5,144 research outputs found

    Will Fat Taxes Cause Americans to Become Fatter? Some Evidence from US Meats

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    Price and income elasticities of fat from meats are estimated by decomposing composite demand for meat into the produ ct of total calories, the fraction of calories eat as fat, and a residual measure of quality. This demand-characteristic system provides estimates of the impact of prices and income on the fraction of calories eaten as fat as well as their affect on the total consumption of fat. Empirical estimates of the comp ensated own-price elasticities of meats suggest that a fat tax designed to raise revenues to finance nutritional education efforts may increase the total consumption of fat.Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    Two aggregation schemes for food demand systems are tested for consistency with the Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem (GCCT). One scheme is based on the standard CES classification of food expenditures. The second scheme is based on the Food Guide Pyramid. Evidence is found that both schemes are consistent with the GCCT.Demand and Price Analysis,

    The Determinants of Regional Migration in Great Britain: A Duration Approach

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    Using data from the first fourteen waves of the British Household Panel Survey, we estimate a discrete duration model of interregional migration in Great Britain. By exploiting retrospective information on residency we control for late entry as well as unobserved heterogeneity. We find considerable duration dependence in region of residence in the raw data, most but not all of which disappears when controlling for observable and unobservable differences between individuals. Older workers are less likely to switch region while the better educated are more mobile. There are also some differences between males and females in their likelihood to migrate.regional labour markets, panel data, hazard, duration, migration

    An Evaluation of Methods of Concentrating and Counting the Phytoplankton of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho

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    The phytoplankton, or plant plankton, live in the open water throughout their life cycle and obtain the necessary nutrients from the water. They are important contributors to the total plant production of lakes and ponds

    Bear Lake It\u27s Fish and Fishing

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    Bear Lake is an old lake. The lake basin was form ed during the growth of the surround ing mountains; since that time, a lake has been present whenever the climate has been wet enough, but it has probably completely dried up during very dry periods

    Quantum effects in the Alcubierre warp drive spacetime

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    The expectation value of the stress-energy tensor of a free conformally invariant scalar field is computed in a two-dimensional reduction of the Alcubierre ``warp drive'' spacetime. The stress-energy is found to diverge if the apparent velocity of the spaceship exceeds the speed of light. If such behavior occurs in four dimensions, then it appears implausible that ``warp drive'' behavior in a spacetime could be engineered, even by an arbitrarily advanced civilization.Comment: 9 pages, ReVTe


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    A new procedure is developed to estimate innovation possibility frontiers and test for biases in technological change. Using data on four inputs (land, machinery, chemicals and labour) from central Canada (Ontario and Quebec) over the period 1926-1985, we find that the innovations possibilities frontier shifts neutrally over time. This is consistent with Ahmad's model of induced innovations, but is not consistent with de Janvry's application of Ahmad's model to the historical development of Argentine agriculture. Agricultural research in Canada has been conducted with the objective of developing cost minimizing technologies. Empirical support was found for this notion in the development of the innovation possibilities frontier.Innovation possibility frontier, technological change, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Defending Organizational Assets: A Preliminary Framework for Cybersecurity Success and Knowledge Alignment

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    Cybersecurity governance is a critical issue for organizations engaging in a constant struggle for success in protecting their data, brand, customers, and other assets from malignant actors. The nature of what constitutes successful cybersecurity practices and governance, however, is not yet clear, in part because an appropriate measure for cybersecurity success is not likely to be singular or simple. In this qualitative study, we explore perspectives of cybersecurity success through interviews representing various technical and non-technical roles across a variety of organizations, then provide a preliminary framework for understanding dimensions of cybersecurity success (financial, information integrity, operational, and reputational) as well as their associated knowledge domains and alignments

    Food Habits of the Northern Saw-whet Owl in Central Iowa: Effects of Roost Location

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    During the period 1979-89, 900 northern saw-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus) pellets with identifable remains of prey were collected at 18 central Iowa locations. Peromyscus were the most frequent prey consumed, comprising 81.2% of all prey items. Other prey species were voles (Microtus), western harvest mice (Reithrodontomys megalotis), shrews (Blarina brevicauda, Sorex cinereus, and Cryptotis parva), and a single unidentified bird. Peromyscus comprised the largest proportion of pellets from different successional stages. There were significant differences for four prey groups (Peromyscus, Microtus, Reithrodontomys, and shrews) among years. Peromyscus and R. megalotis showed significant differences among locations. Microtus and shrews were variable in the diet and showed no consistent patterns