2,303 research outputs found

    Brown Tree Snakes Methods and Approaches for Control

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    This chapter summarizes the existing and emerging tools and strategies for the control of the invasive brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis, or BTS) on Guam and the prevention of its accidental transport to, and subsequent establishment on, other snake-free Pacific islands. The brown tree snake has long served as an example of the ecological and economic damages that can be wrought by a single generalist vertebrate predator upon introduction to ecosystems that evolved in isolation and without native predators (Fritts and Rodda 1998; Wiles et al. 2003; Rodda and Savidge 2007). Our attempt to summarize the state of the art for control technology development and use is not intended to be an exhaustive survey of all the brown tree snake literature. Rather, it is intended to introduce the reader to the main concepts, methods, and strategic management uses of the tools in an effort to control brown tree snakes on the island landscape and interdict their passage at ports. Significant practical advances for brown tree snake control have been made since the first comprehensive summaries were published by Rodda et al. (1999e), and there is great promise for future refinements and broader implementation for control efforts on an islandwide scale

    Using food intake records to estimate compliance with the Eatwell plate dietary guidelines

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    This work was supported by the Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division. The original studies, from which the current data were taken, were funded by the Food Standards Agency, UK, and the Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery Association, London, UK.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Qualities of professionalism sought by employers: Exploring, validating, and incentivizing them in business undergraduates: Working paper Series--12-08

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    What do employers of business-school graduates seek in job candidates? The basic technical knowledge that an accredited degree indicates, and some amount of appropriate work experience, are prerequisites for interviews. But job candidates are then distinguished by various "soft" qualities that can't easily be bulleted on resumes or readily validated by employers. This paper begins with an exploration of framework for these qualities, considered here aspects of professionalism, which is developed from a series of surveys to refine and categorize relevant descriptors. We report the confirmatory findings from a focus group of partners, HR managers, and recruiters from accounting firms - a field which is particularly sensitive to professionalism since new associates have extensive client contact. Then, one business school's novel approach for raising the level of professionalism in undergraduate business students is introduced. The paper includes discussion of the importance and limitations of this topic, and concludes with possible directions for further research

    Objectives and integrated approaches for the control of brown tree snakes: An updated overview

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    After its inadvertent introduction to Guam, the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis, BTS) extirpated most of the island\u27s native terrestrial vertebrates, presented a health hazard to small children, and had considerable economic ramifications. Management of BTS is aimed at a number of objectives, the foremost of which has been to deter its dispersal from Guam to other locations. Further objectives include reclaiming areas on Guam as snake-free for reintroduction of native wildlife, to protect small sensitive sites on Guam from BTS intrusion (e.g, power stations, bird nesting sites), to contain and capture stowaway BTS incoming to vulnerable destinations, and to control incipient populations in other areas beyond their native range. A number of control tools have been developed, and the efficacy of each control method depends on the situation to which it is applied. Integration of control methods provides the most efficacious results for all objectives. Here, we outline the different objectives for managing BTS, and the tools and methods available for BTS management. We complete the picture by describing which tools and methods are best suited to accomplish each management objective

    Mutagenesis of Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase I: impact of expression host on activity and stability at elevated temperatures.

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    BackgroundTrichoderma reesei is a key cellulase source for economically saccharifying cellulosic biomass for the production of biofuels. Lignocellulose hydrolysis at temperatures above the optimum temperature of T. reesei cellulases (~50°C) could provide many significant advantages, including reduced viscosity at high-solids loadings, lower risk of microbial contamination during saccharification, greater compatibility with high-temperature biomass pretreatment, and faster rates of hydrolysis. These potential advantages motivate efforts to engineer T. reesei cellulases that can hydrolyze lignocellulose at temperatures ranging from 60-70°C.ResultsA B-factor guided approach for improving thermostability was used to engineer variants of endoglucanase I (Cel7B) from T. reesei (TrEGI) that are able to hydrolyze cellulosic substrates more rapidly than the recombinant wild-type TrEGI at temperatures ranging from 50-70°C. When expressed in T. reesei, TrEGI variant G230A/D113S/D115T (G230A/D113S/D115T Tr_TrEGI) had a higher apparent melting temperature (3°C increase in Tm) and improved half-life at 60°C (t1/2 = 161 hr) than the recombinant (T. reesei host) wild-type TrEGI (t1/2 = 74 hr at 60°C, Tr_TrEGI). Furthermore, G230A/D113S/D115T Tr_TrEGI showed 2-fold improved activity compared to Tr_TrEGI at 65°C on solid cellulosic substrates, and was as efficient in hydrolyzing cellulose at 60°C as Tr_TrEGI was at 50°C. The activities and stabilities of the recombinant TrEGI enzymes followed similar trends but differed significantly in magnitude depending on the expression host (Escherichia coli cell-free, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Neurospora crassa, or T. reesei). Compared to N.crassa-expressed TrEGI, S. cerevisiae-expressed TrEGI showed inferior activity and stability, which was attributed to the lack of cyclization of the N-terminal glutamine in Sc_TrEGI and not to differences in glycosylation. N-terminal pyroglutamate formation in TrEGI expressed in S. cerevisiae was found to be essential in elevating its activity and stability to levels similar to the T. reesei or N. crassa-expressed enzyme, highlighting the importance of this ubiquitous modification in GH7 enzymes.ConclusionStructure-guided evolution of T. reesei EGI was used to engineer enzymes with increased thermal stability and activity on solid cellulosic substrates. Production of TrEGI enzymes in four hosts highlighted the impact of the expression host and the role of N-terminal pyroglutamate formation on the activity and stability of TrEGI enzymes

    SSC07-X-9 Evaluation of Lithium Polymer Technology for Small Satellite Applications

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    ABSTRACT As small satellite designers strive to squeeze greater performance into yet a smaller spacecraft volume, there is a great temptation to use emerging technologies from the consumer electronics world. However, as we are acutely aware, great care must be taken before relying on such technologies on a space mission. This applies to most elements of the spacecraft, but the battery is perhaps the most critical of subsystems to risk on a new technology. This reluctance to utilize new battery technologies in space is evident by the fact that many small satellite designers continue to use nickel cadmium as the technology of choice for energy storage; a technology that offers less than a fifth of the specific energy of a comparable lithium polymer battery. A recent study commissioned by ESA reviewed the global state-of-the-art in lithium polymer technology. The recommendations from the study were that small satellites in particular were a killer application for a lithium polymer battery, as its geometric flexibility is then an asset, and initial tests demonstrate that that they also promise the kind of performance expected for LEO small satellite missions. This paper provides an overview of the technology, the application evaluation for small satellites, the variety of the tests performed on the cells and the results of these tests. To conclude, the paper will discuss the way forward with the technology and planned future missions that will use lithium polymer as the primary means of energy storage

    Molecular analysis of the cold tolerant Antarctic nematode, Panagrolaimus davidi

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    Isolated and established in culture from the Antarctic in 1988, the nematode Panagrolaimus davidi has proven to be an ideal model for the study of adaptation to the cold. Not only is it the best-documented example of an organism surviving intracellular freezing but it is also able to undergo cryoprotective dehydration. As part of an ongoing effort to develop a molecular understanding of this remarkable organism, we have assembled both a transcriptome and a set of genomic scaffolds. We provide an overview of the transcriptome and a survey of genes involved in temperature stress. We also explore, in silico, the possibility that P. davidi will be susceptible to an environmental RNAi response, important for further functional studies

    Excluding Nontarget Species from Brown Tree Snake, \u3ci\u3eBoiga irregularis\u3c/i\u3e (Reptilia: Colubridae), Bait Stations: Experimental Tests of Station Design and Placement

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    Bait stations with toxic baits are an emerging technology for eradication of the invasive brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam, yet potential interferences by nontarget species are largely unknown. We tested the efficacies of three bait station designs together with three commonly used station support structures to exclude nonnative rats (roof rat, Rattus rattus; Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus; Polynesian rat, Rattus exulans) and native coconut crabs (Birgus latro). When directly presented, all species readily consumed the dead neonatal mouse baits (nontoxic) including those replicating decomposing baits in the field. When bait stations were made easily accessible by placement near ground level, all rat species were able to enter all station types, but some individual roof rats and Norway rats exhibited apparent neophobia. When stations were placed up on support structures, simulating those in the field (~1 m above ground level), numbers of station accessions by roof rats and Norway rats remained essentially unchanged, but Polynesian rats then showed almost no inclination to enter stations. However, ability to access entrances of stations ( but not interiors) when on support structures was extremely high for roof rats and appreciable for the other rat species, including Polynesians. The station type currently in widest use, when placed on chain-link cyclone fence, had the highest probability of accession. Crabs readily accessed station entrances but never interiors. The two downward-angled station designs, when placed in simulated vegetation, had the lowest probabilities of accession. In areas where nontarget species are a concern, we recommend use of either of the downward-angled station designs and suspension from vegetation wherever possible

    Excluding Nontarget Species from Brown Tree Snake, \u3ci\u3eBoiga irregularis\u3c/i\u3e (Reptilia: Colubridae), Bait Stations: Experimental Tests of Station Design and Placement

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    Bait stations with toxic baits are an emerging technology for eradication of the invasive brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam, yet potential interferences by nontarget species are largely unknown. We tested the efficacies of three bait station designs together with three commonly used station support structures to exclude nonnative rats (roof rat, Rattus rattus; Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus; Polynesian rat, Rattus exulans) and native coconut crabs (Birgus latro). When directly presented, all species readily consumed the dead neonatal mouse baits (nontoxic) including those replicating decomposing baits in the field. When bait stations were made easily accessible by placement near ground level, all rat species were able to enter all station types, but some individual roof rats and Norway rats exhibited apparent neophobia. When stations were placed up on support structures, simulating those in the field (~1 m above ground level), numbers of station accessions by roof rats and Norway rats remained essentially unchanged, but Polynesian rats then showed almost no inclination to enter stations. However, ability to access entrances of stations ( but not interiors) when on support structures was extremely high for roof rats and appreciable for the other rat species, including Polynesians. The station type currently in widest use, when placed on chain-link cyclone fence, had the highest probability of accession. Crabs readily accessed station entrances but never interiors. The two downward-angled station designs, when placed in simulated vegetation, had the lowest probabilities of accession. In areas where nontarget species are a concern, we recommend use of either of the downward-angled station designs and suspension from vegetation wherever possible

    Resource Requirements for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Simulation: The Transverse Ising Model Ground State

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    We estimate the resource requirements, the total number of physical qubits and computational time, required to compute the ground state energy of a 1-D quantum Transverse Ising Model (TIM) of N spin-1/2 particles, as a function of the system size and the numerical precision. This estimate is based on analyzing the impact of fault-tolerant quantum error correction in the context of the Quantum Logic Array (QLA) architecture. Our results show that due to the exponential scaling of the computational time with the desired precision of the energy, significant amount of error correciton is required to implement the TIM problem. Comparison of our results to the resource requirements for a fault-tolerant implementation of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm reveals that the required logical qubit reliability is similar for both the TIM problem and the factoring problem.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure