allow participants to explore environments while maintaining different body positions (e.g sitting, and laying down). How these discrepancies between real world body position and virtual environment impact the perception of virtual space or, additionally, how a visual upright with incongruent changes in head orientation affects space perception within VR has not been fully defined. In this study we hoped to further understand how changes in orientation (laying supine, laying prone, laying on left side and, being upright) while a steady visual virtual upright (presented in the Oculus Rift DK1) is maintained can effect the perception of distance. We used a new psychophysics perceptual matching based approach with two different probe configurations (L- and T shape) in order to extract distance perception thresholds in the four previously mentioned positions at egocentric distances of 4, 5, and,6 meters. Our results indicate that changes in orientation with respect to gravity impact the perception of distances within a virtual environment when it is maintained at a visual upright. Particularly we found significant differences between perceived distances in the upright condition compared to the prone and laying on left side positions. Additionally, we found that distance perception results were impacted by differences in probe configuration. Our results add to a body of work looking at how changes in head and body orientation can affect the perception of distance, however, more research is needed in order to fully understand how these changes with respect to gravity are affecting the perception of space within these virtual environments

    Genetic mapping of paternal sorting of mitochondria in cucumber

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    Mitochondria are organelles that have their own DNA; serve as the powerhouses of eukaryotic cells; play important roles in stress responses, programmed cell death, and ageing; and in the vast majority of eukaryotes, are maternally transmitted. Strict maternal transmission of mitochondria makes it difficult to select for better-performing mitochondria, or against deleterious mutations in the mitochondrial DNA. Cucumber is a useful plant for organellar genetics because its mitochondria are paternally transmitted and it possesses one of the largest mitochondrial genomes among all eukaryotes. Recombination among repetitive motifs in the cucumber mitochondrial DNA produces rearrangements associated with strongly mosaic (MSC) phenotypes. We previously reported nuclear control of sorting among paternally transmitted mitochondrial DNAs. The goal of this project was to map paternal sorting of mitochondria as a step towards its eventual cloning. We crossed single plants from plant introduction (PI) 401734 and Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii and produced an F2 family. A total of 425 F2 plants were genotyped for molecular markers and testcrossed as the female with MSC16. Testcross families were scored for frequencies of wild-type versus MSC progenies. Discrete segregations for percent wild-type progenies were not observed and paternal sorting of mitochondria was therefore analyzed as a quantitative trait. A major quantitative trait locus (QTL; LOD \u3e23) was mapped between two simple sequence repeats encompassing a 459-kb region on chromosome 3. Nuclear genes previously shown to affect the prevalence of mitochondrial DNAs (MSH1, OSB1, and RECA homologs) were not located near this major QTL on chromosome 3. Sequencing of this region from PI 401734, together with improved annotation of the cucumber genome, should result in the eventual cloning of paternal sorting of mitochondria and provide insights about nuclear control of organellar-DNA sorting

    Metal Removal by Seaweed Biomass

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    Environmental metal pollution is a serious public problem, and it has become an issue leading to research in the effluent remediation area. Techniques involving biosorption processes have been found to be promising due to the low cost of nonliving biomaterials, which have the potential to adsorb metal ions from wastewaters. One of the most promising types of biomasses to be used as biosorbents is the seaweed biomass, particularly from brown algae. The biosorption capability of the seaweed biomass relies on their cell wall chemical composition, mainly composed of alginates and fucoidans, molecules with a high presence of functional groups that interact with metal ions. This book chapter focuses on the use of seaweed biomass for metal biosorption and the chemical basis underlying the process. The current state of the commercial status of biosorption technology based on seaweed biomass is presented. Examples of complementary uses of the algae biomass other than industrial wastewater cleaning processes are presented, and the potential reuse of the biomass after the biosorption focused on biofuel production is discussed

    Prevalencia de accidentes de tránsito en el municipio de Granada - Meta, durante el periodo 2009-2012

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    TablasDía tras día los Accidentes de Tránsito se han convertido en un problema social y de salud pública, dejando alto índice de personas que sufren heridas o discapacidades a causa de este; entre estas causas encontramos que factores como el abuso de la velocidad, el desacato a las señales de tránsito, el comportamiento social inadecuado de los conductores, peatones y otras personas que intervienen. Este estudio es un subtema de una investigación de Accidentalidad en el Departamento del Meta realizado por la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD que corresponde a la ciudad de Granada, emprendida por estudiantes del programa de psicología de la Universidad. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la Prevalencia de Accidentes de Tránsito ocurridos durante el periodo 2009 a 2012 en el municipio de Granada – Meta, analizando algunos factores de riesgo asociados a la accidentalidad. Es una investigación de tipo documental, de enfoque cuantitativo, enmarcado en una investigación descriptiva; esta investigación esta direccionada en la línea de investigación como: Problemáticas sociales, psicosociales y procesos participativos de la transformación de la misma de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Los Instrumentos utilizados para la recopilación de la información es la base de datos del Hospital Departamental de Granada. Los datos obtenidos fueron procesados mediante la estadística y la aplicación del software SPSS20 (Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales) para el análisis cuantitativo de los datos; con presentación de datos en tablas, indicando frecuencias y porcentajes de las variables determinadas para el análisis de la información. Con los resultados que arrojó la investigación se puede destacar que el día en el que más se presentan accidentes es el domingo, generalmente entre las 12 m y las 5:59 pm, el mayor número de víctimas corresponde a hombres entre los 20 y 30 años, la mayor prevalencia se da en la zona urbana, siendo la motocicleta el vehículo que más se ve involucrada en los AT.Day after day Accidents have become a social and public health, leaving high rate of people who are injured or disabled because of this, among these causes we find that factors such as the speed abuse, contempt traffic signals, improper social behavior of drivers, pedestrians and others involved. This study is a sub-item of Accident Research at the Department of Meta conducted by the National Open University and Distance UNAD corresponding to the city of Granada, the program undertaken by students of psychology at the University. This research aims to determine the prevalence of traffic accidents that occurred during the period 2009-2012 in the city of Granada - Meta, analyzing risk factors associated with the accident. It's a documentary research, quantitative approach, framed in a descriptive; this research is directed at the research as: Social Issues, psychosocial and participatory processes of transformation of the same National Open University and Distance. The instruments used for the collection of the information are the database Granada Departmental Hospital. The data were processed by statistical software and application SPSS20 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for quantitative analysis of the data, with the presentation of data in tables, frequencies and percentages indicating the specific variables for the analysis of the information. With research yielded results that can be noted that the day when most accidents occur is Sunday, usually between 12 m and 5:59 pm, the largest numbers of victims were men between 20 and 30 years, the highest prevalence occurs in urban areas, with the motorcycle vehicle that is involved in the A

    Plant Strategies To Control Growth And Development: Integration Of Both Signal Molecules, Auxin And Nitric Oxide

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    The term auxin is derived from the Greek word ?auxein,? which means to grow or to expand and 3 was sealed by Charles Darwin more than a century ago. In ?The Power of Movement in Plants? 4 (1880), Darwin first described the effects of light on the movement of canary grass 5 coleoptiles. He demonstrated that the tip of the seedling was responsible for producing some 6 signal, namely auxin, which was transported to the lower part of the coleoptile, where the 7 physiological response of bending following the light occurred. Auxin is probably the most 8 intensely-studied molecule in plants as it impacts virtually every aspect of growth and 9 development during their life cycle. 10The role of auxin is warranted by the coordination of its synthesis, metabolism, transport, and 11 perception. The plant cell traduces the auxin signal through a well-characterized nuclear 12 signaling pathway, triggering transcriptional responses depending on a specific cell, tissue, or 13 organ. 14Auxin signaling pathway initiates once the hormone moves into the nucleus and is bound by a 15 coreceptor system by the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCFTIR1/AFBs and its degradation substrates 16 AUX/IAAs transcriptional repressors. Upon auxin binding SCFTIR1/AFBs trigger ubiquitylation 17 and further AUX/IAA turnover by the proteasome. AUX/IAAs block the expression of auxin-18 responsive genes, their degradation is essential for auxin pathway activation. 19Since plants are sessile organisms unable to escape changes in the environment, the degradation 20 of pre-synthesized AUX/IAA repressor proteins instead of the de novo synthesis of activation 21 proteins constitutes a more rapid and efficient strategy for the activation of molecular pathways 22 required to adapt to new situations. Thus, the ubiquitin proteasome system via the exquisite 23 action of specific E3 ubiquitin ligases, such as the SCFTIR1/AFBs recruit directly proteins 24 degradation substrates. SCF-type E3 ligases are the most abundant substrate recognition 25 complexes in eukaryotic cells and have been implicated in every major phytohormone signaling 26 pathway. Each individual SCF E3 ligase is a multimer consisting of a scaffold protein Cullin 1, a 27 RING RBX1 for binding an E2 conjugating enzyme loaded with ubiquitin, and a substrate 28 binding module build by the adaptor protein, SKP1 (in Arabidopsis ASK1) and, an 29 interchangeable substrate-recognition unit F-box Protein (FBP). 30In the last decade we have gained tremendous knowledge of how the signal auxin is perceived 31 and transmitted, and now we are starting to unveil a new level of regulation of the system at the 32 level of SCFTIR1/AFB stability. Since the Arabidopsis genome encodes hundreds of FBPs, and 33 ASK is able to associate with diverse FBPs to form multiple SCF complexes, the challenge of 34 regulating SCF assembly is particularly relevant. The SCF complex is therefore an exceptional 35 core in which different levels of post-translational modifications might take place. In addition to 36 auxin, nitric oxide (NO) is considered a ubiquitous signal in plants which contributes to 37 determining the morphology and developmental pattern of roots, in part by the modulation of 38 auxin response. Previously, we gained evidence on the role of the second messenger NO for the 39 regulation of the FBP TIR for auxin sensing. We wondered further whether NO might play a 40 broader role regulating the SCFTIR/AFB and its functionality in the plant cell.Fil: Calderon Villalobos, Luz Irina. Leibniz Institut Fur Pflanzenbiochemie; AlemaniaFil: Iglesias, María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Terrile, Maria Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Casalongue, Claudia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; Argentin

    Hysteroscopic treatment of cervical pregnancy: case report

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    Of ectopic pregnancies, cervical implantation pregnancy is an exceptional entity, corresponding to less than 1% of ectopic pregnancies. With an incidence calculated at 1: 2500 to 1: 12,000 pregnancies. The risk factors for cervical pregnancy are the same as for other ectopic pregnancies. This entity, a difference from tubaric pregnancy where bleeding is within the peritoneal cavity, the main risk is incoercible vaginal bleeding, which usually ends in a hysterectomy, which limits the reproductive future of patients. There are currently no established criteria for candidates for medical versus surgical treatment. This case reports a case of cervical ectopic pregnancy, treated with Methotrexate, and culminating with hysteroscopy resection

    Estudio sociológico sobre las condiciones de vida de las mujeres privadas de la libertad en los patios 2, 5 y 9 de la reclusión de mujeres de bogotá

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    El contenido de este documento, se fundamenta en la descripción de las condiciones de vida actual de más de 800 mujeres privadas de la libertad en los patios 2, 5 y 9 de la Reclusión de Mujeres de Bogotá. Para ello se presentan los resultados del proyecto de investigación de corte descriptivo titulado “Estudio sociológico sobre las condiciones de vida de las mujeres privadas de la libertad en los patios 2, 5 y 9 de la Reclusión de Mujeres de Bogotá”, el cual fue realizado como opción de grado por parte de las autoras, así optar por el título de sociólogas en el programa y cuyo propósito se fundó en aplicar conocimientos y realizar una aproximación teórica - conceptual y práctica, en torno a las diferentes dinámicas sociales que se dan al interior de este establecimiento penitenciario, dinámicas que subyacen a partir de características propias de cada persona que habita este lugar y las relacionan entre sí que se tejen de múltiples maneras, generando nuevos sistemas sociales que establecen modos, formas o estilos de vida en espacios limitados y de aislamiento social. En este sentido, la motivación principal de este trabajo investigativo se centra en el análisis de las condiciones de vida que se cimenta bajo un sistema de control y poder. Los resultados de este trabajo se alcanzaron, siguiendo estándares teóricos y metodológicos con la aplicación de técnicas que contemplaron la sistematización de la información recolectada en la población intervenida; entrevista, encuesta, cartografía, observación y registro fotográfico, estos mecanismos nos permitieron describir la información y percibir nuevas categorías que nos dieron mayor enfoque a lo que se pretendía investigar, a la vez que nos llevó a descartar otras que desviaban la línea de estudio. Es pertinente indicar que este trabajo investigativo se realizó en un término de siete meses, tiempo en el cual se contó con el apoyo de las Autoridades gubernamentales y de seguridad de la Reclusión de mujeres de Bogotá, quienes además de dar aval para la realización del proyecto investigativo, otorgaron los permisos necesarios para ingresar a cada uno de los patios, lugares en los cuales el acceso es restringido a personal externo. En consecuencia, en las siguientes líneas podrán encontrar el abordaje teórico y práctico que nos acompañó y oriento durante todo el ejercicio de descripción de las condiciones de vida en las que se haya inmersas las mujeres privadas de la libertad en los patios 2, 5 y 9 de la Reclusión de mujeres de Bogotá. De igual manera podrán encontrar el análisis al que llegamos a partir de esta experiencia en clave sociológica, que nos indica la verdadera existencia de una microsociedad dentro de la sociedad; pues el sujeto que se haya en esta condición de privación de la libertad no entra a un mundo muy diferente al que vivía en la sociedad de la cual fue extraído, pues en el día a día al interior de los patios de una penitenciaria se ven procesos los cuales están sometidos a la aceptación de una serie de acuerdos, normas tanto internas como externas que moldearan su cotidianidad, tejera relaciones y tendrá que vivir y mediar con aspectos de orden cultural, socio económico y espacial que marcaran e indicaran sus condiciones de vida en el encierro

    Custo da assistência de gestantes e parturientes diabéticas e com hiperglicemia leve

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar costos de hospitalización y de atención por ambulatorio en gestantes/parturientas diabéticas y con hiperglicemia leve. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, prospectivo, cuantitativo descriptivo realizado en centro de diabetes perinatal en Botucatu, Sureste de Brasil, entre 2007 y 2008. Se estimaron los costos por absorción directos e indirectos disponibles en la institución y los costos específicos para la enfermedad (medicamentos y exámenes). Las 30 gestantes diabéticas tratadas con dieta fueron acompañadas en ambulatorio y 20 tratadas con dieta más insulina fueron hospitalizadas. RESULTADOS: El costo de la enfermedad diabetes (para asistencia prenatal y parto) fue de US3,311.84paralasgestanteshospitalizadasydeUS 3,311.84 para las gestantes hospitalizadas y de US 1,366.04 para las acompañadas en ambulatorio. CONCLUSIONES: Los costos directos e indirectos y el costo total de la asistencia prenatal fueron más elevados en las gestantes diabéticas hospitalizadas mientras que los costos de la asistencia al parto y hospitalización para parto y puerperio fueron semejantes. Los costos de la asistencia prenatal como en el parto/puerperio fueron superiores a los valores pagados por el Sistema Único de Salud.OBJECTIVE: To compare inpatient and outpatient care costs for pregnant/parturient women with diabetes and mild hyperglycemia. METHODS: A prospective observational quantitative study was conducted in the Perinatal Diabetes Center in the city of Botucatu, Southeastern Brazil, between 2007 and 2008. Direct and indirect costs and disease-specific costs (medications and tests) were estimated. Thirty diet-treated pregnant women with diabetes were followed up on an outpatient basis, and 20 who required insulin therapy were hospitalized. RESULTS: The cost of diabetes disease (prenatal and delivery care) was US3,311.84forinpatientsandUS 3,311.84 for inpatients and US 1,366.04 for outpatients. CONCLUSIONS: Direct and indirect costs as well as total prenatal care cost were higher for diabetic inpatients while delivery care costs and delivery-postpartum hospitalization were similar. Prenatal and delivery-postpartum care costs were higher for these patients compared to those paid by Brazilian National Health System.OBJETIVO: Comparar custos de hospitalização e de atenção ambulatorial em gestantes/parturientes diabéticas e com hiperglicemia leve. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, prospectivo, quantitativo descritivo realizado em centro de diabete perinatal em Botucatu, SP, entre 2007 e 2008. Foram estimados os custos por absorção diretos e indiretos disponíveis na instituição e os custos específicos para a doença (medicamentos e exames). As 30 gestantes diabéticas tratadas com dieta foram acompanhadas em ambulatório e 20 tratadas com dieta mais insulina foram hospitalizadas. RESULTADOS: O custo da doença diabete (para a assistência pré-natal e parto) foi de US3,311.84paraasgestanteshospitalizadasedeUS 3,311.84 para as gestantes hospitalizadas e de US 1,366.04 para as acompanhadas em ambulatório. CONCLUSÕES: Os custos diretos e indiretos e o custo total da assistência pré-natal foram mais elevados nas gestantes diabéticas hospitalizadas enquanto os custos da assistência ao parto e hospitalização para parto e puerpério foram semelhantes. Os custos da assistência pré-natal como no parto/puerpério foram superiores aos valores pagos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde

    Institución Educativa Liceo Trujillo del distrito y provincia de Trujillo – La Libertad - Perú

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    La “Propuesta del diseño arquitectónico del Centro Educativo Básica Regular Liceo Trujillo del Distrito y Provincia de Trujillo” busca romper estereotipos del esquema tradicional que se tiene de los centros educativos públicos, pues este prototipo que ha seguido durante años el I.E. “Liceo Trujillo” ha generado diferentes problemáticas urbanas, funcionales y estructurales, causando el rechazo del equipamiento por la población inmediata de la Urbanización Primavera. La propuesta tiene como finalidad revalorar el equipamiento educativo público, a través de una infraestructura que atienda las necesidades y los requerimientos de los usuarios, mediante el cumplimiento de la normativa, el tratamiento de los espacios educativos tanto internos como externos, privados y públicos, el planteamiento de una intervención urbana con la peatonalización de una vía, la liberación y tratamiento del área de recreación publica, aspirando a crear una comunión entre el contexto, el equipamiento y la comunidad e identificar al equipamiento educativo como un hito importante para la ciudad creando un sentido de identidad y pertenencia para la comunidadThe ""Proposal for the architectural design of the Centro Educativo Básica Regular Liceo Trujillo del Distrito y Provincia de Trujillo"" seeks to break stereotypes of the traditional scheme of public educational centres, as this prototype that has been followed for years by the I.E. ""Liceo Trujillo"" has generated different urban, functional and structural problems, generating the rejection of the equipment by the immediate population of the Urbanización Primavera. The proposal aims to revalue the public educational equipment, through an infrastructure that meets the needs and requirements of users, through compliance with regulations, the treatment of both internal and external, private and public educational spaces, the approach of an urban intervention with the pedestrianisation of a road, the release and treatment of the public recreation area, aiming to create a communion between the context, the equipment and the community and identify the educational equipment as an important landmark for the city creating a sense of identity and belonging for the community.Tesi