202 research outputs found

    Nonparametric estimation of age-at-onset distributions from censored kin-cohort data

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    SUMMARY We present a nonparametric estimator of genotype-specific age-at-onset distributions from kin-cohort data. Standard error calculations are derived and the methodology is illustrated through an analysis of the influence of mutations of the Parkin gene on Parkinson's disease. Semiparametric efficiency considerations are briefly discussed

    Transient, Isolated Head Tremor in “Unaffected” Individuals: Is Essential Tremor an Even More Prevalent Disease Than We Suppose?

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    Background: Mild and transient head tremor may sometimes be observed in otherwise tremor-free relatives of essential tremor (ET) cases, although its prevalence is unclear. A diagnostic question is whether this transient, isolated head tremor, often observed as no more than a wobble, is an early manifestation of ET or whether it is a normal finding. A direct comparison with controls is needed.Methods: Two hundred and forty-one first-degree relatives of ET cases (FD-ET) and 77 spousal controls (Co) were enrolled in a study of ET. Each underwent a detailed evaluation that included a tremor history and videotaped neurological examination. None of the enrollees reported tremor, had a prior diagnosis of ET, or had significant tremor on screening spirals. All videotaped examinations were initially reviewed by a movement disorder neurologist blinded to subject type, and among those with head tremor on examination, co-reviewed by two additional movement disorders neurologists.Results: Twenty-six (10.8, 95% Confidence interval [CI] = 7.5–15.3%) of 241 FD-ET vs. 2 (2.6, 95% CI = 0.7–9.0%) of 77 Co had isolated, transient head tremor (odds ratio = 4.54, 95% CI = 1.05–19.57, p = 0.04). No enrollee had significant upper extremity tremor and none met inclusion criteria for ET based on the presence of upper extremity tremor. With one exception, head tremor occurred during or after phonation. It was always transient (generally a single back and forth wobble) and rare (observed briefly on one or two occasions during the videotaped examination) and had a faster frequency, lower amplitude and a different quality than voluntary head shaking.Conclusion: The basis for the observed isolated head tremor is unknown, but it could be an early feature of ET in ET families.Indeed, one-in-ten otherwise unaffected first-degree relatives of ET cases exhibited such tremor. To a far lesser extent it was also observed in “unaffected” controls. In both, it is likely a sign of early, emerging, undiagnosed ET, although follow-up studies are needed to confirm this. If it were ET, it would indicate that the prevalence of ET may be considerably higher than previously suspected

    Software Citation Implementation Challenges

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    The main output of the FORCE11 Software Citation working group (https://www.force11.org/group/software-citation-working-group) was a paper on software citation principles (https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.86) published in September 2016. This paper laid out a set of six high-level principles for software citation (importance, credit and attribution, unique identification, persistence, accessibility, and specificity) and discussed how they could be used to implement software citation in the scholarly community. In a series of talks and other activities, we have promoted software citation using these increasingly accepted principles. At the time the initial paper was published, we also provided guidance and examples on how to make software citable, though we now realize there are unresolved problems with that guidance. The purpose of this document is to provide an explanation of current issues impacting scholarly attribution of research software, organize updated implementation guidance, and identify where best practices and solutions are still needed

    Candidate Sequence Variants and Fetal Hemoglobin in Children with Sickle Cell Disease Treated with Hydroxyurea

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    Fetal hemoglobin level is a heritable complex trait that strongly correlates with the clinical severity of sickle cell disease. Only few genetic loci have been identified as robustly associated with fetal hemoglobin in patients with sickle cell disease, primarily adults. The sole approved pharmacologic therapy for this disease is hydroxyurea, with effects largely attributable to induction of fetal hemoglobin. In a multi-site observational analysis of children with sickle cell disease, candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with baseline fetal hemoglobin levels in adult sickle cell disease were examined in children at baseline and induced by hydroxyurea therapy. For baseline levels, single marker analysis demonstrated significant association with BCL11A and the beta and epsilon globin loci (HBB and HBE, respectively), with an additive attributable variance from these loci of 23%. Among a subset of children on hydroxyurea, baseline fetal hemoglobin levels explained 33% of the variance in induced levels. The variant in HBE accounted for an additional 13% of the variance in induced levels, while variants in the HBB and BCL11A loci did not contribute beyond baseline levels. These findings clarify the overlap between baseline and hydroxyurea-induced fetal hemoglobin levels in pediatric disease. Studies assessing influences of specific sequence variants in these and other genetic loci in larger populations and in unusual hydroxyurea responders are needed to further understand the maintenance and therapeutic induction of fetal hemoglobin in pediatric sickle cell disease

    Gene-Wise Association of Variants in Four Lysosomal Storage Disorder Genes in Neuropathologically Confirmed Lewy Body Disease

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    Objective Variants in GBA are associated with Lewy Body (LB) pathology. We investigated whether variants in other lysosomal storage disorder (LSD) genes also contribute to disease pathogenesis. Methods We performed a genetic analysis of four LSD genes including GBA, HEXA, SMPD1, and MCOLN1 in 231 brain autopsies. Brain autopsies included neuropathologically defined LBD without Alzheimer Disease (AD) changes (n = 59), AD without significant LB pathology (n = 71), Alzheimer disease and lewy body variant (ADLBV) (n = 68), and control brains without LB or AD neuropathology (n = 33). Sequencing of HEXA, SMPD1, MCOLN1 and GBA followed by ‘gene wise’ genetic association analysis was performed. To determine the functional effect, a biochemical analysis of GBA in a subset of brains was also performed. GCase activity was measured in a subset of brain samples (n = 64) that included LBD brains, with or without GBA mutations, and control brains. A lipidomic analysis was also performed in brain autopsies (n = 67) which included LBD (n = 34), ADLBV (n = 3), AD (n = 4), PD (n = 9) and control brains (n = 17), comparing GBA mutation carriers to non-carriers. Results In a ‘gene-wise’ analysis, variants in GBA, SMPD1 and MCOLN1 were significantly associated with LB pathology (p range: 0.03–4.14 x10-5). Overall, the mean levels of GCase activity were significantly lower in GBA mutation carriers compared to non-carriers (p<0.001). A significant increase and accumulation of several species for the lipid classes, ceramides and sphingolipids, was observed in LBD brains carrying GBA mutations compared to controls (p range: p<0.05-p<0.01). Interpretation Our study indicates that variants in GBA, SMPD1 and MCOLN1 are associated with LB pathology. Biochemical data comparing GBA mutation carrier to non-carriers support these findings, which have important implications for biomarker development and therapeutic strategies