4,594 research outputs found

    Multi-Plaintiff Litigation in Australia: A Comparative Perspective

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    Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms, laid out in a hexagonal lattice. The material has remarkable properties that opened up several new research areas since its discovery in 2004. One promising field is graphene based biosensors, where researchers hope to create new devices that are smaller, cheaper and more reliable than those based on today’s technology. Among several manufacturing methods, graphene grown on silicon carbide is one of the promising ones for biosensing. A chip design has been developed in order to support research into graphene on silicon carbide as a base material for biosensors. Along with the chip, a holder for electrochemical measurements has been designed and an investigation into the requirements of a custom measurement device for the sensor has been undertaken

    Relationship Between Fruit Yield and Damage by Codling Moth and Plum Curculio in a Biologically-Managed Apple Orchard

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    Fruit yield, codling moth (Cydia pomonella) damage, and plum curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar) damage were monitored over an 8-year period in a O.5-ha, biologically-managed apple orchard in southwestern Michigan. The relationship between yield and damage was examined for both of these pests. The orchard showed clear biennial bearing patterns of alternating high and low yields. A significant negative correlation was found for yield and percent- age damage by codling moth but not for plum curculio damage. However, the estimated amount of fruit damaged by codling moth remained relatively stable over the period, indicating that changes in percentage damage depended on yield dynamics rather than changes in codling moth abundance. In contrast, the amount of fruit damaged by plum curculio showed biennial fluctuations and a positive correlation with yield, indicating that the population of this pest was capable of responding with increased oviposition in years with greater fruit yield. In addition, a comparison of codling moth fruit injury in years with and without the use of pheromone mating disruption showed no statistically significant reduction in damage as a result of using this method, suggesting that the orchard may be too small or codling moth populations too high for effective use of this management tactic

    Psychothérapie interpersonnelle (PTI) et Counseling interpersonnel (CIP) pour le traitement de la dépression post-partum

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    La dépression périnatale est un trouble prévalent qui comporte un degré élevé de morbidité à la fois chez la mère et chez le nourrisson. De nos jours, on dispose de traitements validés empiriquement pour traiter tant la dépression post-partum que la dépression pendant la grossesse. Parmi ces traitements, la psychothérapie interpersonnelle (PTI) a démontré son efficacité à traiter la dépression post-partum, qu’elle soit légère ou grave. En fait, l’évidence limitée des preuves de l’efficacité de la médication et les préoccupations au sujet de ses effets secondaires ont porté certaines personnes à proposer que la PTI soit la première option retenue pour traiter les femmes souffrant de dépression et qui allaitent. Des préoccupations semblables persistent au sujet de l’usage de médicaments pendant la grossesse. De récentes expériences et recherches cliniques portent à croire que le counseling interpersonnel (CIP) pourrait aussi s’avérer efficace chez certaines femmes en dépression post-partum. Forme abrégée de la PTI, le CIP semble être efficace pour traiter la dépression légère à modérée, et a l’avantage potentiel d’être plus facile à dispenser dans le cadre des soins primaires ou des milieux obstétricaux.Perinatal depression is a prevalent disorder with a high degree of morbidity for both mother and infant. There are now empirically validated treatments for both postpartum depression and depression during pregnancy. Among these is Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), which has been shown to be effective for postpartum depression across the spectrum of mild to severe depression. In fact, the limited evidence of efficacy for medication and concern about medication side effects have led some to suggest that IPT should be the first line treatment for depressed breastfeeding women. There are similar concerns about medication usage during pregnancy. Recent clinical and research experience also suggest that Interpersonal Counseling (IPC) may be effective for selected postpartum women as well. IPC, an abbreviated form of IPT, appears to be effective for mild to moderate depression, and has the potential advantage of being more amenable to delivery in primary care or OB settings.La depresión perinatal es un trastorno prevaleciente que conlleva un grado elevado de morbilidad a la vez en la madre y el bebé lactante. Actualmente existen tratamientos validados empíricamente para tratar tanto la depresión posparto como la depresión durante el embarazo. Entre estos tratamientos, la psicoterapia interpersonal (PTI) ha demostrado su eficacia para tratar la depresión posparto, ya sea ligera o grave. De hecho, la evidencia limitada de las pruebas de eficacia de la medicación y las preocupaciones al respecto de sus efectos secundarios han llevado a algunas personas a proponer que la PTI sea la primera opción elegida para tratar a las mujeres que sufren de depresión posparto y que amamantan. Preocupaciones similares persisten al respecto del uso de medicamentos durante el embarazo. Recientes experimentos e investigaciones clínicas sugieren que el consejo interpersonal (CIP) podría también ser eficaz en algunas mujeres en depresión posparto. Una forma abreviada de la PTI, el CIP parece ser eficaz para tratar la depresión ligera o moderada y tiene la ventaja potencial de ser más fácil de dispensar en el marco de los cuidados primarios o del medio de la obstetricia.A depressão perinatal é um transtorno dominante que comporta um grau elevado de morbidade ao mesmo tempo na mãe e no bebê. Atualmente, dispõe-se de tratamentos empiricamente validados para tratar tanto a depressão pós-parto quanto a depressão durante a gravidez. Entre estes tratamentos, a psicoterapia interpessoal (TIP) demonstrou sua eficácia para tratar a depressão pós-parto, seja ela leve ou grave. De fato, a evidência limitada das provas da eficácia da medicação e as preocupações a respeito de seus efeitos colaterais levaram algumas pessoas a propor que a TIP seja a primeira opção escolhida para tratar as mulheres que sofrem de depressão e que amamentam. Preocupações semelhantes persistem a respeito do uso de medicamentos durante a gravidez. Recentes experiências e pesquisas clínicas levam a crer que o aconselhamento interpessoal (AIP) poderia também ser eficaz em algumas mulheres em depressão pós-parto. Forma resumida da TIP, o AIP demonstra ser eficaz para tratar a depressão leve a moderada, e tem a vantagem potencial de ser mais fácil a disponibilizar no quadro dos cuidados primários ou dos meios obstétricos

    Excimer-laser-induced modifications of optical surfaces

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    The work in this thesis is a study of the interactions of a well characterized high power ultra violet excimer laser beam with solid optical quality surfaces, principally Al and Ge but with limited work on dielectrics. In order to characterize the beam and to monitor the changes induced on test surfaces by the beam, a computer controlled image processing system was developed. The system used the fluorescence from a UV absorbing glass to image the excimer beam and Schlieren imaging of the test surfaces with cw HeNe or pulsed dye laser illumination to monitor the induced changes. [Continues.

    Breakdown and conductivity characteristics of sodium-seeded helium

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    Pre-processing training data improves accuracy and generalisability of convolutional neural network based landscape semantic segmentation

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    In this paper, we trialled different methods of data preparation for Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) training and semantic segmentation of land use land cover (LULC) features within aerial photography over the Wet Tropics and Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia. This was conducted through trialling and ranking various training patch selection sampling strategies, patch and batch sizes and data augmentations and scaling. We also compared model accuracy through producing the LULC classification using a single pass of a grid of patches and averaging multiple grid passes and three rotated version of each patch. Our results showed: a stratified random sampling approach for producing training patches improved the accuracy of classes with a smaller area while having minimal effect on larger classes; a smaller number of larger patches compared to a larger number of smaller patches improves model accuracy; applying data augmentations and scaling are imperative in creating a generalised model able to accurately classify LULC features in imagery from a different date and sensor; and producing the output classification by averaging multiple grids of patches and three rotated versions of each patch produced and more accurate and aesthetic result. Combining the findings from the trials, we fully trained five models on the 2018 training image and applied the model to the 2015 test image with the output LULC classifications achieving an average kappa of 0.84 user accuracy of 0.81 and producer accuracy of 0.87. This study has demonstrated the importance of data pre-processing for developing a generalised deep-learning model for LULC classification which can be applied to a different date and sensor. Future research using CNN and earth observation data should implement the findings of this study to increase LULC model accuracy and transferability